> Fall in Autumn > by Yosh-E-O > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Pint's Determination > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting Fall gave Pint a strong sense of dedication to doing anything he could do to make her life better. So much that he began causing mischief through his determination to perfect his teleportation and levitation spells. CRASH! “Uh, oh!” he gasped upon causing the cookie jar from atop his family’s refrigerator to plummet from its perch and smash into a cluster of ceramic shards as oatmeal cookies scattered amongst the carnage. “Ooh,” cringed Bucky. “How do you think you’re going to explain this one to your folks?” Pint sighed, “I don’t think I can explain this one.” “I thought your excuse for flooding the bathroom was pretty good,” Bucky chuckled. “Yeah,” remarked Pint. “But I can’t blame accidentally clogging the toilet on this one.” “I did think it was a funny way to cover up how you magiced the whole roll of toilet paper into the toilet instead of levitating that towel,” stated Bucky as he eyed up the oatmeal cookies on the floor. “Perhaps I can say we were roughhousing and I accidentally slammed into the refrigerator?” Pint thought aloud. Bucky put an oatmeal cookie in his mouth and began to chew it up as he stated, “While you think of how to not get grounded I’ll help clean up these cookies.” “Five second rule?” asked Pint. Bucky nodded as he finished chewing and gulped the cookie down while setting his sights on another. Knowing he was already in trouble anyway, Pint decided to join his friend in ‘cleaning up the cookies’. *** Pint’s determination to get Fall out of the orphanage only grew with each visit he and Bucky made. So many times he’d see her with new bruises or her underdeveloped wings looking as if someone had been biting them. What was worse is how she always appeared so malnourished. It made him feel so sad and he knew he had to get her out again. “Ever thought of the old fashioned way?” asked Bucky after yet another visit. “I don’t know if she could make it over the fence,” sighed Pint. “If only I could make my horn do what I did that first time we met.” “Stop making this about you,” Bucky said as he gently slammed into his friend. “We’re both in this together.” “You’re right,” agreed Pint. “I just can’t stop thinking of how much I want to help Fall feel happy.” “Then let’s break her out tomorrow!” proclaimed Bucky with a grin. “If we work together I know we can get her over the fence and out of that place.” Pint thought on how weak Fall had appeared when they saw her. Her one wing drooped more than the other and she had a bit of a limp. “We have to try,” he said. “Awesome!” exclaimed Bucky as he slammed himself against Pint so hard that it nearly made the spotted, Pinto Unicorn tip over. “Oof!” gasped Pint. “I get my allowance tomorrow,” stated Bucky. “And I know you’ve been saving your allowance. So let’s go take Fall into town for one big day of awesomeness!” Pint nodded and smiled as he said, “Good plan, Bucky.” Bucky rammed himself against Pint again before stating, “See! I’m totally the brains of the team!” “You are indeed something,” gasped Pint with a laugh as he recovered from his Pegasus pal using his weight advantage over him to push him off the path. “Well,” said Bucky as they neared his house. “I’ll see you bright-and-early tomorrow!” “Not at the crack of noon, Bucky,” teased Pint. “Hey!” cried Bucky as he fluttered his wings. “This is serious stuff! I’ll be up before you!” “We’ll see about that,” said Pint as he waved to his friend. “See you tomorrow.” Bucky fluttered into the air a bit as he shouted to his friend, “Operation Fallout is on!” > Chapter 2 - Over the Fence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A warm, autumn wind blew through Fall’s mane as she breathed in the scent of the colored leaves that brushed against her nose. “Ah,” she sighed as the scent of the rustling leaves filled her mind with tranquil thoughts. “My time of year in my lonely place.” PITTA-PATTA RUSTLE Fall looked out from her solitary corner of the yard by the fence and noticed Pint and Bucky trotting towards her. Fall waved to the boys as a faint smile crossed her face. “Hey, Fall,” huffed Pint. “We got a surprise for you!” Fall looked behind herself to make sure nobody could’ve possibly heard Pint. Fortunately every pony else was doing their own thing and ignoring her as they so well did. “A surprise?” she asked. “Yeah,” replied Bucky as he reared back, flapped his wings, and used his burly legs and Pegasus abilities to take off over the fence. THUD! Fall gasped as the yellow Pegasus who was easily twice her size firmly planted his hooves beside her. “Ready?” asked Bucky as he looked towards Pint. Pint nodded, “Let’s do it!” “Do what?” asked Fall with a worried expression. “We’re getting you out of here!” Pint proclaimed proudly. “Out?” asked Fall. “Can you use your wings?” asked Bucky. Fall looked towards Bucky and admired his well-developed wings. Although she was a Pegasus her wings were more like little leaves pasted onto her back. “Try,” encouraged Pint. Fall closed her eyes and tried to make her wings work. However it only appeared as if she was shrugging in a slow rhythmic pattern. Pint could see Fall start to cry and it brought him to tear up as well. “Fall,” he said. Fall closed her eyes, stopped her attempt to fly, and lowered her head. “Oh, no!” cried Bucky. “Onto Plan B!” CLASP WHUMP “Huh?” wondered Fall as she felt herself being lifted into the air. When she opened her eyes she saw her head poking over the top of the fence with Pint’s hooves outstretched towards her. “Ready?” grunted Bucky as he fluttered his wings as fast as he could to maintain lift from the ground while holding up the little, brown filly. “Ready!” announced Pint. SLIP FWIP KA-THWUMP! “I got you!” gasped Pint as he grabbed Fall’s front hooves, pulled her towards him, and fell onto his back to brace her as she landed on top of him. “Nice catch!” remarked Bucky with a chuckle. “You ever think of trying out for Foal Football?” Pint helped Fall to her feet and looked her in the eyes. “Are you okay?” he asked. Fall shrugged as she took notice of how she was now on the other side of the fence. “Stand back!” cried Bucky as he prepared for another takeoff. “Here comes Bucky!” Pint helped Fall out of any possible place his friend could land as Bucky clumsily tripped on the top of the fence as he attempted his return to the other side. “Whoah!” cried Bucky as he lost control and crashed upon a gathering of leaves to unleash a cascade of color into the air. “Gee, Bucky,” teased Pint. “Ever think of joining the swim team? You definitely know how to make a splash.” “Ha, ha,” groaned Bucky as he picked himself up and shook the leaves off of his yellow coat and amber-colored mane and tail. “Let’s get out of here.” Pint turned to Fall and placed his hoof on her back. “Ready to have some fun?” he asked. Fall looked at Pint with her deep blue eyes and said nothing. “That’s a yes!” proclaimed Bucky. “Let’s go before someone else takes my favorite game at the arcade!” Pint stood alongside Fall who seemed in no condition to trot all the way to town. “Bucky?” he asked. “Could you give Fall a ride? She is still a foal after all.” “Not a problem!” he replied. “I carry your foalself around enough.” Pint grumbled but thought it more polite to let that go in lieu of getting Fall comfortably atop his larger friend’s back. “Ready?” asked Bucky upon working with Pint to get Fall situated upon his back. Fall said nothing. Though she did look back to see that some of the children in the yard may have noticed what is going on. “Uh…” she gasped. Pint realized what Fall might’ve noticed as he turned back and spotted fillies and colts seemingly coming towards where they were at. “Let’s hurry!” he cried. “Keep up if you can!” teased Bucky. “No!” he growled. “No being reckless with Fall!” “Me?” asked Bucky. “Reckless?” “Just be careful,” stated Pint. “Whatever you say, Mr. Grown Up,” sneered Bucky. > Chapter 3 - Endless Possibilities > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Here we are!” announced Pint upon trotting into town with Bucky and Fall at his side. Fall felt at a loss for words as she took in the sight before her. There were buildings of different sizes, shapes, and colors with ponies of all ages and breeds going in-and-out of buildings, talking, laughing, and trotting about. “Where should we go first?” asked Pint. “The Flip and Scoop!” exclaimed Bucky. Pint put a hoof to his muzzle as he stated, “We are closer to Putt-Putt Paradise…” Fall’s nose caught wind of something that smelled really good. She couldn’t help but raise her nose to the air and audibly sniff the amazing scent. “There’s also the toy store,” suggested Bucky. GURGLE-GRUMBLE Pint looked back and Bucky gasped as Fall’s belly made a very audible growl. “I think someone’s hungry,” stated Bucky. Fall blushed as the boys focused their attention on her. Such attention normally meant she was in trouble for something. Especially if her stomach made loud noises between meals. “How about we go to the Golden Oat?” suggested Pint. Bucky giddily galloped in place as he added, “Then we can go to Flip and Scoop for ice cream!” Pint looked up towards a meek-looking Fall and asked, “What do you think, Fall?” “Umm…” she mumbled. “I… I guess… I mean… Whatever you guys want.” Pint felt his heart sink by Fall’s apparent nervousness. Bucky was oblivious as he sniffed the air and gestured in the direction of the Golden Oat. “I think they’re starting lunch now,” he stated. “Colt’s Meal here I come!” Bucky trotted ahead with Fall showing no sign of of joy upon her face. The look seemed so sad that Pint really didn’t know what to do aside from follow his friend to the restaurant. *** “I’ll have a cheeseburger with fries and a fruit punch!” ordered Bucky as he approached the counter of the Golden Oat. Fall was overwhelmed by all the smells and sounds of the restaurant. She also saw so many foals playing and having fun in an enclosed play area. “Is this all together?” asked the clerk. Bucky looked down at Pint and stated, “You’re paying, right?” Pint was used to Bucky doing this but didn’t mind. Bucky was a good friend and he did help him get Fall out of the orphanage. “Yeah,” he said with a smile. “What would your baby sister like?” asked the clerk. Bucky was confused until he noticed the young mare behind the counter start to make silly faces towards the tiny brown, pig-tailed Pegasus on his back. “She… She’s…,” he stumbled to say. “What would you like to eat, Fall?” asked Pint. Fall said nothing. She just lowered her head and squeaked a bit. “D’aww,” awed the clerk. “She’s so cute!” Pint was once again saddened at how Fall was still quite obviously not enjoying herself. “How about we order up a Foal’s Meal with apple slices and milk?” asked the clerk. “It comes with a nice doll for little fillies like your sister.” “She’s…,” stammered Bucky. “That sounds good,” said Pint in desperation to get out of such an awkward situation. “And I’ll have a Colt’s Meal, too.” “Cheeseburger, fries, and a fruit punch?” asked the clerk. “Yeah,” replied Pint. “Copycat,” teased Bucky. The clerk punched in the order and stated, “That’ll be ten bits.” Pint opened the saddlebag he had on and counted out ten bits before reaching up and placing them on the counter. “Thank you,” stated the clerk as she looked towards Fall. “And you have a good day, too, little filly.” Fall felt a sense of joy rush over her. It was brief but it definitely was joy. “Good, day… Little, filly?” she repeated. “Oh!” awed the clerk. “She’s just too cute!” The workers in the back brought forward two boxes on a tray along with a tiny box. The drinks were placed accordingly alongside each meal. “Got it!” proclaimed Bucky as he picked up the tray in his front hooves while using his wings to help keep his balance with his back feet. “It looks like our usual table is open,” stated Pint. “On it!” proclaimed Bucky. “Good, day… Me?” whispered Fall as the trio went to eat their meals. *** Upon placing the tray upon the table, Bucky went about getting booster seats for both Pint and Fall. “Who’s a good, wittle colt?” teased Bucky as tried to pick up Pint. Pint climbed into the booster seat himself and glared at his friend. “You’re lucky I haven’t mastered my levitation magic,” he stated. “Or this chair would be knocking you on the noggin’.” “Yeah, yeah,” chuckled Bucky as he helped Fall into a booster seat. Pint went about distributing the meals. “I hope you like it,” he said to Fall. Fall stared at the tiny box and sip cup of milk in front of her. “What toy did I get?” asked Bucky as he tipped the box over and emptied its contents all over the table. He then spotted a tiny top roll out. “Yes!” he exclaimed as he spun the top that quickly stopped upon bumping into his cheeseburger. Pint began to carefully pull one item at a time out of his box. “Go ahead, Fall,” he encouraged. “Open the box.” Fall appeared nervous as her hooves moved over the open, baby-pink, heart and rainbow covered box. She then stopped, looked around fearfully, and appeared to seek Pint and Bucky’s permission to reach into the box. “Go ahead,” said Pint. “It’s all yours.” “Even the toy,” added Bucky who had a mouthful of cheeseburger while playing with his toy top. Fall gingerly reached in and pulled out an apple slice. “There should be some caramel sauce in there for that,” stated Pint as he got out of his booster seat, trotted over towards Fall, reached into her bag, pulled out the caramel cup, and popped off the lid. “Try it.” Fall sniffed the open cup of caramel. It smelled delicious. “Dip your apple in it,” said Bucky as he stuffed a bunch of hay fries into his mouth. Fall slowly took the apple slice, dipped it into the caramel, and held it before her face. Her mouth watering at what her nose was hinting would be a most wonderful treat. “Go for it,” encouraged Pint. Fall looked all around herself before quickly stuffing the caramel-dipped apple into her mouth. Her eyes widened as a smile formed across her face. It tasted so good. Even the apple was so juicy and flavorful. She reached in for another and looked towards Pint for approval. “They’re all yours,” grinned Pint. “Enjoy.” Fall was giddy as she dipped the apple slice into the caramel, lifted it to her mouth, and savored every delicious bite. Pint was so caught up in seeing Fall start to smile and enjoy herself that he totally forgot about his meal. “You know,” said Bucky as he hovered his hoof over Pint’s cheeseburger. “If you’re not going to eat that-” “-Oh, no you don’t!” proclaimed Pint as he galloped to his seat, swatted Bucky’s hoof, grabbed his cheeseburger, and took a bite so big his cheeks puffed out. Fall laughed as she watched Pint. This was nothing like what she was used to back at the orphanage. Pint felt his spirits raise as Fall started to show signs of enjoying herself. > Chapter 4 - Fall Feeling Special > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fall was lost in wonderment as she and the boys finished up their meals at the Golden Oat. Pint offered to clean up Fall’s napkins while her attention was fixated on the doll she had found at the bottom of the pink box. It was a little Breezie with bright, blue eyes, like hers, a gorgeous dress, and big wings in which made her think of what it must be like to fly. Bucky walked alongside Fall. “Ready for some ice cream?” he asked as he fluttered his wings in a gesture for her to climb onto his back. Pint stood alongside the chair Fall was in to make sure she wouldn’t accidentally crash to the floor. “Go ahead,” he encouraged. “We’ve got you.” “Okay,” said Fall in a far more audible tone than she had all day. She placed the Breezie doll in her mouth and carefully climbed atop Bucky’s back. “Hold on,” said Bucky as he made his way for the exit. Pint ran ahead and opened the door. “After you guys,” he said proudly. *** Fall’s eyes shined like the purest of deep sea waters upon entering and being sat in a chair within the Flip and Scoop. Her nose was stimulated by the scent of so many sweets. She couldn’t believe such a place existed. She also couldn’t believe all the fillies and colts with their parents who were sitting at the other tables enjoying foods she had never seen before in her life. “Here you go, Fall,” offered Pint as he raised an ice cream cone with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of it to her. Fall giggled as she gave her Breezie doll a hug and sat it alongside her at the table. “For me?” she asked cautiously. “Yep!” exclaimed Bucky. “It’s delicious!” Fall reached for the cone and brought the vanilla ice cream to her nose. She brought it so closely that a little of it touched upon her brown muzzle. It was cold but smelled great. “Give it a lick,” said Pint. Fall looked at the treat before her. This time she didn’t look around the room before enjoying herself. Instead she took a small lick at the vanilla ice cream, smiled, and then began taking progressively larger licks upon the frozen treat. Pint smiled as he watched Fall enjoy the ice cream he had purchased for her. SPLAT “Oh!” gasped Pint as his ice cream cone had already begun to melt and a chunk of it landed on his hoof. Bucky, who had a triple-scoop, rainbow cone laughed as he proclaimed, “Ice cream abuse!” Fall let out a sheepish laugh. She was beginning to feel a sort of connection with the boys. Like she had known them all her life. They made her feel safe and that was a feeling she often only felt when she was alone in the yard. To feel such a feeling with other ponies was certainly an experience in which was new to her. And she liked how it felt. *** The Flip and Scoop had a small arcade attached to it. Inside was a variety of pinball, skee-ball, and foosball machines along with a jukebox and two Ping-Pong tables. Fall was lost for words at all her senses were taking in. Very happy music was playing loudly from the jukebox as fillies and colts chattered and scurried between the various activities and tossing bits into little slots that made the various machines make all sorts of fun sounding noises. “What do you want to do first?” Pint asked Fall. Fall hugged her Breezie doll and smiled as she tilted her head. “I…,” she said. “Don’t know.” “How about some skee-ball?” suggested Bucky. “Uh,” Fall said while having no clue what that was. “Okay.” RUMBLE-TUMBLE-RUMBLE Pint put a bit into the coin slot in which caused the machine to launch five heavy, little balls down a small ramp. “It’s easy,” stated Bucky as he took a ball and rolled it up the ramp. KA-THUMP BA-DUMP “Ha!” teased Pint as he watched Bucky’s ball land in the ten point slot. “Watch a master!” KA-THUMP THUMP BA-DUMP “Lucky shot!” proclaimed Bucky as Pint’s ball landed in the thirty point slot. Pint handed a ball to Fall who was surprised at how heavy such a tiny ball could be. “Give it a try,” encouraged Pint. Fall looked to Pint and held the Breezie doll in front of him. “I can hold her for you,” said Fall upon taking good care in holding the toy. Fall looked down the ramp the ball was to go up. She then quickly turned to see that Pint was still beside her holding her Breezie. She did this a few more times. “Are you okay?” asked Bucky. “…yeah,” she said before rolling the ball up the ramp. FWOOM SKIP TIP-TICK THUMP-BA-DUMP “Wow!” awed Pint and Bucky as they watched Fall’s very gentle roll make it all the way to the fifty point slot. “Did I…” asked Fall while facing the boys. “Did I do good?” “You did great!” announced Bucky as he offered Fall another ball. “Let’s see that again!” Fall took the ball, smiled, gave a little laugh, checked to see that her Breezie was still in Pint’s hooves, and put a little more effort into her roll. This time landing in the twenty point slot. “Not bad,” said Bucky as he grabbed a ball. “But now it’s my turn.” *** The three spent over an hour in the arcade. During this time, Fall continued to open up and let her guard down as the boys introduced her to all the other games and even helped her pick a song out on the jukebox. *** After the arcade, Pint and Bucky took Fall to Putt-Putt Paradise. Fall was so excited when she got to pick her own ball and putter. She was even more excited to see, like everywhere else she went, other fillies and colts having a wonderful time with their friends as she had fun with hers. *** Pint noticed that Fall had become a lot more enthusiastic and cheerful as they taught her how to play miniature golf while sharing laughs at each other’s expense for bad hits or getting tripped up by one of the fun obstacles. The teasing was all between Pint and Bucky but Fall had her fair share of laughs at the boy’s expense. She also had no trouble in trusting Pint and even Bucky to hold her Breezie while she took her turns. *** The last stop in town they made was to the toy store. This was a place Fall never believed could exist. Dolls, games, and other objects of fun were everywhere! There were also many happy fillies and colts begging their parents to buy them things. Some giving in while others using kind words to tell them, “No.”. “See anything you like?” asked Pint. Fall clutched her Breezie toy in one hoof against her chest as she pointed towards a large, brightly colored faerie-like plush on the wall that had wings that looked like a big heart, the head of a pony, and the body of a caterpillar. “That’s Faerequine,” stated Bucky as he proudly admired the toy. “It’s one of the most awesome creatures you can play with in Backyard Brawlers.” “Backyard Brawlers?” asked Fall. The boys seemed surprised by the question but Bucky was more than happy to answer the question. “Backyard Brawlers,” he said. “Are magical creatures colts and fillies find and train to do tricks and compete against each other.” “Wow…” Fall thought aloud as she snuggled her Breezie doll and admired the plush Faerequine. “I wish I could play.” Bucky put his hoof around Fall’s back and proudly stated, “Stick with me, Fall, and you’ll be able to beat Pint just as I do on a daily basis in Backyard Brawlers.” Seeing how much the large, plush Faerequine meant to Fall made Pint want to buy it for her. Unfortunately he was about twenty bits short. “I’ll get that for you, Fall,” he said. “I just need to save up the bits.” “You’d?” she asked. “For me?” “Of course,” said Pint. “What are friends for?” Fall grew an ear-to-ear smile as she said, “Friends.” “Yep!” proclaimed Bucky. “Welcome to team awesome!” Fall felt tears well up in her eyes. But these weren’t tears of sorrow. They were tears of joy. “Are you okay?” asked Pint as he noticed a tear stream down her face. “I’m just…” she struggled to say. “So happy.” Pint felt his heart begin to beat faster as he heard Fall say this. The day may have cost him nearly every bit he had saved for months but it was all worth it. “Oh, man,” pouted Bucky. “The sun’s going down.” Pint and Fall both sighed as they knew what this meant. “I guess we should get you back,” he said. Bucky laid himself down on the floor so Fall could climb aboard. She did so only after having Pint hold her Breezie toy. She then eagerly took the doll back upon successfully boarding the yellow Pegasus. “Let’s go,” said Bucky. “Boy, oh, boy was this an awesome day.” > Chapter 5 - The Setting Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The air grew colder-and-colder as Bucky, Pint, and Fall made their way back to the orphanage. The setting sun coupled with the chill in the blowing wind only added to the unpleasant feeling in which went with each step closer to where none of the children wished to return. Fall shivered as she snuggled her Breezie plush very tightly. “I don’t want to go back,” she stated meekly. “I want to stay with you.” Bucky and Pint stopped and faced each other. “We don’t want to take you back,” stated Pint. Fall sighed as her head lowered. “But I have to go back,” she said. “It’s where I belong.” Pint felt his mouth quiver as he fought back the urge to cry. “No,” he struggled to say. “It isn’t.” “I don’t have a mom,” said Fall as her voice lowered and all the joy of the day seemed to leave her body. “I don’t have a dad. I don’t have any pony.” Bucky felt his back growing wet from her tears. “You have us,” he said. “And we’re going to do all we can for you.” “That’s right!” exclaimed Pint. “We’ll find you a family if it’s the last thing we do!” Fall said nothing. She just shivered while putting more pressure between herself and the plush toy she had gotten while at the Golden Oat. *** The orphanage looked like a haunted house when the three approached it. The setting sun making the windows appear like burning eyes as it reflected off the glass. The fillies and colts playing outside were like ghosts moving through the mist as they could be seen galloping about through the holes in the fence. *** Bucky and Pint knew they had to get home soon or risk being grounded to where they’d be unable to visit Fall for awhile. So they made haste in getting her back over the fence the same way they had gotten her out earlier in the day. “Here,” said Pint as he threw the Breezie plush over the fence into Fall’s waiting hooves. Fall caught the toy, closed her eyes, and cooed as she snuggled it tightly against her chest. Bucky made a successful leap back over the fence to rejoin Pint. “We’ll be back tomorrow,” he promised. Fall’s face grew fearful and sad as she moved towards the fence and put her hoof against it. Pint approached where Fall had her hoof and put his so it would be touching hers as best as it could. “I’ll get you out of here,” he said while fighting tears. “Bucky and I won’t rest until we do.” “Unless we’re grounded,” stated Bucky as he noticed the sun slipping below the horizon. “Tomorrow,” said Pint while looking deep into Fall’s sorrow-filled eyes. “We’ll be back.” Pint moved away from the fence to join Bucky who had already begun to trot away. Fall left her hoof against the fence. She had tasted happiness for the first time in her life and was now back to reality. A reality she didn’t want. A reality that seemed impossible to ever truly escape.