• Member Since 20th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 4th, 2017

Paton Pendeng

Normal? What does that taste like?


Lyra has a secret. It's becoming a bit of a problem, but perhaps one mare could help her out.

Ideollogically sensitive, I guess. If you're set in your stubbornness, take your hate to some other website. :ajbemused:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

Good story. :twilightsmile:

Cute, very interesting take on both characters!

So Lyra is unsure if she is lesbian or not?

Apparently this is sorta misleading in the title. Lyra isn't "coming out" to Rainbow Dash but you are sorta saving it by having Rainbow Dash come out, but it doesn't sound like "coming out" rather than a "confession". Now if that is the same I don't mind. Aaanyway... good story I believe.

Rainbow is lesbian.All the story's and looking at her makes me think "she's lesbian or bi like Cloud Kicker.But good story.:scootangel:

You know, coming out is hard enough, but admitting to yourself that you are gay is even harder. I'm gay myself and it took me a long time to accept it so I can resonate with this story

I thought that the story was good. It's more real than most stories involving LGBT characterization on this site.

Good story :)

I can only imagine those downvotes are because they were hoping for some LyDash. RainbowStrings?

If they assume it's that and did not notice the lack of a Romance tag, then it's their mistake.

I'm a major liberal in a republican state, so unlike my friends and neighbors, I support gay marrige. I was glad when it was legalized a few weeks ago. My best friend has gay parents (they're men, by the way), and my sister is bi, so at least I'm not the only one.:rainbowdetermined2:

I'm a major liberal in a republican state, so unlike my friends and neighbors, I support gay marrige. I was glad when it was legalized a few weeks ago. My best friend has gay parents (they're men, by the way), and my sister is bi, so at least I'm not the only one.:rainbowdetermined2:
6183905 It was probably some anti-LGBT jerks who are pissed that gay marrige is legal now.

I love the story, and it quite a different take from the whole shipping thing. However, the title was a tad bit misleading, but was overall, a great story. 9/10. :moustache:

This was a well written story...
But something about it's length is preventing me from giving it a favorite.

"take your hate to some other website..."

It's not 'hate' if you have good reasons for rejecting it using whatever force necessary, you Social Justice Weasel.


Are you attacking me and calling me names? Are you trying to force your ideals down my throat? No? Neither am i. It's a warning those who want to flame war in the comments. So go ahead. Respond. I can delete your comments if you don't heed the warning.


Question: why air your views on such a contentious subject, on the internet where everyone your dirty laundry, if you didn't want a discussion? Did you think you could make a one sided piece of propoganda without people discussing why it's a one sided piece of propaganda or why the group of people it defends are wrong? In other words, did you think you could get away with shoving YOUR VIEWS down the readership's throats without people verbally responding back? Jeez, you really are a social justice weasel. Even worse, you're a hypocrite since you seem to be making a big deal about shoving ideas down other people's throats like it's a big deal to you, yet you're willing to silence criticism that naturally comes people's way whenever they do they what you did, fittingly enough, just like the LGBT community which wouldn't have gotten how far they did if they didn't force their views onto everyone else in the West.

So, please, either stop making such a big deal about shoving ideas down other people's throats since your obviously breaking this rule of yours (just like the LGBT community, if you hold them to that same standard) or get consistent and let people openly discuss the issues your piece of propoganda raises.


Oi. Did i make you read this story? Did i force you to read it? Did i not warn you that this was ideologically sensitive? Look, you can blame me forcing an idea on anyone. You can blame me all day long.

it's your choice to read it. You have no right to complain due to the warning.

Also, is this propaganda? Did you even read the story? If you did, you'd probably understand that this is not propaganda. I won't ven argue anymore with you seeing how you're just out here to make people mad.

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