• Published 11th Feb 2015
  • 1,103 Views, 5 Comments

Time Heals - mailepony1202

Hot Head and Whirlwind prepare for their upcoming wedding, while Prism watches while another takes what he lost

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The Letter

It had been ten years since Whirlwind and Prism broke up, and a lot has changed since then. First off, Whirlwind had become an internationally recognized flier. After a fire left Whirlwind’s left wing chard, she was honorably discharged from the Wonderbolts, thinking she’d never be able to fly again. During her recuperation, Hot Head and Amber would come and visit her almost every day for her physical therapy. In time, Whirlwind and Hot Head grew very close as he retaught her to fly. After years of baby steps, wing stretches and strengthening, she completely healed. Whirlwind was over joyed! She could finally rejoin the Wonderbolts and relive her dream. When she walked into Spitfire’s office however, she had learned that the team wouldn’t take her back, for fear that she had slowed down too much to ever keep up. Whirlwind was devastated, what would she do know? Being a Wonderbolt was her absolute dream, her real goal in life, and when that was taken away from her, she was lost. Hot Head would visit her every day and the two would fly beautifully together, performing spectacular feats that they were both sure not even the Wonderbolts themselves could pull off. The duo decided two form their own team to compete with the Wonderbolts called The Lightning Streaks. They traveled all over Equestria to perform at shows and take on new recruits. During the long train rides between performances, the pair grew closer, often staying up all night, just talking and enjoying each other’s company. Whirlwind would talk about her days as a Wonderbolt and Hot Head would talk about his life in the Guard. Hot Head had always had feelings for Whirlwind, but she never thought she could consider him a possible mate. He was too much like Prism, but time in the Guard had matured him, making him more humble towards other ponies, though he was always a true gentlecolt to mares. Months on the rails and long talks brought out the side of Hot Head that Whirlwind adored, and she fell for him like a ton of bricks. The two became official, and a year later, Hot Head slipped something on her left hoof. In the winter time, when their tour was over, they were to be wed.

Prisms life faired pretty well after the break up. He landed a well-paying job as Lead Weather Pony for all of Equestria, Coordinating it so that ponies and nature can live in harmony. He travels all over Equestria to check for ample water supply, pressure systems for the winds, and specific cloud coverage. A pretty demanding job, he often finds himself alone. On trips where he stays in one place a while, he’ll often go down to the local bar and search for some company. Mostly idle chatter with the bartender, every now and again, a mare will catch his eye and they strike up a conversation, have a few drinks, and one thing will lead to another. He’d wake up in an unfamiliar bed the next morning, quietly exit, and leave. He always felt bad doing this but he had a feeling that the mares knew what they were getting into when they meet colts at a bar. Of all the mares though, they never compared to the beauty and style of the one that got away, his best friend Whirlwind. They two would try to write to each other but since both them are on the road a lot, the letters often come back slowly. He knew that she and Hot Head were “a thing” and he despised it, but she insisted that he made her really happy and if she was happy, then he could at least tolerate it. Prism was on his way home now. He was relieved because he finally had some time off between trips, a whole week to catch up with friends, write some letters, and sleep in.

His train pulled into Ponyville, Prism Bolt had moved out of this town long ago to be closer to the Weather Factory where he first worked, and since he got his promotion, he figured it wouldn’t make sense to move if you’re travelling all over the place anyway. He stretched his wings and took flight towards Cloudsdale. For the amount of money the factory paid him, he had a pretty modest house, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. He walked up to his door and noticed his mailbox over flowing. Letters from all his old friends. Prism entered his home and immediately opened them. There was one from Candy about her running Sugarcube Corner. Prism thought it fitting, her OCD nature made her an efficient manager for the Cakes business. One from Star being once again promoted in the Guard, Del and his catering taking off, Annie and T with their little family. It made him feel good to read that all his friends were doing well. He came to the last two envelopes, both from Whirlwind, though they looked different. One was longer and more rectangular shaped like the others, and the other was more of a square. He opened the former first.

Dear Prism,

It’s been a while since I last heard from you. I hope all is well with your job and that you’re making many new friends. I’m writing to tell you that Hot Head and I are engaged! I know you two never saw eye to eye, but Prism, he makes me so, so happy. It would absolutely mean the world to me if you would come to the wedding, you’re still one of my very best friends after all. The invitation should have also arrived with this letter. I really hope to hear from you soon. I’ll be in Ponyville on the 15th to visit my parents and get thing wedding plans figured out. Hot Head and I are going to be on the road until winter so best to figure most things out now with Candy before I need to leave again. Hard to plan a wedding while sleeping on the train. I hope to hear from you soon!



Prism’s heart sank to his stomach. Married? Whirlwind and Hot Head are getting married? How can that even happen? Hot Head was a jerk! He didn’t deserve her. Prism felt he had to do something, he had to stop this wedding. He checked his calendar and saw that it was already the 14th, he was going to see them tomorrow and give that prick a piece of his mind.

He woke up earlier than usual, rage still filling up inside him from the letter last night. He figured around noon is when they would show up at Sugarcube Corner to meet with Candy which was perfect because he still had to go to the factory to give his report to his boss. He showered, ate breakfast and headed to the factory.

The meeting with his boss went a little longer than he expected. He wanted to know every meticulous detail about the snowfall in the Artic North, even down to the general shape of each snowflake. He bolted out that building and leaped from the first cloud he saw and dived down to the earth wings flared. He pulled up before hitting the ground and began to land gracefully on all fours. He landed in the Town Square of Ponyville and broke into a brisk trot to Sugarcube Corner. He rounded the corner to see Hot Head and Whirlwind walking into the bakery. He saw Hot Head open the door for Whirlwind and the two disappeared. Prism galloped to the door and was about to bust in when he decided he should probably slow down, or else he’ll break the door. He walked in and scanned the tables until he found the pair sitting with Cotton Candy and her mother Pinkie Pie. Prism began to trot over, but stopped, he noticed something. The way they weren’t even paying attention to Candy or Pinkie, they were just looking at each other, holding hooves and giggling. The way Whirlwind looked at Hot Head, it was nothing he’d ever seen before, it was true happiness, Hot Head was looking at her the exact same way. This was love, it was right before his very eyes. He couldn’t break this up, it would crush her.

He cleared his throat to get their attention. Whirlwind immediately looked up, and her brilliant blue eyes sparkled.


“Hey Dubz, it’s been a while.”

“I know it really has, oh wow, it’s so great to see you.”

‘You too. Hot Head.”

“Prism Bolt.”

The two stallion matched gazes and nodded towards eachother as Whirlwind rose from her seat and embraced Prism.

“Come with me to get a cupcake.”


“I’ll be right back Sweetheart.” She called back to Hot Head

“You got it milady.”

The two walked up the counter to place their orders.

“So, have you thought about coming?”

“Of course I have.”


He thought about this for a whole second, he remembered the letters of how happy Hot Head makes her and seeing them just now, he trusts he judgment, and if she thinks he’s good enough for her, then he probably is, he took a deep breath in.

“I’d be happy too.”

“Oh my gosh Prism, you just absolutely made my day!”

“You really love him?”

“I really do, and he really loves me.”

“I can tell. Alright Dubz, I guess I’ll see you in December.”

Prism joined them for a short time while he and Whirlwind caught up with each other, as well as Candy. After about an hour he left them to finish the plans. While still conflicted with how he felt about this marriage, he couldn’t help but leave a little happier.

Comments ( 5 )

Basic advice:

Formatting. This is a wall of text and that makes it very difficult to read. When you use a line break, leave an empty line for proper spacing.

Pies are delicious, and well known for being awesome.
"I love pie!" Soarin said.

Pies are delicious, and well known for being awesome.

"I love pie!" Soarin said.

It's not very obvious in that example, but this story is a perfect example of why you should do it in general. It really improves readability.

Lacking dialogue attribution or any description. Conversations in real life don't happen like IM conversations. People move, have facial expressions, react to what they are hearing and so forth. Read out every line of dialogue like the character in question would say it. Make a mental note as to how you do so. How do you speak? What parts do you enunciate? Does your expression change? What about any body language? These are little bits of flair that make a story that much more interesting. Also, they serve to break up the monotony of a back and forth conversation. Also, something I got screwed up on in the past is dialogue attribution. When ending a piece of dialogue:

“I’ll be right back Sweetheart.” She called back to Hot Head Wrong

“I’ll be right back, sweetheart,” she called back to Hot Head Right

Basically, when you have a sentence with dialogue that ends with a dialogue identifier, you finish the dialogue with a comma, not a period. If the dialogue would not have a period as a punctuation (like a question, which would obviously use a question mark) then you use the proper piece of punctuation.


("What are you saying?" she asked.) is correct.
("You'd better not say that again." he threatened.) is not.

I also see storytelling flaws here, but I think we should focus on the basics before we worry about that. To be brief: Pacing is all over the place, suspension of disbelief (forming a flying group that does nothing different? Why? How did they fund it? What's the purpose of it?) characters speak in an unrealistic fashion, as if they know they are just being exposition machines for the benefit of the reader.

I'm not saying there is nothing good here. You are a novice, clearly, but you DID put effort into this. It's spell checked, many 'idiot' mistakes are not present. You've got promise, but there are a lot of rough edges that you are going to need to sand down.

Good luck!



Please note that my following reaction is in no way anything against this story or you.

But seriously, I concur with LuminoZero. A pet peeve of mine are stories who don't put spaces between dialogues. I apologize if I offended you in any way.

5613369 Thank you so much for your constructive criticism. You're right I am very new to this. This is the very first thing I've ever put out so I really appreciate you going over some blaring flaws with it, and giving suggestions on how to fix them. The whole idea my 'Exposition Machines" is really just to explain something, that whole first paragrah is just a set up for the real meat and potatoes in the story later. But it is lazy writing at the end of the day and I'll be sure to work on that in future endeavors. As far as formatting goes, I'm trying to figure that out, because I just copy/paste it from a word document, so maybe you could tell me how to properly format it once it's on FimFiction, that would be greatly appreciated.

I hope this isn't a complete train wreck, because I got really inspired and I'm new writer and I really put my heart into this. I'm just a real green horn.

5613441 Not at all :derpytongue2: I'll try to fix that


Psh, being new isn't a crime. Don't let any egomaniac tell you different, we all started bad. You don't get good without sucking first.

I write my stories in Word, and I tend to write them just like I said, an extra line any time I use a line break. The important (and obnoxious) thing is that Copy/Paste can have some nasty effects on formatting. When I send it to a Google Doc for my proofreader, it screws up with indents. When I paste it to FimFic, it usually screws up any HTML Tags (Bold, italics, etc) that I use.

There really is no way besides putting it on the site and seeing how it looks, then making alterations as you need to. Obnoxious, yes, but needed. Whenever you paste a story to FimFic you should ALWAYS give it a once over before you submit it. Sometimes really glaring formatting issues happen.


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