> Sombra > by JustinTime2Win > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful day. A day that was by far the most beautiful Celestia had made in a long time. A day that would make any grown pony play like a filly in the park. Sombra was only 8 years old, but he had always wanted to act like a grown colt. "Sombra don't hurt yourself while mommy goes to the store". Sombra who was with his friends by the swings responded "Okay mommy!" Then she left to the store. "Hey Sombra" one of Sombra's magic kindergarten friends asked "Yea Twili?" "Why is your horn red again?" "Because my daddy painted it." "Ohhh. Where is your daddy?" "I don't know." Then there was a giant flash which illuminated through all of Equestria, and simultaneously Sombra's heart skipped a beat. > 2 hearts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sombra wait!!" Twilight shouted as Sombra began running towards the flash. As Sombra was running he saw guards fly overhead to see what happened. Sombra kept saying to himself "Please don't be mommy, Please don't be mommy." As he was getting closer he saw the store where he and his mom bought groceries was in flames. "NOOOO!!!" Sombra screamed as he pushed through the crowd to see if his mom was okay. "Hey kid!!!" a unicorn guard screamed as he grabbed Sombra with his magic. "Are you crazy!!!" the guard screamed at him. "I WANT MY MOMMY" "Where is your mommy?" Sombra pointed a hoof towards the grocery store and the guard immediately understood and said to Sombra. "Hey kid...." "WHERE IS MY MOMMY" Sombra sobbed "Kid your mom is.....dead" "NO SHE NOT SHES PROBABLY LOOKING FOR ME....." "KID YOUR MOM IS DEAD" Sombra immediately stopped screaming at the guard and cried into the guards side. "Sombra!!!" Twilight screamed. "What happened!!!" Sombra lifted his head and said "My mommy is dead." > Something missing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 years later "Sombra your missing the target completely!!!" "Shut up twi!!!" It was early morning. Twilight was giggling at the fact that Sombra was so bad at magic especially at target practice. "At least try to hit the target!!!" "Uggh your so annoying when it comes to showing off!!!" While Twilight was watching as Sombra was failing at target practice Twilight was thinking other thoughts. She was thinking how cute Sombra looked when he was frustrated. His red eyes would always look directly at the target and his black mane would always stand up. She would always think naughty thoughts to. Like how she planned on him and her doing naughty things, and how big his... "I GOT IT" Sombra screamed in triumph. Twilight awoke from day dreaming and said "Finally!!!" "Hey its really hard to cast the perfect amount of energy to that one blast" "Whatever" Then suddenly Sombra looked sad. "Hey are you okay?" Twilight asked. Sombra shook his head and said "I just feel like something is missing." Then suddenly Sombra smiled and said "Hey but I got my best friend lets just keep practicing." Twilight was about to protest but said "Okay but i warn you this spell is going to be hard for your little brain" "Shut UP!!!" _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Celestia once again was lonely in her castle. She used to have her sister but she was banished to the moon. "Why hadn't I just worked things out with her." Celestia always regretted the day when she banished her sister to the moon. Now all she had were her guards... her guards, HER GUARDS OF COURSE. She looked for the nearest guard and said to him "Guard." "Yes princess" "Come here" The guard stepped cautiously toward the princess and bowed."What is your name?" asked Celestia. "Shield your majesty" "Please call me Celestia" Celestia tapped the seat next to her and said "Come sit make yourself comfortable." "Are you sure your majesty?" "Yes I am sure" "But your majesty what if...." "I order you to come sit here" The guard bowed his head in shame and sat next to the princess. "So how has your day been Shield?" Celestia said. The guard look around and said "Me?." Celestia quite annoyed said "Well is there any other pony by the name of shield?" "Well I guess not" "So" "So?" the guard asked "How has your day been?" "Quite fine" "Do you have a special some pony?" Celestia asked The guard turned stiff as a rock and Celestia laughed. "I'm only joking" "Oh okay... > The Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sombra was walking Twilight home. Once they got to her house Twilight thanked him for walking her home again and Sombra said "Your welcome". Then they said their goodbyes and Sombra walked to his house. Twilight shut the door and then felt happy inside. She loved spending time with Sombra. She planned on asking him out to dinner tomorrow. As she was walking to her room Spike came out of the kitchen eating a bowl of ice cream. He regretted that he came out of the kitchen that moment. "SPIKE!!!" Twilight exclaimed. "Umm Twilight I can explain!!!" "NO NEED FOR EXPLAINING I CAUGHT YOU RED HOOFED" Spike attempted to make a escape and failed. Twilight grabbed him with her magic and levitated him towards her. Spike inches away from Twilight's face looked at her straight in the eye and Twilight said "I TOLD YOU NOT TO EAT ICE CREAM YOU'LL GET SICK" "Sorry Twilight I just couldn't help myself" "NO EXCUSES YOUR GROUNDED MISTER" "WHAT O COME ON PLEASE TWILIGHT" "NO EXCUSES GO TO YOUR ROOM MISTER" "Okay". Spike put his head down in shame and walked to his room. Twilight finally had some alone time she sat down at her desk and started reading. She wasn't really paying attention to the book though she was thinking about Sombra and how she would ask him out. Then suddenly her horn started glowing and suddenly there was a letter from Princess Celestia > Leaving > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Sombra were trotting in the park. It truly was a beautiful day, but not for Twilight she had to tell Sombra she was leaving Canterlot to go to Ponyville. Oh how she hated Princess Celestia's orders sometimes. "Umm Twilight" "Yes Sombra" "I was going to ask you..." Oh here it comes. It was going to be harder for her to tell him that she was going to Ponyville. She knew what he was going to say. "If you would like to come with me to Ponyville". Well that was unexpected. "Oh, OH WOW I'M GOING TO PONYVILLE TO" "When" "Well tomorrow because Princess Celestia told me to go there to discover the magic of friendship". "Oh Okay then Ill see you there right?" "Yea see you there" "Bye" "Bye" Then they both left. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile in the castle The guard was waiting for Celestia to call him. Because she called him every time he had his shift in guarding. He had a shift in the early morning and then late noon. "Shield" called Celestia "Yes Princess" "Come sit" "Are you sure your majesty?" "Yes i am sure shield" So shield sat down next to Celestia. Celestia always asked him how was his day he always replied it was fine, but today he was going to ask her. " Enough of me Princess how was your day?" "Don't you know its rude to ask a mare about her day." Shield currently scared she was going to punish him. Immediately hid his face behind his hooves and said "Your majesty I-I-I'm terribly sorry I didn't k-know please forgive me." Celestia laughed and said "I'm only teasing Shield. You know, you take everything I say seriously why is that?" Shield lowered his hooves and sighed. "Its because in guard training they tell you to take everything what the princess says seriously." Celestia lowered her head and sighed. "You know what Shield, I don't tell any pony this but I just want to be treated like a normal pony... Every pony treats me like I'm a goddess and I smile and wave and try to act like I'm having a good time. Now don't get me wrong I love spending time with each and every one of my ponies, but I wish that for just one day I could be treated like a normal pony..." Shield thought about that and had an idea. 'So why don't you?" "Why don't I what?" "Why don't you just stop being a princess for one day?" "Well Shield its not that easy. I could turn into normal pony size, but what about my cutie mark..." "Ill get something to cover that up for you" "And what about my horn" "You don't need to cover up your horn. you can just cover up your wings." "But what about my royal duties." "I'm sure you can get a break for just one day, and besides if you don't know how to fit in I could show you." "You would do that for me Shield?" "Anything for her majesty" "Oh thank you Shield!" Then Celestia hugged Shield. Celestia couldn't wait for tomorrow. Finally she could be treated like a normal pony!!! She felt butterflies in her stomach. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Next day "SOMBRA WHERE ARE YOU!!!" Twilight was at the train station waiting for Sombra. He was late again. He was late for everything. If the princess called for him for an important matter he would be late. If there was a world war and the guards needed him, leave it to Sombra to be late. Why couldn't he just make a schedule like Twilight did. He would be on time for everything. "Maybe hes not coming Twilight" Spike said. Twilight thought of that but then pushed that thought out of her mind. "Please come Sombra" Meanwhile Sombra was galloping towards the train station. "Best not keep Twilight waiting" Sombra reminded himself. He knew how Twilight was when he was late. She would ask him why he's late, then give him a whole lecture on how making a schedule would help and how irresponsible he was and more hooblah. "Don't want to go through that again". Then he felt something on his hoof. It just bothered him at first but then it pulled and pulled. Sombra zapped it with his magic and it was gone. then another grabbed his hoof, then another, then another, until all of his hooves were being pulled. They looked like black branches. "HE-mhmhm." he tried to scream help but was cut short when one of them hit his head and then the world went dark.