• Published 3rd Feb 2015
  • 2,361 Views, 63 Comments

Sweetest kind of love - Cuteclaws101

Sweetie belle and Button mash arent sure what's going on with them The story travels from when they were in elementary school in till they are young adults. What will happen in between those years, will they finally confess each others love?

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Chapter 3

Author's Note:

I absolutely cannot believe that I never ended up finishing and posting this chapter. Well today, I am here to do just that. (Well post what I have so far.)
After years of forgetting about this story, I am back in business baby!
I don't remember why I stopped writing this story, but I think it had something to do with laziness, being busy and just forgetting.
I do, however, remember all the plans and ideas I had for this book, and this time, I am gonna put them down on paper for all to see! (well an online document, really.) I am excited to be back for this project and I plan to stick to the end and make it even better than before! (No more grammar mistakes and better writing coming your way!)
Although I no longer call myself a brony I still appreciate the show and I am happy to have been a part of this quirky, fun, and awesome fandom! Looking back on those days lifts my mood and I remember how much I adored it!
Anyway, I am back to write and this time I am gonna finish this story and not leave all you lovely folks who gave this story a chance and supported me.
So, for all those lovely people out there who enjoyed this story but got abandoned recklessly, by me, I am back to give you the rest of the story you have been waiting for.
I ask you to give me one more chance to finish this story and hopefully make it a somewhat success on this site. I promise you, I will do whatever I can to make it up to you all, so please support my re-birth of this book!
I am looking forward and hoping for my old readers to come back and for new ones to come join me on this adventure! Last time, the people in the comments is what kept me wanting to write more. Well now, it's more than just that. I have got the determination to finish this book once and for all, whether people like it or not!:raritywink:
Till next time

Chapter 3
Button mash woke with a start as his alarm went off. Cringing from the sound he slammed his hoof on the alarm clock allowing it to stop buzzing. He seriously needed to start waking up to music or something.

Groaning Button forced himself up from bed and opened his eyes. He yawned sleepily as he looked at his clock. 7:50 it said.

It took a moment for Button to realize he only had ten minutes to get to school.

His eyes widened and he jumped out of bed, racing off to get ready.Normally this wouldn't bother the colt to be late but today he wanted to start fresh and being at school on time might just help.

Button mash decided to not even brush his hair or teeth and went on to just eat his breakfast. He gobbled up his cereal, grabbed his bag and said “Bye Mom, see you later”as he shut the door behind him, leaving his mom with a perplexed expression on her face as she sipped her coffee.

Off he went, running towards the school as fast as he could. The ground was still slightly dewey and slippery, so he made an effort not to fall.

At last he spotted the red school building, he was just in time. Getting ready to stop he slowed his pace slightly only realizing seconds after that Sweetie belle was straight in front of him.

“LOOK OUT!” he shouted as he crashed into her, knocking the breath out of both of them. “AGH!”

Button found himself on the ground in a awfully uncomfortable position. His eyes began to focus, only he must have been seeing things because right on top of him was a pearly white angel. “Huh?” he muttered. He soon noticed that it was only Sweetie belle.

“Uh, mind getting off of me? Kind of suffocating here.” he said awkwardly.

Sweetie belle was also a bit dazed because she took a few moments to understand what Button mash had just said and she slipped of him gracefully.

Button mash got up. His back was aching from hitting the ground and so were his arms. He looked over at Sweetie belle and saw that she was covered in mud as well as he was. He threw himself into sorry mode.

“I’m SOOOO sorry, are you ok?” he asked as he flung into the story of him being late.

It took a moment for Sweetie belle to respond. “It’s fine!”she squeaked “Accidents happen right?”

Button apologized again and Sweetie belle reminded him that they should probably be inside, so they headed into the school building. Both of them slightly flushed at what had just happened.

He sat down, ignoring all the funny glances the other foals in his class gave him. He was a mess after all. He was covered in mud with a grass stain on his fur every once in awhile, hair sticking out of his unbrushed hair and a dirty looking beanie hat on top of his head

Not the best impression he thought.

Class soon started and Cheerilee began talking about some project about the history of the princesses. He looked over at Sweetie belle who was still trying to clean her fur off. She noticed him looking at her and looked straight ahead at the teacher, seeming to not want to look at him one bit.

Was she mad at him; for crashing into her? Button mash sighed hoping this was not the case.

He tried listening to what Miss.Cheerilee was saying but couldn't help sneaking glances at Sweetie belle.

“This will be partner project so please quickly find yourself a partner and we can continue on with our classes.”

Suddenly the whole class stood up from their seats and began to ask ponies weather they would be their partner.
Button’s heart raced. He hated when there was partner projects, every time he never got a partner so he had to work alone or either work with a foal who was absent.

He looked around. He regretted not making an effort the day before to meet some new ponies. Almost everypony seemed to have a partner already.He was sure he would have to work alone again.

“Button!” Miss.Cheerilee called from across the classroom. “Come here please.”

Button gulped, he hoped he wasn't in trouble for anything. Especially on his second day.

When he got there Miss. Cheerilee explained to him that Sweetie belle had offered to work with him. She left them to it to help some other pony.

They stood there, both silent.

Sweetie belle broke the silence. “So uh, what exactly do we do for this project, I wasn't exactly paying attention.” she said shyly.

“I think it’s about the history of the princesses or something.” he replied, glad that he had payed attention. “You have to find out what your going to do for it and add information about it.”

“Oh well that won't be too hard.” she declared, suddenly looking a little less shy.

“Oh, that’s good, so what should we do for it?”

“I’m not sure yet, but we can find out later.”

Miss.Cheerilee interrupted their conversation as she asked the class to sit down in their seats once more. She began classes as usual.

Class seemed to drag on. Button almost considered playing with his JoyBoy in class but he knew that his mom wouldn't appreciate if he got in trouble.

Finally the bell rung, signaling it was time for lunch.

Button walked outside with the rest of class and sat under the tree from yesterday, or at least tried to.

Before any more interruptions he gobbled up his lunch and played with his Joy Boy. He thought about asking Sweetie belle to his house after school.
The sound of his game beeped and buzzed as the game ended.

I should do it he thought as he bounced up onto his hooves. Don’t think just do it, it’s not like i'm asking her out or anything. I hope she doesn't think i am.

Button mash scrambled to look for Sweetie belle. At last he found her with her friends Apple bloom and Scootaloo.
Sweetie belle turned around just as Button was thinking of asking some other time. Without a choice Button mash trotted up to her and her friends.

“Hi Sweetie belle!”

“Hi Button!” she replied, glancing at her friends. They both had uncertain and slightly angry looks on their faces and backed away slowly. it was a bit unnerving.

“Hey so I was wondering when we should work on that project, maybe you could come to my house after school or something?” he said maybe just a bit too loud, out of nervousness.

“Sure, I’ll have to ask my sister but I bet she’ll be ok with it.”

Great, she didn't seem mad at him and she said yes. This was better than he had expected.

“Ok, I’ll see you later then?”

“Yep, see you later Button.” she smiled.

Button looked uncertainly at Sweetie belle. He was surprised she wasn't so upset looking. He walked back a few steps and stumbled. He quickly corrected his mistake and turned around as he trotted off.

He felt light headed and distant, unaware of stepping right in the middle of a hoofball game.

“Woah there, look out!” he heard some pony said as a ball hit him in the head.

He heard hooves run up to him as he layed on the ground nearly unconscious. Two hits in one day for Button.
He groaned as he lifted his head ever so slightly. This time it wasn't an angel or Sweetie belle, it was a young colt with a grey coat and a dark grey mane.

“You alright kid?” the colt asked.

Button mash slowly got up. “Yeah, i think so.” he said as he but his hoof to his head. He felt a large lump on his forehead and grimaced.

“Here come with me, i’ll get you some ice.” He led Button into the school medical room and grabbed an ice pack. He gave it to Button who placed it on his head.
All was still a bit of a blur for Button as he looked around the room.

“You should look out where you're going next time.”

“Right, sorry about that, I was just distracted is all.” he said.

“All’s good.” the colt said good naturedly. “I'm Rumble by the way.”

“Im Button mash.” they both shook hooves.

“You're new here right?”

“Yep, always new.” he answered.

“You move a lot?” Rumble asked.

“Yeah, at least every year.”

“Woah dude, that’s tough. To like move away from all your friends and stuff”

Button shrugged. “I don’t make a lot a friends really, I used too but then I just gave up.”

“Maybe you should, I mean it kinda sucks not to. I can help you by trying to become your friend. You seem pretty cool, we could hang out sometime.”

“Really?” Button exclaimed.

“Sure, why not?” he shrugged. “Anyway I gotta go get back to my game, catch ya later.”and he zoomed out the door.

By now, Buttons eyes were in complete focus. He thought he liked this Rumble guy. He wasn't like any of the other colts he met and wasn't mean or anything! This, he thought, is starting to be a pretty great day. And it was even worth all the pain all the pain he went through.

It was lunch time at the Ponyville schoolhouse and Sweetie belle made her way outside.

Thoughts were streaming in her head about the new project with Button mash. Sweetie belle and Button mash were partners for the project Miss.Cheerilee had gave to her class and neither of them were exactly happy about the idea of working together.

Sweetie belle gave a sigh and spotted her friends Apple bloom and Scootaloo. Scootaloo waved her over to the picnic table they were standing beside.

“SO?!” exclaimed Scootaloo.

“So what?” asked Sweetie belle confused.

“So what happened to you this morning? You came into class with mud and grass stains all over you, not to mention Button mash with you. What were you doing?” she asked suspiciously.

“I've been wondering the same thing. What happened?” added Apple bloom with a look of concern.

“Oh, uh right.” said Sweetie belle sheepishly. “Well i was getting something from my bag and then I saw Button mash was running towards the school and he uh, kind of slammed into me and we were both knocked to the ground.”Sweetie said quickly and blushing slightly. She had purposely not mentioned the part where she was on top of him.

“That's how, um this happened.” she added gesturing to her dirty coat.

Nopony said anything for a bit then Scootaloo shouted “WHY THE HAY DID HE DO THAT?!” possibly a bit top loud as foals looked their way curiously.

“Nothing to see here folks!” yelled Apple bloom faking a smile.The ponies hesitantly went back to what they were doing.

“Hey, don’t freak out! He didn't mean to it was just an accident.”

“That’s what they always say. You're just too kind to see that Button mash is a troublemaker!”said Scootaloo placing a hoof on her shoulder.

Sweetie belle shimmied away from her friend “You met Button, he doesn't seem to be like a troublemaker at all! And plus he was really nice to me and apologized to me and everything.”Sweetie belle stated.

“Hi Sweetie belle!” a voice said behind her back. She quickly turned around and then hissed at her friends. “Leave, please!”

With slightly suspicious looks on their faces Scootaloo and Apple bloom backed away slowly and then hid behind a bush.

“Hi Button!” said Sweetie belle sweetly.

“Hey, I was wondering when we were going to work on that project. Maybe you could come to my house after to school or something?” he asked. His speech was very loud and quick. He seemed nervous about something.

She didn't know if Button noticed but her expression changed to very happy. Her smile widened and her eyes shined. Without thinking she answered back.

“Sure! I’ll have to ask my sister but I bet she’ll be ok with it.” she smiled

Button looked slightly taken aback but then smiled and said “Ok, I'll see you later then?”

“Yep, see you later Button” she said as she trotted off after Button stumbled away. She couldn't stop smiling goofily.

She almost forgot about her friends. “What are you so happy about?” asked Apple bloom emerging from a bush. She flicked the twigs and leaves off herself.

Sweetie belle didn't even consider why her friends had been in a bush and continued smiling. “No reason, just really nice out is all.”

“Uhh, you weren't smiling that much a few minutes ago. Is it something to do with Button?” she asked a bit confused.

“Before she could answer, Scootaloo leaped out of a bush nearby and yelled once more.

“Of course it’s to do with Button! Couldn't you hear them?”

“Actually I couldn't, because you were shoving me under a bush!” she said angrily.

“Wait, were you spying on me!?” Sweetie belle squeaked.

“Uh no, we just happened to hear your conversation.” she said “We would have anyway if you didn't shoo us off.”

“There was a reason I shooed you away.” said Sweetie belle with a huff ,settling the argument.

“Yeah! Cause you have a crush on Button mash!” blurted Scootaloo.

Sweetie belle’s eyes shot open and she blushed furiously as she rounded on Scootaloo.

“I do not!” she screamed her face scrunched up.

“You do to! I can tell!” replied Scootaloo “Come on, it’s obvious!”

“Hey, it’s not that obvious!’ she squeaked.

“So you admitted it, you do like him!”

Apple bloom was listening to her friends in between them as they yelled back at each other.

“Girls! Stop it! Don’t be so ridiculous!”

Sweetie belle and Scootaloo both looked over to her with a surprised expression.

“Please, just stop yelling at each other, does it really matter if Sweetie likes some colt?”

“It does if he’s a troublemaker!” said Scootaloo as she shot a glance at Sweetie belle.

“I said I didn’t like him! Okay,? Not like that at least” Sweetie belle said looking down at her feet.

“Sweetie belle, I can tell a lie as easily as knowing if an apple is red or green. I know that you think of him differently than other ponies”

“She loves him, that’s what she thinks!” yelled Scootaloo. Apple Bloom shot her a look and Scootaloo lowered her head.

“Mah sister said that honesty is always the best way to solve things like this.” continued Apple Bloom as she sat down next to Sweetie belle reassuringly.

Sweetie belle said nothing for a while but then spoke “Okay, I do think of him differently than others just I don't know what to think.” she said placing her head in her hooves. “ I barely even know him, so why do I feel this way?”

“I don’t know much about this type of stuff but I do know that love is a strange thing and happens when you least expect it. At least that’s what granny said to me.” Said Applebloom in her most comforting voice. “She also said something about birds and bees but I think she was talkin’ nonsense by then.”

“Hey, I didn’t say I was in love with him!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

Taken a back Applebloom replied; “I didn’t say you were!”

Sweetie Belle lowered her head in shame “Oh, sorry Applebloom. Thanks anyway.”

“Aaaannyway!” Scootaloo interrupted. “ I’m starting to feel queasy with all this lovey dovey talk, so could we please just eat lunch now.”

“You were the one who started this discussion, Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle yelled at her friend, exasperated from everything that happened.

Scootaloo looked as if she were going to yell back but thought better of it and responded with calm words’ “Heheh, right. Sorry Sweetiebelle. I just don’t want you to get hurt by this colt if he causes trouble. Can’t I care about my friend?”

“Thanks, Scootaloo. I’m happy that you're thinking of me but maybe try to express it differently next time.” Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously.

“Finally! This whole argument is over with! Now let’s go eat!” Applebloom sighed in relief and marched over towards a nearby picnic table. The other two fillies followed and sat down with their lunches, beginning their long awaited lunch.
As they ate in mostly silence, a burning curiosity entered Sweetie Belle's mind; “I wonder if Applebloom and Scootaloo ever had crushes before….”
Sweetie Belle couldn’t stand not knowing so she blurted out the question before she could stop herself.
“Have either of you ever had a crush on anypony?” she asked innocently.

Scootaloo sighed and rolled her eyes. “And back we are to lovey dovey gunk. Blegh!”

“I’ll take that as a no.” Sweetie belle said then turned to Applebloom. “What about you, Applebloom?”

Applebloom pondered the question before answering as she shined an apple to eat. “Nah, not really. I guess I’ve found some colts attractive before but no crushes.”

Scootaloo butted in with a “Ouuuu, anyone we know at school?” She playfully nudged her friend with her arm and smirked.

“Of course not!” Applebloom proclaimed with a dusting of pink on her cheeks.

“Scootaloo continued with her teasing. “Suuuuurre! Now I wonder who it is….”

Applebloom huffed. “Oh, like you haven’t found a colt cute before. I’ve seen you eyeing Rumble before.”

“W-Wha-” Scootaloo stammered before recovering herself, her face flushed red. “That so called eyeing, is just me admiring his flying skills. Nothing more to it.” She said affirmatively.

“Riiight.” Applebloom said, giving Scootaloo a condescending look. Scootaloo simply rolled her eyes and kept eating her lunch. Sweetie Belle giggled at the two of them. She found their bickering rather amusing.

As lunch neared an end, the bell rang, signaling for all the fillies and colts to return to their classes. The three friends raced for the door, laughing along the way, their arguments erased from their minds. Sweetie Belle was forever grateful for such great friends, even if they argued sometimes. She didn’t know what she would do without them. This reminded her of the lonely Button Mash, with no friends at all. No one deserved that. With a spark of determination, she promised herself she would try to be the best a friend she could be to Button Mash, starting by being the bestest project partner he’d ever know!