• Published 8th Feb 2015
  • 2,249 Views, 36 Comments

In the Mist - NightDancer

The show of My Little Pony:Fim runs as normal, only this time, a strange occurance has happened. A crossover between Minecraft and My Little Pony, Herobrine finds his place in life.

  • ...

Just around the corner.

Herobrine got up off the grimy floor and dusted himself off. The room he unwillingly flew into was dark. I need some light... He fired up the magic in his hand to form a spinning cube glowing white as Faust herself. That's better. I wonder what's down in this labyrinth. Looking all around he spotted a dark hallway lined with ancient suits of armor from side to side of the hall way. He stepped on the cold cobblestone floors entering the hallway a ways before his foot pushed down on one of the stones, emitting a winding of gears echoing throughout the hallway. The seemingly enchanted armor made of pure silver stood up from their kneeling positions on the ground and with a bulky sound of banging metal they all took steps to surround Herobrine.

All together the suits of shining silver armor attacked with heavy gold swords with rubies embedded at the hilt of them, Herobrine perceiving the rubies to be the carrier of magical power guiding the suits of armor. Dodging quickly to the side of the first blade to come down, having it to come down puncturing another suit of armor right in the skull. Herobrine flashed his eyes lifting the other two of the four heartless knights to the ceiling crushing them to the size of a tin can. The former knight to have slayed his fellow companion blazed a stare at him flashing it's burning red eyes. Charging forward he thrust his sword at Herobrine's chest only for him to deflect the sword with swift kick to the side of the broadsword leaving the knight open for the taking. Herobrine rushed forward using the magic in his arms to charge the knight up with so much power it exploded. With all of the trouble taken care of Herobrine leaving all the broken pieces of armor behind continued his way down the dark hallways.


Sweetie Belle raced down the hallway of the castle feeling empowered from the potions. Throughout their journey they each were left with one potion to use for themselves. Scootaloo, with a speed potion, Apple Bloom had the explosion potion, and she was left with the potion of invisibility. She skidded to a halt where two hallways crossed. Three different directions in front of her, she looked all around. Looking to the left she saw a hint of something dart behind a corner. She turned left and chased after it. Galloping as fast as she could she darted around the corner chasing after to what she saw. She looked ahead, breathless from all the running about. In front of her was a long hallway, ending with a cobblestone wall. She started a light trot down to the end of the hallway, nothing being there. She could of sworn she saw something. Very frightened she called out.

"Hellooo? Anybody in here?" There was no reply, just silence. Hearing heavy breaths Sweetie Belle turned around and looked from where she, and what she saw brought relief flooding inside of her. Apple Bloom, looking breathless as well from all the searching.

"Apple Bloom! It's you, did you see anything?" She questioned hopefully.

"No, I have just been hearing noises. What about you?"

"There's no use, though I thought I saw something dash behind this corner, turns out it's nothing."

"Well let's just get back to Scootaloo, maybe she has seen something."

The two followed their tracks back two the throne room where they met up with Scootaloo.

"Hey guys! I figured something out you wouldn't believe!" Scootaloo ushered Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom over to a velvety purple throne. "I found this button thingy, watch what happens when I press it." The button blended in perfectly with the chair, almost impossible to uncover with just a glance. Scootaloo continued to smack her hoof on the button when a trap door seemed to open within the chair uncovering a large dark tunnel.

"See? This is probably how it disappeared! I could of sworn I saw it sitting in this chair!"

"Well what are we goin' to do? Just hop down there?" Questioned Apple Bloom.

"Have any better ideas?"

"Just wait a minute, this is crazy!" Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"Yeah but it's our only shot, I'm going for it!" Scootaloo replied before cartoonishly smacking the button as hard as she could and leaping inside the tunnel.

Apple Bloom shrugged and followed her lead, sliding down the tunnels with a scream of thrill.

"Are you guy's alright!? IT'S PRETTY DARK DOWN THEEEERE!" Sweetie Belle leaned over the edge, emphasizing her accusations. A little too much leaning, sadly, and she was down for the count.

"W-WHATS GOING ONNN!!?!? AHHHHG!!!!!!!" Racing down the tunnel until the very end where she was rudely spit out onto the hard filthy floor.

"Haha, well that's all of us!" Scootaloo grinned.

"Yeah well let's keep goin'. I wanna see where the rest of this leads." Apple Bloom started leading the others down a really dark hallway, barely visible except for an unnatural red glow and reflecting metal down the hall. They all trotted up to a pile of some bent and gleaming metal broken suits of armor on the ground.

"Wow... I wonder what could of happened here?" Sweetie Belle Squeaked.

"Probably a battle or something." Scootaloo then picked up a helmet off the ground and assembled it on top of her head. "Hey it fits!"

"Are you sure?" Sweetie Belle continued to lift a piece of the broken armor off the ground as well and put it atop her head.

"Wow you guys look amazin'! Let me try!" Apple Bloom followed in her friends stead and put on one of the pieces of armor as well. All wearing pure silver helmets their spirits were somehow lifted. I guess that happens when you wear fancy clothes.

"Now we're real adventurers!" Scootaloo beamed.

"Yeah but how are we suppose' ta find our way around?"

"Well, maybe I can make a little spark with my horn?" Sweetie Belle struggled to ignite some magic on the tip of her horn. She grunted until.

Scootaloo cheered. "YES! It's working! Good thing that helmet has a hole for a horn to go through!"

"I wonder why yours does and mine and Scootaloo's doesn't?" Said a southern accent.

"Huh, it's a mystery I guess." Sweetie Belle shrugged.

"Well let's continue down this hallway, maybe we'll find somethin'."

All three of them raced through the underground of the castle as if it was the landing craft on the moon was taking off without them. They finally raced around a corner where they were met dead in the eyes, with fear. Sliding to a halt, there in front of them, was the creature. It spoke to them as if it was inserting the words directly inside their brains.


*Hello!* I casually waved. In front of me there was three little equine creatures that needed to hinge their jaws back on their faces.

Before I had any time to react, the seemingly little soldiers took battle stances right in front of me.

"CHARRRRRGE!!!!" All at once they all leaped at my chest, and my legs, hitting and trying to pin me down to the ground. I Furiously raised up to the roof and squished the little white one against the ceiling for which seemed to not affect her.

*WHAT'S GOING ON?* I replied as they continued trying to ravish my being, I managed to throw the little critters off of me and raced down the hallway. I was cut off by the orange one that zipped in front of me going lightning speed.

"Going anywhere?" She said with a smug face.

*Alright, you want it? Your going to get it. Game. On. Or over depending how this goes.*


There was no use, whatever Twilight kept hearing it was definitely inside the walls, she would have to find someway to check it out. She opened a book about the castle to find an opening. Proud she brought her handy little booklet, she skimmed across the pages finding a diagram of a green lever for when she pulled it the lever would open up a secret door in the wall. Or so the diagram instructed. Perfect.

"Hmmm... green lever... green lever... oh here it is!" Down the hall on her left, the lever just chillin'. She clopped over to it and inched the rusty grinding lever down with a satisfying click. Before anything could even happen, a deafening sound bulled into her ears.

BOOOOOM!!!! Crashing up through the floor just behind her, was a giant mass of bodies bursting through the floor, fighting and clawing at each other. Most interesting of this wildly bizarre case, was a huminoid figure with... Sweetie Belle? To her utter most confusion Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were clinging to this creature at it seemed they attempted to capture the beast. She reacted with a speed for which impressed lightning itself. Squeezing all her magical might into her horn, she amplified her voice a thousand times, mimicking the Royal Canterlot Voice.


The mysterious creature slowly lowered to the ground in front of twilight.

"He ain't goin ta go till we get our cutie marks!"

"He's ours fair and square!"

"I wonder for how many bits it'll sell?"


How... is this happening... Twilight was on the verge of insanity.

What are they doing here?! How did they not just get crushed to pieces?! WHAT IS THAT THING?! Twilight's mind couldn't comprehend the chaotic scene, so much she let the frustration get to her, it flowed through her mind, into her lungs, out her nostrils. There was no end of it until-

CRABOOOOM!!! Twilight exploded into a fiery inferno which quaked the lands. She fell to the ground hard onto her haunches and put her hoof to her forehead trying her hardest to think clearly. It was then she felt an arm rest on her shoulder, and when she looked up she stared into the glowing eyes of a storybook friend of hers. The sympathetic eyes looking into Twilight's, silently asking her if she was alright.

*thud* She was out, probably a food coma.

The excitement was quite over and the tall figure motioned for the little ponies to come over and help lift Twilight up.

"This did not turn out as I quite assumed, at the sound of the explosion I thought we were all doomed."

"Zecora!" The three fillies shouted in unison.

"You think I would leave you alone? Just because you had potions of stone?" Zecora smirked, eyeing the Huminoid being whom was equally confused as she was interested.


I pointed to the striped pony, and then to the three smaller ones, and then shrugged and made a "Why are they doing this to me" kinda face. She seemed to get the picture and was about to explain, only for the young smaller equines to cut in.

"Well you see, mister, my friend Apple Bloom-"

"I saw you the other day! I never saw a creature like you before so I thought-"

"We, thought, that we might get our cutie marks in catching a new type of unidentified species! We would call ourselves, the creature catchers!"

After all three of them finished there babbling I carefully examined each of them. They all seemed to be perfectly fine little girls, well, besides the fact their were ponies. Maybe these equines were more ambitious than I ever believed. This was going to be interesting... very interesting indeed...

Author's Note:

I very much hoped you enjoyed this and if you didn't please leave me constructive criticism down below, OR... you may bash me with the harshest words possible. Once again I am young AND a noob at writing and why am I doing this? Well I decided it was about time I put something in this fandom... I guess... XD But it's alright as long as one person likes my story I will work continuously on this story until it is finished! Speaking of likes leave one below? Would really help my self of steam! :D