• Member Since 25th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 16th, 2016



Equestria's economy is in turmoil. Debt, unemployment, and inflation are reeking havoc on ponies lives. Lyra, now facing foreclosure, must make the extra cash in time to save her home. However work is scarce and time is running out. With no other options in sight, Lyra and a small band of friends must turn to a life of crime to survive the worst economical crisis in Equestria's history.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 14 )

Very good, Can't wait to see the actual heist.

I am liking this story. Couldn't Discord should just teleport them in and out of the safe if he wanted to?

6072549 Thank you, I hope it lives up to you're expectations.

6073277 Of course, like any real world economy there are many reason that can cause an economical collapse. The overspending/ borrowing of credit and loans is one possible cause, war and the spending on maintaining a military is another. Printing more money than the banks can back will lead to inflation, causing a loss in the value of money. There are plenty of reasons as to why Equestria's economy is in ruin though I don't wan't to bore the reader down with political and economical details when the story is centered on the planning of heist. I might sprinkle in some clues later though.

6073839 sure he could, but if he did that then there wouldn't be much of a story, and thanks, I'm glad you are enjoying it. :derpytongue2:

6075190 That's the glory of fanfics, you don't have to abide by the cannon settings or at least not all of it. As for the whole economical crisis itself, the details as to why will be explained as the story progresses. It's not like the economy went down hill over night, it was a gradual decline. However the story is not about the economy, its about heists and the whole process of pulling them off.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the feedback and the curiosity in the plot. I'm just not one to put all the answer at the very beginning. I find it more intriguing to leave some mystery and unveil little details about the lore as the plot unfolds. The economy is just one of those mysteries that will be hinted at in future chapters but isn't necessary to be revealed in the story at the moment.

6076343 Like I said before, there are explanations as to why these things happen and will be reviled later when the time is right. Until then I felt that it wasn't necessary to include those details. So until its time for the reader to learn about them, they will remain an enigma until the story needs the details. That's how some stories are written.

And yes, I do expect people to question it, that's what makes them want to come back and continue reading to find out more. I do think these things out with careful thought as to how they will affect the story. However I'm not going to spoon feed you all the details at the beginning, some authors will but that's not my style. The first three chapters are to give the reader a taste of the story's core element; planning and executing a successful heist.

Oh and if you don't care for the story then by all means, move on to another one. You wanted to know if there was a feasible explanation to the economy, well I just confirmed it, yes though you'll find that out in the story not in the comment section. So unless you're here to truly offer constructive criticism rather than to tear apart a story just throw everything you don't like in the authors face or to argue for the sake of arguing, Then I'd recommend moving on, I have no interest in arguing this point any further.

P.S. I don't mind constructive criticism, but there's a difference between trying to help the story get better and being an asshole about it.

huh. Good. Very very good.

Excellent chapter. Don't end it here. Now they are ready to take on larger and larger heists until they become criminal masterminds and attempt to steal Celestia's crown... Or something like that.

6105300 Don't worry, I don't plan to make this the end. There will be more heist, each one become grander, longer, and with bigger payouts. However, planning these heist do take a good degree of time to research and make. I want them to be both interesting as well as believable (to a degree, there still needs to be room for a bit of fantasy). But I'm glad you like it and I hope the future heist live up to your expectations.

“Wha… uh… we could bust open the front registers and grab what we need,” Bon-Bon suggested, still in shock that they were actually planning on going through with this.

They might keep a safe in the back for all the stores profits. We could try cracking that,” Derpy said, expressing little confidence in her idea.

as an Employee of the Real Life Counterpart of Mare-Mart; the Safe Derpy is speaking of is actually in what is known as the Cash Office which is in the front of the store near the Customer Service Desk; and Bon Bon's Idea won't fly, because any closed registers have the money removed from the cash drawers, and is deposited in the Cash Office.

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