• Published 2nd Apr 2015
  • 459 Views, 2 Comments

Alone - Randomized Designs

Gilda leaves Ponyville with full confidence that she did the right thing.

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By: Princess Applejack
For: Trouble Tuesdays

"I'm going this way." Gilda walked in the opposite direction that Pinkie Pie had told her to and that's when things flew south.

She slipped on something wet and everypony was laughing at her. She had enough of Pinkie's pranks and she blew her top. She screeched at the top of her lungs and told Pinkie off right then and there. She turned to her only friend at the party gesturing for her come.

"Come on Dash." She gritted her teeth when she didn't listen. "I said come on Dash, we're leaving." She didn't want to yell at her but, these ponies where really pushing her buttons.

"No." She stared at Dash in surprised, she had been the one who had set up those pranks. So Dash really humiliated her not Pinkie. It's not true. She's lying to protect that little pony.

"Dash your joshing me." Gilda couldn't believe her ears. Pinkie was trying to help her. I don't have an attitude problem. Why is she turning on me like this? "W-well you're such a, a FLIP FLOP! Yeah cool one minute and lame the next. When you decide not to be lame anymore give me a call."

Gilda left Ponyville with full confidence that she did the right thing. At least she thought she did the right thing. Her oldest friend turned on her so it was okay to leave, right? Then why does she feel so alone? Gilda flapped her wings as fast as she could. When she thought she was far enough she landed on a near by cloud.

"Stupid. Dash." She huffed in between breaths. She had just fled Ponyville after being constantly humiliated by Pinkie Pie. She didn't even take my side. Rainbow Dash had told Gilda that she'd rather be with dweebs than her. And I thought she was cool. What a dweeb, she's such a flip flop. "I don't need you!" Gilda screeched thinking it would make it all the way back to Sugar Cube Conner.

She looked down and saw that she was in the middle of nowhere. Ponyville was long gone and she was all alone. Who needs 'em. I can do pranks all by myself. I can train all by myself. I can...I can cry all by myself. Gilda wiped a tear from her eye. "Pull yourself together G. This has nothing to do with Dash. It's that Pinkie's fault she humiliated you and now Dash doesn't want to be seen around you." She sighed knowing that wasn't the least bit true. "She'll come back. I just have to wait."

She fixed her self on the cloud, moving around trying to get comfortable. "It'll be okay in the morning." She closed her eyes and when she opened them again it was dark outside. "Dash." She looked around excited only to be disappointed by her findings. She was still alone but, not in the the same place. The wind had blown the cloud farther away from Ponyville. "She'll come back, I just have to wait up for her. She'll call for me and I'll be awake to hear it."

She stared at the distant sky wondering if Rainbow Dash would come soon. It had to be hours later when she realized she had dozed off. Opening her eyes she saw that it was morning. The wind had blown the cloud away again, father and farther from Ponyville. "Where is she?" Gilda was getting frustrated and lonely. "That little! She's probably with that Pinkie Pie. Fine. You want me to come to you? Then I will."

She stretched out her wings and took off in the direction of Ponyville. When she got there it was like a ghost town. "Hello?" That's when she saw fireworks coming from the town square. Everypony was there even Dash and..."Pinkie Pie!" Gilda couldn't believe it she was still friends with that dweeb after everything she did to her. Rainbow Dash had forgotten all about her and now they where watching a magic show together.

That's when Dash took the stage and did this amazing trick around the clouds creating a rainbow. Then this unicorn comes and shows her up. It was actually pretty funny to Gilda and after what she'd been throw she kind of liked Dash getting a taste of her own medicine. "I guess that's what you get for hanging around dweebs." If she stuck with me I would have showed that mare who's boss.

That's when Dash turned her head in Gilda's direction. They where staring right at each other. She actually started walking towards her. That's when Gilda got cold paws and bailed. She looked back wondering if Dash had followed her. All she did was turn away and go back to her friends. "I see...I think it's pretty clear who you've chosen to be with." Gilda actually let the tears come down this time. Wiping them away she knew that she would never be excepted by them. She knew that Dash would always pick Pinkie over her. She flew away never looking back ever. If Dash didn't want to be around her than so be it. Then she realized something. What if I'm the one with the problem. Maybe she doesn't want to be around me because I'm the dweeb. Gilda laughed to herself. "I'm pitiful. I am truly pitiful. I'll never change. Not for Dash not for Pinkie not for anypony." At least now she knew she was meant to be alone.

Author's Note:

I know it's late but, this was harder than expected. Maybe I should have picked someone easier to do like Discord. Gilda isn't a huge "I want to take over the world" villain but, I still think she is one. So comment what you think and give this a fave and a like. Share it with your friends and tell me if I should continue with my one shot one day a week story thing. Next week will be Taco Tuesday.

Comments ( 2 )

Eh.... she is but she isn't. She's trying to have things be back to the way they were when she and Dash were in Flight Camp since it's clear those were the best times of her life. So then she finds out Dash just keeps talking about these OTHER friends of hers and BARELY about her... you can see where this is going.

The concept is good, but the story seems rushed and there are spaces that need serious detail. If you want help, go to my homepage and put up a comment. I copy the document, make some changes and show it to you, to see what you think. If you don't want help, that's fine too. Just tell me when you've updated it. :twilightsmile:

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