• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 452 Views, 2 Comments

Sisters Of Light And Dark - KommandoStalker

The more bloody and tragic backstory of how Equestria came to be along with how Discord was truly defeated.

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Chapter 1: The Beginning

Author's Note:

Realize that this has been set before Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks but after the first Equestria Girls.

My Little Pony: Sisters of Light and Dark

The morning dawn slowly crawled into the sky as it crested the horizon. Its orange and yellow rays glinted off the polished structure that stood in the center of the city. The Crystal palace was a beautiful place and though it was surrounded by normal houses, the palace lost none of its beauty. As the sun began to slowly climb higher into the sky, the sun’s rays began to fall upon the houses and buildings around the palace. Nearby forests began to echo the songs of birds as they began a morning chorus and the sound began to awaken the residents of the kingdom.

The Crystal Empire was a place devoid of any form of violence, much like the rest of Equestria. Its residents don't even use any form of hateful words. They didn't loathe one another, they didn't covet their neighbor’s possessions, they weren't envious, and they were a perfect race when it comes to being good to one another.

As the residents began to wake up and prepare for this new day, they were all content for the most part. None of them believed anything bad could ever happen to them.

She groaned as the sun’s rays began to fall onto her eyes. She twisted in her bed as she tried to escape the light but when she couldn't get away, she opened her eyes. Her eyes wandered around her room as they rested on the window that was letting the sunshine in.

"Good Morning."

She turned her head to face the other side of her bed and she found herself looking at a familiar face.

"Morning, Spike..." She grumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

"Come on, Twilight. I know it's not going to be a fun day but maybe we will learn something new today." Said Spike as he walked back from the bed.

Princess Twilight Sparkles sighed as she slowly slid out of her bed and onto the floor. She went a desk and she used its mirrors to brush her hair till it was flawless. She flapped her wings a little and relaxed the stiff muscles. Finally, she used her magic to place her crown onto her head.

"But why do I need a lesson over the history of Equestria? Don't I already know it?" Asked Twilight.

Spike merely shrugged.

The two friends headed off as Twilight made her way down the halls and to the library, where she had been told to be for her lesson. She walked down the quiet halls as she passed the occasional guard and Spike just walked beside her.

Suddenly, he stopped as he muttered, “Oww... What's that sound?"

Twilight stopped as she then heard the sound and she cringed as the harsh sound reached her ears with full force. It wasn't a sound she had heard normally, considering it was ringing in nature. It rang out as if something metal was hitting the ground with great force or was hitting something else that was metal. She cringed as it was heard again as the noise echoed around the halls.

"Where is it coming from?" She asked aloud.

Then it stopped and the two of them sighed in relief as Spike said, “Wait, who's that?"

Twilight looked and she gasped as she saw-

"Shining Armor! What are you doing here?" She asked as she approached him with a smile plastered on her face.

Shining Armor smiled as the two hugged. “I’m just visiting my lil sister, Princess Twilight. My goodness, you’re getting bigger."

Shining Armor was still like the same since Twilight last saw him during the terror of Sombra but she noticed he seemed a lot bigger and even had a bit more musculature on his frame. The trio began to walk down the hall when the ringing, metallic noise began again. The Twilight cringed as she tried to stand the sound but it was such a terrible noise, she said," What is that noise?! It's driving me crazy."

Shining Armor was about to say something when he noticed an open door nearby. Sunlight shown from it and as they all came near, the noise began to intensify and Twilight peeked into the small gap to see what the cause for the noise was.

"Whoa...” She muttered in awe.

The room was called the Glass room, aptly named since it was surrounded for the most part by large windows that showed Equestria. And in the middle of it all, was Princess Celestia. Celestia bounded and leaped around straw dummies as she twirled, slashed, and cleaved them with a golden object. It was a long pole that ended in a blade and she could see a beautiful crystal on its blade. Celestia wore golden armor and as she twirled around with grace, you almost could think she was flying without her wings.

Finally, Celestia stopped in the middle of the dummies as an attendant came over and slowly took the item from her. Twilight noticed that Celestia's armor had a protruding potion at the hoof and watched as it let go of the item for the attendant to take away and put on a nearby pedestal.

Celestia removed her helmet as she began to speak with someone and Twilight strained to hear the conversation.

"... And as much as we may both regret, in order for her to become a ruler of that province, she must know the history that made it as it is. Otherwise, she will question us. We did the same with Cadence when she was to look after the mirror."

She heard another voice but couldn't make out who it was as Celestia, “I know... But let us hope she will understand it all."

Celestia began walking to the doorway and Twilight fled the scene with Spike to the library as Shining Armor merely walked away.
The Library was a magnificent study place, having the history of Equestria from its very early beginnings to the present day. Books upon books were stacked on shelves that reached high up to the ceiling and one could take a whole lifetime to read even half of them. Occasionally, Twilight came here to read a little of some of the books, just trying to keep herself from boredom.

As she and Spike walked along to where a nearby desk was set up and as she and Spike sat down, Spike said, “Let’s play it cool. I don't think we'll get in trouble."

Twilight just nodded, not knowing anything else to do as they sat down and waited for their teacher.
Princess Celestia walked into the library calmly, her rainbow hair flowing gracefully behind her. She was abnormally tall for a pony but no one really cared about her tallness. As Celestia came in, Twilight noticed that a slight sheen of sweat was upon Celestia's forehead and knew that it must have been from Celestia doing her odd activity.

"Twilight, glad to see you are here early. And it is good to see you too, Spike."

Celestia went to a shelf and she used her horns magic to select what looked to be a very thick book. Its spine was old leather and its once golden letter had begun to fade. As Celestia placed it on a nearby table and a small cloud of dust was displaced as it met the table's surface. Celestia walked over to it and as she gingerly placed a hoof on its surface, Twilight failed to see Spike becoming increasingly red in the face and agitated, sweat running down his forehead as he began to slightly tremble.

"Now today we will be looking at the-" began Celestia when Spike blurted out, "We saw you in practicing something in the Glass room and we also had Shining Armor with us and we heard you talking to someone and how much trouble are we in!?"

Celestia and Twilight looked at Spike, who just slunk down in his chair in pure embarrassment. Twilight almost wanted to say something but she kept the thought down as she tried to feign ignorance. "You were saying, Princess Celestia?"

Celestia composed herself as she said, “I will continue in a moment. But first, what were you saying Spike?"

Spike stayed quiet for a moment and Twilight nudged him to make sure he was alive. He looked at her, sighed, then he sat up in his chair as he said, “We saw you."

"What do you mean by that?" Celestia asked.

"We were on our way to here when we saw you practicing something in the Glass room. You wore this... Golden armor and you were moving around straw dummies with a staff or something." Said Spike as he closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable punishment.

But Celestia merely flipped another page from the book as she said, “What do you suppose I was doing? Can you explain to me what I may have been doing?"

Both Twilight and Spike were surprised by this and Twilight tried to find a term to stick to what Celestia was doing. But then, Celestia said, “Believe it or not, I am a bit relieved you saw me and my... practicing."

She walked away from the book as she went towards the duo.

"You see, before Equestria was such a peaceful land as it is today, it was almost constantly ravaged by conflicts amongst its own.
"Lords and Kings, ruling vast kingdoms, sent out numerous warriors to conquer more land and more territory for themselves. But when those armies met, they resulted in bloody battles that you have never even imagined."

Celestia went back to the book as she showed them a picture. It was done by a master artist, the paint strokes that created the picture making it almost life-like. It was an Alicorn, pure white except for his green hair. His armor was pure darkness and he held what Twilight thought to be a farmer scythe. But she looked at his eyes, the only true features seen from his helmeted head, and she saw they were a cold, pitiless blue.

"This ponies name was SoulStorm, a man who ruled what is our Equestria now and a little beyond. His armies of Shadow warriors, aptly name for their black iron armor, marched and conquered all the other kingdoms that opposed him: the North Fiefdom, the Eastern Province, the Southern Lands, and finally the Western Realm."

"And," said Celestia," He was my father, as he was Luna's."

Twilight looked at Celestia in and then at the picture. She could see the resemblance in her but then she asked, “I don't see how Luna could be-"

"Our mother was the reason why Luna was who she was. In fact, Luna was the exact image of her." Celestia said as she put up the book.
Then, she began to leave the room and she said to her students, “Come. I have something to show you both."

Twilight took a moment to look at each other before they left their spots and went after Celestia as they all walked down the quiet halls. They walked the quiet corridors as they walked towards the Glass room and Twilight wondered why they were going there. Then, as Celestia opened the door, Twilight soon found out why they had come to this room.

Lining one side of the room was a trio of mannequins, two looking almost around Celestia's height. They wore suits of complete armor, each armor being scratched and beat up like they had been beaten by blades and hammers. One armor was silver and it was holding in its hoofs elegant, silver... Spear? Twilight knew it was spear but it radiated something else, something she couldn't pinpoint exactly. Another was of beautiful gold and in its hoofs it held another staff but a shimmering piece of metal jutted out from the top. Each armor suit had as symbol and she carefully looked at both: the Silver was that of a crescent moon and the gold had a sun of orange and red.

Finally, she approached the next and last one. It was a more sinister armor, made of a black metal that had red cord lining the edges for the body. She also noted that in specific places, like the head and the flanks, were crystals of different colors. And in its hoof, it also carried a farmer scythe but its handle was black and the blade an even more sinister darkness. She noticed the symbol: a teardrop of white with eyes, screaming amongst several slashes of white.

"This is very reminiscent of the armor from that picture you showed me." Twilight said as she looked to Celestia.

"That's because it is my father’s armor and his weapon. He was a good man and a good father to me and my sister. But..." And Celestia trailed off as her eyes became downcast.

"But what?" Asked Twilight.

"It started on me and my sister’s birthday... It should have been a day of great celebration..." Began Celestia when a sole figure entered the room.

Luna was both a mysterious pony and a pony you would want to know better. Though many haven't mentioned it, she was once the dreaded Alicorn called NightmareMoon and eventually she had been cleansed of that evil self. As Luna walked in, she spotted the trio immediately and she approached as she asked," Celestia, Twilight, Spike, mind telling what's going on here?"

"Well... Let's just say we should let the cat out of the bag." Said Celestia to her sister and Twilight shot her a questioning look.

"In that case, I might as well chip in." Luna said as she drew the silver armors item and twirled it around some. Twilight watched her and an uneasy feeling in her mind told her that Luna had used the thing a lot more than she looked.

"Celestia and I were on our most anticipated day of the year: it was the day our father was to pronounce us his rightful heirs of the kingdom."

Luna walked to them as she planted the butt of the item on the ground. But then she sighed as she also cast her eyes down as she said in a mournful tone, “But that night... Changed our lives forever...."

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