• Published 4th Jan 2015
  • 12,299 Views, 137 Comments

Feel The Music - Rated Ponystar

Octavia learns that Vinyl Scratch is deaf after a misunderstanding and seeks to repair her mistake.

  • ...

When Classic Girl Meets Wubs Girl

Octavia Philharmonica was not having a good day. Her alarm clock had woken her up late, the shower wasn’t working so she was blasted by cold water, and her mother’s car was still in the repair shop. That left her with taking the bus which itself was a disaster. She hated the crowded, smelly, and disgusting looking public transportation and wished, for the tenth time this year alone, her family was back in the city. But no, Mother and Father want to live in the town where their roots were. Want me to experience life of the common folk instead of the high class.

It wasn’t that she hated the town, it had its charms, but she missed all her old friends and favorite places to be such as the Grand Concert Hall her parents always took her to. She made some friends, particularly musicians, but the school was—for lack of a better word—insane. Before she moved here, she learned one of the students, an infamous bully, turned into a demon and nearly enslaved the school before some magic princess from another world saved them. While Octavia didn’t believe in the whole demon and magic thing, she did believe that Sunset Shimmer was a bad egg from the horror stories they told about her. It wasn’t until the whole Siren episode that she believed the rest. Surprisingly, not only was it the same six who saved the day, but Sunset as well, earning her forgiveness from the entire school. While Octavia was grateful for being saved, she still didn’t want to associate with Sunset.

After all, she questioned her taste in music. Octavia hugged her cello closer to her to avoid a fat and smelly guy with anime figures in his hand from bumping into her precious baby as his stop came. She had always believed that music was one of the best ways one could surmise another’s personality. People who liked classical, orchestra, opera, blues and jazz she found herself best associating herself with. They were smart, upright, and well mannered people. Those who preferred reggae, R&B, rock and roll, and pop music were okay to associate with, but were not the best to be friends with. Nice, but too wild. The worst was the rappers, metal heads, and disco lovers. The first two was just noise and a culture that was barbaric.

And the last was simply because disco was terrible. Plain and simple.

Yet there was even a type of music she utterly despised so much that words were not enough to share her hatred for it. Just thinking about it made her teeth grind. She could almost hear it’s insane beats and mixes and—Wait a minute.

She could hear the music. It was soft, but noticeable. Turning to her left she saw a girl her age, bouncing her head to the techno music coming out of her headphones. Her blue hair with lesser shades of blue flapped in the air back and forth while a pair of shades hid her eyes from view. The strange girl’s pale skin made Octavia wonder if this was her natural skin tone, or if was she locked in a dark room most of her life. As if the music wasn’t annoying enough, the girl was also pumping her fists a bit nearby, completely lost in her own little world.

Just ignore it, Octavia. Just ignore it, was all she thought in her head, but music soon began to override every other noise in her ears. The screaming baby who lost her pacifier. The drunk hobo snoring across from her. The religious nut preaching about hellfire and satan having walked the earth just a few months ago. All of it she would have preferred except for that. Damn. Techno. Music.

Unable to take anymore, Octavia turned towards the bleach white girl and slapped her shoulder. The surprised girl turned around, tilting her head. “Could you please turn that off? Or at least lower it? It’s annoying, and I would prefer not to listen to that trash you call ‘music’,” hissed Octavia.

The headphone wearing girl stared at her for a bit before she raised her hands again. Octavia’s eyes widen as she began to worry. Oh no, she’s gonna hit me! I know what these types of techno lovers are like! Violent and alway high on something! Maybe she’s this pale because she’s into drugs and she hides her bloodshot eyes!

Instead, the headphones wearing girl used her hands to do some weird motions such as pointing at herself, then Octavia, made a few shapes with them and so on. It took Octavia a minute to realize that she was watching sign language. At first, she relaxed when she realized she wasn’t going to be hurt, but then growled when a thought came to her. So that’s her game, huh?!

“How dare you!” shouted Octavia, standing forward. She pointed at the so called “deaf” girl, who was leaning back, and continued. “You dare try to imitate actual deaf people?! Do you think I’m stupid?! What kind of ‘deaf’ person would be listening to music?! People like you who pretend to actually have a disability are disgusting!”

Her rant earned a few sets of eyes focusing in on her, but Octavia didn’t care. She was about to rant some more when the bus finally arrived at Canterlot High. Whipping her back towards the girl, Octavia made her way towards the exit of the bus, her hand making a fist so tight she felt like she was going to start drawing blood.

She didn’t know who that girl was, but Octavia didn’t care. She was just glad to be away from her.


Despite it being a Saturday, the school was still open for clubs and sports teams who needed to practice, and Music Club was no different. It was the only club, next to the literature one, that Octavia had any time for between her own practice and studies. It was also part of the only group of students that she felt any close connection to. Sure, the school was openly into cliche mixing, but Octavia had only one love in her life, and that was music.

After greeting a few other members, she had taken out her cello and began tuning the strings in an effort to ease her mind of that girl she met on the bus. Honestly, what kind of person pretends they are deaf?

When she heard the door open, she quickly saw one of her close friends of the club enter with her lyre in hands. “Lyra, over here!”

The green girl waved back and sat down next to her friend. “Hey, Octavia. Didn’t sleep so well?”

“How could you tell?”

“You got a little bit of your hair standing up at the end.”

Octavia grunted in frustration as she licked her hand and tried to put it down. Unable to keep it down—or keep Lyra from laughing—she sighed and just sat back in her chair. “Today’s just keeps getting worse.”

“What’s been so bad about today?” asked Lyra, looking at today’s music sheets.

“There was this girl who was playing that techno junk on her headphones so loud I could hear it. I asked her to lower it, and all of a sudden she starts acting like she’s deaf by using sign language. How horrible can a person be to pretend to be disabled instead of just lowering their damn music,” huffed Octavia, crossing her arms. She waited for Lyra to agree with her, but instead her friend was looking at her with narrow and analyzing eyes.

“Was this girl pale skinned and had blue and white hair? White dress with a music note on it and purple shades?” asked Lyra.

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, do you know her?”

“Oh boy,” sighed Lyra, shaking her head. “First off, yeah I know her. Her name is Vinyl Scratch, we’ve been friends since we were babies. Second, she comes to our school and pretty much is now famous for helping Sunset and her friends stop the Sirens.”

Octavia’s eyes widen. I heard that there was a DJ that helped them, but was that really her?

“And third, she really is deaf.”

Jaw dropping to its lowest level, Octavia felt her mind shut down when she heard that. The things she said to Vinyl Scratch echoed in her head. The accusation and insults. But... she was really deaf?!

“H-how?! The music...” Octavia whispered.

“She can’t hear it, but according to her she can still ‘feel’ it I guess. She’s quite good at mixing sounds and making her own track. Most people don’t think she’s deaf, so you're not the first to get it wrong, but she really wasn’t faking. I guess she’s just gifted,” explained Lyra.

Suddenly, the eggs and bacon she had eaten for breakfast was getting ready to come right out of her mouth. Octavia closed her eyes and covered her face, wishing she could kick herself to the moon. She had accused a real deaf person for lying about their disability. She didn’t even think of the possibility that she was telling the truth. It seemed too hard to believe, but if Lyra was right, then she made a grave mistake.

“I was so rude to her... those things I said,” whispered Octavia, feeling her heart sink further as the weight of guilt crushed it. “I have to apologize. I have to make things right!”

With a sympathetic smile, Lyra put her hand on Octavia’s shoulder. “Relax, I’ll text her to come meet us after practice. You can apologize then.”

“Thank you, Lyra,” said Octavia just as their club president arrived.

“What are friends for? Now let’s play some music.”

Unfortunately, Octavia didn’t play much during the whole practice. All she could think about was Vinyl Scratch and how she was going to apologize..


After practice, the two friends walked over to the back of the school where Lyra texted Vinyl to come meet with them. The two currently waited as Octavia rubbed her hands together while trying to think of what she was going to say. I literally just insulted her and accused her like such an... idiot I guess is the best word to describe me. Mother does always say I assume things much too quickly. I just hope she forgives me.

“There she is,” said Lyra, nearly making Octavia jump. She turned around and sure enough it was the same girl she met on the bus, her headphones still on as she bounced her head to the beat. She didn’t appear to be upset which was a good thing in Octavia’s mind. In fact, she seemed to be happy and without a care in the world.

Vinyl’s music was still playing that remixing techno stuff, but Octavia was baffled by how she seemed to be enjoying it so much. Especially, since she was suppose to be deaf. Then she remembered that Beethoven was deaf as well, yet was famous all over the world for his music. Is she just like Beethoven? Can she really ‘feel’ music instead of listening to it?

When Vinyl finally arrived, she and Lyra bumped fists before they began using sign language to talk. Octavia wished she knew what they were talking about, but she soon froze up when they stopped and the two of them were staring at her.

“Ok, Octavia, go ahead and say it,” encouraged Lyra.

Taking a deep breath, Octavia said, “Vinyl Scratch, I apologize for what I said to you on the bus. It was both wrong and rude of me to say those things and assume you weren’t deaf. I ask that you accept my apology and if there is anyway I can make it up to you, please let me know.”

She even bowed her head a bit as she finished. She kept her eyes open as she awaited some sort of response from the deaf DJ. A smile and a thumbs up was all she got from Vinyl and Octavia soon felt relief. I’m glad that worked out.

Then Vinyl turned to Lyra and began using sign language again but this time Lyra was blushing and stepped back in shock. “You want to what?! Are you sure?!”

Vinyl nodded which made Lyra sigh and shake her head. Turning to Octavia, she said, “Um, Octavia? Vinyl says she has a way you can make it up to her.”

“What is it?” asked Octavia.

“Well... she wants to take you on a date.”

There was a long silence as a wide eyed Octavia slowly turned to a grinning Vinyl.



Octavia looked at her dress in the mirror one last time before deciding it was the best “casual-yet-nice” clothing she had. A simple black dress with a small pink heart in the center along with her favorite symbol, the treble clef. After confirming that she was indeed a lesbian, Vinyl had “told” her to dress up in something nice but not fancy, and she would pick her up. For the hundredth time, Octavia had to be wondering what she was thinking by accepting this proposal to date a complete stranger she didn’t even know for an hour.

She was only grateful that her parents were out of town or else they would be asking questions. Not about her sexuality, they had long talked about that years ago and accepted it easily. No, it was the fact that she was even dating in the first place. Octavia had proclaimed many times she would not seek any dates until she was well structured in the music world, but apparently that was out of the window. Her parents would just tease her about it endlessly if they knew. She could have said no, Octavia wanted to say no, but she still had wronged somebody, and if this was the only way to correct it, then so be it. It was a matter of principle after all.

What Octavia was dreading was the place Vinyl was going to take them. She could already imagine some high risk club with drugs, drinking, and teenagers having sex in the bathrooms. Octavia swore that if things got way too intense she was leaving, apology or not.

A honk outside her door alerted her of her date’s arrival, and she sighed. “Time to get this over with.”

Opening the door, Octavia was met with the most... insanely customized car she had ever seen. It was white without a hood for a cover, and had a streak of light blue in the lower area of the car, similar to Vinyl’s hair. Music notes in white could be seen on the sides, and on the wheels were purple harp logos with butterflies. Finally, there was a statue of a purple unicorn wearing the same shades as it’s owner at the front, like the design on the front of a Jaguar car.

Vinyl, still in the same clothes this afternoon, but without her headphones, waved hello and opened the passenger's seat for Octavia to get in. She took one more look at the car before sighing. This is gonna be wild. I just know it.

She got in, but just as the car turned on, another thought occurred to Octavia.

Wait, can deaf people drive?!


Like she accurately predicted, Octavia found herself heading toward a club after they found a parking spot. It looked clean at the very least with the purple and light blue neon lights, but the sound of the techno and rave music was so loud she could hear it from outside. Octavia bit her tongue as she heard the sounds that made her feel like her brain was scrambling.

She followed Vinyl, but to her surprise they were skipping the entire line which earned them a few glares. The bouncer, a grey looking guy with a light blue spike hair smiled when he saw them. “Well, if it isn’t DJ Pon-3 herself. What’s up, Vinyl. I thought you weren’t scheduled to DJ here until Tuesday?”

Vinyl did some sign language, some of which pointed to Octavia, and the bouncer whistled. “A date, huh? She’s not bad looking either. Head on in; your usual table is free. I’ll radio the boss that you’re in.”

Vinyl gave a thumbs up before grabbing Octavia’s hand and dragged her inside. Octavia managed to give a thankful nod before she saw the place for herself. She had to admit, it did look very colorful. The dance floor had a multi-colored floor that changed colors every so often as the ceiling lights did their work and electrified the place. There were stages for people who wanted to show their moves as crowds of various sizes cheered them all. On the sides were tables and booths for those wanting to eat or drink. Naturally, there was also a bar, but it had another bouncer there to keep the ones under twenty-one from entering.

Octavia, feeling like she wasn’t in Kansas anymore, let Vinyl guide them to a nearby booth. The two sat down as Octavia finally took a moment to breathe and relax. So far the place hadn’t disgusted or weirded her out, so that was a plus. Curious, Octavia turned to her date and asked, “So how did that bouncer know you so well?”

Vinyl smiled and took out a notepad and pen from her pocket. After she was done writing, she handed it back to Octavia to read:

I do gigs here. Manager loves my stuff, so he lets me in for free.

“I’m surprised that someone as young as you could get a job here,” said Octavia, nodding.

Not just here. I work at several clubs. It’s tough when you have to deal with schedules and school, but I manage.

Before Octavia could say anything, one of the waitresses came up and greeted them. “Hey, Scratch. You’re usual bacon mushroom cheeseburger deluxe with a chocolate shake?” Vinyl nodded her head while licking her lips. The waitress turned to Octavia.

“Oh, um. I’ll have what she’s having but with a strawberry shake,” answered Octavia.

After their server left, the two of them went back to talking. During that time, Octavia found herself growing more used to the music, to the point where her foot even tapped a few times to some songs while learning more about Vinyl. She learned of her dream of becoming famous like a guy called Skrillex, how she had an older brother who DJ’d with his girlfriend in Europe, and how her mother raised both of them after her father left them for his mistress. Octavia even got to learn how the Vinyl helped the Rainbooms beat the Dazzlings.

All in all, Octavia lowered her barriers and found herself trading information of herself to Vinyl. She was quite a nice girl and seemed to have a philosophy of living for the moment. Soon enough, their burgers and shakes arrived and Octavia’s mouth couldn’t help but water upon the smell. The two enjoyed their meals, shared jokes, and even talked about school.

In other words, much to Octavia’s own shock, she was enjoying herself.

Still, there was one question that Octavia had to ask. “Lyra said that you ‘feel’ music. How do you do that?”

Vinyl rubbed her chin for a bit before snapping her fingers. She waved her hand for their waitress to come by and wrote something for her on the notepad. After reading it, she gave Vinyl a nod before making her way down to the DJ booth. Before Octavia could question what that was about, Vinyl wrote again on her notepad and showed it to Octavia.

This is the closest way I can show you. I want you to close your eyes, ignore everything, even the music, and just spread your awareness around you. Trust me.

Vinyl then held out her hand for Octavia to grab, but she hesitated. “I don’t know...”

With a sigh, Vinyl then took off her shades and Octavia blushed immediately upon seeing the most lovely dark purple shade of eyes she had ever seen. Despite no sound coming out, Vinyl mouth out two words. “Trust. Me.”

Before she knew it, Octavia was being dragged to the dance square, holding hands with Vinyl. The two of them stood close to the center as a new song began to play, one that sounded very familiar to Octavia. “Für Elise...”

Vinyl motioned for Octavia to close her eyes, so she did. She could see nothing but darkness, but she could still hear the sounds of the club, the feet dancing to the new beat, the music bursting through the speakers. She tried to drown it out as much as she could, first the club attendees, then the club itself until only the music remained. Spread your awareness... feel it...

And suddenly, it was there. A pounding in her heart. She nearly gasped upon feeling it, but focused again. Bump. Bump. Bump. It was her heart. It went by the rhythm and the music. She could slowly hear it drowning out, yet she could still hear it somehow in every portion of her body. It was... she had never thought to listen to music like this before. Before she knew it, she was moving: first her legs, then her arms, and finally her head. The music was speaking to her like wind with no sound. It was like every nerve in her body was pulsing faster and faster.

The music was all around her, and she was now moving with it. It was like knowing each part to dance or play with without hearing the sound or seeing the notes. It was instinct. It was music through feeling.

Octavia opened her eyes and saw Vinyl dancing right beside her. In an instant, the music, the club, the sound of people dancing. It all hit her like a freight train at full speed. It had only been a few seconds, maybe half a minute. But what she experienced for a brief moment was the world Vinyl lived in every day. She... feels that all the time. And from that she makes music... from that she explores it... from that she understands it in a way we can’t. That I can’t.

The smile on Vinyl’s face, pleasantness in her eyes, also brought one to Octavia as she added a new type of music on the list of those that she liked. Not that she would ever admit it to her peers.


The car drove up to her house and Vinyl unlocked the doors. Octavia couldn’t believe it had been four hours since she left her house. All the music, lights, dancing, food, and fun. It was all so much that she felt like it had been a summer dream. She turned to Vinyl, shades back on, saluted her farewell. Octavia didn’t know what to do. A part of her didn’t want to leave, yet she had a lot to think about.

So she instead gave a smile. “Thank you for the evening... It was great, and I mean it.”

Vinyl nodded to her before Octavia got out. They waved goodbye just before Vinyl drove off, playing another techno sound that Octavia swore was played in the club. She was about to go inside when she felt something in her pocket and took it out. It was a note.

Second Date?

Octavia giggled and took out her cellphone before adding a new contact and sending it a message.


Author's Note:

Yup, my first Equestria Girls fic. I actually liked how this turned out.

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Comments ( 137 )

Rated Ponystar, you never disappoint me!
Even for a f/f story (sorry guys, I feel more comfortable if it's a straight ship...)

Rats. I always thought it was Mare/Mare.
Thanks for the heads up!

Definitely an interesting take on why Vinyl never talks and a cute fic to boot.

Amazing story. Loved the concept behind it

I had a very similar idea with vinyl i just did not know what to do with it

Octav3 is best shipping!!! :heart:

Great story, I realy enjoyed it. I listen to music the same way even though I'm not deaf and I found this to be an interesting concept to have for Vinyl.

This is a good story.

Hey, just to make sure... can Vinyl read lips? Because a lot of the people she interacted with didn't use sign language and just spoke to her like she wasn't deaf at all. And that's pretty amazing if she could do something like that!

Anyway, it was a nice short story featuring my two favorite musicians and it had a interesting twist in it.

Yes she can read lips the thing though is she had to use sign language those times that she didn't have a notebook to communicate with

Cute! Thanks for sharing.

. Great Story!!!!! Can ya write a sequel?

Nope. No commission can have a sequel. Part of my rules.

5465655 Oh darn. This was awesome. What if someone else commissioned a sequel? :P

Sometimes the systems will recognize a phone number by the way its written, but no, its not. Any number that is ***-555-**** is fake. Hollywood does it all the time.
Still can't happen

5466034 Dangit. I guess someone will just have to make one themselves then. I know I would if I knew how to go about doing such.

5466034 uh, not true, 555 numbers are reserved for directory assistance and information in North America http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/555_%28telephone_number%29 which is why it's used so often by hollywood, you can't accidentally dial a private line with it, but you can in some cases reach an actual information line.

Not bad at all. More of this pairing is always a good thing.

This story felt really rushed. We had Octavia thinking that Vinyl was lying for no reason (I'll be a bit more lenient with this one since people in bad moods and jump to bad conclusions), Vinyl and Lyra being friends but Octy apparently never heard about Vinyl before despite Vinyl and Lyra being close, Vinyl asking her out for no reason (she could have at least said she simply thought Octavia was pretty), very little detail on the date itself and even less detail on why Octavia really enjoyed it, and then just her agreeing to a second one. It seemed like the story started with this forgone conclusion that they'd end up together and the reasons why weren't important. The whole thing came off as more of an outline for a story rather than an actual story.

That being said the writing itself was good. No glaring issues on the technical side and the prose flowed pretty well.

Cute fic hope to see more fics from u in the future

this is a great Idea!! and I love it? it did feel just a bit rushed, but I would love!!!! to see more chapters on this!!!!

Well, it's an interesting twist, but it's still OctaScratch, so I don't like it at all, thank you very much.

Actually, I honestly wasn't crazy about this. It's just not a good ship, and it never feels like it works.

5468401 Then why the Buck are you here?

Did you really use "buck" instead of "fuck"? Is that a thing you actually just did?


In any case, I'm here because Ponystar is normally a good author. In this case I was disappointed. I am obligated to tell him so, and why.

short n sweet

5468480 Just because he wrote a shipfic you don't ship? You need more they that dude!

Found an error

Before she knew it, Octavia was being dragged to the dance square, holding hands with Octavia.

Octavia is holding hands with herself:derpytongue2:

That's an interesting twist on Vinyl's character - one I can honestly say I like. I kinda wish there was more to it than this, but sometimes one-shot tales are the ones that carry the most impact.

No, I don't. The characters have no character, and there is no growth or definition of them over the course of the story. They're gimmicks, not people. That's a bit of a problem for a story that is exclusively about two characters and their interactions.

Plus I really just think OctaScratch is a dumb ship.

5468790 I stopped paying attention halfway through that comment.

Enough, conversation over.

This story. I like it. ANOTHER!

What are you going to do, delete everyone's comments? Because I'm sure the drama mamas would positively lose their shit if you did.

Why? What is your issue? I'm genuinely confused.

5469132 Hi, Mr. Confused! Can I call you Genuinely?

5464272 Don't worry. We'll have an author (maybe even Rated Ponystar) who will corrupt you yet.

Ahh, I get it. I see now.

The day Rated Ponystar will disappoint me is the day Cotton Hill gets his shins back.

5469611 I meant turn you to the dark side that is f/f ships.

5469248 That pun was horrible and you should feel horrible for making it.

Please ignore the fact that I'm currently typing this through gales of laughter and that I have severe rug burns from rolling across the carpet.

5468401 I say the same about many ships that involve Rainbow Dash, but that's usually just because she gets on my nerves.

As a guy who is blind in one eye (long story... short version is it's an affliction, not something I was born with), and still soldiering on, I've gained a huge amount of determination to not look at people with aspects to them, whatever they might be, as "gimmicks" as you put it in another of your comments.

Don't gotta be an ass just because you don't like a ship. Just don't read it. And if you don't like the "gimmick" then go to the hospital and tell all those people there with missing limbs or handicaps to stop being so petulant, you fucking ungrateful whore. My eye's condition was so bad last year I went from being able to drive to unable to see oncoming traffic in a single day. But I joked about it and soldiered on. I got surgery. I'm still recovering. Eye still hurts so bad it's always red and I'm always crying, and candles are sometimes too bright for me. I end up wearing sunglasses everywhere not to look cool like some losers my age, but rather because without them people look at me like I'm some poor dog with its foot caught in the door jamb. I used to avoid eye contact with people who had disabilities, because I didn't want to offend them for being "different." Now I am someone with a disability. I don't care for your calling someone who's deaf a "gimmick." It's shameful. So please, do me a favor, and learn some decency. I had to learn it the hard way, maybe you won't have to.

Favourite ship, I am impressed and delighted. :pinkiehappy:

5469672 I think he was referring to Vinyl and Octavia being background ponies when he said they were gimmicks.

I enjoyed the premise of the story, and the execution was well done. However, you made an error in the second half of this story that really killed the story for me. Scratch is supposed to be deaf, but see seems to be able to hear others just fine, but can't speak. These are the symptoms of a mute person, not a deaf person. Other then that it was a good story.

What the fuck do missing limbs have to do with me not liking a story on the internet?

What the honest fuck?

The deafness is a gimmick, written in in lieu of actual character development. If you actually think that was some kind of attack against deaf people, you have a victim complex, and you should seek counseling before somebody punches you in your half-blind dickish face.

That's not an attack against blind people, that's me saying you're a self-centered prick who feels the need to garner sympathy despite fooling himself into believing he's "soldiering on."

Fuck you. You personally. You are why nobody respects the people with actual disabilities, and assumes they're faking it: because everyone assumes they're an obnoxious militant shit like you, who cries "victim" at every possible opportunity.

Fuck. You.

Looks at the comments.

I'll come back after the fires are out, and it's safe to enter.

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