• Published 2nd Jan 2015
  • 1,066 Views, 5 Comments

The Power Ponies: The Power Inside - Matthew Stone

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The New Mutation

Isaac had enough shield power to protect him and Firestorm from the explosion debris. At that time, he now removes the evil spell out of Firestorm in the nick of time. The dragon pony then flutters his eyes as he wakes up, feeling the cure flowing through his head to heart. He looks up, seeing the plane landing between the enemy demons and his friends is destroyed. The nuclear bomb… deactivated! Right on time, and Gladiator is now fighting alongside Matter-Horn.

“Better catch up with your job and save your friends.” Isaac says to him as he lowers his shield.

Firestorm nods, and flies back up into the air with super speed. He then shifts his body parts, getting ready to go into another form. As he lands, he stomps at Zapp’s side to surprise her. She smiles when he’s all well, and in his fused fire and ice form when ready to fight the demons with her. With a roar, his punches speed up in fast movements with heated ice spikes stabbing through the black imps.

Mote resumes his battle with Bakura, knowing his friends will need all the time they need to win their battle, as danger will be toyed with. The filly hero swings up a hooved fist to make a punch, but Bakura blocks the attack and throws a stabbing kick into his chin of the leg. Mote falls back down, grunting as the villain laughs.

“You’ll have to pray for a miracle to happen if you want to save for friends!” he taunts.

Mote screams as his muscular strength has him throw out a punch carrying firepower. The flaming thwart of violence strikes Bakura to his jaw, having black blood finally spurt out from his teeth at some point. The filly then jumps away from Bakura’s death kick, now waiting for him to do more.

As time slows down during battle, Matter Horn and Pouter rush over to pick up Gladiator out from the plane debris, hugging him in relief. Across from them, Firestorm is in his Ice Dragon mode, using his ice shield to cover him from the spears being thrown by the black demons. He then sinks up whatever radiation was left from the blast, and throws the radiated shield to crush and melt the next twenty demons in front of him. The population of the cursed army is now shrinking, and Bellcord admits this is starting to look good just from looking. Radiance is also knocking out the last of the big demons with her jeweled fists that are shaped like brass knuckles.

Zapp then comes over to Firestorm, impressed by his form.

“I had no idea you have an Ice Dragon form.” she smirks.

“As I might have told you before, it came from my mother’s side, since she was an Ice Pegasus. She somehow transferred this over to me.” Firestorm explains, “Now these powers can combat against dark fire powers as well, like Bakura’s. I’m sure this can help Mote defeat him.”

“And speaking of Mote…” Saddle Ranger adds, walking up behind him.

“We got to help him stop Bakura and finish the job.” Firestorm finishes.


A sudden roar of tearing tar strikes from the ground. The foxes turn around to see something flying in the sky. It’s Mote, and he’s flying back from another dark punch from the horrible Bakura, making his next landing to the far off street.

“We better hurry then.” Matter Horn says.

Everyone was finally out of the sewer lines as the rescue continues to surge with Matter Horn having Bellcord assist to strengthen the team. At that moment, Mote is blocking Bakura’s throws of deadly hits, having thro sounds related to jet engines. The filly hero then swings back with a jump to add a kick under Bakura’s jaw.

All of a sudden, Bakura carries a move under his sleeve. A dagger morphs out of his mutated body, as it carries electric volts around the blade. He then thrashes a cut to Mote’s cheek, having a deadly shock push the filly back with horrid pain. He can feel a crack break his spine slightly as it pressures against the concrete. Bakura then approaches closer to Mote, having a smile slowly open like a vault.

“I’ll be dealing with you first…” Bakura sneers, “Then Matter Horn, than that pathetic draconequus shit Bellcord, Saddle Ranger, maybe even of those stupid foxes!”

“You’re going to have to do better then hurt anyone.” Mote spits out, “No one will respect you either way.”

“As I said, I’ll deal with you first!” Bakura shouts.

“Why not me?” A sudden voice rumbles.

A bang in the ground strikes between the enemy and filly, as dust clogs up the eyes of the dark tyrant. Bakura coughs out the specks, seeing Sava the fox is now here to defend Mote. Mote smiles when he’s here to aid him.

“Need help?” Sava asks, looking down at him.

Mote nods, staggering up to his hooves to fight by his side. Bakura roars, as he charges at both of them with his daggered blade magically turning into a giant sword. He swings, only to allow Sava to fly up and pass the attack while Mote turns around away from the blade hitting the concrete.

Sava then makes a punch at the spinal cord to Bakura’s neck, having the enemy huff a grunt of angst. Bakura swings the sword up again, heaving it downward to strike the filly and fox. Mote the creeps from behind to ram into the back of Bakura’s legs. The forceful push has Bakura tumble, making him yell as his chin to chest front hits the ground. Mote stands of top to pin him in defeat.

Sava makes a smile, up until…


Bakura’s surprise arm swing has the front of his sword make a cut to Sava’s two tails, having the kitsune hero scream and crash to the ground. Bakura then slowly lifts upward, swiping Mote off his back. He then grabs the fox, hanging to his fur.

“It’s not over yet…” Bakura huffs, “I have plans for you…”

Bakura then takes out a secret grenade under his belt, swinging it down.


Mote falls from the explosion, having Bellcord suddenly appear from behind to catch him. Hummer the dragon then has his fire powers blow the bad explosion flames away. The flames from his breath also magically hold the concrete of the buildings up, to keep them from falling down. Matter Horn, JT, Pouter, Saddle Ranger, Radiance, Zapp, Fili-Second, and Mistress Marvelous then trot over to comfort Mote.

“You okay?” Zapp asks him.

“Yeah.” Mote said.

“I helped contact more army and police authorities to get every human citizen out of this hellhole finally, so the humans are safe as a feather.” Bellcord grins, “Meanwhile, Matter-Horn has done good herself.”

“With creating a weapon to hold off the black demons that is.” Matter-Horn concludes with an annoyed sigh, “I gave them to the soldiers. Gladiator also helped with the technology.”

“Isaac has also confirmed Firestorm is good as new!” Saddle Ranger smiles, “He’ll be back to saving the day with us.”

The explosion flames settle down. The hero blanket can’t help but look around, curious of how Bakura disappeared. But… Sava is gone too.

“Sava…” JT said, worried, “You don’t think Bakura took him, do you?” JT asked nervously.

“He did…” Mote groans.

The filly cries, along with JT and Saddle Ranger. The filly hero then catches himself, and pulls out a monitor gadget. JT beams when seeing it.

“That’s Sava’s pager!” JT says.

“Yep, it connects wirelessly to Sava’s tracking device on his back.” Mote said, “We’ll find out where he’s held hostage, maybe nail Bakura where he stands as well.”

Mote looks at the device, hearing the beeps and seeing the small dot on it’s screen.

“Good. Let’s get a move on.” Hummer says.

“There’s a van we can use, over there.” Zapp points.

They all nod at the Volkswagen van across from them, then rushing to climb in. Hummer hops up front to the drivers seat, and engages with the engine to have it ignite. The motor of the van starts, and the whole gang with Matter Horn is now driving off.

Blink. That’s all Sava is doing, when he wakes up. Only thing is, the poor fox is hooked up to some weird machine.

“Where….am I?” The fox asked, preparing to rub his skull.



The kinky feeling is coming to Sava, as his hands and ankles are bound tightly together with wires looping around them twenty times on each limb. Sensors are also connected to his hand and ankle bindings. He tugs and pulls, but the struggling only increases the pain.

“Good…I see you’re awake.” said a voice

Sava looks at the direction the voice is coming from. Out of the shadows comes the source. Bakura. Always him. For all the bad luck Sava isn’t having already.

“Why kidnap me and tie me up, old man?” Sava sneers.

Bakura becomes aggravated with that insult.

“I AM NOT OLD!” he screams.

“Just tell me something, like an evil plan then.” Sava sighs, “I’m getting so bored, I can barely roll my eyes.”

“Very well. I ran some tests on you while you were knocked out, and I discovered that there is a substance called mutagen in your body. I’ve decided to make it so that you can never mutate again by subjecting you to a blast from my atomic crystal.” Bakura explained.

“WHAT?” Sava puffs out, “Do you really believe that you can stop my mutations? The mutagen in my bloodstream is still active, and it makes me mutate out of—“

“SILENCE!!” Bakura yelled, slapping the fox across his face, and then turning to a nearby scientist.

“Zooimpathic! Commerce the testing immediately!” the villain ordered.

“Yes Bakura.” the villain’s assistant said nervously, as he rushed to a keyboard and began programming the atomic crystal ray.

“You can’t do this!! You don’t know what kind of incredible powers you’re tampering with, Bakura!!” Sava pleaded, but to no avail.

The ray powered up, and launched a green energy blast that covered Sava all over, causing his head to throb in pain. He began to grow larger, his fur turned light-brown, & he grew fangs. There was some masking tape on his fingers, and some wrapped around his feet.

“I love to stay and see you suffer.” Bakura sneers, “But I now have what I needed.”

The villain goes by his imp like assistant to get a tube from the atomic ray machine. The mutant energy from the fox is being leaked right into the glass tube, having it glow green. Bakura clutches to his prize.

“I have a new canon to fire to target my new prey, the citizens escaping the city!” Bakura says.

Sava gasps.

“Have a good day.” Bakura laughs.

As the villain walks out, Sava struggles more then ever to get free. Zooimpathic watches closely, as he has the ray try to rid the life out of Sava slowly, just as Bakura instructed. The zap only encourages Sava to struggle faster, faster…


The cords binding his hands and ankles suddenly snap, as the muscles on the fox’s body begins to grow. Zooimpathic gasps. Sava then tears out of the cords, and thrashes out of the table with a roar. He then jumps up to grab the ray, having both his claws rip and tear the machine apart. Gears and springs scatter, turning the room into a new complete mess.

Sava then kicks the tools standing in his way. Angrily, he then approaches Zooimpathic and grabs him by his lab coat. He then charges over to the wall, and slams the assistant against it.

“What did you do to me, cretin?! ANSWER ME NOW!!!” Sava screamed, growling with fury.

“I accidentally removed one fragment of the crystal from the machine before it fired at you. It must have accelerated your mutation somehow.” The assistant explained, terrified.

“Are you telling me I’ve become some kind of Hyper-Mutant?!” Sava growled, baring his teeth.

“Um….pretty much, yes.” Zooimpathic gulped.

The now-supersized vulpine threw the doctor to the side, and runs to crash through the wall. The assistant lays on the floor, moaning as he watches Sava escape. The hero fox now has a new score to settle with Bakura.

In the van, JT’s communicator began to beep faster. He’s getting a signal that’s tracking Sava, and there’s no doubt he’s close by. As Hummer makes the next turn, he yelps as he sees the big, brown, muscular fox running through the middle of the crumbled road. He jerks the brakes, having everyone yelp in surprise with the jolt move. JT then hops out of the van, wondering what’s blocking their way.

Bellcord stands by him to protect him from the being. Saddle Ranger then comes up in front of them to calm them down, instantly recognizing the giant, brown, fox. She assures them, it’s Sava.

“WHOA!! What happened to YOU, bro?” J.T. asks.

“Bakura captured me and tried to put a stop to my mutations by zapping me with this freaky ray, but it turned me into some supersized mega mutant!!” Sava yelled, “Now he’s going to use my mutant energy to take down the escaping citizens!”

“Just stay calm.” Matter Horn says, stepping out of the van, “The city is all clear. If we all go together to find out where the citizens are, we can stop Bakura on time.”

“Easy for you to say.” Sava sighs, “You aren’t the one who’s been zapped into a monster.”

His stomach then begins to gurgle.

“Um, is that a bad side effect?” Pouter asks, peaking through the door.

“Oh no…” Sava gulps.

Radiance steps out as well.

“UGH! This is getting grotesque!” she winches at the sight of Sava.

Sava can feel his stomach glowing in pain. He grew bigger, his fur turned lighter-orange-brown & became ragged, his eyes turned red, his hands grew claws, & his fangs became sharper.

“RAAAAAAWWWWRRRRRRR!!!!!” he yelled, letting loose an earth-shaking roar.

“YIKES!! Bro, you have really changed in the last few minutes!!” J.T. whimpers.

Sava had become almost entirely feral. He roared with rage as he looks down towards the team. Matter Horn now knows why else Bakura has kidnapped Sava. He intended to have their fox friend turn against them!


“Half of us should go rescue the citizens!” Matter Horn shouts, “Fili-Second, Hummer, Zapp, Radiance, you guys come with me! Mistress Marvelous, Bellcord, Saddle Ranger, Pouter, Mote, help JT get control of Sava!”

“Right!” they shout together!

Matter-Horn, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, and Hummer then hop back into the van to cross the other bridge that will get them to the military and citizens. As they drive off, JT grabs a grappling hook, and runs around to wrap it around Sava’s arms. However, Sava used his new blowtorch breath to burn through the rope before it even binds him. JT falls back, and Bellcord tries to use his magic to knock the big fox out. No good. The giant feral fox then pushes Bellcord aside.

The monstrous fox raced through Corvine, crushing cars like soda cans. He grabbed a steel beam and used it to whack a crushed car into a makeshift goal post. Mote, Pouter, and Mistress Marvelous follow, as Saddle Ranger helps Bellcord to his feet. Above them, a news copter is filming the situation overhead them. In irony, Sava is now viewed as a new enemy, a tool by Bakura to help destroy the citizen’s home and landmark of democracy.

“This is Brent Davenport, reporting live from outside the Corvine Hockey Stadium, where a gigantic, mutated fox is causing large counts of property damage and plenty of destruction. Corvine’s military forces have been called in to put an end to this rogue mutant’s destructive rampage, which just shows what happens when good mutants go badly. And now, back to you, Keith.” the reporter says in the copter, live on air.

A large tank rolled into view and launched a humongous missile at Sava, who’s suddenly getting back some of his self-control. Despite his size, his mind is still stable at the moment.

He grabbed the missile in mid-flight from the tank, and threw it into space as Bellcord, Saddle Ranger, Mistress Marvelous, JT, Mote, and Pouter come by him. Half of the military is now here, and they’re aiming their guns at the group!

“D-DON’T SHOOT!! WE’RE NOT THE ENEMY, BAKURA IS!!” The mutated fox yelled, waving his arms.

“That’s ridiculous!! We already got enough damage from Bakura, but it’s mainly menaces like you and your friends only want to destroy it! You nearly destroyed half the city! We had just about enough of your services, including from Bellcord!” the general yelled.

Sava grabbed a small capsule from his pocket and threw it down, releasing a cloud of smoke. When it cleared, the fox was gone, and so were the rest of his friends.

Matter-Horn, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, and Hummer abandon their van as they use their powers to fly over to where they finally see the crowd. The rest of the military and police forces are protecting them as they march through the plains with the road. Matter-Horn and her friends then come up front to have them see their presence.


A lot of those sounds are heard as the military soldiers suddenly aim their weapons at them. Matter-Horn is confused, also hearing the shocked murmurs from the citizens looking at surprise of their heroes being wrongfully targeted. Matter-Horn can’t understand why she and her friends are being targeted. Then, she sees the aura around they’re heads. Like the general and his troops in Corvine, the military is under Bakura’s spell, and he’s having the good guys turn against the Power Ponies!

Author's Note:

Great to be back!! Sorry for taking so long, but my co-writer was dealing with some personal stuff.