• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 424 Views, 2 Comments

The Squire and the Student - Dawn Swordspony

A young colt living in the griffion kingdom celibrates Hearts and Hooves Day all alone while his parents are away in Equestria. It's going to be a lonely and boring holiday, or is it?

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Lion's Claw Cliff

It would take them roughly forty five minutes of walking and climbing to reach the top of the Lions Claw. The terrain was rough with no clear path due to the distinct lack of hooftraiffic. From the castle it would have normally taken courtier no more then five minutes by wing, but he found himself enjoying the time talking with Sunset Shimmer. As it turned out, she wasn’t as closed off to him as she had seemed before. He had spent the first part of the trek telling Sunset about his parents, their duties as ambassadors, and the sudden events that had led to returning to Equestria and him becoming squire of The Sky King. After he had finished she started telling him about the mistaken fire that had destroyed her Aunt and Uncle's house two years ago after she had moved in to live with them, and how they had sent her away.

“They sent you away for an accident?” Courtier asked skeptically.

“It was my first spell, and they though I did it on purpose.” Sunset said rather glumly.

“Wait, your first spell burned a house down?!” Courtier was shocked… he may not have lived among unicorns, but he was pretty sure if accidents like what Sunset described were regular then he would have heard about it.

“It was an accident,” Sunset blushed angrily, holding her tongue trying to prevent another spat similar to the one earlier. “I was attempting to create a light with my magic, a basic spell many unicorns are able to do as foals. For me it was a little harder, I have never had much raw magical power.”

“Enough to burn a house down?”

“I said it was an accident!” Sunset clenched her teeth, but she could tell the Courtier was more curious then mocking, and didn’t seem to realize the effect his words had. “It wasn’t until I discovered my special talent the I realized why a simple light spell, that took all the magic I had to conjure, could turn into a spark the quickly burn down the house.”

“Your cutie marks a fiery sun, does all your magic turn to fire?” Courtier guessed rather dumbly. Sighing Sunset replied.

“It’s a sunburst, a sudden outpouring of energy, my special talent is my ability to cast and change simple spells without the immense magical energy it would take your average unicorn or even an alicorn to accomplish. I guess the princess knew before I did, because she took my as her student soon after the fire.”

“That must have made your parents proud.” Courtier said as he looked up the see they had almost reached the top of the cliff.

“My parents are dead Courtier.” He froze and then slowly turned to face her, “They died two and a half years ago, that’s why I moved in with my Aunt and Uncle.” She was looking down at he forelegs and Courtier couldn’t tell what she was feeling.

“I… I’m… I’m so sorry!” he whispered.

“Its okay, I didn’t say it outright. Let’s forget it and look at this cliff.” Sunset said shaking herself and trotting quickly up to the peak. Courtier cursed himself for being blind to such an obvious point and followed after her.

As they reached to top of the cliff courtier couldn’t help but be glad that it was a holiday and there was no griffin about to see them, not only because he was not sure he was supposed to have taken Sunset out of the castle, but also because of the romantic implication taking someone to The Lion’s Claw at this time in the evening implied, especially since they couldn’t race or anything like that.

As if reading his mind sunset asked, “Can you fly the racecourse down there?” She pointed down at the jagged rocks that provided a challenging flight path down near the base of the cliff where it met the sea.

“I’m one of the best young fliers in the Griffin Kingdom,” He tried to puff out his chest again, “helps that I’m smaller and quicker, but even still I am faster then many older Pegasi who come to visit.”

“Race ya.” Sunset said, a tone of glee in her voice.

“What? You don’t have wing…” turning his head Courtier had to stop in mid sentence as his eyes fell on Sunset Shimmer who had her eyes closed and whose horn was glowing a shimmering green. Courtier stared in amazement as out from Sunsets back grew four slim green teardrop shaped wings. “Wha… wha… what?” he stammered staring.

“What do you think? They’re an upgrade from the typical magic wing spell, much faster, similar to those of the changelings.” Courtier was speechless, “I was hoping this trip would give me a chance to show the princess that I’m ready to move on in my training, but she doesn’t seem to be interested in spending any time talking about my studies.” Looking over at Courtier Sunset couldn’t help but laugh seeing the dumbfound expression on his face. “Your better get your wits about you if you’re going to win.” Sunset giggled as she spread her wings and galloped towards the edge of the cliff.

“Wait don’t!” Courtier shouted, suddenly regaining the power of speech. But it was to late as Sunset leapt off the cliff edge and disappeared from sight. “I hope she Knows what she’s doing.” Courtier thought as he grounded himself and spread his wings. Moments later he was airborne, a streak upward that only moments later changing direction to hurtle down towards the sea after the implosive Sunset Shimmer.