Sweetest kind of love

by Cuteclaws101

First published

Sweetie belle and Button mash arent sure what's going on with them The story travels from when they were in elementary school in till they are young adults. What will happen in between those years, will they finally confess each others love?

Sweetie belle and Button mash are confused why they feel these feelings for each other. From elementary school to when they are grown up, the eyes through Sweetie belles and Button mash's mind describe what its like to be in love. Will they finally confess their love for each other and learn the true meaning of love?

Love at first sight

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It all started when I was nine years old.

I had just moved to ponyville, but that was no surprise because we basically move every year. Although my mom said we might be staying a bit longer than usual.

I like Ponyville, it wasent all city like, like Manehatten had been or Las pegagsus, it was just calm and soothing and I liked that. Everypony was nice for a change and instead of ponies calling me names and bullying me they would say hello or just smile. It was one of the best places I had moved to in a long time. All was good intill I had to go to school, because I was dreading of colts and fillies to start being mean to me all over again, but I was surprised.

“Button, time for school! You don’t want to be late on your first day do you?” yelled Buttons mom.

Button Mash was laying in bed, his face smushed into his pillows, he did not infact care if he was late at all.

“Just give me five more minutes.” He mumbled into his pillow.

“We have to go in five minutes Button, so get up NOW” She answered firmly.
The brown colt groaned into his pillow and slowly go out of bed. He walked to the bathroom, brushed his teeth in record timing and tried to brush his messy light brown hair. He gave up after three strokes. After he slumped down stairs and gobbled up his breakfast and was ushered out of the kitchen by his mother.

“Come on, school starts in five minutes.” Buttons mom said urgently, taking buttons hoof and trotting along. At last they made it just in time as the school bell rung.

“Okay sweetie, have fun at school, I packed you a lunch, oh and try to make some friends!” she said while nudging him into class.

“Bye mom” Button mumbled, still waking up from his sleep. Cautiously Button mash entered the classroom. It was like any classroom, noisy, packed full of foals and walls where covered in pictures and lessons. Nothing different than anything he ever saw.

He was greeted by a sweet, marroon coloured mare, with three smiling flowers as her cutiemark.

“Hello, you must be Button Mash, im Ms.Cheerlie. I hope you will have a wonderful time here at Ponyville elementry.” She smiled excitedly.

As soon as the class begand to settle down Ms.Cheerlie cleared her throat.

“Welcome back my little fillies and colts from you weekend, I would like to introuduce you to a new student”. She gestured to Button mash. “Would you like to say a few things?”

Button half nodded as he began to speak “Hi, im Button mash and im eight years old, I just moved here from Manehatten, because my dad moves a lot for his job, oh and I LOVE video games.”

The class clapped, and a few shouted “Manehatten, cool!” Button was slightly taken aback, he had never been applauded for just introducing himself.

“Why don’t you go over there and sit next to Sweetie belle, dear?” Ms.Cheerlie said as she pointed out an empty seat in the second row. Button mash made his way slowly to the seat aware of two fillies eyeing him meniacly. One of them whispered “Looks like its another blank flank loser.” The other filly giggled.

When Button mash seated him self and Ms.Cheerlie began her class, the pretty white filly leaned over and said. “Hi, im Sweetie belle, she said sweetly. She smiled, her emerald eyes glimmering in the light. “Uh hi, im Button mash.” He felt instantly stupid in saying that because he had jut literally said that in front of the whole class. The white filly just smiled and resumed back to her work. A strange feeling in his gut was forming and Button knew he dident like it. Why did he care if he said something stupid in front of a pretty filly anyway. Wait did he just say pretty, he never though of any filly to be pretty.What was wrong with him.

Button mash shook off his thoughts and tried to concentrate on what Ms.Cheerlie was saying, only he found it quite difficult because the white filly with the cotton candy colored mane kept distracting him. Sooner than Button expected the lunch bell rung and all the foals burst out of the classroom. He awkwardly got up from his chair with his saddle bad and looked for a free spot to sit. At last he found a spot under a tree away from all the yelling and shouting of school ponies.

Just when he thought he could relax and eat his lunch, three fillies popped out of no where infront of him.

“Aagh!” he shouted. His apple slipping out from his hooves.

“Hey new kid”, a brightly coloured pegasis with fushia hair and a orange coat,smiled.

“Uh, hey” he said not sure what to say.

“My names Scootaloo”, the orange pegasis exclaimed. “And this is, Apple bloom and Sweetie belle.” She said as she gestured to the two other fillies, one earth pony with a yellow coat and red mane with a big pink bow on her head, and the other he reconized from earlier, the white unicorn with a pink and purple mane.

“Howdy, nice to meet y’ah” the yellow pony said as se offered a free hoof. The other held an apple she took a bite of. She distinctatly had a southern accent. Button had never heard a southern accent before and was sure of it that the ponies he was in school before would have made fun of it.

Button shook her hoof, and his eyes drifted to the last filly.

“Um, hi, its nice to see you again” she added quickly, blushing slightly, her eyes jerking away from his.

“Soooo”, the one named Scootaloo said. “I see you have no cutie mark” she commented.

“Ya, I don’t really care much about that, it will come when it comes.” He explained, lying his back down on the tree trunk.

“WHAT?” How can you NOT care about your cutiemark its one of the most important things in life!” The yellow one butted in.

“Maybe so, but there’s other things too ya know.”

“B-But, don’t you care when ponies tease you about it, don’t you want to know what your special talent is?” She screamed, possibly a bit to loud.

Button simply shrugged”Not really you get used to it.” “Speaking of bullying, you may want to watch out for those two, Scootaloo said abruptly, she gerked her head to the side, where the two fillies he had saw eariler. They where staring at them, with narrowed eyes, smirking.

“Ya, you better not get on their bad side.” Sweetie belle said finally saying something. “You wont know whats coming your way if you get them angry, especially Dimond Tiara.”

The three all nodded in agreement to Sweetie belles words. Just then the two fillies advanced on the group. “Hey blank flanks, whatcha doing , trying to recuit another loser to your lame club?”The grey filly beside her smirked and just stood there supporting the pink one.

Apple bloom rolled her eyes, and Scootaloo and Sweetie belle narrowed their eyes.

“What is it Dimond?” Apple bloom asked, annoyed.

“Oh, nothing, just wanted to meet the new blanky here.” She stared at Button mash. “I bet you think your soooo cool coming from Manehatten, but really its no big deal, me and Silver have been there loads of time, so no one will really want to talk to you.” She said eyeing Button mash.

“Ya, w’eve gone there loads of times” the grey one mimicked.

Button full of rage , not just because they had insulted him talked back.

“And I bet you think your so cool, just because you have some lame cutiemarks that represent your name on your flanks.”the three fillies strared at him, surprised. “I mean who ever heard of a talent with spoons and tiaras. At least we might actually get a cutiemark that’s actually talent!” he spat.

Dimond Tiara’s mouth was slightly open, but she closed it quickly and added “Yeah, whatever, come on Silver”, and she walked away. Silver spoon right at her heels.

“Woah, no one’s ever talked back to Dimond tiara like THAT before.” Scootaloo said amazed.

“Thanks”, Button said, wondering what the big deal was.

“Hey, how about you come hang out with us after school?” Scootaloo asked.

“Uh, sure I’ll have to ask my mom first though.”

“No problem, well see you after school then.”

“Bye” Apple bloom chimed. She and Scootaloo started to trot away to the school.

Sweetie belle lingered a few secounds more and manadged the words; “Uh, see you later”, blushed and quickly galloped away.

Perplexed, Button began to pick up his food and place it back in his bag. He sighed as he relized that he never got to eat his lunch. When he finsihed packing it away, he headed toward’s the school house, one of the last pony’s back in.

The rest of the school day whizzed by and soon the bell ringed dismissing the fillies and colts. The students rushed out of school, some retriving their parents others talking with their friends.

“Have a great evening class!” he heard Ms. Cheerlie call from the school steps. Button spotted his mother and trotted up to her.

“Hey mom. Is it okay if I go hang out with some ponies in my class?”

“Making, friends already?” She giggled.

“Not friends yet.” He reminded his mom.

“Well, okay, that’s fine by me, as long as you come back home by five, you know the way don’t you?. I have to go talk to your new teacher anyway. Have fun” she said as she kissed him on the top of the head.

“Thanks mom! And yes I can find my way back home” he added rolling his eyes. Button trotted over to the three fillies he had met earlier near a picnic table.

“Hey, so can you come?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yep, as long as im home by five.”

“Sounds good, now come on.” Scootaloo yelled excitedly as she galloped away in a different direction.

The other two followed and so did Button mash. They ran for a long time an when they reached their destination in a orchade of apples Button was panting heavily and collapsed to the ground. The other three looked down on him, with slightly dissapointed and concerned looks.

“Wow, you really need to get into shape buddy.” Scootaloo hinted, turning away from him.

“Anyway” Apple bloom said “Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!” she announced, waving her hooves in the air. “Its where I live with my family.” She grinned. “We’ll give you a tour of the clubhouse.”Applebloom lead them up to a crookedy looking treehouse with faded paint.

“Its not much, could use some more paint but its our meeting spot.”

Inside there wasent much, there was lantern on the the celeing, a small table with a flower vase full of wilting flowers and a map of ponyville on the wall.

“This is our thinking spot” Apple bloom pointed out to the lantern. “Its where we think up ideas for crusading. That over there is a map of ponyville and this….” She opened up a secret door button hadent noticed. “Is where we keep all our stuff for crusading.” She smiled, expecting Button to be impressed from their collection of things.

Before anything could fall out Apple Bloom quickly slammed the door shut and sat on the floor.

“So, what should we do first?” she asked.

“Hmmmm.” thought Sweetie belle, tapping her hoof on her chin. “Well, we could always ask AppleJack if she needs any help on the farm?” she suggested.

“Oh, shoot, I completely forgot , I was supposed to help do some extra chores today, sorry gotta go we can on Friday, okay?” and then Apple bloom dashed out the club house door. She shrank as she ran farther and farther away to the big barn on top of a slopped hill.

“Well we lost one crusader, so what’s the point in continuing todays meeting.” Said Scootaloo.”Im gonna go home if that’s okay with you guys. We can officaly enter you into the club next meeting you do want to join don’t you?”

Button nodded.

“Well see ya!”and she ran out the door as well. An awkward silence filled the room. It was just Sweetie belle and Button left. They stared uncomfterbly at their hooves. Sweetie belle eventually broke the silence.

“So, uh, should we head home now?” She asks uncertainly.

“Uh, ya sure.” Replied Button. The two foals exited the club house and began to walk to the town the eyes never meeting.

Not wanting it to be a very long awkward walk home Botton spoke.

“So, what excatcly do you do as a crusader?” he asked, glancing at Sweetie belle.

“Oh, well we just try to earn our cutiemarks by doing a bunch of crazy things.” She said looking at Button. “Its fun though!” she added quickly, and looked back down to the ground.

“Oh, cool.” Mumbled Button mash. He pondered for a moment. Why was this filly so nervous around him, was she just shy, or was there another reason? Maybe she felt the same way when Button had first seen her in class? Buttons head automatically turned to Sweetie belle. He stared at her pink and purple curly mane and emerald eyes. It made him want to melt into a puddle. Sweetie belle caught him staring at her, and he retreated to the ground quickly blushing furiously.By now they had almost reached the village.

“So, where do you live?” she asked innocently, knocking Button out of his trance.

“Um, im not really sure but I think its close by town square.”

“That’s good, then it will be easy to find and I live close by with my sister at a bouti-.” Sweetie belle immediately caught herself , blushing for what seemed like the millionth time that day.

“Oh, that’s cool.” He said. He wondered why she had cut off her sentence, it was a bit odd, but he decided to shrug it off.

Not wanting the conversation to be even more awkward Button immedietly said something that came to mind before he could stop himself.

“Hey, maybe we can hang out sometime at my house, I can show you my house.”Why did he just invite a filly to his house? He never did anything like that so soon.

“Like the whole club?” she asked.

“I don’t think my mom would like it very much if I invited three fillies to my house all at once.” He chuckled nervously.

“So, like just you and me?” she added hopefully.

“Um, yeah something like that.” Button said. “Oh look I think this is my house!” he said galloping away. “See you tomorrow!” he left Sweetie belle, slightly confused outside his house. He slammed the door shut.

What had he gotten himself into?

When I first met Button mash, it was probably one of the best things to happen in my life.

He wasent like any colt, he was different in a bit of a strange way but that dident really seem to matter much. As soon as I met him I knew something was going on between us. It was like love at first sight.

“Sweetie belle, time for school!” Yelled Rarity from downstairs.

“Just a minute!” she called back, stuffing the last of her things into her saddle bag. She ran downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast Rarity has prepared for her.

“Bye, Rarity!” she called, slamming the door shut.

“Goodbye Sweetums, have a good day at school.”

When Sweetie belle opened the door, Apple bloom and Scootaloo were already waiting for her.

“Hi, Sweetie belle, ready to go?” asked her friend Apple bloom.

“Yep!” she replied and they all started walking towards the Ponyville school. Their walk to school never took long, but usally on the way they had a good conversation.

“Rumor has it, there’s going to be a new colt coming to school.” Scootaloo remarked.

“Really, where do you think he’s from?” Sweetie belle asked, curiously.

“How should I know, I only know as much as you do.”

Their conversation lasted a few more minutes intill they reached their school. Foals were playing on the equitment and some where talking in groups. They all decided to go inside early so they wouldent have to be in the crowd. A minute later the school bell rung just as Sweetie belle sat herself down in her desk. Everypony rushed in, chattering excitedly and sat down in their desk placements. As soon as the room was quiet Ms. Cheerlie started to speak.

“Welcome back my little fillies and colts from you weekend, I would like to introuduce you to a new student”.

She revealed a young colt with a dark brown coat, light brown main and brown eyes, and on top of his head was a beanie hat with a small propeller.

“Hi, my name is Button mash,and im eight years old. I just moved to ponyville because my dad moves a lot cause of his work. I came from Manehatten, oh and I love video games,” he added.

A few foals whsipered, ooouuu, Manehatten.”

Ms.Cheerlie placed Button right next to Sweetie belle. She looked at him and noticed that he dident have a cutie mark! How great, they could have another pony from their class added to the club, she would have to tell her friends. Sweetie belle decided to do the nice thing and introduced herself.

“Hi, im Sweetie belle.” She said to him.

“Uh, hi im Button mash.” He answered nervously.

She knew he was obviously nervous, which made him kind of cute, adding to his brown coat and mane, and those dazzeling brown eyes. She caught herself thinking of this and blushed slightly. She had never thought about that with any other pony before.

Soon the lunch bell sounded and the class rushed outside, as well as herself. She noticed that the new colt was making his way slowly outside and felt kind of sorry for him. She knew that must be hard to come to a different school.

She met her two friends outside at their usual meeting spot and told them about Button and how he dident have a cutie mark yet.

“Ya, I noticed that too.” Said Apple bloom. “He must be awful lonley, maybe we can become friends or something.”

“Well lets go ask if he wants to be in our club!” exclaimed Scootaloo.

They soon found him sitting under a tree alone.

“Hey new kid!” yelled Scootaloo. Scootaloo introuduced all three of them, and sweetie belle found herself blushing when she introudced herself to Button mash. Not long before they had asked him about their club, Dimond tiara and Silver spoon appeared and started insulting them, like they always did.

To all of the CMC’s surprise, Button had back talked Dimond tiara, and she had left with Silver spoon.

“Woah, no one’s ever talked to Dimond that way!’ she exclaimed, beaming at Button.

Button just shrugged as though he had done this sort of thing all the time. He was cute AND brave, thought Sweetie belle. The bell eventually rung and all the fillies and colts headed back inside.After Scootaloo and Apple bloom had said goodbye and arranged to meet up after school, she stayed a few seconds longer and quickly said to Button nervously.

“Bye, see you later!” and skipped off. She hoped she dident look to stupid blushing all the time, maybe he dident notice...

The rest of the school day came and went and the school bell rung to dismiss the students. She started looking for her two best friends and easily spotted them at their usual meeting spot.

“So, are we gonna go?” Sweetie belle asked.

“Where waiting for that Button guy to see if he comes.” Replied Scootaloo.


“What’s your deal with him anyway?”

“What do you mean, whats my deal with him? She squeaked.

“I don’t know, you just like never talk when he’s around, like your scared of him or something.”

“Well, It’s just….”She dident get to complete her sentence because Button had appeared saying that he could come.

The four foals galloped towards the apple orchade. She noticed that Button looked really exausted and agreed with Scootaloo when she said that “He needed to get into shape.” After all, if your were going to be part of the club you would have to be able to run long distances. They did run quite a bit without noticing it.

They made their way into the clubhouse as Apple bloom was showing Button around the clubhouse. Sweetie belle thought that they probably needed more things in the clubhouse, it was a bit bare.

Before they could even start their meeting Apple bloom dashed off to help with chores and Scootaloo had went home leaving Sweetie belle with Button mash.

Oh why, oh why did this have to happen? She thought to herself. There was an awkward silence in the room as the two ponies sat.

“So, uh should we go home then?” Sweetie belle said.

Button agreed and they started walking across the apple orchade. It was an awkward walk home, neither of them were saying much. At one point Sweetie belle caught Button staring at her and saw him blush beet red. He was super cute when he blushed, and smiled to herself, thinking that he had looked at her.

“So, where do you live?” Sweetie belle asked.

“I think near the town square.” He replied staring straight ahead. Sweetie belle began to ramble on how good it was to live near town square because she lived close by and immediately caught herself. Oh my gosh, I must sound like a stalker. Why would he care if I live close by anyway.

When they where nearing Buttons house he asked a question she was not expecting.

“So do you want to hang out sometime, I could show you my house?”

“Like the whole club?”

“I don’t think my mom would appreciate me inviting over three fillies.” He chuckled nervously.

“So like just you and me?” she asked her hopes rising, hiding her smile from him.

“Yeah, something like that.”

As soon as they had reached his house he bolted up the door and said goodbye quickly leaving Sweetie belle on her own. She sighed. She was looking forward to hanging out with him though, but what would her friends think about it. She dident want them to think she had a crush on him or anything. But did she like him in that way? She wasent sure, and she defiantly dident want her friends teasing her about it.

She walked home by herself pondering these things in her mind and finally reached her home. She opened the door, the tiny bell ringing.

“Hello, welcome to carosel boutique!” her big sister Rarity announced.

“Oh, hello Sweetie belle, I was just finishing up some dresses for a new order. How was school?”

“Fine.” She answered.

“Would you mind taking these materials upstairs Sweetums, im awfully busy.”

“Sure!”, she said in the most normal sounding way she could uster.

“Anything wrong?” her sister asked, concerned.

“No, its just there’s a new colt at school.”

“Is he being mean to you?”

“No, me and Apple bloom and Scootaloo are actually recuting him for our club, he’s a blank flank too.”

“Then what’s ever the matter?”

Sweetie belle paused at this question trying the find the right words.

“Rarity, have you ever felt sort of weird around somepony? Like you feel sort of fluttery and your not sure what to think of them?” she asks, with a worried expression on her face.

Rarity smiled faintly, giggling a bit. “Well it sounds awfully like a crush to me dear.”

“A crush?!” she exclaimed “Why would I have a crush on somepony I barley know?!”

“Well sometimes it works like that, you just sort of feel a connection or think their cute or handsome.” She giggled. “I remember my first crush, what drama!”

Sweetie belle though about it for a moment, what Rarity was saying did make an awful lot of sense and she did think he was kind of cute.

“Well, what did you do?” She asked.

“Oh, I was so oblivious! I kept sending secret messages to him and made my friends ask if he liked me and that sort of thing. Not the smartest thing to do, he got scared away.” She sighed.

“Well okay, thank’s Rarity.” She said ending the discussion. She treaded up stairs with the fabric on her back and flopped down on her bed. Did she really have a crush on Button mash?

The awkwardness comences

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Almost as soon as Button had slammed the door shut his mother appeared out of no where.

“Button, you home early!” she declared.

“Ya, Apple Bloom had to leave and then Scootaloo did too” he said not mentioning walking home with Sweetie Belle.

“Are those you new friends name’s?” she asked, knowing what the answer would be.

“They're not technically my friends yet mom. But yeah they're the ponies i was talking about, their thinking of letting me join their club!” he said half excited.

“That’s wonderful Button, making friends already, maybe they can distract you from all those video games you play. You really should get outside more.”

“Hey, my video games never waste my time, they are my life!” he said defensively.

She chuckled. “I never said they did sweetie, but video games aren't everything.” Button looked down at his hooves for a moment. “ I started making dinner, its almost ready. How about we have a early dinner tonight, okay?” she smiled warmly at her son.

“Yay!, I love early dinner’s” he yelled excitedly and dashed towards the kitchen.
He was glad he could get his mind of his walk home with Sweetie Belle and could get something delicious down his belly.

After a few minutes of waiting for dinner to be served and three games on his joyboy, dinner was finally ready.

“Here you go!” Button’s mom said pouring some eggs, toast and hay bacon on to his plate, in a quite a large portion. He was a growing colt after all.

Button dug in and gobbled down his dinner, bits of egg and toast flying in all directions. He hadn't realized how hungry he was because he didn't get to eat his lunch.

“Wow, you sure are hungry” Button’s mom commented.

“I never got to eat lunch.” he said through mouthfuls of food. “Mmmm sooo good.” he declared through another big bite a food.

Button’s mom giggled, her pretty blue eyes closed for a second while she smiled. “Well that explains it. I hope your not going to eat like this when we have guests over.”

Button looked up from his food and swallowed. “What do you mean guests?” he asked, his brow scrunched up into a concerned look.

“I was just thinking of inviting a few ponies over for dinner this weekend as a housewarming party, you could even invite some foal’s from you school, if you want.”

“HOUSEPARTY?!” he shouted spraying crumbs everywhere. “Why would you want to host a house party, you NEVER host parties! And plus, i don’t want kids from my school to come to my house just to make fun of me!” he yelled, pure terror on his face.

“I just thought it would be nice to meet a few ponies.” she said timidly. “And what makes you think ponies will make fun of you?”

“Cause everyplace we moved, someone has made fun of me not to mention two fillies just insulted me today!”

“What! Why would someone insult my little button!” she said her eyes narrowing. Who are these ponies? She ordered, her face scrunched up.
“Mom, its not a big deal, they were just some school bullies, their apparently mean to everypony, especially blank flanks.” he said while resuming back to his almost finished dinner.

“But it IS a big deal! Im your mother, i'm supposed to protect you from things like this.” she whimpered.

“No offense, but you didn't exactly help me out with other bullies at other schools. they called me mamaboy for weeks after you started yelling at those ponies who were teasing me.”

Button’s mom sighed,”Never mind then, but i'm still expecting you to invite some ponies over this week.”

“But Mom!” Button mash complained.

“No But’s Button” she said, taking charge.Button groaned. “How about you invite over your new friends?”

Button thought this over for a moment.“Fine” he mumbled.

“Good, then that settles that, then who want’s some dessert?”

“ME!” Button exclaimed, completely forgetting about their conversation.

After a filling dessert of Jello, Button trotted up the stairs to his room. His thought’s had returned to the House party,his mom had announced at dinner.
Why he thought, did she want to have a house party all of a sudden? She never had any sort of party in all the other places they had lived.

Maybe it’s because she’s lonely.He thought. It was just her and Button now most of the time since her brother moved out and his father was almost never around, he was too busy with his work. It wasn't fair really, Button thought. The whole reason they had to move all the time was because of his dad’s work, but they never seemed to actually spend time with him at all.

Button sighed as he collapsed onto his bed. He looked around, there was still boxes that needed to be unpacked. The only things that were already unpacked were his bed and the small television he used to play video games on.
I know, i’ll play some video games. That always cheered him up.
He picked up a controller and picked a game. A Legends of Zelda game, it was a good game to play when he was feeling stressed.

After playing for a few hours, he saved his game and looked at the clock; 8: 40 it read. He might as well go to sleep, even if it wasn't that late. He was tired from moving, not to mention his first encounter with some new fillies. He wasn't used to talking to a bunch of nice foals on his first day of school.
He was usually a great target for teasing, considering he was a blank flank and was obsessed with video games.
Button sank deeper into the cover’s of his bed. He wanted to just fall asleep but something was nagging him.
In almost every place they had moved to, no pony had ever been so nice to him on his first day of school. Why wasn't he happy about this.Shouldent he be glad?
He was so used of being tormented by other fillies and colts at school that he just seemed to not care anymore.
He remembered when it was his first day of school when he was just a little colt how he was so excited to meet everypony and wanted to do every possible fun thing. Now he just seemed drained and tired like their was nothing to feel happy about.In a way video games were his life, besides his mom.
Some ponies said that he had no friends because he was too anti social, but only Button knew that he could make friends anytime he wanted to. He had them before,so he could make some again, but ever since they had moved several times, he was tired of making new friends and then just losing them. So he had decided just to not make friends. It was easier for everyone.

Button felt a twang of loneliness as he thought of all of this. Maybe it was time for him to start making friends again, to start enjoying his life. He wanted to be his old self again; the happy, excited care free colt he had been just a few years ago, and he could be.

For once, somepony had wanted to be his friend, but not just one pony, three ponies! He decided he didn't want to lose some potential friends and the first good step of becoming someone’s friend was inviting somepony over, it almost always worked to Button’s knowledge.
Button, usually waited a while before actually inviting some pony over to his house to see if they were trustworthy. But those three fillies seemed pretty trustworthy, right?

As Button was beginning to drift off to sleep he made a decision: he was going to invite Sweetie Belle over.
The thought of this made his insides squirm but if he wanted to take a step up from where he was now it was a good place to start.

After all Button thought how bad could it be?
Sweetie belle lied on her bed, her face mashed into the sheets. She was still thinking about Button mash.
Was her sister right about her having a crush on Button mash? It seemed unlikely and Rarity sometimes over dramatized things but Rarity had actually not made a big deal out of it for once.

Maybe it’s nothing to worry about, im probably just nervous around new colts that are kinda cute, that’s completely normal. she thought. She sat up on her bed feeling slightly better.

She ignored all the thoughts that tried to get into her brain. “Absolutely nothing to worry about.” she said to herself.

“What is absolutely nothing to worry about?”

Sweetie belle snapped her head back, finding her older sister standing at the entrance, completely unaware she had been there.

“Oh, hey Rarity, it’s um nothing, just thinking.” she smiled softly.

“Well, if you say so. Anyway i was wondering if you have seen that box of blue bows i ordered the other day. I seemed to misplace it.” Rarity said, scanning her sister’s room for bows of any kind.

“Oh, no I haven't seen them, but i’ll tell you if i find them sis.”

Rarity sighed. “That’s alright then i’ll just keep looking.” Rarity said turning to the exit.

“Wait!” Sweetie belle squeaked. “Can i help look for them, or help with your dresses?” She asked, her eyes shining brightly with a big smile plastered on her face.

“Well i suppose” she said uncertainly “you could help look for the bows while i work on my other orders”

“Yay, thanks Rarity” she said as she skipped out the door.

“Just TRY not to make everything eh,... messy.”

“I don't make a big mess of everything,besides how would looking for bows be messy.” she said rolling her eyes. At that moment she had accidently stepped on Rarity’s cat; Opal. The white puffy cat hissed mencicely and trotted away her nose in the air.
“Whoops’, sorry.” she said partly to Opel and her sister.
Rarity sighed “Well you can start looking in the cupboards downstairs, if you need me i’ll be near the entrance finishing some orders.”

“Okay!” Sweetie belle said, running down stairs to the red cupboards, Rarity always kept her fabric and accessories in.
As Sweetie belle was going downstairs heard her sister talking muttering to herself.

“I do hope i find those bows, they’ll make my new dress even more fabulous looking.”

Sweetie belle threw the cupboard door open and began searching enthusiastically for her sister’s missing bows.
She was always happy to help out her sister when she needed it.

Curiously she opened the box. Inside there was lots of letter’s and a few objects. There was, a bracelet with blue jewels and sparkles on it with writing engraved onto it. it read to my beautiful jewel….
There was also a very wilted looking rose, that had lost all of its colour and was just faintly tinged pink.
Besides all the letters there was also a small notebook with more jewels pasted on to it. It was quite well put together.
There was only one pony Sweetie belle knew that could make any common object beautiful, her sister.

Sweetie belle opened the book cautiously, and it appeared to be a diary, Rarity’s diary. From looking at the slightly battered pages and the dates on the top which were neatly written in cursive, it was quite obvious it was a very old diary of Rarity’s.

She shouldn't look at it she thought as she closed the book but then again she was very interested it what it read. Maybe she could look at one of the letter’s instead.

At random Sweetie belle took one of the envelopes and opened it up. A letter dropped out near her hooves,she picked it up and began to read.

It contained a lot of sappy romantic poetry and gestures.

“Bleh.” she dropped the letter on to the floors. She had just read a very disturbing mushy sentence, not meant for fillies like herself to read.

Part of Sweetie belle wanted to ask her sister about the box filled with letter’s but another part of her wanted to not ask Rarity about it and to keep it to herself.
She eventually decided to collect all the things and replace them back into the box. She shoved the box back where it was and dragged the box of bows in to view.

“Rarity, I found your bows!” she yelled. Rarity soon trotted in to the room a smile on her face.

“Oh thank you Sweetie belle, i thought i would never find them!” she exclaimed as she bent down and nuzzled her sister.

“After im finished we can have some dinner.”she said to Sweetie belle.

“Im not really hungry, i think i’ll just go to my room,i have some homework i need to finish.” she lied.
“Oh, alright you can have something to eat later if you want then Sweetie belle.”she said slightly surprised.

“Thanks.’Sweetie belle replied and she trotted up the stairs.

She flopped onto her bed once again, thoughts filled her mind.Why did her sister have that box in her fabric cupboard? Wouldn't she want that to be kept someplace private?

Sweetie belle didn’t want to think about anything else now and distracted her self with a book.
She didn’t relize how long she had read because it was almost time to go to bed.She clicked off her lamp and placed her book on the bed side table.

Sweetie belle fell asleep peacefully dreaming of all the things that had happened.

Sweetie belle woke up in the morning light, she could already smell her sister’s cooking downstairs.
She got up brushed her hair and teeth and headed downstairs.

She was greeted by her sister, who was busy making a delicous omelette on the oven “Good morning Sweetie belle, how was your sleep?”
“Alright.” she answered grabbing a plate from the counter. Rarity sat down across from Sweetie belle and tipped a perfect looking omelette on to both of their plates, garnished with parsley.

“You never ate dinner last night so i left some leftovers for you in the fridge, you can have it for lunch if you like.”

“Ok, thanks. I was just tired last night so i decided to go to bed.”

The two silently ate their food until it was time for sweetie belle to head to school. Sweetie belle contained herself from asking about the box and concentrated on her food instead.

“Here’s your bag, Sweetie belle.” she said to her sister as she handed her the light pink saddle bag.”

Sweetie belle took the bag and threw it over her back. “Thanks Rarity, see you after school!’ and she walked out the door.

“Have good day at school!”

Sweetie belle, Scootaloo and Applebloom, walked to school together as they usually did and arrived just as the school bell rang.

“You girls go on without me I just have to check something in my bag.” she said to her friends.

“Okay Sweetie belle, we’ll see you inside.” said Apple bloom as she and Scootaloo made there way into the school.

As Sweetie belle rummaged through her bag, she thought she heard hooves gallop onto the dewy grass. It grew louder as if the hooves were headed toward her. She looked up just in time to see a brown colt with messy hair flying everywhere slide on the slippery muddy grass and slammed into her.
‘AHHHH, WATCH OUT!” the colt screamed. Before he could stop he fully body slammed into the surprised looking filly. They somersaulted twice on the ground in the wet dirt.

“OOUF!” Sweetie belle exclaimed as she thudded onto the surface, or thought was the surface. She was on top of a muddy looking Button mash her hooves on his shoulders. They were both on the ground, looking quite stunned, unable to move.

Button mash spoke first. “Um, mind getting off of me?” he choked. “Sort of suffocating here.”
Sweetie belle flushed red, and quickly hopped off of him, unsure what to say.

“Im SOOOO sorry, Sweetie belle, Button said as he sat up, rubbing his arm.”I was running late and then i didn't see you and then slam, i kinda uh fell on you, i hope i didn't hurt you, Umm are you ok?” Button asked.

Sweetie’s face was in pure shock, her mouth slightly open, She had been on top of Button,she was kissing distance from his face! thank Celestia nopony was around, especially Diamond tiara. She couldn't even imagine the awful thing’s all the foals in her class would say if they had saw them.

Sweetie belle snapped out of her trance, shaking her head vigorously. “Im fine! she squeaked. “Just a surprise is all, wasn't expecting to be knocked over by somepony!” she said nervously.

Button looked down guiltily. “Sorry about that again.” he apologized still looking down at the ground.

“It’s ok, accidents happen, at least were not too hurt.” she smiled weakly. She noticed that both her and Button were covered in mud and grass stains. How would she explain the mess to her sister!?

“We better get inside”Sweetie belle said “Don't want to be late or anything” she added as she picked up her abandoned saddle bag that was also covered in grass stains and mud.

“Oh, right!” Button replied. He was looking just as perplexed as Sweetie belle was but diden’t seem to take any notice of his dirty coat at all.

The two foals silently walked inside. Lucky for them Cheerilee hadn't noticed that they were late and was getting her lesson ready on the board.

Sweetie belle was still trying to rub off the mud and grass stains off her fur as she sat down in her desk, silently muttering to herself on how unlucky it was for her to have a white coat.


“Huh” exclaimed Sweetie belle, turning away from trying to clean off her fur. It was Scootaloo.

“Sweet’s, what happened to you?” asked Scootaloo with a look of confusment on her face. One of her brows was raised and her mouth was slightly curled into a smile, as though she wanted to laugh.

Before Sweetie belle could respond Cheerlie’s voice interrupted their conversation.

“Attention everypony! the maroon mare announced as she began her lesson.

“I,ll tell you at lunch okay?” Sweetie belle whispered back. Scootaloo sighed and slumped back into her desk. Agreeing silently with her eyes.

Sweetie belle turned her head back to the teacher, pretending to be listening but she just wanted it to be lunch so she could talk to her friends. Sweetie belle made sure she didn't look over to Button mash, which was a bit difficult to do considering he was right next to her.
She was sure that if she looked at Button mash she would immediately start blushing as red as a robin’s chest.
Her eyes however insisted that they half glance at Button mash every few minutes. She was mentally scolding herself in her mind.
No Sweetie belle just dont look, oh jeez he’s staring at me now. When will this class end?! she thought while dropping her head onto her desk, it gave a small thud.

“Anything wrong Sweetie belle?” asked the teacher, surprising Sweetie belle. She was standing right next to Sweetie belle handing out sheets of paper.

“Huh, what? Oh sorry Ms.Cheerilee, i'm just tired is all.” she lied with guilty eyes,

“Well i don't suppose you heard what i was saying in class, do you?”

“No, im really sorry Ms.Cheerilee.” she said hanging her head.

“That’s alright Sweetie belle, sometimes we have off days just try to pay attention next time, okay.” Cheerilee said in a comforting voice. “ Any way, i was talking about a small project were starting in pairs about the history of Equestria, your partner can tell you more about it.”

“Okay, thanks Ms.Cheerilee, i will.” Sweetie belle said immediately scanning the room for her two best friends.

Ms.Cheerilee interrupted again “How about you work with Button mash for this project.” she asked hopefully. “He’s quite new so i was wondering since you're such a nice student you could be his partner just this once. I think Scootaloo and Apple bloom are already partners and Button doesnt have a partner yet so could you work with him?” pleaded Cheerilee.

Sweetie belle looked over to her friends, it did look as though they were already partners. She saw Applebloom give her a look signifying she was sorry.
Sweetie belle knew she couldn't say no to a teacher so she agreed. It wouldn't be too bad working with Button mash right? Just possibly super awkward.

Sure Ms.Cheerilee.” she said faking a smile.

“That’s great! Im sure you’ll do well on the project. Button has a….very creative imagination, so im sure you’ll have no problems coming up with ideas.” she smiled.

Ms. Cheerilee signaled Button over. He was looking around the room with a panicked expression on his face as fillies and colts passed by him with partners. He looked a bit confused when Cheerilee called him over.

“Button, how about you work with Sweetie belle for this project, you’ll make a great team.” she grinned enthusiastically.

As soon as the words came out from their teacher’s mouth, a horrified expression swept over Buttons face but he quickly changed his expression to a slightly less horrified expression.

“O-Okay” he stammered to the teacher.

“Well, then i’ll leave you to it, oh and the project’s due next thursday.” said Cheerilee as she walked away.

The two foals looked at each other with the same expression on their face.

This wont be to bad Sweetie belle thought trying to convince herself. How bad could it be?

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Button mash woke with a start as his alarm went off. Cringing from the sound he slammed his hoof on the alarm clock allowing it to stop buzzing. He seriously needed to start waking up to music or something.

Groaning Button forced himself up from bed and opened his eyes. He yawned sleepily as he looked at his clock. 7:50 it said.

It took a moment for Button to realize he only had ten minutes to get to school.

His eyes widened and he jumped out of bed, racing off to get ready.Normally this wouldn't bother the colt to be late but today he wanted to start fresh and being at school on time might just help.

Button mash decided to not even brush his hair or teeth and went on to just eat his breakfast. He gobbled up his cereal, grabbed his bag and said “Bye Mom, see you later”as he shut the door behind him, leaving his mom with a perplexed expression on her face as she sipped her coffee.

Off he went, running towards the school as fast as he could. The ground was still slightly dewey and slippery, so he made an effort not to fall.

At last he spotted the red school building, he was just in time. Getting ready to stop he slowed his pace slightly only realizing seconds after that Sweetie belle was straight in front of him.

“LOOK OUT!” he shouted as he crashed into her, knocking the breath out of both of them. “AGH!”

Button found himself on the ground in a awfully uncomfortable position. His eyes began to focus, only he must have been seeing things because right on top of him was a pearly white angel. “Huh?” he muttered. He soon noticed that it was only Sweetie belle.

“Uh, mind getting off of me? Kind of suffocating here.” he said awkwardly.

Sweetie belle was also a bit dazed because she took a few moments to understand what Button mash had just said and she slipped of him gracefully.

Button mash got up. His back was aching from hitting the ground and so were his arms. He looked over at Sweetie belle and saw that she was covered in mud as well as he was. He threw himself into sorry mode.

“I’m SOOOO sorry, are you ok?” he asked as he flung into the story of him being late.

It took a moment for Sweetie belle to respond. “It’s fine!”she squeaked “Accidents happen right?”

Button apologized again and Sweetie belle reminded him that they should probably be inside, so they headed into the school building. Both of them slightly flushed at what had just happened.

He sat down, ignoring all the funny glances the other foals in his class gave him. He was a mess after all. He was covered in mud with a grass stain on his fur every once in awhile, hair sticking out of his unbrushed hair and a dirty looking beanie hat on top of his head

Not the best impression he thought.

Class soon started and Cheerilee began talking about some project about the history of the princesses. He looked over at Sweetie belle who was still trying to clean her fur off. She noticed him looking at her and looked straight ahead at the teacher, seeming to not want to look at him one bit.

Was she mad at him; for crashing into her? Button mash sighed hoping this was not the case.

He tried listening to what Miss.Cheerilee was saying but couldn't help sneaking glances at Sweetie belle.

“This will be partner project so please quickly find yourself a partner and we can continue on with our classes.”

Suddenly the whole class stood up from their seats and began to ask ponies weather they would be their partner.
Button’s heart raced. He hated when there was partner projects, every time he never got a partner so he had to work alone or either work with a foal who was absent.

He looked around. He regretted not making an effort the day before to meet some new ponies. Almost everypony seemed to have a partner already.He was sure he would have to work alone again.

“Button!” Miss.Cheerilee called from across the classroom. “Come here please.”

Button gulped, he hoped he wasn't in trouble for anything. Especially on his second day.

When he got there Miss. Cheerilee explained to him that Sweetie belle had offered to work with him. She left them to it to help some other pony.

They stood there, both silent.

Sweetie belle broke the silence. “So uh, what exactly do we do for this project, I wasn't exactly paying attention.” she said shyly.

“I think it’s about the history of the princesses or something.” he replied, glad that he had payed attention. “You have to find out what your going to do for it and add information about it.”

“Oh well that won't be too hard.” she declared, suddenly looking a little less shy.

“Oh, that’s good, so what should we do for it?”

“I’m not sure yet, but we can find out later.”

Miss.Cheerilee interrupted their conversation as she asked the class to sit down in their seats once more. She began classes as usual.

Class seemed to drag on. Button almost considered playing with his JoyBoy in class but he knew that his mom wouldn't appreciate if he got in trouble.

Finally the bell rung, signaling it was time for lunch.

Button walked outside with the rest of class and sat under the tree from yesterday, or at least tried to.

Before any more interruptions he gobbled up his lunch and played with his Joy Boy. He thought about asking Sweetie belle to his house after school.
The sound of his game beeped and buzzed as the game ended.

I should do it he thought as he bounced up onto his hooves. Don’t think just do it, it’s not like i'm asking her out or anything. I hope she doesn't think i am.

Button mash scrambled to look for Sweetie belle. At last he found her with her friends Apple bloom and Scootaloo.
Sweetie belle turned around just as Button was thinking of asking some other time. Without a choice Button mash trotted up to her and her friends.

“Hi Sweetie belle!”

“Hi Button!” she replied, glancing at her friends. They both had uncertain and slightly angry looks on their faces and backed away slowly. it was a bit unnerving.

“Hey so I was wondering when we should work on that project, maybe you could come to my house after school or something?” he said maybe just a bit too loud, out of nervousness.

“Sure, I’ll have to ask my sister but I bet she’ll be ok with it.”

Great, she didn't seem mad at him and she said yes. This was better than he had expected.

“Ok, I’ll see you later then?”

“Yep, see you later Button.” she smiled.

Button looked uncertainly at Sweetie belle. He was surprised she wasn't so upset looking. He walked back a few steps and stumbled. He quickly corrected his mistake and turned around as he trotted off.

He felt light headed and distant, unaware of stepping right in the middle of a hoofball game.

“Woah there, look out!” he heard some pony said as a ball hit him in the head.

He heard hooves run up to him as he layed on the ground nearly unconscious. Two hits in one day for Button.
He groaned as he lifted his head ever so slightly. This time it wasn't an angel or Sweetie belle, it was a young colt with a grey coat and a dark grey mane.

“You alright kid?” the colt asked.

Button mash slowly got up. “Yeah, i think so.” he said as he but his hoof to his head. He felt a large lump on his forehead and grimaced.

“Here come with me, i’ll get you some ice.” He led Button into the school medical room and grabbed an ice pack. He gave it to Button who placed it on his head.
All was still a bit of a blur for Button as he looked around the room.

“You should look out where you're going next time.”

“Right, sorry about that, I was just distracted is all.” he said.

“All’s good.” the colt said good naturedly. “I'm Rumble by the way.”

“Im Button mash.” they both shook hooves.

“You're new here right?”

“Yep, always new.” he answered.

“You move a lot?” Rumble asked.

“Yeah, at least every year.”

“Woah dude, that’s tough. To like move away from all your friends and stuff”

Button shrugged. “I don’t make a lot a friends really, I used too but then I just gave up.”

“Maybe you should, I mean it kinda sucks not to. I can help you by trying to become your friend. You seem pretty cool, we could hang out sometime.”

“Really?” Button exclaimed.

“Sure, why not?” he shrugged. “Anyway I gotta go get back to my game, catch ya later.”and he zoomed out the door.

By now, Buttons eyes were in complete focus. He thought he liked this Rumble guy. He wasn't like any of the other colts he met and wasn't mean or anything! This, he thought, is starting to be a pretty great day. And it was even worth all the pain all the pain he went through.

It was lunch time at the Ponyville schoolhouse and Sweetie belle made her way outside.

Thoughts were streaming in her head about the new project with Button mash. Sweetie belle and Button mash were partners for the project Miss.Cheerilee had gave to her class and neither of them were exactly happy about the idea of working together.

Sweetie belle gave a sigh and spotted her friends Apple bloom and Scootaloo. Scootaloo waved her over to the picnic table they were standing beside.

“SO?!” exclaimed Scootaloo.

“So what?” asked Sweetie belle confused.

“So what happened to you this morning? You came into class with mud and grass stains all over you, not to mention Button mash with you. What were you doing?” she asked suspiciously.

“I've been wondering the same thing. What happened?” added Apple bloom with a look of concern.

“Oh, uh right.” said Sweetie belle sheepishly. “Well i was getting something from my bag and then I saw Button mash was running towards the school and he uh, kind of slammed into me and we were both knocked to the ground.”Sweetie said quickly and blushing slightly. She had purposely not mentioned the part where she was on top of him.

“That's how, um this happened.” she added gesturing to her dirty coat.

Nopony said anything for a bit then Scootaloo shouted “WHY THE HAY DID HE DO THAT?!” possibly a bit top loud as foals looked their way curiously.

“Nothing to see here folks!” yelled Apple bloom faking a smile.The ponies hesitantly went back to what they were doing.

“Hey, don’t freak out! He didn't mean to it was just an accident.”

“That’s what they always say. You're just too kind to see that Button mash is a troublemaker!”said Scootaloo placing a hoof on her shoulder.

Sweetie belle shimmied away from her friend “You met Button, he doesn't seem to be like a troublemaker at all! And plus he was really nice to me and apologized to me and everything.”Sweetie belle stated.

“Hi Sweetie belle!” a voice said behind her back. She quickly turned around and then hissed at her friends. “Leave, please!”

With slightly suspicious looks on their faces Scootaloo and Apple bloom backed away slowly and then hid behind a bush.

“Hi Button!” said Sweetie belle sweetly.

“Hey, I was wondering when we were going to work on that project. Maybe you could come to my house after to school or something?” he asked. His speech was very loud and quick. He seemed nervous about something.

She didn't know if Button noticed but her expression changed to very happy. Her smile widened and her eyes shined. Without thinking she answered back.

“Sure! I’ll have to ask my sister but I bet she’ll be ok with it.” she smiled

Button looked slightly taken aback but then smiled and said “Ok, I'll see you later then?”

“Yep, see you later Button” she said as she trotted off after Button stumbled away. She couldn't stop smiling goofily.

She almost forgot about her friends. “What are you so happy about?” asked Apple bloom emerging from a bush. She flicked the twigs and leaves off herself.

Sweetie belle didn't even consider why her friends had been in a bush and continued smiling. “No reason, just really nice out is all.”

“Uhh, you weren't smiling that much a few minutes ago. Is it something to do with Button?” she asked a bit confused.

“Before she could answer, Scootaloo leaped out of a bush nearby and yelled once more.

“Of course it’s to do with Button! Couldn't you hear them?”

“Actually I couldn't, because you were shoving me under a bush!” she said angrily.

“Wait, were you spying on me!?” Sweetie belle squeaked.

“Uh no, we just happened to hear your conversation.” she said “We would have anyway if you didn't shoo us off.”

“There was a reason I shooed you away.” said Sweetie belle with a huff ,settling the argument.

“Yeah! Cause you have a crush on Button mash!” blurted Scootaloo.

Sweetie belle’s eyes shot open and she blushed furiously as she rounded on Scootaloo.

“I do not!” she screamed her face scrunched up.

“You do to! I can tell!” replied Scootaloo “Come on, it’s obvious!”

“Hey, it’s not that obvious!’ she squeaked.

“So you admitted it, you do like him!”

Apple bloom was listening to her friends in between them as they yelled back at each other.

“Girls! Stop it! Don’t be so ridiculous!”

Sweetie belle and Scootaloo both looked over to her with a surprised expression.

“Please, just stop yelling at each other, does it really matter if Sweetie likes some colt?”

“It does if he’s a troublemaker!” said Scootaloo as she shot a glance at Sweetie belle.

“I said I didn’t like him! Okay,? Not like that at least” Sweetie belle said looking down at her feet.

“Sweetie belle, I can tell a lie as easily as knowing if an apple is red or green. I know that you think of him differently than other ponies”

“She loves him, that’s what she thinks!” yelled Scootaloo. Apple Bloom shot her a look and Scootaloo lowered her head.

“Mah sister said that honesty is always the best way to solve things like this.” continued Apple Bloom as she sat down next to Sweetie belle reassuringly.

Sweetie belle said nothing for a while but then spoke “Okay, I do think of him differently than others just I don't know what to think.” she said placing her head in her hooves. “ I barely even know him, so why do I feel this way?”

“I don’t know much about this type of stuff but I do know that love is a strange thing and happens when you least expect it. At least that’s what granny said to me.” Said Applebloom in her most comforting voice. “She also said something about birds and bees but I think she was talkin’ nonsense by then.”

“Hey, I didn’t say I was in love with him!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

Taken a back Applebloom replied; “I didn’t say you were!”

Sweetie Belle lowered her head in shame “Oh, sorry Applebloom. Thanks anyway.”

“Aaaannyway!” Scootaloo interrupted. “ I’m starting to feel queasy with all this lovey dovey talk, so could we please just eat lunch now.”

“You were the one who started this discussion, Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle yelled at her friend, exasperated from everything that happened.

Scootaloo looked as if she were going to yell back but thought better of it and responded with calm words’ “Heheh, right. Sorry Sweetiebelle. I just don’t want you to get hurt by this colt if he causes trouble. Can’t I care about my friend?”

“Thanks, Scootaloo. I’m happy that you're thinking of me but maybe try to express it differently next time.” Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously.

“Finally! This whole argument is over with! Now let’s go eat!” Applebloom sighed in relief and marched over towards a nearby picnic table. The other two fillies followed and sat down with their lunches, beginning their long awaited lunch.
As they ate in mostly silence, a burning curiosity entered Sweetie Belle's mind; “I wonder if Applebloom and Scootaloo ever had crushes before….”
Sweetie Belle couldn’t stand not knowing so she blurted out the question before she could stop herself.
“Have either of you ever had a crush on anypony?” she asked innocently.

Scootaloo sighed and rolled her eyes. “And back we are to lovey dovey gunk. Blegh!”

“I’ll take that as a no.” Sweetie belle said then turned to Applebloom. “What about you, Applebloom?”

Applebloom pondered the question before answering as she shined an apple to eat. “Nah, not really. I guess I’ve found some colts attractive before but no crushes.”

Scootaloo butted in with a “Ouuuu, anyone we know at school?” She playfully nudged her friend with her arm and smirked.

“Of course not!” Applebloom proclaimed with a dusting of pink on her cheeks.

“Scootaloo continued with her teasing. “Suuuuurre! Now I wonder who it is….”

Applebloom huffed. “Oh, like you haven’t found a colt cute before. I’ve seen you eyeing Rumble before.”

“W-Wha-” Scootaloo stammered before recovering herself, her face flushed red. “That so called eyeing, is just me admiring his flying skills. Nothing more to it.” She said affirmatively.

“Riiight.” Applebloom said, giving Scootaloo a condescending look. Scootaloo simply rolled her eyes and kept eating her lunch. Sweetie Belle giggled at the two of them. She found their bickering rather amusing.

As lunch neared an end, the bell rang, signaling for all the fillies and colts to return to their classes. The three friends raced for the door, laughing along the way, their arguments erased from their minds. Sweetie Belle was forever grateful for such great friends, even if they argued sometimes. She didn’t know what she would do without them. This reminded her of the lonely Button Mash, with no friends at all. No one deserved that. With a spark of determination, she promised herself she would try to be the best a friend she could be to Button Mash, starting by being the bestest project partner he’d ever know!

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
The sound of the school bell was an absolute relief to Button Mash’s ears; the school day was finally over. Button was so eager to go home that he nearly forgot about waiting for Sweetie Belle so they could work on the project together.
He still couldn’t believe that he had asked her to come to his house and with such ease...in a way. He hoped he hadn’t weirded her out with his directness but then again, it was just a project that they were forced to work on together. Shaking his head, Button Mash forced his thoughts out of his mind and instead searched for Sweetie Belle, turning his head in all directions until he was alarmed by a sudden clasp on his shoulders and a loud “Hey!” Button jolted in response with a high pitched shriek and frantically turned around to see who it was.
“Heheh, I didn’t know a colt could even scream that high.” It was Scootaloo, giggling at the shocked Button Mash.

“O-Oh, H-Hey Scootaloo,” Button said weakly. “you surprised me!”

The orange filly giggled again. “I sure did, didn’t I?” she said, quite proud of herself. “Anyway, how’s it hangin’ Buttonator?”

“Buttonator?” He asked, puzzled. “Hey, I kind of like it! It’s like that game ‘Terminator’, only with my name! I can’t believe I’ve never thought of that before.”

Scootaloo looked at him with a confused expression on her face. “Terminator? What’s that?”

“Oh, right. Not many ponies know much about video games. It’s a shooting action kind of video game. It’s pretty gory so my mom doesn’t let me play it.”

“Huh, sounds kind of cool, I guess,” Scootaloo answered.

Just as they were about to continue their conversation, AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle, popped out of nowhere, making Button jump once again.

“There you are, Scootaloo!” said AppleBloom. “Oh, and Button too! Whatcha doin’?”

“We were just talking about a video game.” Button said.

“Not before I jump scared you! I can’t believe I got you so bad!” Scootaloo laughed good-heartedly and nudged him playfully in the arm.

“Heheh, right.” He laughed nervously, unsure of what to say.

“Sounds like you were havin’ fun!” AppleBloom said kindly. “Oh, Scoots, wanna work on that project at my place? I finished most of my chores yesterday, so I have time to work on it today.”

Scootaloo made an irritated look on her face and sighed. “Right, the project. Why must there be ANOTHER project when we just had one last week!?”

“I guess Miss.Cheerilee just really likes projects. I think she said she likes it cause it teaches people to work well together as a group. Anyway, are you free?”

“As always.” Scootaloo said. “Might as well get it over with. “

“Great!” AppleBloom responded. “Come on then. Let’s get to it! Who knows, maybe we’ll even get our cutie marks on project making!” She said enthusiastically.

Scootaloo simply chuckled, “I sure hope not.”

“We’ll see you two later!” AppleBloom yelled as she turned and ran away with Scootaloo at her heels, shouting, “Last one there is a rotten egg!”

They disappeared into the distance, leaving the silent Sweetie Belle and Button Mash. Neither had made a sound since AppleBloom and Scootaloo started talking to each other. It was if they were the background; There, yet not adding to the conversation.

“So.” Button Mash said, breaking the awkward silence. “Wanna work on that project now?”

Button Mash cursed himself for asking Sweetie Belle earlier when he could have just asked her now. No matter how awkward it was, it was better asking once then twice, when you didn't need to. “Oh, well.” he thought.

“Oh, r-right.” Sweetie Belle said nervously. It was the first thing she said, from her silent and anxious state.

“Okay! Let’s go!” Button said as enthusiastically as he could, trying to break free from their awkwardness.
He began to trot slowly away, hoping for Sweetie Belle to follow his lead.

“Right!” Sweetie Belle said and, matching his enthusiasm, and trotting after him as if imitating him. “Oh yeah, I have to go ask my sister if I can go to your house and work on the project, first. I live quite close to the town square, so it shouldn’t take us too long to get there!”

Button Mash was slightly surprised to hear the young filly speak after her long silence, but he was glad of it too. He might as well start a conversation.

“Ok, fine by me!” Button said cheerfully. “So. what does your sister do? Didn’t you say you lived in a boutique or something?”

O-O, yeah!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, seeming a little shaken. “She makes clothing and dresses and stuff, so we just live upstairs. It’s really cool! You should SEE her creations! They’re AMAZING!” Sweetie Belle said with an adoration of her big sister. The more she spoke, the more she surprised Button with her energetic words, replacing her nervousness. He liked to hear her talk like this. It made him want to talk to just as much as energy as she did. This reminded Button of his younger, lively self. He used to speak as animated as Sweetie Belle was right now. Even more, in fact. Only that was back when he was oblivious to the cruel world around him and the bad memories of the past that hadn’t happened yet. How he wished he could just go back to the way it was before….Well, maybe he could, he thought. Maybe if there was something to look forward to, he could jump back to his old high-spirited self. As a matter of fact, he DID have something to look forward to; being a part of the CutieMark Crusaders! Although he wasn’t much interested in earning his cutie mark like the rest of the CMC’s, he was looking forward to hanging out with them and possibly even being friends! This positive thought put a higher bounce to his trot as he continued to walk beside Sweetie Belle.

“Uh, did I talk too much or something?” Sweetie Belle said to Button Mash, with a slight expression of concern on her face. “You kind of spaced out there for a second.”

“Sorry! I was just thinking about something. “And no, you're not talking too much at all! I like to hear what you say. Your sister sounds awesome!” He tried his best to apologize and hoped for Sweetie Belle to continue talking.

The pearly white filly looked dazed yet pleased with what Button had said and giggled. “Am I really not talking that much? I mean you spaced out when I kept talking about my sister. Sorry about that. I bet you have something interesting to say. Oh, and just ONE more thing about my sister. Even though she can be super awesome, she can be such a posh, neat freak pony. She’s all, “Sweetie Belle, don’t be so careless or you’ll ruin my dresses!” She spoke in a posh English accent, imitating her sister. “Or, Sweetie Belle, stop making such a mess! It’s making me queasy, seeing you all sloppy life that!”
Button Mush smiled nervously as Sweetie Belle continued to talk. She was just so amusing! He would never have thought that a filly like her would be so silly. She seemed so sweet and gentle. Well, she was, of course, just he didn’t expect her to be so fun too. She was just so perfect…

“Oh, heheh, I’m talking too much about my sister again, aren’t I.” She smiled, clearly embarrassed.

“What, no!” Button said more loudly than he meant to, causing his voice to surprise both himself and the filly beside him. “It’s really amusing to hear you talk about your sister! I can’t wait to meet her, well unless, she’s as posh as you say she is; I’m not the greatest at first impressions, especially with fancy ponies. They always think my hat is weird, well everyone thinks my hat’s weird.” Button gestured to his beanie hat, the propeller still spinning in the wind.

“Hey, I think your hat is cool! In a sort of odd, charming way.” Her face turned a light pink and she smiled nervously.
“REALLY?!” Button exclaimed. “No one's ever said that before! Thanks!” Button was feeling happier by the minute as their conversation went on.

“Your welcome!” She smiled. “As for my sister, she’s usually really nice to everypony. Unless you're me, I guess. We are sisters, after all, so we get into fights sometimes but we still love each other. She’s actually super generous too. Wait, did I mention she’s THE ELEMENT OF GENEROSITY?!”

“WHAT?!” Button gasped. “You're telling me your sister is the element of generosity. As in the elements of harmony?!” Button was astonished and felt ecstatic about this news.

“Yep!” Sweetie Belle said proudly. “The one and only. It’s pretty cool, right?”

“SUPERTABULOUSLY COOL!” Button bursted, his eyes and smile growing wider.

Sweetie Belle laughed her sweet laugh and smiled at Button Mash. “I know right! But you may want to hold back your amazement when you meet her. She insists that everyone should treat her like any other pony. Well, as she phrased it; Any other pony as classy and dignified as her.” Sweetie Belle must have noticed Button’s confused face so she added “Just, treat her with respect and don’t get too worshipy around her. Although I think she’d be pleased with a little recognition.”

Button nodded in response.

“Hey, look! You can see the boutique now!” Sweetie Belle announced.

Button hadn’t realized how much time had flown by from them talking to each other. It barely felt like any time at all and now they had almost finished walking to their destination.

Button responded “It’s so cool looking! I love the buildings at Ponyville! They’re so much homier and different than the ones back in Manehattan.”

“Just wait until you see inside!” Sweetie belle excitedly exclaimed. “It’s so beautiful in the boutique!” She paused and went on speaking about buildings as well.
“Ponyville buildings are pretty cool, aren’t they? Especially Twilight Sparkle's library. I mean, it’s a tree for Celestia’s sake! The coolest house ever!”

“Wait, you’ve actually been INSIDE where Twilight Sparkle lives?!”
“Well yeah. It’s a library, so anypony is allowed inside. Plus, I’m pretty good friends with Twilight, since she’s my sister's friend and all.”

Button’s face cracked into another overly-excited grin. “That is SO COOL! You're so cool! Ponyville is so cool!”

Sweetie Belle giggled. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard the words so and cool used that much in that short amount of time before.”

Button flushed in embarrassment and laughed weakly, “Heheh, whoops.”

“Annnnyway!” Sweetie Belle said, “Here we are!” She motioned to the glamorous outside of the boutique with her hoof in a dramatic movement. “Pretty awesome seeing it this close, isn’t it?” she said, proudly, after glancing at Button’s impressed and amazed face.

“Shall we go in then?” she said to Button, breaking him away from his awe of the boutique. “Oh, yeah, of course!” he sputtered. And in they went.

The boutique’s beauty was something he’d never encountered before in his lifetime. No building in all the places he’d ever been to had never been quite as stunning and spectacular as this boutique. He was thrilled, being able to see something so magnificent in Ponyville and even more thrilled that it belonged to someone he knew. The next thing he saw was just as stunning as the boutique itself; A pearly white pony with a purple mane of many hues, dark, gorgeous and curled.

“Good afternoon! Welcome to Rarity’s Boutique!” The beautiful pearly white pony stepped forward in greeting.

“Hey, sis!” Sweetie Belle said sweetly, skipping further inside.

She was Sweetie Belle’s sister?! Button thought. No wonder Sweetie Belle was so pretty, her sister was gorgeous!

“Oh, Hello, Sweetums! Rarity said to her little sister.” Who’s your friend? I don’t believe we’ve ever met.”

Rarity looked over at the suddenly speechless Button Mash, dumbfounded by the purple maned mare’s presence. He’d never seen a mare as dazzling looking as the mare in front of him. Young mares never really took any notice to him at all.
Button Mash stumbled over his words. “I-I’m B-Button Bash, uh, I mean Button Mash.”

“Well, it’s lovely to meet you Button Mash! Any friend of Sweetie Belle’s is very much welcome here at the boutique.”

Button Mash just stared and nodded. She spoke as delightfully as she looked, he thought, caught in her deep blue eyes; her sparkling, wide, splendid eyes.

“Are you two planning to hang out here?” Rarity said kindly. “I’m quite occupied with my work, but you could go upstairs so you don’t get in the way.”

Button could see what Sweetie Belle meant when talking about her sister. She was kind yet a little snobby.

Sweetie Belle responded to her sister, “ I was just gonna ask you if I could go to Button’s house to work on a school project.”

“Oh, why of course you can! Thank you for informing me, my dear.” Button swore he saw a slight playful smirk on the beautiful unicorn’s face but shrugged it away.

“Okay, thanks! We’ll be on our way then!”

“I’d offer you two something to eat but I’m far too busy at the moment. Sweetie Belle! How about you go get a beverage for your guest! I need to go fetch something from the kitchen as well.”

“I thought you said you were too busy to-” Sweetie Belle began to say but was caught off by her sister. “It’s for my new orders!” Rarity proclaimed. “Come, come. There is some iced tea in the fridge which you can serve. Button Mash, please feel free to look around the boutique.” She said warmly but then added, “Just don’t touch anything, dear.” with an apprehensive smile, as if she was worried about him ruining something. She didn’t have much confidence in him, did she. Well, they were complete strangers, after all.

Rarity gently lead Sweetie Belle to the kitchen while the young filly mumbled quietly; “What would you need from the kitchen for a piece of clothing?”

Button was left behind to bask in the grandness of the boutique. Everything was so exquisite, suiting the purple maned mare’s style and dignified manner. He admired the various things around the boutique, desperate to touch them but stayed where he was, waiting for Sweetie Belle and Rarity to come back.

When they did, they entered with a tray of glasses filled with freshly made iced tea. They somehow looked exquisite like everything else in the home of Rarity.

Rarity placed the tray of drinks down on a nearby table using her magic.

“Please, enjoy! I hope for you to feel welcomed, here at the boutique.”

“T-thanks!” Button nodded to the unicorns in thanks.

“Well, I’ll leave you to it then. I better keep working on those orders. Tah-tah!” With that, she disappeared into another room.

“You sister seems nice.” Button said to start more conversation.

Sweetie Belle, with a look of disgruntle, responded back. “Yeah, she is….”

Button Mash wondered why the young filly’s mood had changed so quickly but didn’t think much of it.

“Did you make this iced tea? It tastes really good and I am SO not a tea pony.”

“Well, sort of. I helped my sister make it. She has the best recipe! I’m glad you like it. It’s super refreshing too!”

Glad that Sweetie Belle seemed less gloomy and more in spirits he continued to talk to her, hoping for another enthusiastic conversation.

He guzzled his glass of iced tea and asked her about Ponyville.

Time went by as they talked for a little while until they had finished drinking their glasses of iced tea, Button draining 2 big glasses of it in record timing.

“Wanna go then?” Button asked Sweetie Belle as he licked the final drops of the sweet drink from the brim of the glass.

“Sure!” Sweetie Belle responded. “You sure like that iced tea, don’t you?” She giggled.

Button nodded his head vigorously. “Duh, of course, I do! I can’t wait to come back again so I can drink more of that stuff!”

Sweetie Belle laughed softly. “I feel like the caffeine in the iced tea has affected you... “

“Whaddya mean? Affected? Was it poisoned?! Am I slowly dying right now?!” Button grew more jittery by the sentence.

Sweetie belle laughed nervously once again. “No, it’s not poisoned and no, you're not slowly dying!” Sweetie Belle thought for a second and mumbled quietly, “Well, aren't we all slowly dying?”

Button sighed in relief and hadn’t managed to hear Sweetie Belle’s second comment.

“Anyway, let’s go! Button leaped out of the boutique, nearly crashing into the door.

“Wait, don’t forget your saddlebags!” Sweetie Belle yelled at Button from inside and raced outside to catch up with Button.

Maybe giving him caffeinated iced tea, wasn’t such a good idea...