• Published 8th Feb 2015
  • 372 Views, 4 Comments

Sombra - JustinTime2Win

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Twilight and Sombra were trotting in the park. It truly was a beautiful day, but not for Twilight she had to tell Sombra she was leaving Canterlot to go to Ponyville. Oh how she hated Princess Celestia's orders sometimes.

"Umm Twilight"

"Yes Sombra"

"I was going to ask you..."

Oh here it comes. It was going to be harder for her to tell him that she was going to Ponyville. She knew what he was going to say. "If you would like to come with me to Ponyville". Well that was unexpected.



"Well tomorrow because Princess Celestia told me to go there to discover the magic of friendship".

"Oh Okay then Ill see you there right?"

"Yea see you there"



Then they both left.

Meanwhile in the castle

The guard was waiting for Celestia to call him. Because she called him every time he had his shift in guarding. He had a shift in the early morning and then late noon. "Shield" called Celestia

"Yes Princess"

"Come sit"

"Are you sure your majesty?"

"Yes i am sure shield"

So shield sat down next to Celestia. Celestia always asked him how was his day he always replied it was fine, but today he was going to ask her.

" Enough of me Princess how was your day?"

"Don't you know its rude to ask a mare about her day."

Shield currently scared she was going to punish him. Immediately hid his face behind his hooves and said "Your majesty I-I-I'm terribly sorry I didn't k-know please forgive me." Celestia laughed and said "I'm only teasing Shield. You know, you take everything I say seriously why is that?" Shield lowered his hooves and sighed. "Its because in guard training they tell you to take everything what the princess says seriously." Celestia lowered her head and sighed.

"You know what Shield, I don't tell any pony this but I just want to be treated like a normal pony... Every pony treats me like I'm a goddess and I smile and wave and try to act like I'm having a good time. Now don't get me wrong I love spending time with each and every one of my ponies, but I wish that for just one day I could be treated like a normal pony..."

Shield thought about that and had an idea.

'So why don't you?"

"Why don't I what?"

"Why don't you just stop being a princess for one day?"

"Well Shield its not that easy. I could turn into normal pony size, but what about my cutie mark..."

"Ill get something to cover that up for you"

"And what about my horn"

"You don't need to cover up your horn. you can just cover up your wings."

"But what about my royal duties."

"I'm sure you can get a break for just one day, and besides if you don't know how to fit in I could show you."

"You would do that for me Shield?"

"Anything for her majesty"

"Oh thank you Shield!"

Then Celestia hugged Shield. Celestia couldn't wait for tomorrow. Finally she could be treated like a normal pony!!! She felt butterflies in her stomach.


The Next day

"SOMBRA WHERE ARE YOU!!!" Twilight was at the train station waiting for Sombra. He was late again. He was late for everything. If the princess called for him for an important matter he would be late. If there was a world war and the guards needed him, leave it to Sombra to be late. Why couldn't he just make a schedule like Twilight did. He would be on time for everything. "Maybe hes not coming Twilight" Spike said. Twilight thought of that but then pushed that thought out of her mind. "Please come Sombra"


Sombra was galloping towards the train station. "Best not keep Twilight waiting" Sombra reminded himself. He knew how Twilight was when he was late. She would ask him why he's late, then give him a whole lecture on how making a schedule would help and how irresponsible he was and more hooblah. "Don't want to go through that again". Then he felt something on his hoof. It just bothered him at first but then it pulled and pulled. Sombra zapped it with his magic and it was gone. then another grabbed his hoof, then another, then another, until all of his hooves were being pulled. They looked like black branches. "HE-mhmhm." he tried to scream help but was cut short when one of them hit his head and then the world went dark.

Author's Note:

Sombra gets hit unconscious what will happen?

What about Celestia?

Comments ( 1 )

Alright. Let's start the list

- you would've won generic title of the week if I didn't see a story that literally copied the title word for word of the first Modern Warfare game.

- grammar is shoddy and redundant. Example: "is Sombra really who he really is" has one too many "really"s.

- do you even know what tags are for? Let me give you a hint: no story is both a tragedy and a comedy. By definition the two are polar opposites.

- beef up your summary. That tells us nothing at all about the plot.

- your chapters are astoundingly short. If you can't write the chapter to 1000 words, then either put more meat on its bones or scrap that scene.

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