• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 3,253 Views, 33 Comments

Pokemon: Battles are Friendship - GoodKnight

What happens when five friends get sucked into the realm of brightly hued hooved mammals? How will the Element Bearers deal with five strange creatures with incredible abilities? Read on to find out!

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Chapter 4

"HAH!!" grunted a rather peeved Applejack as her powerful hind legs thwacked the solid trunk of an apple tree. "Get t'know yah, she says!" Applejack grips the handle of a basket near the base of a tree in her teeth before placing it in a cart being tugged along by Blitz. The pokemon nodded along while looking around the orchard.

"I've got a million other things to do on my farm, and she wants me to get to know y'all?" She asked rhetorically. "Well that's a load of Bull-"

"Shiitake Mushrooms!" Pinkie Pie giggled aloud. "The recipe definitley calls for some Shiitake mushrooms!"

"Err... Pinkie?" Brandi called from the other side of the kitchen. "Weren't you talking about your friends? Or am i really having the most vivid fever dream ever?"

"Whoopsies! Sorry, but it's sometimes easier to talk out loud when you're doing two things at once. My friends? Well, they are pretty cool i guess, but lately we've been yelling at each other more than laughing. I mean, laughing all the time is amazing and junk, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut..." she rattled off while mincing some mushrooms with great haste.

"... but?" Brandi asked when the pink mare stopped.

"I laugh all day long and keep a smile ALL day long. It's awesome and smiles go for miles, but i mean really! Sometimes, most of the ponies I try to cheer up and give a good time are real-"

"Pricks! That's all this ensemble really needs. Sequence the size of pin pricks." Rarity exclaimed as she scrutinized her latest creation. It looked to be a dress inspired by the pokemon standing in the room.

"Um..." he began only to be cut off again. He kept up a polite smile and wondered if he made the right choice back at the library.

"Anyways, most of the customers i have to deal with are just too much to bear. I'd think that my friends would understand my plights. Why, I had a mare come in from Phillydelphia who I was making a wedding dress for, and do you know what she said? She said that I made the dress make her look fat! The very idea! She was such a stuck up-"

"Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!" Fluttershy cried out in the comfort of her own cottage. She paced back and forth in the air in an exasperated manner. "That's all I hear from the farmer's who can't have such wonderful little critters even near their property because they honestly think that whenever a harvest goes missing it's their fault! I mean, yes... sometimes that happens, but not every time!"

Fauna watched yellow pegasus go back and forth in the air from a small couch. She idly petted a bunny that trembled in her arms while listening to Fluttershy.

"Sometimes I wish I could just scream!! But... no one would hear it so it doesn't matter," the pegasus flopped back to the floor and let out a long sigh.

"Well..." Fauna began cautiously. "Have you maybe tried talking to your friends about this?"

"Tried? TRIED?!" AJ repeated with a shout. She bucked another apple tree so hard that she left a slight mark on the bark. "Every time I do, Rarity or Rainbow, or somepony always says they got it harder!"

"Do they?" Blitz asked innocently before getting a death glare from the orange mare. "I'll take that as a no."

"Don't get me wrong! I love my friends, but they are just so...! They just...!" Pinkie began, lacking the words to describe her situationa s well as fumbling with the heat in the oven.

"Don't get it?" Brandi asked with a roll of her eyes.

"Exactly~!" Rarity sighed. "They just don't understand how hard it is to draw inspiration when you've already made so many fabulous dresses!"

"I can't even imagine..." Keldeo said with a shake of his head.

"I know, right?" Fluttershy said to Fauna. She had taken a seat in a nearby chair and toyed with her hooves for a moment.

"They think they've got it so rough."

"They think they've got it so rough."

"They think they've got it so rough."

"They think they've got it so rough."

"So... to summerize..." Twilight began while holding up a rather long parchment.

"Pokémon are creatures of all shapes and sizes who live in the wild or alongside humans. Humans are beings that coexist with you pokemon. They are not to be confused with the humans I have encountered. Some humans keep pokemon as pets, but others like to train them for competition. Am I right so far?"

"Yes..." Jeri replied with a tired nod.

"Pokemon can be classified into certain groups that describe what attributes and talents they can possess. There are Fire, Grass, Water, Normal, Rock, Ground, Fighting, Electric, Bug, Ice, Steel, Flying, Psychic, Dragon, Dark, Poison, Ghost and Fairy types. Each type has advantages and weaknesses to other types. An basic example being that Grass beats Water, Water beats Fire, and Fire beats grass. The basic idea is to use common sense."

"Sounds right." Jeri let out a small yawn and looked out the window.

"All right. That covers the basics for the most part," Twilight said before rolling up the parchment. "At least, it covers it for now. I'l have more questions that'll need answering later. Is there anything you'd like to ask me?"

"Well... MAybe I should go over what I've learned from you...?" he asked.

"That'd be a great idea." Twilight sat down and gave a sincere smile.

"Ok... So..." Jeri thought for a moment before speaking. "We are in Equestria, which is currently being ruled by four princesses, but one, called Celestia, oversees the government. There are four kinds of pony as well. Earth Ponies are somewhat resposible for keeping the ground fertile, Pegasi have wings and can control the weather above, and Unicorns can control magic and manipulate it to cast spells. The fourth kind of pony are called alicorns. They possess the three other ponies abilities, and are the least common in Equestria. Most alicorns are in a position of power and are somewhat responsible for keeping the harmony in the land."

"Correct," Twilight said with a nod. "Anything else?"

"Can we have a break?" Jeri laughed. "I just don't think I can last much longer."

"... alright... We'll have a 5 minute break," Twilight sighed before getting up. "But after that, we're going to move onto other matters... like history!"

The Girafarig fell out of his seat and groaned in defeat.

Author's Note:

Whew~! This is a bit- ok, it's really, really late and over due, but i'm sorry! :fluttershbad: I just am really busy in life and I'm sorry if it's so short!!!