• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 256 Views, 0 Comments

Pact of Shadows - CletusTheFetus

A mysterious stallion confronts Twilight and her friends, informing them of a great threat to the safety of Equestria.

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Chapter 4

Twilight, stared at the white Pegasus for what seemed like hours. She sat in awe in Comrade’s presence. She could sense every part of his being, his pride most of all. She could see the seriousness in his eyes, just how determined he was to see this threat brought to its end. He looked as if he would sacrifice everything to keep Equestria safe.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again Luna. If I may ask, how did you know I was here?” Comrade asked.

“I saw your shadow when you came around the corner.” Luna answered with a giggle.

“I guess I’m a bit rusty on remaining unseen after all these years.” Comrade said with a smirk. “It’s been far too long, I’ve missed you.” Something had come over Comrade, his serious demeanor faded away and a smile spread across his face. With a lone-tear running down his face, he walked towards Luna.

When he finally reached her, he closed his eyes and smiled to himself quietly. He pressed his head against hers, and they sat there, mentally embracing each other’s presence. Comrade and Luna alike began to contemplate how to make up for time that had long been lost. This seemed to suffice, just being together again. Nothing needed to be said, silence was their perfect companion.

It had been over a thousand years since they’d seen each other, and Comrade wasn’t around when Luna had returned from the moon. He’d been on a mission from his higher-ups at the time, clear across the land of Equestria in fact. He wouldn’t return to Ponyville himself for another year after Luna’s return. When he finally did, and he saw her for the first time in so long, he thought it best to let her adjust to this new world. Things have a way of changing over a thousand years. He had the blessing of watching these changes occur slowly, she was thrust into it abruptly.

It wasn’t much longer after that he began to keep a watchful eye over her, not making contact for almost an additional two years. No true risks or threats truly came her way with the exception of Tirek, the power-hungry centaur who was hell-bent on destroying Equestria. Yet, when Celestia, Luna, and Cadence transferred their magic into Twilight, he knew no physical harm would come to any of them, Tirek was too full of himself to harm his potential slaves.

The much condensed power inside Twilight was enough to destroy almost anything, it must have been a nightmare in itself to try and control. There was nothing he could have done to Tirek after he’d taken Twilight’s magic either. In reality he’d felt like he’d failed the one assignment he ever had that truly lead to something drastic or important.

It was true that he’d encountered a multitude of gruesome creatures in his lifetime, but none as fearsome as that. It was then he decided to enhance his abilities, he could endure much more, and create even more powerful blasts. The risk of overloading his body, and ultimately dying was still an issue, but he’d minimized it as much as he could.

His train of past thoughts and memories was brought to a stop when his concentration finally broke. Twilight had been patting him on the shoulder for quite some time, hoping to get his attention. She’d finally broken through to them both, having severed some kind of mental conversation. He took a step back from Luna, and bowed.

“Excuse me Princess Luna, I believe there is much that I have to discuss with Princess Twilight and her friends.” Comrade said. He was reluctant to step away from her, but Twilight still wasn’t done in her pursuit of answers. Not that there was much more she could learn about him, but there was plenty she could learn about the Pact of Shadows.

“Very well then. I eagerly await your return Comrade.” Luna said with a smile. She turned and walked towards her bed, blowing out a couple torches on her way. She shut the door behind her, and laid down to sleep whilst the group of ponies made their way out of Luna’s chambers.

“So Comrade, please tell me a little bit about yourself, and this group you work for.” Twilight said in a rather demanding voice. “Oh, and girls, I’ll send you on home. I’ll discuss everything with you in the morning, and you all look like you could use some rest.” With an intense magenta flash her friends vanished into thin air. She was growing more and more tired by the minute herself, and didn’t wish to stall any longer. She’d waited long enough, it was time to know everything she could about him, and his group.

“Of course Princess, but I’d rather demonstrate what there is to know about me later. So how about I cut to the chase and just tell you about the Pact of Shadows?” Comrade asked, hoping to detour the conversation off of him in specific. Unfortunately for him, Twilight wasn’t having any of it.

“Sorry Comrade, but I only know who you were a thousand years ago. I know nothing of what you used to do, or what this ‘Pact of Shadows’ even wishes to accomplish.” Twilight snapped, slightly annoyed at Comrade’s dodging question.

“Only in the blackest of night, can the brightest of lights shine true.” Comrade responded ominously.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Twilight asked.

“That’s the motto of my organization, Twilight, it’s what we believe in our hearts.” Comrade answered. “We believe that the most we can do for Equestria, is under the cover of night, working behind shadows and removing violent threats to all of Equestria.”

“I take it that’s what the inspiration of the group came from? If I may say though, you don’t appear to be ‘properly colored’ for the job.” Twilight said. She was curious as to how an almost pure white pony could hide well under any shadows. It would stand to reason better that darker colored ponies take on that task.

“You’re right Twilight, that is where we got the name. Regarding to my coloring, the more inconspicuous you look the less suspicious you are.” Comrade answered. “If a darker colored pony is spotted by an enemy, even in the dark, the enemy will be far more suspicious of them.” Twilight immediately noticed the logic, and its truthfulness once it had been said to her.

“Oh, I get it. Exploit a flaw, and turn it into a strength! That’s brilliant!” Twilight said. She was truly shocked at how amazing that tactic was, like the story of the Trojan Horse. You send in something that seems perfectly harmless and when the enemy takes it in, or in this case disregards its presence, you strike.

“Yes, we’ve taken down many threats to Equestria just based on that tactic.” Comrade responded. “After they lose interest in us lurking around, if we’re noticed at all, we take them down from the inside. Yet none of them were as big of threats as what you and your friends encountered with Tirek.” There was a bit of sorrow in Comrade’s voice. It gave Twilight all the hint she needed for her next question.

“So, why exactly do you need help from my friends and I? Not that we’re unwilling to help, you just seem like a powerful group.” Twilight asked. She already knew the answer, but she needed to hear it from him. She needed to know that their help was really necessary. More importantly she needed his, she needed to feel a sense of hope.

“We can’t do it alone Twilight. We need you and your friend’s capabilities to give us an edge, but I take it you knew that.” Comrade said. “More importantly than that, the Pact’s forces are dwindling. I’m the only one who doesn’t age. We’d pass the honor down through generations, but even bloodlines eventually run dry.”

Remembering that this group had been founded well over a thousand years ago, Twilight realized they must all be nearly gone by now. Not many beings can say they live forever. This once again reminded Twilight of her friend’s inevitable fate.

“So how many of you are left? Do these other members also have special capabilities?” Twilight asked. She was trying to size up their chances of survival against these new threats.

“Theres roughly a baker’s dozen of us myself included. At one point our numbers were in the hundreds.” Comrade responded. His expression fell, as did his spirit. What once appeared to be a proud warrior, quickly became a broken stallion. He went from a prideful stance, to sitting in his own depressions. “I’ve seen things Twilight. Things I wouldn’t wish on anypony, not even somepony as crazy as Discord, the chaotic nut.” He paused as tears began to run down his face.

Twilight chose not to speak. She didn’t want to interrupt him, let alone send him over his sanity’s edge. She could see that he needed a release, somepony to let all of his past guilts and heavy emotional burdens out to. Just like Luna, he’d spent a hundred lifetimes alone. Sure, he was a soldier in a secret protection group, but from the sounds of it they tackled their missions alone too.

“I’ve witnessed executions, that had no legitimate reason for happening. I’ve seen entire villages fall under siege by tyrannical maniacs. I’ve even been captured, beaten and tortured myself nearly to the point of death.” Comrade continued. “I’ve never failed a mission, and for the first time I feel as completely helpless as every other pony.”

“You’re not helpless, Comrade.” Twilight responded. “Your power may not be arcane like mine, but I still feel it inside of you, and it’s more potent than even you know.” She hesitated to continue talking.

Comrade regained his emotional footing, and rose to his feet. The entirety of his prideful nature and serious demeanor had returned. He met Twilight’s unyielding gaze with his own. Neither one of them was about to break focus. It was almost like a life or death staring contest for a brief moment.

“Twilight!” Comrade shouted. “Are you ready to put an end to this hellish nightmare?” His glare intensified, as if he was trying to peer into her very soul.

He wasn't about to let Equestria down, and if he were to fail he wasn't going down without a ferocious fight.

The two couldn’t continue discussing anymore. It was getting too far into the night. Twilight and Comrade both would need all the rest they could for what awaited them the over the next few days. Twilight gave a polite nod in Comrade’s direction, and he bowed in respect to the young princess. They said their goodbyes, and parted ways for the night. Twilight left the castle, and Comrade re-entered Luna’s chambers, and sat at attention next to her bed. Luna had long since fallen asleep, and if Comrade slept at all that night, he’d be simply resting by her side. He didn’t want to disturb her sleep either. The thing that surprised him most, was that Twilight hadn’t asked his side of the story on how he became immortal, but that wasn’t important now. Cherishing what moments they all had left was all that mattered.

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