• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 424 Views, 2 Comments

The Squire and the Student - Dawn Swordspony

A young colt living in the griffion kingdom celibrates Hearts and Hooves Day all alone while his parents are away in Equestria. It's going to be a lonely and boring holiday, or is it?

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The Squire and the Student

“So… What exactly do you do for the Sky King?” Courtier was used to showing new guest around the castle, either when they were his age or when nopony else was available to do so. But Sunset Shimmer was by far the most inquisitive and most straightforward filly he had ever met. “I get the idea of being a squire, but its not like he actually goes into battle.”

“His majesty,” Courtier emphasized the honorific, “has many duties to preform and often needs someone to do things like fetch water, and food, or even send important messages.”

“Doesn’t he have servants to do that for him?”

“Yes, but…”

“I’m just saying that the whole things seems a little odd, does he really treat you like a servant, how the buck can you be okay with that?” Courtier was taken aback, how could Sunset talk so casually, and with such bad language, about the lord of all the Griffin Kingdom. Courtier’s wings arched defensively, a gesture that would be lost on most Griffins but was certainly not lost of Sunset Shimmer.

“I’m not a servant! I may serve him, but he is my mentor, and I have learned much from being at his side.”

“Oh so he’s your teacher?”

“No… I normally go to school when were not on holiday.” Courtier turned his head away, pretending to look down the hallway towards the kitchen, “He just helps me with my hunting practice and...”

“Hunting!” Sunset giggled, “You want to learn to hunt?” by this point Sunset couldn’t help but burst into a smile “A pony hunting for food, what’s next ponies walking around on their hind legs?” Courtier blushed furiously as the filly leaned against the wall to stop her self from tumbling over as she continued to laugh at this idea.

“Oh Yeah! What exactly does Princess Celestia teach you?” The comment was more biting then intended, but Courtier didn’t really care if he hurt the filly’s feelings, she would probably just start to list all the things that the Princess had taught her, hopefully forgetting about his hunting exploits. But a sudden silence caught his attention. Looking up he saw a very sober expression on the filly’s face.

“She doesn’t, teach me anything.” Sunset said in a barely audible voice. Courtier caught his breath, the look on Sunset’s face was so miserable; he couldn’t help but feel bad for her.

“That can’t be true, you’re by her side.”

“I hardly see her, she assigns me books to read and leaves me to it. I’m not even allowed to go to court with her. I had to make up a break up with a ‘special somepony’ to even get her to agree to let me come here instead of spend Hearts and Hooves alone in Canterlot. And now she has pushed me off on you instead of letting me listen to the diplomatic talks.” Courtier was horrified, how could Sunset feel anything less the honored, to be taught by the princess. But her confession got him thinking, was his relationship with the Sky King any different.

“I’m sorry I asked…” Courtier looked down at his hooves, feeling ashamed and worried about the conversation. A silence fell over the two as they both looked down at their hooves. “Well, we still haven’t seen the east wing…” Courtier said lifting his hoof to point down the hall.
“Don’t worry about it…” Sunset stated a little crestfallen. But as Courtier started to trot forward something in Sunset’s demeanor, her eyes sparkled and a roguish grin crossed her face “Let’s go to Lions Claw Cliff!”

“What?” Courtier just starred at her in shock. How could she know about that place? Lions Claw Cliff was the spot where young griffins tested their wings, but it was also the place where young griffin couples would go in the evenings to get away from the preying eyes of the parents, but sunset couldn’t know that and couldn’t mean that… could she?
“I… I…”

“Oh, are you scared to leave the castle with out the Sky Kings permission?” She teased, giving Courtier a light shove. Regaining his composer Courtier puffed himself up a little, a Griffin trick learned from Oliver.

“Of course not. I just thought you would be too afraid of falling.” Courtier said trying to counter her sarcasm with his own. “It will be a dangerous walk for you, but I guess I will be their if you fall.” Courtier had tried to sound as if he was unconcerned, but one glance at sunsets Smirking face told him that she could see right through his performance.

“Oh don’t worry about me feather head.” She laughed as they started walking towards the front entrance of the castle.