• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

The Feline Bard

More than one person in the world, more than one viewpoint. There's no truly right one, just a viewpoint that most people share.

Comments ( 4 )

Hmm....Twilight getting turned into a Sex Toy in the middle of the Town and Discord popping up hoping to cause some chaos and hangs a sign off her saying "Free Use", Does that work?

5476391 The one everyone submits to (in some way) wanting to submit to everypony's sexual desires? Hell yes that works!

Wow...Five downvotes...Some criticism would help guys. If you've got a problem with the fic, just tell me.

Ooh a fun one might be Big Mac knocking out Rainbow Dash, tying her up in the barn and having some fun between her flanks

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