• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 586 Views, 4 Comments

Fall in Autumn - Yosh-E-O

Fall learns that it is possible to feel happy and have friends when Pint and Bucky take her town for the first time

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Chapter 1 - Pint's Determination

Meeting Fall gave Pint a strong sense of dedication to doing anything he could do to make her life better. So much that he began causing mischief through his determination to perfect his teleportation and levitation spells.


“Uh, oh!” he gasped upon causing the cookie jar from atop his family’s refrigerator to plummet from its perch and smash into a cluster of ceramic shards as oatmeal cookies scattered amongst the carnage.

“Ooh,” cringed Bucky. “How do you think you’re going to explain this one to your folks?”

Pint sighed, “I don’t think I can explain this one.”

“I thought your excuse for flooding the bathroom was pretty good,” Bucky chuckled.

“Yeah,” remarked Pint. “But I can’t blame accidentally clogging the toilet on this one.”

“I did think it was a funny way to cover up how you magiced the whole roll of toilet paper into the toilet instead of levitating that towel,” stated Bucky as he eyed up the oatmeal cookies on the floor.

“Perhaps I can say we were roughhousing and I accidentally slammed into the refrigerator?” Pint thought aloud.

Bucky put an oatmeal cookie in his mouth and began to chew it up as he stated, “While you think of how to not get grounded I’ll help clean up these cookies.”

“Five second rule?” asked Pint.

Bucky nodded as he finished chewing and gulped the cookie down while setting his sights on another.

Knowing he was already in trouble anyway, Pint decided to join his friend in ‘cleaning up the cookies’.


Pint’s determination to get Fall out of the orphanage only grew with each visit he and Bucky made. So many times he’d see her with new bruises or her underdeveloped wings looking as if someone had been biting them. What was worse is how she always appeared so malnourished. It made him feel so sad and he knew he had to get her out again.

“Ever thought of the old fashioned way?” asked Bucky after yet another visit.

“I don’t know if she could make it over the fence,” sighed Pint. “If only I could make my horn do what I did that first time we met.”

“Stop making this about you,” Bucky said as he gently slammed into his friend. “We’re both in this together.”

“You’re right,” agreed Pint. “I just can’t stop thinking of how much I want to help Fall feel happy.”

“Then let’s break her out tomorrow!” proclaimed Bucky with a grin. “If we work together I know we can get her over the fence and out of that place.”

Pint thought on how weak Fall had appeared when they saw her. Her one wing drooped more than the other and she had a bit of a limp.

“We have to try,” he said.

“Awesome!” exclaimed Bucky as he slammed himself against Pint so hard that it nearly made the spotted, Pinto Unicorn tip over.

“Oof!” gasped Pint.

“I get my allowance tomorrow,” stated Bucky. “And I know you’ve been saving your allowance. So let’s go take Fall into town for one big day of awesomeness!”

Pint nodded and smiled as he said, “Good plan, Bucky.”

Bucky rammed himself against Pint again before stating, “See! I’m totally the brains of the team!”

“You are indeed something,” gasped Pint with a laugh as he recovered from his Pegasus pal using his weight advantage over him to push him off the path.

“Well,” said Bucky as they neared his house. “I’ll see you bright-and-early tomorrow!”

“Not at the crack of noon, Bucky,” teased Pint.

“Hey!” cried Bucky as he fluttered his wings. “This is serious stuff! I’ll be up before you!”

“We’ll see about that,” said Pint as he waved to his friend. “See you tomorrow.”

Bucky fluttered into the air a bit as he shouted to his friend, “Operation Fallout is on!”

Author's Note:

This is the follow-up story to "A House is Not a Home". Some details have changed since the inception of the story so please don't mind any slight variances between what the characters know and don't know. Particularly on Pint's part.

The characters are continually getting updates to improve upon the telling of their story. Though these are minor changes in which do not impact the story's whole. We hope you enjoy it.