• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 3,253 Views, 33 Comments

Pokemon: Battles are Friendship - GoodKnight

What happens when five friends get sucked into the realm of brightly hued hooved mammals? How will the Element Bearers deal with five strange creatures with incredible abilities? Read on to find out!

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Chapter 2

To my dearest Twilight,

I received your letter, and have decided to help you. As your friend, I feel obligated to aid in any way possible. That being said, and as your former mentor, I must give you one final lesson of friendship. Consider it to be your greatest puzzle yet... Invite your friends over Thursday like any normal day, and wait for my next letter for further instructions. If all goes as planned, expect to receive it at 3:00 pm.

With the Highest Praise,

Princess Celestia

Twilight read the letter over once more and bit her lip in anxiety. Her gaze scanned her friends whom gathered around the table. Currently, they were talking about their day: Twilight was not really paying attention. She kept stealing nervous glances at the clock. Now, she was an intelligent unicorn. She had been reading physics textbooks while most her age were starting Hop on Pop. She knew how the flow of time worked. In fact, she knew enough about it to understand how to travel back in time. Making time move faster, however, was impossible... for now...

She snuck another glance at the clock. 2:04 pm.

"What's up Twi?" a voice asked from above. Twilight was startled out of her trance, causing the hovering rainbow-haired mare to become a little more concerned. "Why're you so jumpy?"

"Ooooh! Is it a new game? Are you playing a jumping game?" a bubbly and excited voice cut in. "Could I play? Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar and whipped cream and sprinkles on top?!"

"Wha- no! No..." Twilight reassured with a weak smile. "I'm fine. Really."

"Come on now, sugarcube," an orange mare drawled while adjusting her Stetson. The farm mare leaned back casually in her throne, propping her hooves up on the table. "Ya'll should know not t' lie around me..."

"Now, be reasonable Applejack," Rarity began while shoving the mares feet off the table with a sweep of her magic. "If Twilight wants to tell us, then she will tell us when she's ready." Twilight sighed with relief.

"B-But..." Fluttershy's quiet voice began, making Twilight's heart sink. "Shouldn't we be concerned? I-I mean... What if it's something bad?"

"It's not bad I swear!" Twilight spoke loudly,, causing the others to go silent. Even the party mare was quiet. Twilight glanced at the clock.

2:04 pm.

Maybe she could figure this one out on her own. After all, how hard could it be?

~Aproximately 53 Minutes Later....

Twilight cowered underneath the crystalline table. Above, all she could hear were shouts of anger and miscellaneous items being tossed about. She was spiraling. She could hear Princess Celestia's words clear as if she were hear. "I am disappointed in you Twilight," the imaginary Celestia voice in the broken mare's head reprimanded. "Your alicorn wings shall be clipped and you shall be banished t the farthest-" The voice was interrupted by a book landing upon Twilight's muzzle. The book was supposed to be filed under mystery... The thought clicked, and Twilight's rage boiled over.

Whatever was happening above froze in an instant as Twiight's magical aura tightened it's grip around everything. The table hovered above as the violet mare rose. Her eyes were glowing a burning white, and her mane flowed in an imaginary breeze. The scen that was frozen in place seemed confusing. Rainbow, seemed to be in mid air-roll, next to Pinkie who had a pie still in hoof, performing a seemingly uncanny flip. Applejack had her lasso in mid hogtie around Rarity. The ivory mare in question appeared to be doing nothing. Upon closer inspection, the mare seemed to levitate a drape near Appplejack to wrap up in. The room in whole appeared to be a complete and utter destroyed mess. After all mares eyes were upon Twilight, she released them from her hold, causing most everything to fall to the ground. She then spoke in the royal canterlot tongue.


No mare spoke up. As Twilight's rage was about to burst, a small voice spoke up. From under a side table that laid against the wall, Fluttershy emerged with a very embarrassed and apologetic look on her face. Silence reigned once more, and Twilight's rage subsided a little. Her magic rearranged the room as it was before the pandemonium. Even her friends were placed by Twilight's magic.

The last little detail left was the book that was threw upon the ground. Twilight blinked as her eyes lost their glow. Her gaze was hard and irritated. She walked over to the bookcase it came from and placed it in the correct space. As she turned to address the friends before her, she waved off any comments before they could leave anyone's mouth.

"This has turned into an intervention," Twilight stated flatly. "It's not for just one of us. This is for all of us. I sent a letter to Princess Celestia, and she told me not to tell you about it, but you've pushed me to this point."

The other mares looked to one another in worry, but kept their silence. Twilight drew in a long breath, and continued, "Our friendship is in jeopardy. Our... little hangout days are supposed to be happy and fun. They've become now... arguments and days to just tear each other's throats out. Celestia-"

There was chime in the castle from a clock, cutting Twilight off. It was 3:00 pm. Twilight waited in suspense. She didn't know what to expect from her former mentor. As the panic appeared upon her face, so did it appear on the others.

"Twilight?" Pinkie began slowly. "Um... T-twitchy tail...!"

As if on cue, as all eyes looked up, a tear appeared in the air above. Within it was a swirling vortex of sorts. Not a few moments later, a few bodies as colorful as the ponies themselves fell from it. Without a single second to spare, the portal sealed itself, allowing a deafening silence to fill the air.

Author's Note:

Before anyone gets too antsy, yes I did change the prologue to chapter one.

Also, next chapter, the pokemon shall be introduced fully. Go ahead and guess what they'll be like in the comments. Who knows? I might get ideas...:pinkiesmile: