• Published 8th Feb 2015
  • 2,248 Views, 36 Comments

In the Mist - NightDancer

The show of My Little Pony:Fim runs as normal, only this time, a strange occurance has happened. A crossover between Minecraft and My Little Pony, Herobrine finds his place in life.

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That Dusty Book

In the darkness of sweet ponyville everyone is peacefully sleeping, except one very little drake. A chill races up spikes scales and he sits up in bed. Gasping for air he calms himself down enough to compose himself.

"Um, hey Twilight?" Spike asks looking up at his mother and sister crossbreed.

"Mmmph..." Twilight mumbles into her pillow.

"Um... Sorry to ask but I can't sleep... is there anything you can do?" He asks with pleading eyes though Twilight doesn't bother to look.

She yawns sleepily and asks "What is it? It's pretty late, what woke you up?"

"Umm, oh just a dream. Not a nightmare it's just... well, you know how in dreams something can seem normal but it feels totally not right at all? It felt really... off... know what I'm saying?" After telling Twilight this she nods and complies.

"I know excactly what you need." She smiles devishly looking away from spike.

"You do?" he asks more intrigued.

"Oh yes, only at times like these you need a good story to calm you down! Lets just dig under my bed here... and here it is!" She looks triumphantly at the leather back book with old yellow worn pages, and grins at the title.

"The Legend of Herobrine?" Spike asks questioningly

"Oh indeed, this is a great book! Star Swirl the Bearded wrote books when he was a foal before he wrote spells you know. Snuck this out of a little royal palace, guarded by a little royal guard..." She says in a tone spike never really liked...

"O-okay that sounds great! Um, yeah okay sure let's hear it!" Spike just wants this to be over with before he got more than he bargained for.

"Alrighty! Once upon a time, in a land of order. Everything was still, perfect. Although unlike any world before it, this one was created by a spark. A spark from a dream that ignited a whole fantasy!" She reads, while spike watching her with wide eyes soaking up every word.

"The essence of the whole universe was put into a form, a single being, and the form said I love you. And form said you have lived life well. And the form said everything you need is within yourself. And the form said you are stronger than you know. And the form said you are the daylight. And the form said you are the night. And the form said the darkness you fight is within you. And the form said you are not alone. And the form said you are not separate from every other thing. And the form said You are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, writing itself. And the form said I love you because you are love. And the dream was over and the form woke up. And it began a new dream. And it dreamed again, dreaming better. And it was the universe. And it was love. The form then lived, and breathed, and snapped out of a dream with the universe saying, wake up. The form became human, and it walked around. It lived his life, and he did what he could, and he took up the name, Herobrine." She read aloud to spike with him looking back at her a little confused.

"What do you think it all means?" Spike asked back to her.

"Who knows? Star Swirl was an odd one." She replied.

"Now for the good part." She then continues to read to spike.

"In a land where nature is abundant there was a single sentiment being. He was a man, he had a standing upright body, a square head, a large torso, with two arms one on the left and right of his torso and legs at the bottom, and wore a humble attire of blue jeans and a lighter shade blue shirt." Twilight then showed spike the picture in the book gaining a "Whoa" from him. She loved it.

"Wow, Star Swirl was very creative for a foal." Spike awed.

"Indeed he was one powerful pony!" she replies before looking back down to the pages. She reads on.

"The man walked around in a cube land, everything was box shaped. So cube shaped, anything circle would be impossible to imagine. The man walked through the forests... and ran through the green grassy hills, an appetite for adventure. Wanting to conquer everything in sight. The man built himself a home. He as well gave himself a name, he called himself Steve. It was a nice name, he believed. He then added to himself a knight looking attire of a full suit of iron armor and weapons and tools fit for surviving the land. For the night brought with it danger, supernatural creatures appearing from everywhere to take over the human. He fought these battles and won them all. He conquered the land. He subdued everything to himself. Yet he was alone." Twilight looked over at spike and saw him fast asleep. She smiled.

"Goodnight my spike." She whispered.

Smiling and filled with content and a little annoying she couldn't finish the story, she too succumbed to the land of dreams.

Author's Note:

Hello guys! This is the part where I ruin everything and break the fourth wall etc. Well not really I guess I'm not really in the story am I? Or... Am I? O.o
Anyways I hope you will bear with me as I am the biggest newbie at writing a story.
Please bash me all you like maybe I can gain a sense of respect for the arts. CIAO EVERYBODY! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YO COMMENTS!