• Published 5th Feb 2015
  • 793 Views, 34 Comments

Rainbow Dash vs a Buick GNX - Big Ass Spider

Rainbow Dash Races a muscle car from the 80's

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The arrival of a Legend, And the legend's challenge

It started out as a normal day in Equestria, Everything seemed to go as it did every day, Rainbow Dash was calmly flying to Fluttershy’s cottage when she saw it, at first she had no idea what it was, But once she got closer to the black object sitting at the very edge of the Everfree Forest. She remembered that after Thunderhead came to Equestria from Earth, He told everypony about some of the things from there, this being one of them, It was a car, A fast looking car at that, Dash decided that she had to bring Thunderhead out here to identify this thing

“I better go get Thunderhead” Dash said as she took off at a rapid pace.

Little did she know that the black car took off right behind her.

When Rainbow Dash got to Thunderhead’s cabin, she walked up to the porch and knocked on the large wooden door, Thunderhead came out with a large yawn, she had woke him up.

“What is it RD” Thunderhead asked, obviously annoyed about getting woken up so early.

“I found something you have to see, come with me” Dash said as she started to take off.

But when she turned around, there sat the mysterious black car, Thunderhead knew automatically what kind of car it was.

“Dash, that is an earth vehicle, Specifically, A 1987 Buick GNX,” Thunderhead said confused.

“Wait, this is the kind of car you said you owned back on earth” Dash asked puzzled. Suddenly something happened that neither Dash nor Thunderhead expected.

The car talked.

“I can hear you both, you know this right” The car said in a deep voice.

holy shit” Dash exclaimed.

How is this thing here and how is it talking” Thunderhead said shocked.

“I want to know that as much as you do, but please, call me GNX” GNX said calmly.

“Dash, you stay with GNX, I got to get Twilight” Thunderhead said as he took off into the sky, flying off at full speed, leaving a white and green streak.

Thunderhead landed back at his cabin, running inside to find Twilight, who had stayed with him for the night.

“Twilight, You still here” Thunderhead shouted.

“I’m in the Kitchen” Twilight called back.

“You have to come with me, now” Thunderhead said as he took off to the door.

“Why, what’s wrong” Twilight asked.

“You remember me telling you about the cars on earth” Thunder said as he opened the door.

“Yea, Why” Twilight asked, confused

“One is here in Equestria, and it can talk” Thunderhead said.

Twilight’s jaw hit the floor when he said that.

“How can something like that talk” Twilight asked as she and Thunderhead started to take off, but stopped when they saw what was outside, GNX had followed Thunderhead here, Rainbow Dash got out of the car with a worried look on her face.

“This can’t be good” Thunderhead said worried

“I have thought this through, And I may be an old muscle car, But I know speed when I see it, I am not going back home until I have had a proper race with this rainbow colored pony” GNX said with confidence.

“Oh no” Thunderhead and Twilight said at the same time.

“I also intend to race you as well Thunderhead” GNX said proudly.

"I don't think so GNX" Thunderhead said,

"We need to get you back home" Twilight said, trying to convince the car to listen and go home.

"You heard what I said, I am not leaving till I get a proper race with these two" GNX said defiantly.

"I think we need to get Princess Celestia, Now" Twilight said as the alicorn princess took off, flying towards Canterlot.

"Good idea" Thunderhead says.

"Rainbow Dash, I know he will still follow us, just keep him out of Canterlot till we get Celestia" Thunderhead says before he flies out of sight.

"Ok, No problem" Dash says, but when she turns around, GNX is gone, then she looks above and sees the amazing.

GNX is flying right behind Twilight and Thunderhead.

Dash's jaw hits the dirt when she sees this.

"Let us in, We have an emergency" Twilight says to the two guards

"Princess...uh, look behind you" One guard says as he points a hoof to the sky

"You have got to be kidding me" Thunderhead and Twilight both say as they see GNX land from his flight

"I think my transportation here has given me some magic" GNX says proudly

Celestia sees this from her bedroom window and teleports down to the group

"What is going on...Oh my" Celestia says as she sees GNX in front of her.

"Pleasure to meet you Princess" GNX says calmly

"Thunderhead, this is one of those cars you told us about, am I correct?" Celestia asks, dumbfounded by the machine in front of her

"Yes it is, and even worse, it refuses to leave until it has raced me and Rainbow Dash" Thunderhead says

"That is correct, I am not going anywhere till I have had a race with those two" GNX says.

"You will leave, Now "Celestia says, slightly angry

"Not until I have had my race Princess" GNX says defiantly.

"You will leave our world and return to your, at once" Celestia roars.

"Not till I have raced" GNX yells as he loses his temper, His headlights begin to glow and he fires a silver bolt of energy into the ground, creating a small crater in it's wake

"Fine, if it is a race you want, it will be a race you get" Celestia says in defeat, Knowing the car would not back down

"Thank you, now, when do we race" GNX says as he looks at Thunderhead

"Today" Rainbow Dash said as she lands in front of GNX

"Sounds good to me" Thunderhead says in anger as he moves along side Dash

"Perfect, let us lay out a course" GNX says with pride

"This cannot end well" Celestia says with worry

Author's Note:

I got bored, this is not a trollfic, just what happens if I get bored.

Comments ( 34 )
Comment posted by Windlife deleted May 26th, 2016

There's one of those running around where I live. No surprise it's much faster than my Taurus. Who'd a thunk :/ thumbs up and fave bruh

5589881 I can fix that simply, don't worry, but I really like would like to know, did you like the story so far, because I still got one more chapter to do, the race

5590367 thanks, I drive one of these and it is awesome

action/adventure at it's finest

5591145 I agree that the 512 could crush my GNX, but, I still have my GNX, so I would have enjoyed a race between us

also, the 2nd chapter will be up by the end of the week, the good part, The Race

Welp, I haven't read a single word of this and I already like it! Time to begin!

Edit: just read the chapter and have one word for it. Wut... Also this going into my GOOD "Just WTF" file.

5592685 im glad oyu enjoyed it, the 2nd chapter is going to be up by the end of the week, it will contain the race

wonderful story buick, faved

Awesome story I wished the car couldn't fly but hey keep it up

5793319 I plan on taking that away from the car in the next chapter once I can write it

5811392 what would be cooler is if you put a dodge charger r/t 1969 in with the gnx have more then one car in a race that's what makes it interesting.

5832004 not in GNX, but that sounds like a sequal

5846276 ill be happy with that.

5846940 Hey, Intimidator had to leave Fimfiction for personal matters, he left me with is story, tell me what you want me to do with it

5849482 first of you need to finish the race. then you need to make a sequel for it involving a dodge charger r/t 1969. also in this story you need to make sure you get rid of the gtx's flying ability. just as long as you follow these guide lines we'll get along just fine.

5858655 ok, ill try my best not to let you down

5861856 I have put this on hiatus till I know what to do for the next chapter, this will continue, because I promised Intimidator I would finish it for him, and I do not want to let you down

I can wait, I have been waiting for two years for a new chapter update on a story I sure you wont take that long

6045321 exactly why it is on hiatus

This is hilarious.

7249975 glad you enjoyed it, wish I could get my mind to refire, get a 2nd chapter running

7249979 Ah, car jokes. :raritywink:

7250047 thought I would let you know, and ask ya something, second chapter is coming, now the question, wanna help me with the 2nd chapter?

7278788 With editing?

7278794 yep, editing, and also, like a co writer kind of thing too, help me with ideas

7278797 Sure! I'd be honored.

7278806 Thanks bro!!, I need to get stuff going, now that I aint in school anymore, I can write, ill let ya know when I am starting, probably tomorrow or Tuesday, ill message ya

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