• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 28th, 2015

Twilight Sparkle is 20

I hate unfinished stories

Comments ( 17 )




Its good but going a little too fast

The short description talks about this story. The long description tells me nothing about the story, and it only serves to disturb me.

i am intrigued good sir

this seems to be a great setup for a grand adventure ^_^

I'm liking it so far, though the part where Zach is talking to the angel seems a bit rushed but that could just be me.
You might want to change the Tags though, add the relevant ones in as the story progresses. Right now it looks like you should have the Sad, Human, and Tragedy tags at least (Maybe not Tragedy, I'm not 100% sure what would warrant that Tag since, to me, it seems almost identical to the Sad tag just more... death related?). I'm not sure what you're Crossing Over with and Celestia hasn't made an appearance yet.

Tragedies are stories that have a bad/sad ending. Sad just means that somewhere in the story is a sad time.

I like how you made a human an angelic being. With the shortest exposition on how they know of humans and it make more sense than so elaborated tale, and you did it in one paragraph. : /


Alright, let's make something clear. If you nudge the readers to "Psst! Listen to this, its going to enhance the experience.", that means your fanficton fails at doing that alone. It means that your story can't evoke any feels without it, and you should not, under any circumstance rely on that. The other thing I noticed while scrolling through this:

In this story/chapter i would agree with you, but some times it just makes the reading so much more enjoyable when the writer gives some well chosen music to listen to while reading.
But here, i didn't even bother to open the link.

Why am I so alone

Pleas say i din't read this as the first thing we see from this Character... PLEAS NO!
A Character that is introduced this way just ask to be killed away.
He has just given up, such a Character is boring. Bringing him back to actually want some thing or working hard for some thing will be hard.

"Did I Finally do it?" I asked myself. I wasn't sure I'd killed myself I didn't feel pain I also only see white.
"NO!!!" a voice yelled. "You are a good soul with immense potential you must not throw your life away like nothing" it said a little calmer.

really don't needed. making a secret for a while out of the reason or the meaning of his travel for him would be interesting. but he even gets damn instructions.

"You are there to help a soul troubled much like yours, and of course make new friends" it commanded "Ta ta" "Oh and you will be in a different universe with small talking equines."

He just killed himself, and now he should pull some one else out of the pit he couldn't escape himself? Well there gos the fun moment of suprise for him not knowing that equines rule the new world.

"Here take this, a giant sword floated towards me.
"Is this for the 'Train to Protect' thing?" I asked
"Yes however it is a very special sword it is alive with another soul" it continued "Your souls shall entwine with one another's in perfect harmony as long as you trust each other" the voice said

Seriously don't give your Character everything just in the hand. let him find it, or search for it, but just not drop it of and even say him it is special. let him work for some thing, such things make good Characters. He just turned an 180 on his personality from the "i wan't to die" emo to the "i want to be the hero and i'm just so awesome" guy that had a fulfilling live and that wants nothing else more than to help others just for doing good. Remember he just was so down mere moments ago to kill himself.
He won't make it far if everything is just given to him on a silver plate. maybe a Stue can do it, but not a Character that can be enjoyed to read over longer time.

No! No no no never, ever, ever fucking change the POV in the middle of a chapter, especially no in an emotional and slow scene. It's like putting a kitchenware commercial into the middle of an action film. Not to mention you did all this for, what, two hundred words? Breaks the flow in half.

I go with you, it would be better if he had started with the emo kid and as he killed himself changes POV to Twiligt, but then finishing with Twilights POV chapter. So we would see what actions brought him here and would meet the other main Character of the story.

OK so far nice idea, needs a lot of work, but can become good. And yes, WAY TO FAST! Slow down. A tip from some on that teched me a good deal of writhing. As an author you want to create an movie in the head of you readers, so describe as many things as you can so they can see the scene you se in your head as good as possible.


I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. Otherwise, I agree with everything you've stated. That one sentence, though, was just way too funny.

This was more meant for what content you write ^^. As for the spelling, let's just say English is not my first language and even in my first language my editor wants to strangle me every time he needs to proof read something ^^. And this even if I started to slowly improve XD. I don't know how, but i think this

A tip from some on that teched me a good deal of writhing.

yea.... not gonna lie her..... this is just stupid I don't know why i didn't see it before XD. But if it make you laugh, I did my good deed for the day, and it was worth all the shame it put on me ;P.


I know that feel, English isn't my first either.

And sometimes it feels as if auto correct just want to play dirty. ^^

And did someone else think this blade is just a bleach rip of?

cool chapter, post next one soon!

*In My Brain*

"Would You Kindly?" Whispered ???

Brain: The Fuck?

Hi and when are you going to continue this story because I really love it and plzzz continue with the story plzzz

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