• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 450 Views, 2 Comments

Sisters Of Light And Dark - KommandoStalker

The more bloody and tragic backstory of how Equestria came to be along with how Discord was truly defeated.

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Chapter 32: The Return of Crystal and the Battle of Everfree plains

Chrysalis gasped as her whole body shook as the blackness of her skin slowly began to melt off her body, physically melting like she was a wax figurine beneath a flame. Her body also began to shrink and as she looked around wildly, wondering what was happening when the old Crystal, having lay dormant for a great long time period, surfaced and fought to regain control. And before every pony around her, the blackness began to dissipate as her body glowed a brilliant white and then the light exploded everywhere as Crystal, wearing her crystal armor and armed with her falchions, finally was released and shown to the world once again. IronBlood gazed upon her, noting that she hadn't aged one bit and as he gazed upon her, she looked at him and said,"... IronBlood...?"

IronBlood coughed then groaned as he slowly sat up and as he managed to retrieve his sword, the other from the group slowly limped over to where he was and Crystal walked over to him as she hugged him for the first time since so many years ago.

"I... If.... I missed you... I for care what happens now... Everything is okay now that we have each other again." Said Crystal as she squeezed IronBlood tightly, once again almost crushing he poor colt in her grasp.

But suddenly, a crossbow bolt whizzed by her face and she spun around with falchions out as she soon realized what was happening.

Having seen their leader become a normal pony, the Changeling army was now advancing the group as a whole, no longer having a leader to lead them or having any reason to not kill her.

And as they all stood in a circle, IronBlood managed to say," Well... I guess this is the end.... It's been nice knowing and fighting with you all."

And that's when a loud whistle drew every pony’s attention towards the train station and as the trains doors opened up, what came out of it caught them all by surprise.

As the sun rose over the sky on a new day, it was clear that final preparations for the battle on both sides were being completed. Warriors put on their armor, sharpened their weapons, got a bite to eat, and assembled into their respected companies. Inside the princesses tent, both Celestia and Luna wore their armor and were armed with their weapons while around them were Steeltrix, IronBlood, LightningBolt, and BloodHoof, who were also armed and armored. The other occupants of the room were General WhiteWolf, General WolfSlayer, and a few other generals from the other kingdoms. They all had come together to finalize their plan of attack for the battle.

"We will have all crossbow ponies form ranks behind our normal Warriors and have them fire their crossbows until either they run out or until they are engaged in melee combat. Our normal Warriors, who both WolfSlayer and WhiteWolf will be leading, will provide the first line of defense while also being our main forces. Though we don't think we will be engaged, Luna and myself are prepared to deal with any pony who manage to get to us." Celestia said as she lay out the plans.

"Be at can we expect from the enemy?" Asked WhiteWolf.

"They seem to be relying heavily on their normal Warriors but they still have crossbow ponies so we will have a bit of an archer showdown happen when this kicks off... Also, considering Discord is still afoot, I think we shouldn't rule out anything abnormal entering the field of battle." Said Steeltrix.

"Well, what do you all think?" Asked Luna.

"I say that today is a good day to die." Said WhiteWolf as he bowed with the other commanders and generals soon following his example.
"Alright. Prepare yourselves and our forces... Today is going to be the last day this all happens...” Celestia said and every pony but Steeltrix and his friends left the tent to organize the army.

"By chance... Do you know what we will do with SoulStorm?" Asked Steeltrix.

"We've thought sometime... And we will give him mercy if he asks for it but... Most likely... We will be forced to kill him since he probably won't see us as his own anymore." Luna said as both princesses let their heads bow.

"We understand, then." BloodHoof said as the four bodyguards bowed.

And with that, Celestia and Luna strode to a table and put on their helmets before they strode out of the tent and towards the last battle they hoped to ever face.

The two armies drew their battle lines around 7:00 am, still early in the morning but just light enough they didn't need torches or lamps to see. The Rebellion Warriors had assembled themselves into a huge line, several ponies wide and at least eight thick. Behind that, another line that stretched just as log and was six ponies thick and behind that, arrayed in a sort of scattered skirmish formation, were the crossbow ponies that stood on the edge of a slope. The princesses stood behind the second line of Warriors and they were surrounded by their bodyguards, Steeltrix and his friend’s helmet visors pulled down to cover their face.

However, the army of SoulStorm was a bit of a different matter entirely. The front rank was several ponies wide and comprised of being at least twelve ponies thick. Behind that, the few companies of crossbow ponies stood in perfect formations and then SoulStorm watched from his spot behind the crossbow ponies. Both armies were evenly matched in army size and as banners fluttered along both lines and though BloodHoof wished he could paint this moment out, he knew that it will be a sight he won't ever forget.

The field was all quiet as the two armies seem to size each other up, all thinking together with one thought: who will fall this day and who will rise up?

Finally, Celestia nodded to WhiteWolf while Luna nodded to WolfSlayer and both Warrior generals shouted out," Warriors! Stand to!"

Weapons were drawn: broadswords, katana's, spears, Yari spears, axes, battle axes, war hammers, siege hammers, two-hoofed great swords, maces, clubs, falchions, and many more as shields were brought to bear by the ponies in the front ranks. Celestia nodded behind her and crossbows were brought to bear, a mixture of normal ones, long crossbows of the Western ponies who were very similar to elves in armor, and the repeating crossbows of the Eastern ponies. The crossbows were loaded and aimed skyward as they patiently waited for the signal to fire.

Across the field, Shadow Warriors brought out their weapons as they began to take out shields and behind them, crossbows were loaded and aimed skyward.

Then, a signal went through the Shadow Warrior ranks and the whole line, stretched long across the field, began to move as one being towards the Rebellion Warriors.

The Rebellion Warriors stood their ground as Celestia raised her halberd and dropped it in one fluid motion.

The sound of crossbows being fired created a near roar as the sky became dark with crossbow bolts. Across the way, Shadow Warriors fired their crossbows and the sky became crisscross by a rain of death.

"Shields!" The call echoed out as the Rebellion ponies brought up shields and created a tortoise-like shield wall while the Shadow Warriors merely began to run forward at a quicker pace. The steel bolts from the crossbows finally began their journey downward and the whistling they brought with them spelled death to all who heard it. Then, at the last second, the Shadow Warriors brought up their shields as they ran and a rain of death slashed into their lines, a scene of pure carnage that soon took a toll. Several were pin cushioned by the arrows as dozens struck them down in a single blow while many shields were weighed down by the arrows that pierced them. But even though many Shadow Warriors fell, the majority continued running as their crossbow bolts finally slammed into the Rebellion lines.

The noise of arrows striking shields created a low thunder noise as only a few Warriors were cut down by the crossbow fire. As the shield was demolished, the generals shouted out," Prepare to counter-charge!" And several ponies in the front line got into positions as the Shadow Warrior army drew near.

"Here it comes..." Muttered Steeltrix as the air tensed for the moment the two armies clashed.

The Shadow Warriors reached a short distance from the Rebellion Warriors when the Rebellion front line charged the Shadow Warriors head on.

"And so it begins...” Said IronBlood as another wave of crossbow bolts were launched skyward by both sides.

And then, the Rebellion Warriors and the Shadow Warriors crashed into each other and the sounds of screaming, shields being hammered on, shouting, steel clashing, and the sprays of blood as wounds were made could be heard and seen by both sides.

Celestia nodded to a nearby commander, who shouted," Warriors! Charge!" And the second line raced to where the battle was. Crossbow shots began to fall amidst both sides as the fighting took place and the death toll rose as the battle began to be fiercely contested. But then, to the surprise if every pony, SoulStorms crossbow ponies drew their blades and close combat weapons out as they charged across the field and into battle. Celestia almost didn't react to it when Steeltrix shouted out," Crossbow Warriors! Charge the enemy!"

Every single crossbow pony charged as Celestia decided to go along with them and as her sister and bodyguards ran with her, the battle was at last joined in full and the princesses plunged into the heart of the battle.

Sounds and noises filled the ears of Celestia as her group ran deeper into the battle. Bodies of both sides lay strewn around and as she ran forward, a Shadow Warrior tried to make a beeline for her. But then, LightningBolt took out his machete and sword as he used his sword to plunge into the. Warriors stomach before cutting off the Warriors head with his machete. Another ran at Luna but BloodHoof smashed the pony in his flank, crushing the bones there and hurling the Warrior a good distance away. More and more Shadow Warriors diverted themselves to make a beeline to the group and the group soon found itself fighting in the thick of it. Celestia and Luna stuck close as their halberd and spear stabbed and slashed at any Warrior who managed to get close while their bodyguards fought around them.
LightningBolt kept switching his blades out as he fought, making it impossible to effectively block his attacks. BloodHoof smashed every Shadow Warrior around him as his hammer began to become stained with blood. Steeltrix and IronBlood fought near each other and they tagged teamed opponents whenever one got into a difficult situation. Bodies fell and blood flashed with steel as every pony fighting in the battle became covered in blood from head-to-toe.

And that's when, with an earth shaking roar, three creatures began to run towards the battle. Celestia looked at them and she realized what they were as Steeltrix saw them and screamed out," BLOOOODD HOOUUNNDDSS!!!!!"

The creatures charged into the battle as they killed everything that moved before them, causing bodies to be hurled in every direction. One almost got half way into the battle area when several crossbow bolts were fired into it and it crashed into the ground with an earth shaking crash. The last two converged on Celestia and Luna and as Steeltrix ran to the two mares, he hurled his sickle at the nearest beast coming towards the princesses. The blade sliced into its chest and was stuck but it kept running as Steeltrix launched himself at the hideous thing. It swiped at him but he landed onto its back and he began to slice and slash at the exposed back of the creature. It roared as it swatted Steeltrix off his back and he was flung away as all of his plate armor from his front, right leg was torn away. The thing came after him and Steeltrix got up as he dodged left to avoid an attack from it. He stabbed one of its paws as he also slashed a deep wound along the same limb and it roared as blood flew all around. It swiped at him with its remaining paw and managed to tear two parallel slashes across Steeltrixs chest, but not deep enough to kill the pony. Steeltrix managed to leap up before he plunged his blade straight through the head of the Bloodhounds and the creature hit the ground with an earth shaking crash. The last one tried to run but IronBlood slashed its legs before stabbing his sword straight through the things lower jaw and into its upper jaw, straight into its brain.

With that threat no longer at large, Steeltrix managed to hobble away as IronBlood fought his way back to the princesses. The fighting continued on, unhindered as Celestia cut open a Shadow Warriors neck when suddenly, she saw SoulStorm advancing through the battle towards her. His scythe was menacing as he walked along and as she watched him come nearer, she almost didn't have time to avoid a Shadow Warriors war hammer and she retail oater with her halberd. Suddenly, just before SoulStorm could reach Celestia or Luna, Steeltrix halted SoulStorm and stood before SoulStorm, scythe held at the ready. SoulStorm stopped as he twirled his scythe around before he finally charged Steeltrix.

Celestia killed the Shadow Warrior and managed to look over to see and hear the clash of both scythes as SoulStorm and Steeltrix met in a clash of steel. Both were apt with their weapons and it seemed to make them be at an impasse but as Celestia watched, it was clear Steeltrix was starting to lose his ground. SoulStorm kicked over Steeltrix as he swept his scythe to kill Steeltrix in one blow but Steeltrix managed to roll away from the blow as his scythe came up and managed to glance off SoulStorms flank armor. But just as Steeltrix got up, SoulStorms scythe lashed upward and Steeltrix gasped as it ripped open his chest and exposed some of his innards.

"STEELTRIX!!!!" Shouted Celestia and IronBlood made a beeline to aid his brother.

Steeltrix slowly kneeled to the ground as blood pooled around him and SoulStorm placed his scythes blade underneath the chin of Steeltrix. And just as he raised his scythe, IronBlood tackled SoulStorm to the ground. LightningBolt and BloodHoof grabbed the shoulders of Steeltrix as they dragged him hurriedly off the field of battle and towards a nearby set of woods off to the fields left. SoulStorm hurled IronBlood away as he continued to advance towards Celestia and Luna. IronBlood got up, paused as if he wanted to stay and fight, then he made his mind up and ran after Steeltrix and the others.

Leaving Luna and Celestia to face SoulStorm. Luna charged SoulStorm with her spear but he knocked her away with a well-placed hit from his scythe's shaft.

Leaving him and Celestia the sole combatants of each other's group.

Not a single word was said between father and daughter, both knowing what each other was thinking and wanting to say to the other. So all they did was point their weapons at each other before charging each other head-on. Their weapons clashed as they met and Celestia kicked SoulStorm hard into his chin before spinning around and delivering a hammer blow to the side of his helmet. SoulStorms helmet spun away as he retaliated with a slash from his scythe and it bounced off the chest armor of Celestia. She missed an overhead strike as SoulStorm used this to knock her down. As she lay sprawled on the ground, SoulStorm looked down at her and he placed a hoof down upon her chest as he aimed his scythe down at her heart.

"You should have never run away or tried to make a rebellion... All you've done is getting a bunch of ponies killed just because something happened." SoulStorm said with a slight shake of his head.

Celestia struggled under his hoof as she tried to displace it from her chest. He sighed as he said," And now this all comes at an end..." And he began to raise his scythe.

Celestia noticed her halberd near her and before SoulStorm could react, she grabbed her scythe and she stabbed it up and though his belly, which was only covered by mail. SoulStorm gasped as his blood dribbled down unto Celestia and he stumbled back as Celestia stood up.
She notices something flash away from his eyes and his eyes seem to unfocus before refocusing in on her and then, in a shaky voice, he coughed and said," Ce-Celestia...."

Celestia knelt next to him as he coughs again and said,"... I... I'm so sorry... I-I-I can't explain why I did it... B-but please.... Forgive me...."
He coughed up a bit of blood as she said," I always believed you weren't really evil inside and out... If only I didn't have to kill you..." A tear dribbled down her cheek as she looked at her father.

"Do... Do me a favor... Don't let Discord win... Do... Do you remember the tale of Harmony?"

She nodded her head as Luna slowly walked over and knelt with Celestia.

"Take... Take the fallen Warrior gems... Create... Create the elements... Did this world of Discord...." SoulStorm struggled to keep conscious.

"I... I understand...” Said Celestia as both sisters began to cry.

"One... One last... Thing.... Give... Give me a Warrior death...... I love you both... You were my most treasured..." SoulStorm shed a few tears as Celestia nodded her head and took up SoulStorms scythe.

"Good-good bye... Father....." Luna said as began to cry.

And with that said, Celestia finally plunged the scythes blade into her father’s chest, killing him in one fluid motion.

And with that last motion, the battle was over.

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