• Published 23rd Feb 2015
  • 303 Views, 3 Comments

I'm coming home - Dead Nation

Nightwake has survived what felt like the end of the world. Now she is going home to stop her mother even if it means sacrificing her own life.

  • ...

Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Our fight lasted many hours. Each of us sastaining life threatning injuries. I didn't give up though.

"You'r a fair fighter. To bad your going to have to die now." She claimed. She was standing near the edge of the balcony, just behind her a fall long enough to kill a dragon. I suddenly came to understand what was going to happen next. A tear of saddness, rather than pain, escaped my eye. I charged her with everything I had left in me. I swung my sword only to deflect her attacks. Finally my body made contact with hers. I hit her hard, knocking the wind out of her as we both tumbled over the edge. I held her tight, gripping her wings to her sides to prevent her from flying away. She struggled hard against me, but my will outweighed her power. I could feel every slave, solder, and otherwise turn and look our way. We fell for what felt like forever, it was almost like that moment of peace when you come to terms with your untimly demise. In a single instance we both felt the impact of the hard ground.

I didn't even notice my death. It was almost non-existant. I knew I was safe in Celestias hooves now because I felt no pain, only peace. Before me stood gates made of pure gold. I approched them and waited. I was at terms with myself. I knew my death meant something.

"Nightwake? Your here early." I heard Celestias voice call from the other side. "I thank you for what you did. My kingdom can finaly flurish, thrive, heal." I just smiled humbaly and whispered a singel sentance.

"Your Welcome." I nodded my head.

"I belive somepony is waiting for you here. Welcome home Nightwake." Celestias voice rang. The gates opened, and standing there was Stone Cold. He waved a hoof, and I waved back. I could rest easy now. Now and forever.

~I'm coming home

Author's Note:

You made it to the end! I must have done something right. I'm a starting author so have patiance with me. If there is anything you'd like me to do to this story. Let me know.

After the edit: I was listaning to the Fallout 3 soundtrack (galaxy news radio!) while editing this. That kept my spirits up for a long while, so I was able to edit it all at once. Enjoy!

Comments ( 3 )
Comment posted by Cytotoxin deleted Mar 10th, 2015

I really did rush this one, unfortunately. It had potential.

Er mer gerd, fresh edit that fixed grammical errors! I also added some things, took away some things. Feedback is much appriciated!

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