• Published 7th Nov 2011
  • 1,008 Views, 5 Comments

What ever happened to old Sugarcube Corner? - TGnPFlutterGuy

Twilight Sparkle wakes up to an abrupt explosion. She then begins investigating.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Author's Note: I didn't have any help whatsoever on this story, so sorry if it has grammatical errors and such.


The group of pony's grew to a stare as the mare stepped out from behind the shadows. It was Pinkie Pie. From the look on her face, she was just everyday average Pinkie Pie. Twilight had then stepped forward and asked her with a confused expression.

"Where have you been Pinkie?! We were all worried something might have happened!"

Pinkie then looked at Twilight with a very confused expression.

"I was getting supplies silly!"

"Supplies for what? You do realize that Sugarcube Corner is in ruins now don't you??" Rainbow Dash asked irritated.

"Haha, what are you talking abo-" Pinkie then asked as she turned around to see the once proud and prestine bakery completely ravished.

"about...." She finished her sentence with hesitation.

"Did you JUST realize what had happened???" Twilight asked as she immediately face-hoofed.

Pinkie was still in amazement on how the greatest bakery in Ponyville was now a wreck. Her eyes began to tear up.

"You said you knew why it blew up, but then, you said you had no idea the place was even in a condition like this..." Twilight added before Pinkie could continue on with her crying.

"I thought you all were talking about why the cupcakes were taking so long.... Not why.... this... happened." Her hair then began losing it's form, which was at one moment in a very playful and bouncy state, was now a flat and depressing mess.

"So wait, you didn't do this?" Twilight then added.

"No! I would've never done such a thing to my favorite place to throw parties and bake!"

"Told ya' so." Mr. Cake said after Pinkie completed her rant.

"When I began trotting my way to get a few supplies that the bakery didn't have, I heard something loud, but just thought that somepony might've just dropped something, not that something like this would happen...to...." She stopped talking as tears began to flow down her cheeks. She was just as surprised about this happening as everypony else whom was wondering about it.

"It's ok Pinkie, we are going to find out exactly who or what did this." Twilight then added reassuring Pinkie.

"Did you see anypony suspicious leave the scene?" Twilight then asked Rainbow Dash.

She then put a hoof on her chin as if thinking in deep contemplation.

"Now that you mention it....." Rainbow then said pausing for dramatic effect.

"I did see a few fillies walk away from their rather suspiciously... I didn't really think anything of it knowing they were just fillies ya' know?

"Did you happen to see what they're cutie marks looked like?" Twilight asked.

"They didn't...have...any..." Rainbow then looked up realizing who she saw.

"The cutie mark crusaders!" The three ponies said in unison.

"I'm sorry about what had happened to your shop Mr. and Mrs. Cake, but I am going to find out what happened." Twilight said.

"*sniff* Thank you *sniff*" Mrs. Cake then said wiping a tear away from her eye.

With a confident smile, the three ponies then began trotting to the CMC's tree-house.


Twilight continued talking to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie about what happened.

"So Pinkie, exactly what was going on before the explosion?" Twilight said breaking the silence.

"Well.... Mr. Cake gave me the job to make the most scrumptious cupcakes ever. So I agreed. I made a test batch to make sure they were worth serving. They were AMAZING! I was thinking of just forgetting about making another batch to serve and just serving those ones instead. But I knew I could make better cupcakes than those. So i put my abilities to the test! I decided I was going to bake an extra-amazing-super-HUGE-insanely-awesome-and-extra-delicious cupcake! So i put 4 cups of flower into the bowl. Then I took alot of sweets and added it to the mix. Then I added two pinches of salt and 2 teaspoons of vanilla. I then put into the oven, and it smelled a-m-a-zing!" Pinkie said with extra enthusiasm.

"I left so I could find a big enough cupcake mold to hold such a huge cupcake. I looked an entire week over almost all of Equestria for it. I even went to Manehatten! I still couldn't find one, so I came back deciding to bake it into a whole bunch of separate bowls. When I got back, I saw you and Dashie talking to Mr. and Mrs. Cake, hearing the conversation, I then assumed that you ponies were talking about my cupcakes. But when I turned around..." Pinkies eyes grew dull and lusterless, her hair began to flatten.

"It was gone." Pinkie said as she stopped walking and sat on her haunches. She then proceeded to bury her face into her hooves and cried. Twilight and Dash then turned around to go aid they're saddened friend.

"Pinkie, it's alright, I bet you that the town has already began reconstructing Sugarcube Corner, im sure you'll be able to bake and throw parties in no time!" Twilight said with a reassuring smile.

"Alright..." Pinkie then said as she looked up, immediately cheering up, her hair grew back to it's usual poofiness.

They arrived at the tree-house after about 30 minutes of traveling. They heard noise coming from inside, the noise sounded like little fillys conversing over something.

Twilight was the first to make her way up the very small and poorly built stairs. Once she got up to the deck of the tree-house, she then proceeded to knock on the door with her left hoof. The little ponies inside seemed to panic as they shushed each other as they approached the door. Scootaloo stuck her head out the door to see Twilight staring at her.

"H-hi Twilight, its a shock to see you here." She then opened the door a little bit more only to be greeted by the eyes of Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

She perked up when she saw Dash.

"Hey Rainbow!" She said with extreme enthusiasm. A smile spreading ear-to-ear.

"Hey..." Rainbow then said rolling her eyes.

Applebloom then knocked Scootaloo out of the way. In the back they 3 mares could hear her begin to complain.

"What can I do ya' for?" Applebloom asked with a pleasant smile.

"Well, we kind of have a problem..."

"What kind'a problem?"

"Like the biggest bakery in Ponyville exploding into bits! Kind of problem." Pinkie said as she made a motion towards Ponyville.

The filly then tensed up and was quickly pulled out by Sweetie Belle.

"What do you mean??" Sweetie Belle then said with a saddened facial expression.

The door now fully open revealing the 3 fillies as they looked at them in wonder.

Twilight looked over at Pinkie. Pinkie then nodded and went through the entire story of how the place suddenly exploded.

"And we saw you three fillies leaving, looking very suspicious!" Rainbow said inching a little closer to them.

Twilight then hoisted her back with her hoof.

"I'm afraid it's true, we came here to ask you three about what happened. Did you three have anything to do with this?"

The fillies seemed quite nervous after Rainbow's last remark as if were about to be strucken by her.

"Well...." Scootaloo said backing up.

"I think we messed up guys." She said as she looked around at the rest of them.

The three fillies then proceeded to lower their heads.

"What do you mean? 'messed up'? Twilight then asked with an irritated look on her face.

"Well..." Applebloom then choked out.

"Ughhhh.... not another story." Rainbow said unenthusiastically

Applebloom looked over at Rainbow Dash with a raised eyebrow.

"As i was saying..."

"We were just playing behind the bakery, pass-back of course. We were having alot o' fun until.." Applebloom stopped.

"We accidentally bounced the ball to hard." Sweetie Belle continued for Applebloom.

"The ball then bounced into one of the windows." Added Scootaloo.

"We really didn't mean for it to happen!" They all looked at the 3 with really big puppy-dog eyes.

They couldn't help but not be mad at them.

"It's okay, but I don't think that's what caused the explosion." Twilight then denounced

"Did you ponies notice an odd smell after the explosion." Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, it smelled like cyclotrimethylene trinitramine." All the ponies then looked at Applebloom with a weirded expression on their faces.

"A fancy phrase for c4." They still looked confused.

"Something that explodes."

"Ohhhh...." They all said.

"Well, why would somepony rig the place to explode?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie Pie then began to feel something coming on.

"Knee tingle, nose sniffle, achy shoulder, stinging tummy!"

"What does that mean?" Everypony asked.

"It means somethings going to explode!" Pinkie yelled.

Knowing well enough that Pinkies, Pinkie senses were true, everypony hid, even though Dash was still skeptical about it, she ignored her stubbornness and hid too.


The whole forest shook as a huge explosion emitted from the forest somewhere. Everypony looked up to make sure they were alright.

"Follow that explosion!" Twilight yelled as she ran towards the forest her head still ringing from the loudness of it.

More then likely, everypony in Ponyville heard that explosion. It shook the ground beneath them. Taking out a few steps in the CMC's tree-house. They all went for a full on sprint into the Everfree Forest.


Another Cliff hanger! Yay! :D
Stay tuned for the next chapter which should be coming out by friday! xD

Comments ( 4 )

I'll keep that in mind :D thanks! XD


You're welcome :) If you'd like a pre-reader to help, I'll volunteer. A lot of the problems here are easily avoided, but easy to miss while writing.

Let me know what you think :)

28692 that would be great! XD

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