• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 452 Views, 2 Comments

Sisters Of Light And Dark - KommandoStalker

The more bloody and tragic backstory of how Equestria came to be along with how Discord was truly defeated.

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Chapter 4: The First Night and Twilights warning

The moon's bright light was hidden away above them as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walk under the canopy of the forest trees. They had been walking now for some time and as Luna help navigate the pitch, black darkness, Celestia knew they would have to find or create shelter very soon or else they wouldn't have a comfortable night. Celestia kept an eye and ear out for trouble but it was hard for her since her visibility was almost zero and though they weren't making much noise walking along, the silence was deafening her. Luna yanked her out of the way of a tree as she said, “I think if we keep heading north, we can arrive at a small village that's close by."

Celestia nodded her head as the two continued on through the forest. An owl hooted nearby and the two jumped at the sound but they quickly calmed down. They slowly made their way through some bushes, creating a small ruckus with the leaves, when Luna halted and stopped Celestia.

"What is it?" Asked Celestia as she tried to see something in the darkness.

"It’s a small river... We're on the edge of a small drop into it but I don't see a way down currently..." Luna responded.
Luna took her sisters hoof as she lead her away from the drop, looking around for some form of a way to cross. Then, she saw it, a sloping area that lead to a shallow portion of the river to the others side.

At least, she hoped it was shallow.

She led Celestia to the slope and she went first as Celestia muttered, “Be careful."

Luna slid down the slope easily and she edged her way to the river. Her eyes could see the river bed but she didn't know how deep it was. So, she took a risk and she walked into the river.

"It's really cold!" She managed to say as she slowly made her way across. The water came up to her stomach and she soon reached the other side but her legs and hoofs were numb.

Celestia went next and she gingerly went down the slope as she came to the water's edge. She dipped a hoof in and shivered at how extremely cold it was but she soon crossed the river. The two Alicorns stood on the other side as they tried to regain some feeling in their hoofs and legs.

"We need to keep moving...” Said Celestia as she began to leave.

Luna nodded as they both left the river bank and continued to move through the woods.

Celestia would have missed it had Luna not stopped her. The cottage was concealed amongst the tree's quite well, its stone walls and straw roof almost natural in the forest. Celestia couldn't see any light, nor could she hear any movement from inside.

"It seems abandoned.... But let's be careful anyway." She said as she got up and began to walk towards it.

Luna got up and followed her sister as they looked for the front door into the small cottage. Celestia edged around each corner as she tried to make sure that no one was around and to see where the door was.

Then, she stumbled upon a cobble pathway and she traced it all the way to the door. She went up the path quietly as she and Luna stopped at the door.

"What if they are asleep?" Asked Luna suddenly.

"I have my doubts. Overgrowth is starting to grow and no pony would ever want that on their home." Celestia said as she pushed open the door.

It groaned on rusty hinges as they entered the home, the moonlight elongating their shadows. Celestia saw a few rooms and she said to Luna, "You got the left and I have the right."

Luna nodded as she entered a room on her left and Celestia walked into an open doorway on her right. Celestia saw an open fireplace, wood still placed in it with fire poker ready. She saw a table with a case of withered flowers and next to it was an ornate carving of wood, made in the shape of a crystal. She continued on from the living room as she entered what looked to be the dining hall. A long table was there, where only four chairs were placed around it. In the center was a carved pony, a Warrior holding a scythe and sickle. She then looked around a shelf nearby and found a small tapestry picture on it. It showed a family of four ponies, the Colt wearing Warrior armor and Celestia recognized him from before.

His name was General IronTrix, the previous general for King SoulStorm's Shadow Warriors during his campaigns. He had been the hero of many battles and he had been respected by all, even his foes. He had conquered all the regions for King SoulStorm and when he had asked to leave service, SoulStorm had given him this cottage that had been his private retreat.

He had been married shortly after leaving service, marrying the beautiful mare named Singularity, which was a strange name to Celestia mind. The wedding had been grand and the two soon had two sons but as she looked at the tapestry, she honestly didn't know their sons names. She set the tapestry back where it had been as Luna said, “I’ve searched dither place and found a forgery and the kitchen, plus four bedrooms."

Celestia nodded as the two walked to a separate bedroom and slept the night away.

Twilight and Spike were both out of breath as they reached the Crystal Empire's castle. They rushed past the guards as they headed straight for the throne room, where Twilight hoped Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence would be. She kept moving as Spike tried to keep up with her as she kept up an urgent pace.

Rarity was coming down from the other way with Shining Armor and she spotted Twilight as she began to say, “Hello Twi-" but Twilight blitzed by her without pause, Spike slowly coming to a stop next to Shining Armor and Rarity.

"What's up with Twilight?" Asked Rarity to Spike as she turned to him.

"Would you believe me if I told you?" Asked Spike back as he tried to regain his breath.

Then, the three of them began to move towards the throne room.

Twilight ran down the halls, not caring for anything except what she needed to say to the princesses. She went around the corner at full-tilt speed and she saw the doors leading to the throne room and she ran to it. She pushed them open and immediately walked in, seeing all three princesses at the throne.

Princess Celestia was discussing something to Luna and Cadence when she spotted Twilight walking in and she said to Twilight, “Princess Twilight, and how-"

"Princess Celestia, we have a problem. The Changelings are back and are using weapons." Blurted out Twilight as she nearly collapsed on the floor from exhaustion.

The bombshell broke the mood in the room immediately and as Spike, Rarity, and Shining Armor entered the room, Twilight's head swam and she felt dizzy and ready to pass out as she slowly sat on the floor.

Celestia looked at Luna and Cadence with a worrying gaze as she addressed Twilight, “Are you sure?"

"I and Spike were out on the road going through the forest road when at least a dozen surrounded us, mostly with spears and swords but some did have crossbows..." Said Twilight as she managed to stand up.

"How did you escape?" Asked Cadence.

Before Twilight could answer, Shining Armor came over and asked worryingly," Are you okay, Twilight?"

She almost nodded then felt something running down her right cheek and she put a hoof as it came away sticky with Changeling blood, the neon green blood dripping to the floor.

"We... We were helped." Said Twilight as she answered Cadence's previous question.

"By who?"

Twilight tried to remember the figures and what they had and then said," They... They wore green cloaks... I couldn't see what else they wore or what their eyes were... But they also had weapons... One had a sword and shield... Another had a hammer that was big but he used it with a single hand... A third had a broad sword, a machete, another sword but not a broad, and a scythe... And the last had sickles... And... And a scythe...”

Celestia looked at Cadence and Luna with a glance and then Luna said to Shining Armor, “Assemble the guards... Rarity, could you be kind enough to fetch your friends? Twilight, get your crown and then come with me."

As everyone left to do what they had been asked, Cadence watched as Celestia slowly walked to a nearby window and looked out it, facing the forest.

"By any chance do you know those figures?" She asked Celestia.

Celestia was silent for a minute before she said, “I... I think I know who they are... But I thought they were dead..."

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