> The Power Ponies: The Power Inside > by Matthew Stone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Feeling of Doubt > --------------------------------------------------------------------------        An unknown comic issue always opens up in the alternate world of where crime is lethal is crooked in the human civilized metropolis called Corvine (which is actually pretty close to Maretropolis). The city itself is under deep hell, and the citizens are under protection by one of the most trusted heroes that arrived a couple years ago. They’re like ponies, except different. They are known as the POWER PONIES.          They are formed in groups that are a similar team to the main six in the parallel world of Equestria. The cast is as follows, Mistress Marvelous who looks like Applejack, Saddle Rager who looks like Fluttershy, Fili-Second who looks like Pinkie Pie, Zapp who looks like Rainbow Dash, Radiance who looks like Rarity, and Masked Matter-Horn who looks like Twilight. A teen dragon in his own leotard suit named Hummer, who looks like Spike, aids the six main ponies. They even encountered an old villain who decided to reform himself, and force respect upon himself towards an annoyed team to prove HE IS good. That reformed character is Bellcord, who looks a lot like Discord. There is also Mote, a young filly who’s muscular, told to keep an eye on Bellcord by Matter-Horn’s instructions. The last character who’s part of the team is a blanket, similar to a pet blanket seen in a cut-out animated universe. The small blanket with his mask and cape is named Pouter, and he’s very nervous about almost anything.          The team had accomplished much to prove that can collaborate well without any problems, almost. The rivalry between Bellcord and the other Power Ponies still seethes, and the six main members are having trouble coping with how to collaborate with upcoming fights. Pouter is usually confused and concerned of how to help bring them together and make hem get along, but it wasn’t simple. Little did they know too, this universe is under someone else’s wrong clutches for the taking.         The Power Ponies' main enemy is known as the League of Evil, and their hideout is just underground the city, located in an abandoned railway subway station, covered with rubble and rocks. The supervillians chill and relax as they already hang out for mysterious instructions by an unknown ally. Pharaoh Phetlock, High Heels, Long-Face, Smudge, Mane-Iac, and Shadowmane are here. They all recall the Power Ponies once destroyed Pandora’s Box, which Mane-Iac was close to using to bring mass destruction on her previous parallel city Maretropolis. They arrived to think of a new plan as they wait for their leader, and Mane-Iac was the first to speak.             “We’ve been beaten by the Power Ponies for far too long!” Mane-Iac complains, presenting the issue.             “We have to find a way to bind and choke them for good!” Pharaoh sneers.             “Or make ‘em cry…” Long Face laughs.             “Maybe we can magically turn them into shoes?” High Heels suggests.             “Or cover them in smudge?” Smudge suggests.             “NO! THEY ARE BOTH DUMB PLANS!” Mane-Iac roars at H.H. and Smudge.             “I see you’re already making a plan.”  a sudden voice said.             The villainous group looks around to see who said that. Mane-Iac then looks at the end of the room, seeing their leader walking in. He acts as a shadow figure as he walks slowly in the room. His appearance is alien-like, green skin and having antennas on his forehead. He has a huge scare on his right eye, and he’s wearing a caped suit.             “Uh, who are you?” Pharaoh asks.             “I am Bakura.” the leader announces, “And with my help, the power pests will be demolished, killed, destroyed.”             He isn’t from around here from what Mane-Iac guesses, but Bakura is holding something to her surprise. It’s one of the Power Ponies’ gadgets he’d stolen from a while back under their noses. He kept it as a clue to their weakness, an open wound to their flaw.             “What is that?” Long Face asks, curious of the object.             “That’s a data decoder.” High Heels tells him, “Capable of forcing glitches in technology to go away and have machines work with a sharp spark. It’s also capable of hacking into enemies’ info in computers. JUST WHAT WE NEED TO GO AGAINST THEM! WOOOO!”             “Calm yourself!” Bakura hisses, “We have much more to do than just THAT.”             “Like what? Expose the team’s secrets?” Long Face asks.             Bakura looks down to the ground.             “I have an old brother imprisoned and locked away for some time now.” Bakura confesses, “And the Power Ponies are the ones responsible for sending him to solitary confinement by judicial decision. From all the magic I saved now, I will use it to force release and gain his freedom. He will then help me possess Matter-Horn to go against her only team, which will divide and conquer them. Then, their judgment will tear them apart. That’s when the decoder comes to play. We’ll use it to find where my brother is imprisoned.”             “I’m starting to like this.” Mane-Iac smiles.             “Same here.” Pharaoh agrees.             “Yes. Brilliant.” Smudge nods.             “Then we need to think of a trap to lure Matter-Horn and her so-called friends.” Bakura instructs, “I also have a dark history with her other friend Mote, so I’ll have inquires of ridding him to strengthen our plans.”             “Anything else?” Mane-Iac asks.             “Yes.” Bakura grins, “After we take hold of Matter-Horn, I will remove her powerful mask. You might not know this, but it has high power just like a king’s magic crown. With it, our other powers will be combined and unstoppable.”             “She won’t hand it over easily though.” Mane-Iac sighs.             “And she has only one.” Bakura adds, “That’s when we’ll also need to capture Radiance. The materials she uses to make these powerful masks should be for all of us! Force into play will make her cooperate if she refuses. With masks the same as Matter-Horn’s design, we’ll kill everyone in our power and rule all of Corvine!”             “Perfect…” Mane-Iac laughs.             The other villains then laugh along with her, including Bakura.               It was at the top of a glass skyscraper where the Power Ponies’ headquarters took place. Matter-Horn is researching about recent studies of odd orange weather and aura patterns in the sky, and an odd silhouette emerging through as if a demon was released. It could be a new threat that she and her team needs to prepare for.             POOF!             Matter-Horn turns, and sees Bellcord is in his green leotard suit, smiling at her mischievously. She snarls in disgust, and turns to look back to the screen. The little blanket Pouter also floats into the room, hoping nothing disastrous or loathing will happen since Bellcord is by Matter-Horn.             “Researching about farts in the air, are we?” Bellcord snickers.             “Don’t you have anywhere better to go?” Matter-Horn scowls.             “Silly pony, I’m under parole. Remember?” Bellcord grins, “That means I’m under certain house arrest, not to leave these headquarters during the night, even if I wanted to.”             “I never declared that.” Matter-Horn sighs.             “No, but Zapp did.” Bellcord said.             “What? Without my permission?” Matter-Horn turns to him.             “It’s for his own good!” Zapp said, flying into the room in anger, “That criminal mastermind will cause nothing but trouble!”             “I said I reformed.” Bellcord scowls at her, “But if it’s your choice to mistreat me, I won’t stop you.”             Saddle Rager then trots into the room, angry to see Bellcord as well.             “YOU MISTREATED US!” Zapp yells at Bellcord, “Your CHAOS nearly took down everyone in Corvine!”             “I never meant any harm!” Bellcord protests.             “Well you need to learn to control your magic for the better!” Saddle Ranger huffs.             “I can’t though!” Bellcord snaps.             “Um… can’t we just get along for the rest of the night?” Pouter tries to suggest.             “SHUT UP!” Bellcord, Zapp, and Saddle Ranger all said at once to the Blanket.             The little sidekick Blanket squats down in embarrassment, regretting in even opening his mouth.             “Guys! Enough arguing!” Mistress Marvelous said, entering the room, “We have far bigger problems! There’s an exploding outbreak near the Avocado Bay Security Prison!”             “WHAT?” the gang all said at once.             It was then that Radiance, Fili-Second, Hummer, and Mote reported into the room. Mistress Marvelous has capability of giving out information of current crimes and updates. With such news, Matter-Horn turns on the news, putting it one the giant computer screen so everypony can see the mishap and what the reporters have to say.             A female woman is standing right in front of the maximum-security prison in flames, with her camera crew panicking. SWAT teams are marching in to contain the dangerous criminals from escaping. Huge slabs of concrete are also being torn and thrown out of the cell windows.             “The invasion of the prison began right after the explosion around 9 P.M.” the reporter gives out, “Police are now observing the ones responsible for the attacks as they fight the powerful beings themselves. One told us that the attacker gave out his name Bakura, and…”             “Bakura?” Mote said, “That name sounds familiar. That sounds like Mordum’s brother.”             “Who is Mordum?” Bellcord asks.             “One of the world’s most deadliest criminals and serial killers!” Mote huffs, “he once tried to slaughter everyone in Corvine with his summoned demons and enslave them all. He even had plans to use them as sex laborers. When we came into play to stop him, his blade powers nearly killed us. They locked him away in that prison with his powers being drained for good, and now…”             “The prison is under attack.” Matter-Horn shudders, “If his brother is intending his escape, they’ll bring out revenge.”             “We got to stop them!” Zapp said.             “I agree!” Bellcord said in defiance.             “YOU AGREE?” Zapp scoffs, “Nice try!”             “You’re under jurisdiction, and you’re forbidden to help…” Matter-Horn starts to say.             “I MUST HELP!” Bellcord insists, “I mad myself reform to help you, and you better accept that! Besides, whatever magic Mordum has, he’ll use to try and kill you. If you want to win this, my magic is the only way to protect you…”             Saddle Rager is surprised of how sincere and protective Bellcord is trying to be. From what she know, the shy and defiant power pony sees that he has a gentle heart. As for Matter-Horn, she’s extremely reluctant, yet she sees Bellcord’s point.             “Very well, you’ll collaborate with the team.” Matter-Horn sighs, “But you’re under close watch! GOT IT!”             “Fine…” Bellcord sneers.             The rest of the power ponies frown, but accept that he has to help too. They then move out as a group, with Hummer flexing his muscles. Pouter then scurries behind them, falling behind and nervous that the fight won’t go really well.               The team of ten has took their running path through one of the subway tunnels closed down at the late hours. They went under the business districts with their powerful speeds, mixed with magic and mutated energy. It wasn’t long when until they finally reached up to one of the ladders that leads to the nearest countryside, exactly where Avocado Bay Security Prison is located. Matter-Horn then zooms upward, and smashes open the lid of the entrance to introduce the exiting team towards the building prison.             As they all come out, they then rush toward the police to get situated and know what they’re dealing with. One of the human officers look down at the group, then widen their eyes as they see Bellcord. They lift their guns at the reformed member.             “He’s with us.” Matter-Horn mumbled, “Are there anyone else with Bakura?”             “Mane-Iac, Smudge, Long Face, Pharaoh Phetlock (whatever the buck that even means), High Heel, and ShadowMane.” the officer tells her, “And they appear to be heavily armed.”             “On it!” Matter-Horn nods.             The ten heroes then dash through the flames to go into the hellish barrier. Matter-Horn looks around for where the team should start, and looks at an opening straight ahead for them. She looks back, having her hoof point forward as they go into the burning prison. They can hear screams and moans of dying inmates. Zapp is thinking of a way to spring into action so she can save them, but then…             KAPOW!             The hug bang rings out, as something blocks the team’s way. They then look up, finally meeting Bakura face to face. But he isn’t the only one blocking their path, Mordum is right by him. The evil brother is bigger that Bakura, has long sharp fangs, really black skin, black eyes, and slimy goo covering him all around. He’s not even human. He’s there threatening death! > The Defeat and Capture of the Power Ponies > --------------------------------------------------------------------------     “Well Power Ponies, I see you met my brother Mordum.” Bakura smiles.     “You won’t get away with this, whatever your capable of having Mordum do!” Mokuba yells at Bakura.      “Ah, Mote. I figured you come here.” Bakura chuckles.      The evil villain spits phlegm out to the filly hero for mockery, soon turning his face to see Bellcord’s.     “Let me guess.” Bakura says to him, “Your going to help them stop me and my brother."                   “I always wanted to make friends for some strange reason. With that, it’s to help these ponies. If that proves anything, I’ll see to it that your crimes are stopped!” Bellcord promises.     Matter-Horn is slightly touched by Bellcord’s sincerity.     “Hmm. I don’t really care.” Bakura hums, “Brother, deal with him. I’ll have me and the other league members take care of the power pests.”       Mordum then starts his attacking move, smacking Bellcord to his face. The hit sends him in a mighty hard crash to heated wall, and Bellcord immediately pulls himself back up, refusing to go down. He then rushes forward at Mordum as the villain comes toward him. Bellcord snaps his fingers to have his chaos smash Mordum back. The Mordum jumps up to grab Bellcord by his neck when landing, preparing to choke the life out of him.       “BELLCORD?” Zapp screams in shock, not expecting for Mordum to try and kill him.        “NO!” Saddle Ranger screams in alarm.        The six power ponies shake at the sacrifice Bellcord is now making, and the way that Mordum is attacking…. makes Saddle Ranger… furious…       “GRRRR! DON’T YOU DARE!” Saddle Ranger suddenly screams.        Her muscles tense, as her angry energy rushes through her blood. Every bone strengthens, as she enlarges her size. In that moment, she now becomes the big angry version of Saddle Ranger, exactly like the Hulk.        She then pounces onto Mordum, knocking his jaw with a mighty swing. Mordum then released Bellcord from his grip, and hits Saddle Ranger back. Bellcord then protects her from Mordum’s claw attacks, and scratches his face to damage his left. Zapp rushes in to join Bellcord and Saddle Ranger, until the other members of the evil league stomp and step in front of her, knocking her down. Mane-Iac smirks at Matter-Horn, as she then looks at Bakura. She waits for him to give the word.        “Take them down as you wish. But leave Mater-Horn to me.” Bakura instructs.           Then the battle begins, as Zapp and Radiance come against Mane-Iac. The villainess has her hair stretch out as they aim at the two of them. Zapp then flashes past the hair strikes, and comes behind Mane-Iac to strike a lightening bolt power behind her back. Mane-Iac roars, and then feels a jewel bomb explode by her hooves. The bombs are thrown by Radiance, who then has one of her gems shoot lasers to strike the villainess. Mane-Iac then has her hair stretch out to punch her in the face. Radiance feels blood spurt out her mouth, though the move encourages her to spit out the pain and keep up with the fight.             Fili-Second and Mistress Marvelous then do their fight with Smudge. The gooey villain shoots his acid slime towards them, as Fili-Seconds uses her super speed to flash past the goo. She then makes a tornado move to go around Smudge again and again in infinite speed, having his sticky liquid for skin rise up in the air. Marvelous Mistress then uses her lasso as a whip, and strikes it to have Smudge turn into an exploded mess of liquid, injuring him.             Fili-Second slows down then, winking at Mistress Marvelous for the collaboration.             Pouter hides behind one of the broken food barrels, shaking as he sees Hummer and Mote start their fight against Long Face. The weird  muzzled villain shoots his automatic gun to have the bullets try to hit the heroes, as Hummer jumps upward to breath green fire out of his mouth. The fire attack pushes Long Face back, as Mote comes from behind to punch him by the back. Long Face then spins upward to kick Mote behind his head. Hummer catches him to his aid, and then growls to rush towards Long Face once again.             As Matter-Horn fights against Bakura, the evil leader starts to grow tired of his battle against her. He looks at Mote fighting with Hummer, expecting he’d make a challenge with him as well. At that, he makes a mighty sing at Matter-Horn to smash her to a cold wall, having her stuck in the made hole. She wriggles herself out, only to fall in front of Mane-Iac, wishing to fight her now after a surprise hit she gives.             That has Matter-Horn blast her rays from her horn in such determination, aiming the beams at Mane-Iac. The villainess then has her stretching hair whip out snaky slaps to strike Matter-Horn by her legs, then grabbing then to have her trip to the hot floor. The fall has Matter-Horn crack her jaw slightly, also knocking out one of her teeth.             Bakura then pulls out a giant blade to strike towards Mote. The filly hero hops up to avoid the strikes grinding at the concrete floor. He then hops again over the horizontal blade attack, then landing to kick Bakura in the stomach.             Zapp has her fight go on with Smudge as he brings his mucky liquids back together to form his shape. Zapp then throws her sparks to shock the gooey bastard, as the villain twirls and dives under the bolts. Smudge then spits a piece of acid of his body to strike Zapp, having her scream out from the acid like pain once it touches her. She jumps back, scared about his contagious power. Then she scowls, building up the courage again as she hits him with a painful lighting slap to his face, using an electric barrier to protect her hooves.             Fili-Second goes quick against Pharaoh, as the Egyptian-like monster uses his mummy wraps to rise and whip towards the hero. The speeding pony then flashes through the thwarting sharp paper, coming up to Pharaoh with infinite varieties of hits as she comes around him in split seconds. Once the villain is struck at fair play, he then punches Fili-Second by the side of her chest, sending her back. She slides on the floor like it’s ice,  and drags herself back against the burning flames of the building. She then uses some of the fire with her speed to have it come against Pharaoh to scorch him, slowing his fighting moves down.                Radiance goes against Female Fatale, as the villain uses her dark star powers to try and strike Radiance in the chest. The hero then uses one of her gems to reflect the attack, and have it bounce away to strike Fatale. The villainess falls back in dismay, and gets up to throw a punch as Radiance jumps back to miss.             Mistress Marvelous kinks her legs when wearing her sexy suit, then hoping up to miss ShadowMare’s dark aura attack. His shadow demons he casts try to grab Marvelous and choke her, but she uses her rope to tear the demons in half with such strong whips.  She then uses the rope to drag ShadowMare towards her, then thwarting him a head hit to his neck, having him cough out air from the pain in his neck.             As Saddle Ranger from Mordum protects Bellcord, another villainous league member, Long Face, then assists the evil brother. The mime villain then throws deadly ink bombs at the heroes, having Bellcord grab Saddle Ranger to miss to explosive. The boom sends out acid sizzles that tear holes through the walls and floors. Some also drip over to one of Bellcord’s wings, sending him crashing back toward the floor when he tries to fly Saddle away. He screams in pain, and Long Face then comes at Saddle Ranger to hit her in the jaw. She fights back with her muscular strength, feeling extension to her veins.             Then, Bakura plans his move to happen now. As he dodges Mote’s next attack, he punches him hard, REAL HARD, that he sends him crashing out of the building. The attack has Mote lay on the ground, severely injured ad groaning.              “Now, let’s play the possession game.” Bakura giggles, looking at Matter-Horn and her mask.             His eyes then glow red, as another green aura by his mind starts to come around Matter-Horn’s head.             “WHAT THE?” Matter-Horn screams.             She has her head thrash, trying to fight Bakura’s control. It’s no good, the power is too strong for her to fight against. The mask even starts to come apart from her a bit. Then, Bakura makes his next sadistic move. He starts to speak inside her head telepathically.             “Stop resisting me.” his voice sneers, “Join me, capture your friends, obey my commands.”             Bellcord and Saddle Ranger then look at what Bakura is doing to Matter-Horn. Saddle screams, as their leader’s eyes start to glow green. Matter-Horn then looks at Bakura and bows to him.             “I will do as you say, Master Bakura.” Matter-Horn groans.             Pouter comes out of his hiding spot to see what’s going on. Unfortunately, he was the first to be struck by Matter-Horn’s brainwashing attack, the ice ray. It freezes the blanket in place, trapping him and forbidding him to move. She then does the same thing under Bakura’s control, to Bellcord, Saddle Ranger, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Mistress Marvelous, and Hummer. Mote then crawls into the room despite his injuries, hoping to fight again. Yet, he too is then struck, trapped in the ice holding down his hooves.             “MATTER-HORN! What are you doing?” Hummer yells out in alarm.             “Bakura… brainwashed her…” the blanket sidekick whimpers.             “IS THIS BECAUSE YOU TOOK CONTROL OF HER MASK?” Mote demands at Bakura, trying to get free.             “Well, that’s part of the way I had to take her mind so she can obey me.” Bakura grins, “Radiance, you’re next. You’ll be expected to make more masks like Matter-Horn’s personally for my assistants. Either that, or the rest of your team will die.”             “YOU WOULDN’T EVEN DARE KILL THEM!” Radiance hisses.             Bakura then goes next to Hummer, taking out his sword. He points it towards the dragon’s stomach, as if he’s ready to slice him open. Hummer gulps nervously.             “I would dare.” Bakura snarls, “Now do as I say. I’ll have the mask any way I’ll have to try forcing it to happen. Time is ticking…for me… for you…”             “V…very well….” Radiance weeps, hanging her head down.             “NO!” Hummer screams.             “You’re making the right choice…” Bakura grins.             Mordum dusts his hands now that the fight is over. The Power Ponies are now in bad defeat, and Matter-Horn is under Bakura’s power. Zapp and Fili-Second try to get their hooves free, but it was all no good.             “What about Bellcord?” Bakura asks his brother.             “He won’t be a problem. Bellcord…” Mordum laughs.             The evil brother then approaches to him and holds his neck.             SMACK!             The heavy punch has Bellcord break from his restraints and fall flat to the ground. Blood rushes to one of his eyes, as the draconequus goes into deep unconsciousness. That’s when Zapp feels sympathy for him for the very first time, crying at the horrible beating he received.              Fili-Second, Radiance, Mistress Marvelous, and Saddle Ranger are too shocked in fear about Bellcord’s injury and possible coma.             “No… Bellcord…” Saddle Ranger cries.             “We should have treated him fairly…” Mistress Marvelous sobs in guilt.             “VICTORY!” Bakura laughs, “Now, we have more business for you pests at our hideout.”             One of the villains also laughs as they pick up Pouter the blanket, knocking him out cold as well. They call the sidekick worthless, as they use their powers to take their Power Pony prisoners back to their base. Mistress Marvelous, Mote, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Hummer, and Saddle Ranger struggle in their restraints, crying that they’re prisoners.               Pouter awakes a couple hours later, rubbing his head from the throbbing pain. He looks up, seeing dead bodies through the demolished prison wall hole. All the reporters, convicts, and authorities are DEAD! The League of Evil had DONE THIS, all because of Bakura and Mordum! The blanket shudders in shock, then looking to see the unconscious Bellcord.             Pouter floats and rushes to the chaos-powered hero, the one who tried to save his new friends. Pouter uses his flippers to try and wake him up. He can also hear Bellcord wheezing in pain.             “Bellcord! WAKE UP!” The blanket begs.             Bellcord slowly opens his eyelids, seeing the damage in the prison. He then knew that his friends are captured, gone, into the clutches of Mordum. The reality of it makes him sit upward, covering his eyes as he cries hysterically.             “THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!” Bellcord sobs, “If my powers were strong enough, I would have saved them! Why was I evil before? Now… there’s no hope…”             Pouter understood very thoroughly about the situation, and has his flipper pat Bellcord on the back. The blanket then thinks of a way to solve the situation. Then, he beams in hope.             “I HAVE A IDEA! POYO!” Pouter cheers.             “What good will an idea do?” Bellcord said negatively.             “It’s called, ‘Let’s find more superheroes’ idea!” Pouter said, “I just came up with it.”             “How does it work?” Bellcord asks, wiping his tears off.             “Simple. I know of two other superheroes who know about Bakura.” Pouter informs, “They’re known as Firestorm and Gladiator. Firestorm is a dragon pony with firepowers from a mystical volcano. Gladiator is a griffon with robotic limbs that carry cyber strength.”             “You… really think THEY will help?” Bellcord wonders.             “They’re still at Chestnut University.” Pouter lets him know, “What else can we do? The least we can try is get their help. You can still make things right just like me. We’ll do it together!”             Bellcord is starting to like the sound of that. Pouter’s positivity is also gaining his self-esteem, ready for more challenges ahead to defeat Mordum. Bellcord then gets up, throwing his fist into the air.             “All right! Let’s do it!” Bellcord agrees.             “POYO!” Pouter cheers.             Bellcord then picks the blanket sidekick up, and flies straight into the air. The two of them start to fly towards the north, where Chestnut University is located. They need to get help before it’s all to late… > Foxman and Dragonflame's Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitsunes > --------------------------------------------------------------------------          Just like the universe of Equestria with Tails and TJ, there are two foxes that look just like them, but takes a different backstory. Their names are Sava and JT (JT is TJ backwards.) Sava is a two-tailed kitsune fox with a blue bandana with 2 eyeholes, and uses two katana swords for his weapons. JT is a twin brother of Sava, who has one tail while wearing an orange bandana, using a pair of nunchucks for his weapon.             The two brothers' backstory starts off from when they were just regular fox cubs, separated from their parents after a hunting event that killed them off. The two brothers then had another weird twist of events when they came upon a toxic waste spill. The radiation, in turn, altered their DNA, increased their intelligence, & morphed them into anthropomorphic kitsunes, just like what people might see in a carton or comic book. Ever since that change, an elderly veteran nicknamed 'Shard' took them in, training them in the art of ninjitsu. The foxes learned mixed martial arts from him, and everything they need to know about defending themselves from the world’s worst people that existed. When their mentor died, he left them with the bandanas they wear now, even the weapons they possess. They dedicated their lives to fight crime unknowingly in the city of Corvine up until now, and forever more.             They’re twenty now, and right now they’re hiding in their secret hideaway they made for themselves in an abandoned penthouse at the south side of Corvine. They managed to get part-time jobs to pay off the mortgage to live in this place. And right now, Sava is watching the news channel with a new HD TV he spent with his job bonus. JT cleans up the living room area, while standing by a huge window that overlooks the city skyline of Corvine. He looks at his brother, curious of the news going on.             “Anything happening?” JT asks.             “Just some celebrity news making fun of Reese Witherspoon’s cosmetic surgery.” Sava sighs, “I really find that gossip distasteful.”             “Welcome to city life.” JT agrees, “I wonder if there’s any news considering the Power Ponies.”             “That would be great to watch.” Sava sighs, “Actually, Matter-Horn is the kind of hero I also admire.”             “You wanna marry her, don't you? OOH!!" JT smirks playfully.             “Shut up,” Sava said, annoyed, “I’m just…”             The screen on the HD TV then turns to the words breaking news, as the head reporter pops on the screen instantly.             “We interrupt your regular program to bring you this rather disappointing information!” the anchorman said, shaking, “The Power Ponies have been captured by an unknown enemy, and have been missing since last night.”          “WHAT?” Sava shouts.             “Some reports claim that Bellcord is the one responsible. But a close acquaintance named Pouter, who’s sidekick to the Power Ponies, sent us a message that Bellcord is doing good, and that he’s going along with him to find some help. A search party by the police is already underway, while some SWAT teams are taking control of riots in downtown sections, now that word of the Power Ponies’ disappearance has gone out.” the Anchorman continues.             “Bellcord is the good guy? Weird.” JT smirks.             “Shhh.” Sava hushes.             “Pouter also said in the message to us that Bakura is the known suspect. The explosions from the prison last night also indicate that the mass murderer, Mordum, has escaped, and is related to Bakura. Nothing else was said in Pouter’s lucky emergency message, but theories also claim that the League of Evil is responsible.” the Anchorman finishes.             Sava gets up from his seat, looking at JT.             “We’re going to save them.” he says, “And we’ll find Bellcord and Pouter to help them.”             “Wait, you’re suggesting we go against Bakura and Mordum too?” JT asks, shocked, “This is a suicide mission. These bastards might try and kill us.”             “That’s just a risk we have to take.” Sava said, “Grab your gear. We’re leaving NOW.”             JT is reluctant, yet he knows Sava is declaring the right choice. He rushes to his room and gets his nunchucks, right after putting on his blue bandana. Sava puts on his orange bandana and gets his swords.             JT then leaves his room, as he walks out the door with Sava.             “It’s showtime.” Sava grins.               At Chestnut University, Blaze and Lars (who look like Fireblaze and Storm, only younger students) walk out of class after the session is over. They remain out of their superhero personas for the time being in public, yet Lars has his robotic arm and robot eye. He’s had them ever since a freak accident in a factory long ago. Their teacher Doctor Whooves then walks up to them from behind, patting them on the backs.             “Well, you guys did excellent today.” he congratulates, “You both got A+ from all your studying and hard work. You really have a good future awaiting.”             “Thanks.” Lars comments.             “Yeah, studying DOES pay off, doesn’t it?” Blaze said.             “What will you boys be planning on doing once you get out of college?” Doctor Whooves asks.             “Well, I’ll be going into the military, just to be a fighter. Nothing more matters.” Blaze said.             “I’m into robotics, might get a job around that majority.” Lars admits, “My robotic limb itself could use a lot of work.”             “You certainly fit that profession.” Doctor Whooves admits, “Following your father’s footsteps?”             “I’m thinking of running his company, just before he passes on.” Lars said.             “That reminds me, how’s your father doing? I’m understanding he’s coping with an illness.” Blaze brings up.             Lars sighs, not knowing what to say. His father has been sick for a while now, and he’s getting real old. The doctors even recommending pulling the plug on him if the sickness gets worse.             “GUYS!” a sudden voice calls out to them.             Blaze and Lars look up, seeing Bellcord is flying down with Pouter. They grow suspicious at Bellcord’s presence, and the blanket can only hope the meeting goes well. Blaze and Lars then look back at Whooves.             “Can you excuse us for now?” Blaze asks him.             “Sure. Have a good day.” Whooves said, turning around to leave.             As Bellcord and Pouter land, Blaze and Lars walk up to them.             “What are YOU doing here?” Blaze angrily asks Bellcord.             “I’m the GOOD GUY here.” Bellcord protests, “And for your information, it’s bad news considering the Power Ponies.”             “What are you talking about?” Lars asks, worried.             “Well, first off… the Power Ponies WERE watching Bellcord, including Zapp. We were aiding them on a mission after word got out that Mordum has broke out of prison.” Pouter summarizes.             “Wh… what else?” Lars asks, now worried.             “My new friends… the Power Ponies….” Bellcord starts to say in regret, “They’ve been captured by the League of Evil. And… Mordum’s brother is involved… he’s named… Bakura.”             “WHAT?” Lars and Blaze gasps in shock.             Pouter nods.             “But I researched that Bakura has been imprisoned in the strongest parallel dimension!” Blaze shudders, “How could he have possibly gotten out?”             “I don’t know.” Pouter sighs, “But… what’s worse… Bakura has gotten control of Matter-Horn after manipulating her magic mask. He’s even forcing Radiance to make these same masks for not only the League of Evil, but…”             “The Power Ponies, including Hummer and Mote.” Bellcord sadly finishes, “I think he has intentions to manipulate the rest of the team too, to obey his every whim and perform his criminal deeds.”             “All because of Matter-Horn’s mask?” Blaze whimpers.             “There has to be plan we can use to fight him… and not your friends!” Lars says in hope, “Blaze can use of one his talents that can get us through this situation. However, if he enters into his persona of Firestorm, his mind won’t inhabit in the same body.”             “That does sound like a struggle.” Bellcord admits.             “Still, in a different mind…” Blaze points out, “Bakura will have less of a chance to use his manipulation powers on me.”             “Is everyone else watching?” Pouter asks, “Because if I were you, I’d change now. Our buddies are depending on us!”             “On it!” Lars grins, “GLADIATOR FORM, INITIATE!”             Then Lars has a glowing flash surround him, as he turns into Gladiator. He has his mask cover his face, as he then holds a giant spear in his hand. This is the same gadget Pouter described, one that can shoot lasers and hack into any computer technology.             “Are YOU ready?” Bellcord asks Blaze.             “I am.” Blaze admits, “FIRESTORM FORM, INITIATE!”             As Fireblaze shouts this, his body jolts as it starts to flash. His eyes then glow yellow, and his dragon wings start to come out at the sides of his body. As of now, he’s Firestorm, ready to save the day.             “Okay, let’s go find Matter-Horn!” Firestorm shouts in pride.             Then Firestorm, Gladiator, and Pouter hop onto Bellcord’s back, as they fly off to find clues where Bakura’s hideout may be.               The League of Evil has pictured out and planned a good hiding place for their new lair to be. In any rate, the FBI would have searched the original base right now. In the newest lab of the hideout, Matter-Horn is still under Bakura’s enslaving spell, as Bakura watches her eye evilly at her friends, Hummer, Mote, Saddle Ranger, Mistress Marvelous, Zapp, and Fili-Second tied up and locked in a cage together. Bakura then turns behind him to see Mordum is keeping a close eye on Radiance, as she makes him the masks. Long Face smokes a cigar, fascinated about Bakura’s plan going exactly perfect.             “So we got the Power Ponies. What next?” Long Face asks.             “Use the masks to force them onto our prisoners, of course.” Bakura hums, “Then bring the apocalypse onto these filthy mortals of earth. A new war with my army of ancient demons is what I’m envisioning.”             “We still have Bellcord and Pouter in the way, though.” ShadowMare warns, using his psychic powers to see the future, “Even Sava, JT, Gladiator, and Firestorm. It looks as if they’re a team coming together to find US.”             “Who’s Firestorm and Gladiator? They sound interesting.” Bakura muses.             “Firestorm appears to be some sort of dragon powered pony.” ShadowMare said, “What’s more? He has the power of mind control, hypnosis, and he can brainwash to minds at once. Such talents are impossible to use the masks against him.”             “DAMN!” Bakura snaps, hearing this, “Then my masks are going to have to be more than just…. powerful. But will he be the only problem? No, still Bellcord and those two foxes. Gladiator, some stupid robot like him can’t defeat me. Back to Firestorm, does he have any weaknesses?”             “I… think he had some sort of relationship history with Zapp.” ShadowMare puts together, “He and her were always so close.”             “Is… that true?” Saddle Rager whispers to her.             “Yes… it is…” Zapp tells Saddle Rager.             The brave cyan power pony then looks up at Bakura in rage.             “AND YOU LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS!” Zapp yells.             “I don’t really feel like leaving him out.” Bakura taunts at her, “Once you’re mine, he’ll be dead from you. You’ll DESTROY him when I give the command!”             “You bastard…” Zapp snarls.             Radiance then makes the final touches on all the masks, having them all look exactly like Matter-Horn’s.             “I’m done…” Radiance huffs, “Just… please let us go…”             “I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Bakura hums.             He then has the masks rise up by his magic, then having them fly to SLAM into the power ponies’ faces! He then unbinds them, but keeps Mote and Hummer all tied up. Then, the change doesn’t only affect Radiance, but also Zapp, Filli-Second, Mistress Marvelous, and Saddle Ranger. As the five ponies try to fight the power, it’s all no good. Their eyes glow, as they are now under the two brothers’ powers. The cage then opens, releasing the brainwashed slaves.             “We will serve you, master….” all of the Power Ponies say at once.             “Let’s see how the foxes, blanket, chaos beast, and robot handle you. God, I especially can’t wait to cut open Firestorm!” Bakura laughs.             “Yes brother, Zapp will kill him for sure, as well.” Mordum promises.             Mote is really pissed when he struggles against the ropes.             “There’s no way you can win this!” Mote screams.             Bakura then approaches to the other side of the room, opening up his right hand palm. He then has a hold tear out from it, smashing and magically creating a black hole that glows in the wall. Mote then gasps as he sees black imps and masked creatures coming through the parallel entrance.             “Those beasts… are from the shadow realm…” Bakura tells him, “And they’re getting ready for my apocalypse I’m envisioning.”             “So is that all it is to you? Some sort of game?” Mote demands.             “That’s correct.” Bakura grins, “I call it… THE SHADOW GAME!” > The Shadow Game > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   It took the gang of four an hour before Bellcord managed to sense where the new lair location is. With Gladiator’s technology, he has managed to track the Bakura’s cave-carved base is made in a mountain called East Hill. Pouter also looks down at the surface below them, seeing two familiar characters on the ground.         “I know these fellas walking.” Pouter said, “These are the hero foxes, Sava and JT.”         “We have no time to talk to them.” Bellcord protests.          Pouter then pulls on Bellcord’s horns, like he’s starting to steer him.          “But I wanna visit them!” Pouter insists, “They might be on the same mission too!”         “He’s right.” Gladiator admits to Bellcord, “We need all the help we can get.”         Bellcord sighs, and slows his speed to land onto the ground. The foxes stop in place, surprised to see Bellcord in front of them. Pouter also rushes up to them, hoping up and down.             “OMG! It’s great to see you guys!” the blanket squees.             “Yeah, sure…” JT grins, “Anyways, what are YOU doing here Bellcord.”             “The same you’re probably doing.” Bellcord lets him know, “Bakura might be keeping the Power Ponies prisoner on this mountain!”             The foxes look up at the evening sky, starting to wince at the darkness of the clouds.             “You know, Bakura might be expecting us.” Sava said, “He might have a trap set us for us.”                 “Which is why we think there’s a back entrance.” Firestorm tells them, “We’re finding one right now just as soon as Bellcord speeds us to go on the other side of the mountain.”             “You in?” Gladiator offers, “We need a little help saving your idols after all.”             Sava grins at their acceptance to him and JT being part of the team.             “Why not?” Sava smiles.             The foxes then join them on Bellcord’s back with the others, as the chaotic hero then snaps his fingers. In no time, the six members find themselves on the other side of the mountain. It’s much eerie then in front, because of the darker shadows covering the slopes and the odd black goo covering the rocks. BLACK GOO? This is a sign of dangerous activity to Gladiator’s wrist monitor.             “We might have to try one of the sides of the mountain…” Gladiator thinks out loud.             “Why do that?” a menacing voice rumbles, “You already came this far!”             Bellcord then screams in shock when they see the black goo encircle around them. The icky liquid then rises up higher then their height, to create a form a GIANT CAGE. The secure barrier then entraps them completely in the prisoning space, as the goo also makes a giant screen monitor. Sava and JT look in suspicion to see who’s coming onto the screen. BAKURA!             “Welcome to my special arena!” the villain laughs.             “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THE POWER PONIES?” Firestorm demands.             “Well, let me introduce you to the ne and improved… them….” Bakura muses in delight.             The ground rumbles in front of the gang of six, as a hidden underground entrance opens up in front of them. The square lid goes upward, as all the six Power Ponies come out one by one, wearing their MASKS! Behind the entrance in the corner of the barrier, two cages coming from underground arise. Inside each cage, are Hummer and Mote, all tied up and gagged. Pouter closes his eyes when seeing this.             “ZAPP!” Firestorm screams.             “MATTER-HORN!” Sava calls in shock.             “BAKURA! YOU BASTARD!” Gladiator screams.             “YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!” JT promises.             “Well, I WILL have FUN watching you… Firestorm and Sava… going against your two lovers.” Bakura hisses, “Don’t you both care for them? If you’re really going to fight them, you might as well LOSE for them.”             Bakura then looks into the angry eyes of Firestorm, curious and amazed.             “Now I see why I want to kill you Firestorm.” Bakura sneers, “You’re some kid who helped Mote’s father from long ago send my brother to prison, as HE… Mote… your father banished me! I believe his name is Herne, the very first dragon superhero of this universe. He’s dead for good, but YOU…. I will have the sore pleasure of making a vengeful kill on you!”             “So… you do know my dad.” Firestorm snarls, “I DON’T CARE HOW YOU GOT OUT EITHER! BUT I’LL RETURN THE POWER PONIES TO NORMAL WITH THE HELP OF MY FRIENDS, IF IT’S THE LAST THING I DO!”             “THEN LET’S BEGIN! POWER PONIES, KILL THEM AND MAKE THEM SUFFER!” Bakura laughs and commands.             “Yes master…” the brainwashed Power Ponies moan.             “Oh no…” Pouter whimpers.             “Bellcord, I suggest you aid Pouter as we fight!” Firestorm tells him, “You both might have to come against two at once if you have to. I’ll be facing Zapp.”             “Then I’ll face Saddle Ranger and Radiance.” Bellcord said.             “Me, I’ll face Matter-Horn as JT faces Fili-Second!” Sava decides.             “Then I guess I have to fight Mistress Marvelous.” Gladiator says.             They then rush into action with saying anything more, as Sava goes against Matter-Horn. He flies upward to miss her blood red rays, piercing through the air to try and stab him. The fox then flies downward to punch her in the face, hoping to tear off the mask. But the power of the mask is stuck and snug on Matter-Horn’s face. She then has her eyes glow to shoot the rays, having Sava jump back as he think of another way to target the mask.             JT then jumps ahead as he fights against Fili-Second and her speed, only he gets knocked over by her constant sudden punches. He eventually makes a lucky move when he extends a fist out to knock her down to the ground, just as she rushes to fast. Fili-Second the growls, speeding up her punches as JT tries to wobble backwards and miss.             As Mistress Marvelous fights Gladiator, she uses her lasso to try and rip of his wrist monitor. Gladiator allows that, having Marvelous fall for the old intruder-detonating trick. When she grabs the gadget to try and use it against him, it explodes right into her face, sending her jumping in the air as her face scorches! As she head upward, Gladiator flies up to punch her constantly in the jaw until he smacks her down. Marvelous is enraged, dragging herself back up as she skips to kick Gladiator in his thigh. The robotic griffon jolts, sending an electric move to shock his opponent.             Pouter hugs tightly to Bellcord, as the two of them see Saddle Ranger going into her monster mode. When in that form, Radiance starts the attack against Bellcord and Pouter, using her gem rays to try and strike them both down. Bellcord then snaps his fingers, using his own gems to fight against Radiance, His stone rays aim at her, though Radiance jumps ahead to miss and kick him in the face. Saddle Range then adds onto Bellcord’s pain by grabbing his tail and TWISTNG it mercilessly, having him scream. She then grabs Pouter by his blanket tail, and swings him around like a battering ram. She then sends the blanket flying to crash against the cage wall.             “Mommy…” Pouter weeps, as he slides off the wall.             Zapp and Firestorm are just behind the horrified blanket, as the two of them do their fight. Zapp slips past Firestorm’s dragon breath, as he breathes heavy fire to try and slow her down. She then comes up from his side and shocks one of his legs to stun him.             She then strengthens her lightening attacks to use them more often on Firestorm, only he dodges them with his dragon flight. Then, Zapp casts out a tornado attack, and flashes by him to activate it. Firestorm then feels himself being lifted in the air, spinning around and starting to feel sick. He grows worried of what Zapp might try next. Then without warning, she goes through the tornado fog in the air, hitting him hard in the chest with both fisted hooves.             “ARRRGH! Please…Zapp… stop this!” Firestorm begs.             “The master wants me to destroy you…” Zapp moans.             “You’re not her… not now… YOU’RE NOT HER!” Firestorm wails.             Zapp then punches Firestorm, sending him to the ground. Then, she begins to shock him with four lightening bolt attacks striking him. He screams in agony as she sends another hit to his chest.             “FUUUUU….” Firestorm groans.             Firestorm then looks at the battle behind him as he lays on the ground. The attacks are more fierce, all because the Power Ponies are manipulated with Bakura’s given power. It was all to much for Firestorm to bear.             “Well… it looks like I’ve won.” Bakura laughs, as Mordum joins him.             Firestorm feels as if he’s now starting to give up, feeling insulted by Bakura’s sadism. What can he do? All his limbs are nearly numb from the lightening strikes he received.             “Firestorm…” a voice suddenly whispers in his head.             That voice. The dragon pony recognizes it. His father…             “Herne…” Firestorm smiles.             “WAKE UP! YOU MUST NOT LET BAKURA WIN!” Herne encourages in his head, “YOU MUST FIND THE DRAGON RAGE WITHIN YOURSELF, AND HOLD IT IN TO SAVE YOUR FRIENDS! YOU MUST RELEASE YOUR TRUE POWER AND USE IT TO BREAK THE SPELL APART FROM THE POWER PONIES! YOU MUST SAVE THEM!”             That message was all Firestorm needed.             “Thank you father…” Firestorm whispers.             The dragon pony then opens his eyes once more, feeling the repetitive shocks coming from Zapp. He looks around at the other Power Ponies, brainwashed as Mordum and Bakura smoke cigars and watch in pleasure. On another monitor formulating with the goo, Firestorm can see the league of evil laughing along with Bakura’s delight.             “Enough… I won’t let you hurt my friends. I won’t forgive you for this…” Firestorm snarls, raising his voice.             “So silent. Meh, that’s boring. ZAPP, END HIM!” Bakura says.             “Yes master…” Zapp says, as she readies her final blow.             “I WON’T LET YOU WIN!” Firestorm screams towards Bakura.             Then, a sudden red cloud flows around his body, as it slowly turns into red energy. The aura explodes around him, and Firestorm screams to get up from his pinned spot. He gains the attention of Bakura and Mordum who look in dismay, as the brainwashed Power Ponies, Sava, JT, Bellcord, Gladiator, and Pouter look as well.             “What’s this now?” Bakura gnarls.             “ARRRRGGGH!” Firestorm screams.             Firestorm continues his screaming as his power level goes off his usual chart, forcing all emotion out of his body to focus on the moment. Once the explosion dies down, his eyes turn into dragon slit holes as his wings grow bigger like an eagle’s. He acts calm when in his new appearance, thought he’s still pissed off.             “Firestorm…” Gladiator gasps.             “What form is this supposed to be on him?” Bellcord asks Gladiator.             “Dragon Rage form.” Gladiator tells him, “It build’s up his power to reach an ultimate installment that forces all his dragon powers to burst out in anger, carrying the same fury his father took. Herne has been the first superhero to use such an emotional power to move against Bakura’s attacks, let alone also attacking these evil powers.”             The brainwashed Zapp is front of Firestorm, stomping her hoof back and forth.             “THAT BASTARD, TAKING THE SAME POWER COMPARED TO HIS FATHER’S!” Bakura screams, “ZAPP! DESTROY HIM NOW!”             “Yes master…” Zapp said nervously.             Zapp then flashes forward, going in for the attack. Just then, a sudden jolt pushes aside from her. Firestorm just disappeared in front of her real quickly, as he the goes behind Zapp.             “WHAT?” Bakura huffs as he watches.             “Man, he’s as fast as Zapp.” Sava says, as he blocks an upcoming move from Matter-Horn.             “It’s no wonder Firestorm’s powers are off the charts…” Bellcord grunts as he protects Pouter from Saddle Ranger’s muscular attacks, “He shares the same power his father carried!”             Then Firestorm puts his claw hand on Zapp’s forehead, having his eyes glow yellow.             “Sleep Zapp! Let my second mind enter into yours, as I help you go free from Bakura’s control!” Firestorm chants.             Unconscious…             That’s how Zapp now is when se goes to her rest, having Firestorm transport himself into her second mind. When inside, he can see her real loving soul, trapped and imprisoned by another Zapp, only darker and having a similar face to Bakura’s. After all, Bakura has took control of her mind.             The loving soul of the real Zapp bangs against the cage, almost relieved to see Fireblaze.              “So, you came here to free your girlfriend! My master wants me to destroy you and try to kill your love! I will beat you!” the evil Zapp says.             “We’ll see once I destroy Zapp’s dark side!” Firestorm shouts.             The soul actually is the real Zapp, being one body trapped in an evil one for what Firestorm knows. Zapp cries as she struggles against the cage bars. Firestorm cries too, feeling her pain.             “BEAT HER! I KNOW YOU CAN!” Zapp encourages.             “I will.” Firestorm promises, ready to fight the evil Zapp, “I’ll never hold back either!”             With that, Firestorm makes one big flash…             “WHAT?” the evil Zapp gasps.               The flash was huge for what the brainwashed Power Ponies witness Firestorm doing. Bellcord and Pouter scuttle back, wondering what the dragon pony is up to. Firestorm has exited Zapp’s mind, and his power is starting to FREE HER! Zapp jolts against the power of the mask, feeling tired and stunned. Then…             CRACK!             Firestorm has finally done it for his first friend. He released Zapp from her prisoned spell of the mask. She’s then waking slowly back to herself, real slowly…             During that time, she’s lowered down by Firestorm, and gets placed by the foxes, Bellcord, Pouter, and Gladiator.             “What happened?” Zapp wonders.             “YOU’RE BACK!” Pouter cheers, hugging her.             “IMPOSSIBLE!” Bakura screams.             Firestorm then turns to the monitor, seeing the villain’s eyes.             “Once I free the other Power Ponies, I AM GOING TO FIGHT YOU!” the dragon pony roars.             “Then let’s see if the ones who are sane heroes can fight against Mordum… POWER PONIES! DISMISS!” Bakura shouts.             The other brainwashed Power Ponies then disappear, teleporting back to the base room by Bakura’s power. Zapp cries out for them, not wanting her friends to go back to the clutches of the bastard. It all gets worse when Mordum is sent into the arena by Bakura’s magic, having him stand in front of Zapp, Firestorm, Sava, JT, Bellcord, Gladiator, and Pouter.             “KILL THEM!” Bakura orders to his brother.             “Right then.” Mordum hums.             “GIVE US YOUR BEST SHOT!” Firestorm screams.             Then Mordum throws a fist punch to start with Firestorm, until the dragon pony catches the fist with his dragon claws. Mordum is in shock, as he see Firestorm smile. However, Mordum manipulates the grip, and raises hi arm to smash Firestorm towards the other side of the floor, nearly cracking his back.             “WOAH!” Long Face wails, watching through the monitor.             “Impressive. But how could Firestorm stop such a deadly attack in the first place?” Bakura wonders out loud.             “At least he didn’t punch me…” Firestorm coughs, pulling himself back up, “MY TURN!”             As Mordum rushes up to hit Firestorm again, the dragon pony stops him and catches him by the chest. He then lifts him up in the air with both his dragon arms. He then SLAMS him onto the ground, having some rubble fly in his landing spot.             “That’s some power you have…” Bellcord tells Firestorm in awe.             Mordum then gets up from the ground, looking at the gang. He then looks at Firestorm, putting a smirk on his face. Pouter puts one of his flipper hands on his mouth, pretending he’s sucking his thumb.             “Finally, worthy opponents after two hundred years…” Mordum smiles.               Back in the city of Corvine, right before anything else happens, a sexy wolf stretches and goes around his apartment, continuing his research. He’s better known as Isaac, and that wolf’s main topic of research is the Shadow Games, the very same thing Bellcord, Firestorm, and the others are going through right now. His appearance has him wearing a Canadian hoodie for clothing, along with blue jeans and sneakers on his feet. He knows that the Shadow Games are all about some misfit heroes being selected by a deadly bastard to compete against their brainwashed friends. Some people call this foretold event to be a myth, but right now…             Isaac is already watching the news about repots sneaking around the mountains to catch footage of Zapp being aided by new friends, as Firestorm goes against a deadly black figure named Mordum. It’s all what the wolf expected, Bakura’s “Shadow Games” are happening. And he knew he has to do something.             Actually, in all his life, he trained himself to become a hero. He not only researched myths, he studied them. Myths can be foretold fictional or not. And what else, he knows something is coming to attack Corvine. He can already her it in the sky roars are rising. Bakura’s shadow demons are coming, and the evil brothers set up the arena to distract the other heroes so they won’t interfere with the planned invasion.             Isaac knew what to do. He practiced magic along with ding research, just like a mage. He went to the other side of his room to pick up his staff. It’s like a golden cane, yet it has an encrypted emblem of a moon on top. He looks up to his front door, ready for what’s expected.             “Some demons they’ll be.” Isaac sad to himself, “I’m not impressed.” > Friends: ATTACK!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mote and Hummer help each other try to rip off the ropes holding their hands behind their backs, as they watch Zapp, Bellcord, and Sava be the next to go against Mordum. Firestorm uses his fire breath to push the monster farther back, as Pouter hides behind Gladiator and JT using their swords to defend themselves from Mordum’s punches. It was an odd thing that Mote and Hummer are in cages, but it’s possible that Bakura reserved them to be the final ones killed in case the others were defeated.             “There’s got to be a way we can get free to help!” Hummer grunts.             “If I can just get…” Mote starts to say.             Then, Mote remembers something.             “My necklace…” Mote whispers.             “Your what?” Hummer asks.             Mote manages to shake his head back and forth while sweating in his leotard suit, as he also squirms his bound hands. He manages to get out something from the collar of his shirt with his valiant shaking. With the sexy struggle, a mysterious blur crystal pops out from under his neck.             “Spirit beyond, come help me and my friend…” Mote hums.             “Wha…” Hummer utters.             Mote then has his magic aura obey his command. With the magic lifting up, the mystical ray then goes by their bound hands and ankles. The aura then squeezes against their ropes.             SNAP!             The ropes break, having Hummer and Mote free their hands and ankles in such sexy twists. The aura then places special weapons in their hands, which  surprises Hummer to say in the least. Hummer holds a bladed staff, that’s as sharp as a shaving blade. Mote holds a staff that has a blue aura glowing around it. The weapon itself has a resemblance to a giant wand.             “That staffed blade you’re holding once belonged to a god in Olympus.” Mote explains to Hummer.             “Right then…” Hummer nods.             BANG!             Bellcord and Firestorm turn to look at their friends in delight, pleased that Mote and Hummer are free from the cage. The two of them then go by Zapp, Sava, JT, Pouter, and Gladiator, ready to fight with the rest of the gang. As Bakura looks at this through the monitor, he is most displeased. Mane-Iac giggles, impressed of their capability, especially by Sava’s strength and determination. She then prances over to Bakura to ask him something.             “If I may, I like to join Mordum in the fight. I have wishes of going after the foxes.” she tells him.                     Bakura sighs.             “As you wish.” he grins, “I’m hoping to send in my Partners in Crime to stop those urchins anyway.”             He then snaps his fingers, and within moments, Mane-Iac is teleported into the arena. She stands by Mordum as she grins at Sava. The hero fox frowns, angry at her presence.             “Shall we continue the fight?” she asks.             “Yes, let’s.” Sava agrees. ]             He then rushes toward her with his katana swords, having her swing back from the blade swings. She then jumps forward with her powerful hair supporting her. Having the power, she has her hair slap Tails into the limbs and chest, knocking him backward to go upward again.             As Firestorm misses Mordum’s next ground punch, he looks over to Zapp and smiles at her.             “I’m glad to have you back Zapp.” Firestorm said to her, “You know, I have a feeling Bakura trapped us her intentionally, as if he’s sending something over to attack corvine. The only thing we can do to get out in time is defeat Mordum… unfortunately…”             “Well, if I know your power is linked to your rage, it might get out of control. I better keep an eye out on your control in case something happens.” Zapp adds.             “Well, good for you.” Bellcord comments.             Bakura sighs, loosing his patience.             “I better come out to finish this fight with my brother. All the babbling is making me bored. Time to be part of the action!” the villain said.             As Bakura teleports to the inside of the arena, Firestorm turns to his friends to tell his plan.             “I’ll deal with him and Bakura. You take on Mane-Iac one by one.” Firestrom tells them.             “But what about the Power Ponies? Surely we found the entrance they came in before. Maybe we can enter though there to rescue them.” Pouter suggests.             “The doors may be really secure though.” Gladiator points out.             “No problem.” Bellcord muses.             The chaotic mischief-maker then grows his strength, memorizing where the entrance is and puts his paw through the ground. He then tears and RIPS up the underground door. Firestorm then sees behind them at Bakura arrived in the Arena, enraged.             “HOW DARE YOU!” Bakura screams, “YOU WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO FIND IT!”             “GUYS, GO!” Firestorm instructs.             “We’ll find the rest of Power Ponies!” Gladiator promises as the rest of the team enters the tunnel, leaving Firestorm to his fight.             Zapp looks back at Firestorm before leaving any further.             “Be careful.” she said.             “You too.” Firestorm sighs.             “MANE-IAC! Don't just stand there! FOLLOW THE PRISONERS!” Bakura roars at her.             “Yes sir!” she obeys, rushing into the tunnel entrance before it finally closes.             Zapp has finally gone inside with her friends, and already, Firestorm can hear the fight starting between her and Mane-Iac.     “Well, the gang WILL take care of Mane-Iac.” Firestorm chuckles to himself.             As Firestorm starts punching Mordum, Bakura snarls and starts to send a new telepathic message to his brainwashed slaves, including the other members of the League of Evil.             “Stop the intruders…”              That’s all Bakura’s orders are.                         Zapp continues to hold Mane-Iac back, by dodging her hair and sparking them with fury to force pain around the villainess. The speeding cyan pegasi also trots by Bellcord and Pouter, keeping her aim at Mane-Iac as she also does defense. Bellcord finally notices the next entrance in front of them, leading to the main base of the villain headquarters. Gladiator lifts up his robotic arm, shooting the door open. The rest of the heroes then enter, with Mane-Iac grinning and blocking their other escape route as they finally become… TRAPPED!             The brainwashed Power Ponies, and Evil League members are already surrounding them inch by inch.             “IT’S A F****G TRAP!” Hummer wails.              “Damn it! We should have expected this!” Gladiator snarls.             “Well, looks like there’s eight of you and ten of us!” Mane-Iac snickers, starting to grab Zapp by her throat, “LET’S START!”             Mane-Iac resumes her fight with Zapp, as the sane Power Pony flashes back to send lightning bolt attacks toward her. Zapp then jumps and slips aside from the acid liquid Mane-Iac’s hair tries to shoot towards her. Zapp winces at some of the liquid touching her skin, yet she persuades herself to go forward at the hairy villain yet again.             Pouter remains himself on Bellcord’s back, as the chaos hero pains himself to fight the muscular Saddle Ranger once again. The brainwashed pony smashes her fists towards Bellcord’s chin, having him fly upward to avoid. He then has a chaos ray strike her, pulling her up but then pushing her back. Saddle Ranger roars and picks up a giant concrete slab to throw at him. Bellcord panics, turning to the side quickly to miss the attack. The move makes Pouter faint in shock, as he clings to Bellcord’s back.             Sava also has some regrets when going against Matter-Horn. He uses his katana to deflect the mask rays, having them reflect back at her. The move then blinds her, having Sava come up to karate chop her in then neck, almost knocking her unconscious. She pulls back out of the attack though, ramming her head into Sava’s own neck. He nearly chokes, but the fix keeps good strong hold to his sword.             JT then fights against Long Face, as the mime pony slams ink grenades to try and infect him. The fox rushes against the wet explosions, zooming up to kick Long Face into his base of the skull. A crack is heard, as JT sends him smashing to the ground.             Gladiator challenges Radiance, as the jeweled Power Pony throws gem grenades to try and break his weapon reception. However, Gladiator misses the explosions, and teleports right behind Radiance, then electrifying her with a taser gadget. She screams, then kicking him with her back leg straight to his chest. Gladiator then opens up an automatic shield from his wristband gadget, mirroring away the next ray Radiance tries to fire at him. Gladiator moans, wondering how much longer he can take this.             Hummer kinks his legs, as he fights Mistress Marvelous. The brainwashed Power Pony does cowboy like moves as she tries to buck kick the dragon backwards. The teenaged dragon then breathes out fire to have Marvelous hop back, weakening her moves to try and end the fight slowly and less violent. Good luck. Mistress Marvelous then has a dark rope come out with Bakura’s magic, and it’s connected to one of her wrists. She whips it toward Hummer, as the dragon gulps.             Mote then faces Fili-Second, regretting that he even HAS to fight her. He uses his wand weapon to try and slow down Fili-Second’s speed, though she rushes by the rays to push the spell at HIM. Mote can hardly move once struck, and that gave the brainwashed hero a chance to kick him constantly until he’s slammed onto the ground, weak and hurt.             As Zapp pushes Mane-Iac aside with a jolting power blast, she looks at her friends. The rest of the Power Ponies need to be brought back to their senses soon. It will pain her to do this, but…             “Sorry, guys…” Zapp finally said.             ZIP!             The mighty shock she aims throughout the floors go directly at the targeted Power Ponies. The shock then jolts them harshly, having them only injured slightly. They scream, as they finally go unconscious and into a restraining sleep.             “All right.” Zapp sighs.             As Mane-Iac gets back up to fight her again, she punches the back of her fist to her face. This sends Mane-Iac into a deep sleep, weakening her. As JT fights Long Face still, Zapp then rushes over to knock him out from behind, helping JT out.             Zapp then looks at Pharaoh, Female Fatale, and ShadowMare, nervous as they stand in place. Without knowing what else to do, they panic and attempt to flee. Zapp gets in front of them quickly however, then making a huge fist swing that has them flying up and land hard on the ground.             As Zapp restrains the Evil League members, Gladiator goes right to the sleeping Mistress Marvelous, ad Hummer goes right by Radiance. Sava then goes over to the sleeping Matter-Horn, as JT starts to stand by Fili-Second. Mote then stands right over Saddle Ranger, and looks up at Bellcord. Bellcord hangs his head down, understanding Mote’s same exact worry and pain.             “I really am wondering how Firestorm is doing now that we calmed the other Power Ponies down.” Bellcord said, “I hope that…”             “Me too.” Mote says.             “And I’ll go check on Corvine, maybe escape this place for a while.” Zapp tells her friends, “I know a guy named Isaac. He’s a bit of a… wolf… but he’s also a mage. He might be preparing for the possible invasion.”             “Then you better go.” Gladiator agrees, “We’ll break the other Power Ponies’ spells while you’re at it.”             Zapp nods, and zooms out of the lair. Bellcord then stands over the lying bodies of Matter-Horn, Mistress Marvelous, Radiance, Saddle Ranger, and Fili-Second. He then closes his eyes to go into a spirit form, as he starts to go into the minds of the other ponies.               Firestrom continues to engage his fight against both Bakura and Mordum, as they keep punching one another by the sides. Firestorm breathes dragon smoke through his nostrils, not ready to give up just yet. The dragon pony keeps going with his firepower, as he has the flaming balls from his mouth target closely to Mordum. The satanic beast misses the fireballs, and then creates a black colored blast to try and hit Firestorm. The dragon pony then twirls around backward, and shoots his own blasting ray towards Mordum. Mordum misses, having Bakura come over to try and swing his fist over to crush his skull. Firestorm blocks the attack with his arm, feeling a slight crush of muscle.             “Very impressive.” Bakura admits, “But I’m sure you know that this is all a distraction by now.”         > The Clone Wars (or, 'The Only Good Fox is a Pelt') > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Inside the mind of Mistress Marvelous is where Bellcord starts. He looks around at the red aura in the atmosphere, biting his lip at the eerie clouds covering up the innocent setting. He then turns to see something really horrible. Mistress Marvelous in her true form and spirit is tied up with her own lasso. She struggles to get free, as another demonic creature blocks Bellcord’s path. It’s the dark version of her, who had her double come inside to face Bellcord personally.             “So, I see you’re going to try and release her the same way Firestorm released Zapp.” the dark clone snarls, “But I’m tougher than you think!”             She then throws a lasso to try and grip Bellcord, but the chaos hero magically makes how own spear to have the rope tangled onto it. He then tugs the lasso away from her grip, and tears it up into pieces the moment the looped cord reached his hands. The clone and Bellcord snarl at one another, as Mistress Marvelous looks up at his bravery.             “I won’t let you control one of my friends!” Bellcord snarls.               Bellcord was able to have Gladiator participate, as he magically helped him transport in the mind of Matter-Horn’s. It’s going to be tough, but Gladiator can handle it with his gadgets. When inside, the robot griffon can she her sprit is in a strong cage made of iron and ice, having her feel cold and too weak to get out. The evil cloned spirit of her then pops in front of the griffon.             “LET HER GO!” Gladiator shouts at the evil spirit.             “Well, I assumed Sava would be there. But no matter, killing you will do just nicely! Try and beat me if you can!” she laughs.             The fight in her mind than ensues, as the spirit fires an ice ray at the robot griffon. But he dodges it in time, then running at her to push her down. He then has a spark bolt shot at her, sending her dragged backward before she rushes at him again.               Back in reality, Hummer can see that Radiance is starting to wake. He knows that Mistress Marvelous and Matter-Horn still have a long ways to go when Bellcord and Gladiator are inside their heads, but the dragon can see that somehow… outside… Radiance is pulling through.             “GUYS! I think she’s coming back!” Hummer tells his friends.             Pouter, Mote, Sava, and JT all sigh in relief.             BAM!             A sudden shaking suddenly erupts around Radiance. Hummer is confused, but can then see a reflecting mirage of… ANOTHER RADIANCE. Almost one soul of herself is being split in half, like the real is going against the fake. The shaking then stops, as Radiance awakes to be back to normal. Unfortunately…             She turns around to look at… HER EVIL CLONE!             It managed to tear out of her body so it can try to attack her when she’s alive! She screams in horror at this event, as does Hummer and Pouter. The appearance on the evil clone, it’s too ugly for Radiance to bear viewing.             “LEAVE! LEAVE!” Radiance tries to command.             “Why should I? I came here just to kill you!” the evil clone giggles.             “NO YOU WON’T!” Hummer screams.             He then picks up a sword that was tossed on the ground during a fight. He then charges at the clone, swinging his sword to only have her jump up and kick Hummer on the back. He grunts when falling back, looking up at the clone rushing again with her gem weapon in place.             “Well, the hero wants to save her love?” the evil clone scoffs, “Let’s see if you can protect Radiance!”             As Radiance stands by Hummer to aid him, more rumbling is heard. They turn to see that a couple more clones are ripping of the Fili-Second and Saddle Ranger’s bodies through their heads. They turn out like holograms at first, but then an aura flashes around them to make their bodies filled with flesh and rotten bone.             JT looks at the evil clone of Fili-Second, as he sees that the real one lays unconscious on the ground. He can also see that Saddle Ranger is under some type of coma, as her clone kicks the still body. After JT sees this, he was distracted enough to miss the dark blur go past him, hitting him hard by the neck. The dark clone was successful at striking him painfully, but even if he’s abused harshly, he gets back up. It disgusted him even more when he sees the evil clone smiling at his pain.             “So, you’ll wake Fili-Second up? HA! I won’t let you!” the clone huffs.             “I’ll beat you!” JT growls.             As JT starts to fight the clone, Sava, Pouter, and Mote look at the clone of Saddle Ranger stomping over to them. Her muscles are expanded and hard as metal, as she makes holes in the concrete floor. Pouter hides behind Sava, feeling his two tails while hugging them.             “That’s one hell of a monster that lurked inside the real Saddle Ranger.” Pouter sums up.             Sava pulls out his swords and grips hardly to them. Mote then stomps his hoof on the floor, and drags it back and forth. The clone smiles menacingly.             “You want to protect Saddle Ranger and wake her up?” the clone asks, “TOO BAD! BECAUSE I’LL SMASH YOU TO PIECES BEFORE YOU EVEN DO!”             The monster clone then tears out a slab of concrete from the floor, throwing it at the gang that jump back to miss in time. The clone then roars, tearing and lifting more slabs to heave at them. Mote even uses his aura blots to destroy the slabs into rubble as they aim at him.             “ONCE WE DEFEAT YOU, WE’LL FREE SADDLE RANGER!” Mote promises.               Back at the Arena, Firestorm keeps his fight up with both Bakura and Mordum. They go fast, and Firestorm is quickly punched hard at the base of his skull. The punch then slams him into the wall of the gooey arena barrier. He still floats himself back upward, as Mordum runs up to punch him again. Firestorm flashes by him, having Mordum miss and punch a hole in the icky wall hard and good. Bakura wonders what’s going on, but Firestorm the appears behind him, kicking him hard in the torso. Mordum turns to see this, and blasts a red ray at Firestorm. The dragon pony then dodges the attack and does a Dragon Fire Upper Hit! the combo move has him scuttling through the ground to go under Mordum fast and easy, clashing into his face! The mighty hit sends the evil villain to the ground, as Firestorm turns back to Bakura.             “Had enough?” Firestorm asks.             “No. More please!” Bakura snickers, “I haven’t had this much fun in ages!”             Firestorm then rushes back at him to spin and aim at his chest with his head. Bakura hops back, reaching up his hands to claw Firestorm at his skin The clawing attack grinds and tears against his body, having the heating blood fly past and over Firestorm’s cheek.             Firestorm then wobbles down to his feet, looking back up at the villain as he bleeds. There HAS to be a breaking point somewhere inside Bakura, like the heart. One thing he can do first off… is destroy the barrier, the arena.             Firestorm then extends his wings to fly up and make a sonic boom. The rumble irritates the liquid walls of the arena a tad bit, having Bakura a little suspicious. The villain then floats up himself, flying over to punch Firestorm’s stomach from underneath. The move failed, as Firestorm then breathes heavily to aim his fury breath at the wall once more. The fire was bigger from what Bakura expected, and…             FLAM!             The arena barrier starts to melt!                 Isaac swifts his tail back and forth as he stands at the very tope of a business skyscraper, seeing the commotion at the long perspective. It’s all happening on the national bridge, where Bakura’s damned assistants are clawing at the police and SWAT teams guarding the bridge, while more soldiers get the other human citizens to safety. Blood and guts tear from the officers, as the demons pinch through and emerge further inside Corvine. Isaac kinks his jeans, wishing he would be wearing better sexy clothing for the fight. When he sighs, he sees that Zapp flashes by him in surprise.             “Do you know how it looks?” she asks him, standing at his side.             “It will get worse.” the wolf mumbles, “Half of the police are already taken down at the bridge.”             “And the citizens?” Zapp asks.             “Escaping into the city with the rest of the officers.” he tells her.             “Where should we start?” she asks.              “I recommend we go somewhere near the shoreline that connects the bridge to the island holding this city.” Isaac suggests, “Then we’ll split in two, having one of us fight half the demon bastards while one takes the other.”             “You really think you can manage?” Zapp asks.             “I’m a mage.” Isaac assures, holding his staff up, “I can do this.”             “All right.” Zapp sighs, “Let’s go.”             “With pleasure!” Isaac grins.             The wolf then hops off the building and floats down to the ground with his magic, as Zapp zooms down with her super speed to go towards the city shoreline.               Radiance and Hummer build up their combination powers as she has Hummer breathe through the gems to shoot fire rays at the evil clone of… the other Radiance. The clone dodges and reflects the attack over her with one of her gem capes. She then has the ray hit one section of the ceiling, having the slabs come crashing down towards Radiance and Hummer. Both of them scream in shock, and jump aside to miss the attack just in time before the graveling collision erupts. Radiance coughs out dust, as she growls at the clone coming back at them.             JT, Sava, and Mote go against the muscular punches of Saddle Ranger’s clone, as Pouter clings onto Sava’s tail movements to hide. Sava has his swords make cuts against Saddle’s suit, having her bleed out some dark magical ooze. The beast growls, as she slaps the fox aside, only to deal with the other fox. JT uses his Kung-Fu defense strategies to sneak under her waist, and have her trip over when she tries to bend over and attack him. JT then raises up stomp on one of her legs to crack and break it.             The clone screeches, and gets up with her other leg to smack JT aside. She then feels a back punch coming from Mote, as he then uses his blade to try and cut her again. The best he got was her tail as the clone twirls apart from him, having her rattle in disoriented madness.             Pouter mutters to himself as he feels Sava’s injured weight lay upon him.             “Find a happy place….” Pouter wishes to himself.             Sava eventually gets back up, raising his swords again for the duel.               Matter-Horn’s body continues to wince, as Gladiator fights her dark clone inside her foggy mind. Purple rays dash and clink all over the area, as the robot griffon flaps over them to avoid getting struck. He then flashes downward and diagonally, to punch her at the top of her skull. The attack thrashes the clone to the ground like she’s a crater, as Gladiator comes towards the real Matter-Horn in her cage. He has his technology wristband open up to pick the lock.             SNAP!             The lock breaks open as the real Mater-Horn breaks out of her cell.             Then, a rumbling goes around the atmosphere.             “WHAT? WHAT’S HAPPENING?” the clone demands.             “Don’t you know?” Gladiator smirks at the evil being, “Once the true soul is free, she kicks out the demon inside her.”             “NOOOOOOO!” the clone shrieks, as she disappears.             The white flash enlarges, as Gladiator and Matter-Horn are going with it.               Bellcord can already sense that Gladiator done his part of the job. Now that Matter-Horn is free, there is yet Saddle Ranger, Radiance, Mistress Marvelous, and Fili-Second’s clones to defeat. Right now however, Bellcord is getting close to Mistress Marvelous in bondage as he wrestles against her clone.             “DIE! DIE! DIE YOU FUCKING FREAK!” the evil clone hisses.             Bellcord can feel sweat pouring down his forehead as he pushes the clone off from her stomach. He then punches her non-stop with his lion paw until black ooze pours out from her toothless mouth. Mistress Marvelous then gropes together with the ropes holding her suit sleeves and hooves. She squirms and squirms until… she wriggles… FREE! She then picks up her bondage rope to use it for something good.             She goes behind her clone, knowing how deadly the turning monster is. Marvelous then makes a tight loop around the clone’s throat, choking her mercilessly and violently. The clone gags and cackles, having her eyes turn black and pure blank. The tongue of it then explodes into dust, as it’s final breath… has it turn… into… fog…             Mistress Marvelous huffs and puffs as the clone turns into lifeless smoke. She then comes up to Bellcord to hug him, as he hugs back. A rumble is then heard, as a white light consumes them.               Matter-Horn and Mistress Marvelous then wake up with their saviors, as they hug tightly to them in relief. Matter-Horn smiles, nuzzling at Gladiator for his job well done. As Mistress Marvelous finally accepts Bellcord as her friend, a sudden slap takes them both by surprise. The instant punch came from Fili-Second’s clone, as she smirks in front of them. Bellcord realizes that Fili-Second, Saddle Ranger, and Radiance’s clones are the only ones left to go. As for Pouter, he’s standing by Fili-Second right now, protecting the real one under shock. Mistress Marvelous then starts the fight with the clone, pulling out her lasso. > There's a Firestorm Coming... > --------------------------------------------------------------------------     “Okay, this is going to be tough.” Gladiator huffs, as he gets ready to fight the Fili-Second, Saddle Ranger, and Radiance clones with Matter-Horn.             “The real Fili-Second can match her clone’s speed, but…” JT said.             “Yep, out cold.” Pouter finishes.             “I think the clones are at least giving us a chance to plan out our battle because they’re… UGH… crazy!” Radiance said, “But one thing I noticed about my clone is that she can hold up nine combo moves.”             “What we also need to think of is a way to outsmart Saddle Ranger’s clone.” Sava adds.             “Well, what if we make her really angry?” Matter-Horn wonders.             “What do you mean?” JT asks.             “Think of it. If we get Saddle Ranger’s clone riled up, and have somepony else distract Radiance’s clone, we’ll get them to be preoccupied and clash into each other so they can explode into ash.” Matter-Horn whispers, without having the clones hear.             “That could work!” Bellcord grins.             “Radiance, here’s what I think you and Hummer should do.” Gladiator said, looking at them, “I have nano-bots that can sink and cling into the gem bombs and weapons. If the clones strike the gems for any reason during our fight, these tiny bots will weaken the clone’s strength.”             “Sounds good.” Hummer nods.             “That does it! I’M THROUGH WITH WAITING!” the Fili clone snapped.             She rushed forward to try and attack, but Matter-Horn has her horn ray make a giant shield to push her back.             “I better heal the real Fili-Second, FAST!” Bellcord decides.             He then scuttled forward to the injured Power Pony, but Fili’s clone manages to push Matter-Horn aside to attack HIM. Yet, Bellcord created a wall to send her falling back. He then sends a sparking aura to heal the real Fili-Second.             “I just hope this works.” he sighs.                 The clone gets up to rush at Bellcord again, but Matter-Horn has her ray push her back, having her crash into the wall as well. Gladiator then loads his nano-bots into his wristband, then aiming and shooting them at the clone like they’re bullets. The clone sneers, and fights the tiny robots trying to destroy her power. They fail briefly as two are crushed by her hooves, but ONE manages to sting her. The tiny bite manages to slow her speed down real slowly.             Bellcord looks real close at Fili-Second as she’s laid, hoping that she’ll wake. Her eyes… then flutter open. Fili also jumps as she hears another crash coming from her clone now fighting Gladiator with his robotic gun. She then looks up at Bellcord, Mistress Marvelous, and Matter-Horn, smiling that she’s back. Fili-Second then giggles and gets up to her hooves.             “That was a crazy nap.” she smiles.             Matter-Horn can then hear stomping coming close to them, as Saddle Ranger’s clone charges at them from behind. Bellcord rushes to hug the real Saddle Ranger that’s still under comatose. To slow the clone down, Matter-Horn blasts out a might ice power to freeze her in place. The leader sighs in relief, but a mighty crack is heard as the clone breaks out of her ice trap. She then swings a mighty punch to slam Matter-Horn into the ground.             “You have to do better than that.” the clone snickers.               As the arena burns down to smoke, Bakura screams in anger directly towards Firestorm.             “YOU WILL PAY!” the villain shouts.             “How?” Firestorm mockingly asks.             Bakura is about to loose more of his tempter, until Mordum places his hoof on his shoulder to point something out.             “Brother, we do have a special power that can bring deep impact.” Mordum said, “The SECRET power…”             Bakura starts to form a grin.             “Yes brother…” Bakura chuckles.             Then Bakura looks closer to Firestorm’s eyes.             “This will be the first time you will learn how to battle… OUR SECRET! THE ONLY POWER THAT ONE NEVER SUCEEDS DEFEATING!” Bakura wails in pleasure.             Both evil brothers then glow bright, as the dark red energy starts to fume up. They scream when gaining their power, and have an exploding ball cover them once they did. Firestrom dug his hooves into the ground to hold back rom the explosion wave. Once Bakura and Mordum came out of the ball, their size became much bigger than before. What’s worse, THE’YRE NOW TWO BODIES COMBINED! This makes Firestorm concerned about the new level of difficulty for the fight.             “SAY HELLO TO BAKDUM!” the creature roars, “YOU’LL NOW DIE IN OUE POWER!”             “I don’t only have the Dragon Rage form you know!” Firestorm talks back, going to his realizations of his saved magic powers, “IF THIS IS GOING TO CONTINUE, IT MUST ALSO END!”             He then began to power up, as red energy covers him with a glowing orb circling around his head. A red glow then surrounds his body like a shell, as he turns his body form into  more than just a dragon! HE’S NOW A GIANT KOMODO DRAGON, WITH A FIRE RED TONGUE! He’s the same height as Bakdum, while his teeth are as sharp as knifes. His tail thumps on the floor like sandbags.             “I CALL THIS, Rock Dragon Form! Worse than any rage IMAGINED!” Firestorm rang out.             “Now THIS is going to be an interesting fight!” Bakdum cheers.             Bakdum starts out by having a combined dark green ray fire out towards the hero. Firestorm then has his Rock Dragon Form create a rock shield, blocking the fire attack from the enemy. He then picks up the rock shield barrier, and heaves it at the enemy to hit at least ONE part of Bakdum. The villain’s arm is crushed and broken the moment it fails to move from the heavy mass. Bakdum then screams, having one of his bones bloodily pop out from the skin of his arm.             “Give it up! It’s not worth hurting yourself over.” Firestorm warns.             “NEVER!” Bakdum shrieks, “I WILL WIN!”             “Pfft. Stubborn…” Firestorm sighs, as he heads back to attack again.               The demons are scurrying across the bridge as they sense the smell of panicking humans in the streets. One of the victims barely made it far, and trips down to be surrounded and trapped by the mutated creatures. The victim is a little child boy, and cries in terror as one of the demons opens it’s mouth to devour him.             SLASH!             Isaac was the first to arrive just in time as he hacks through the enemy. He then has Zapp come in by him to shock and electrocute the front demons to death, having the bolts travel through the ground. Isaac then picks up the boy to run, as Zapp runs alongside them.             From some of the demons melted into liquid, they’re quite IMMORTAL. Some bring themselves back together to form back into their original shapes and then become quite creepy looking with the tiny dots in their eye lenses. They then dash at Zapp, Isaac, and the young boy. The female pegasi Power Pony looks back to then throws her bolt powers to hit them. Most of the rays were also to hold them back until much od the demons gotten closer to them.             “OVER HERE!” a voice suddenly calls.             Isaac and Zapp look back forward to see a sewer lid opened up, having a geeky teen show them the way to underground safety. There is plenty of glowing light down there too, from the reflections bouncing off the sewer walls. Zapp looks back at the demons coming closer, so both she and Isaac have to hurry if they also want to get the child to safety. The wolf, pony. and boy are now quickly up front to the lid entrance, and Zapp was the first to rush in as she also drags the boy. The demons are now really close up front to Isaac, but the wolf knew why he practice his magic. The mage spell he uses activates real fast as he points his staff in front of their faces, as their eyes nearly touch his.             “BACK!” he screams.             A mighty flash then has the demons spring backward, as the wolf jumps backward through the hole. He then grabs the lid, and shuts it underneath him as he falls. The banging on the door is then heard, as the demons try to claw their way in. Isaac hears no avail of their efforts as he hits the surface, finally looking at Zapp handing the boy over safely to his found parents. He then looks at some citizens hiding, already knowing what they’re up against.             “They fear the light.” one tells the wolf, “That’s why we’re hiding down there with our torches.”             “Some of us at the electric plants found that those… THINGS… started the smoke in the sky to block the light!” an employee explains, “They’re free to roam and cause terror as long as that happens.”             “This is a well planned invasion…” Isaac growls in regret.             “Well we won’t let them win.” Zapp huffs, “We’re going to help you all win this fight!”               Bellcord was then protecting Saddle Ranger as Fili-Second, and Radiance face their own clones. Radiance blocks her clone’s gem attack yet again as she has her gem rays go against the enemies’ darker gem magic. The spell pushes the villainess’ power forward, harder and harder until it SMASHES into the clone’s face. The burning feeling then peels part of her face skin of, as pieces of muscle boil and ooze.             “ARRRGH! MY FACE!” the clone squeals.             As Radiance keeps her clone preoccupied, Fili-Second focuses on trying to destroy her clone’s stamina. She runs faster and faster, much more than any pony can heat out. As the clone follows, she eventually runs out of breath and faints. Fili-Second then comes up to the clone, and constantly punches, punches, PUNCHES!             SMASH!             The last blow has a loud crack break the neck spine of the clone, having the evil twin then flash itself into pure light. The nasty being than disappears, existing no more. Fili-Second then looks at Sava, Mote, Hummer, JT, Pouter, and Gladiator fighting against Saddle Ranger’s clone.             “One down, two more to go.” Fili said, referring to Saddle Ranger and Radiance’s clones.             The foxes start by making dorky faces to annoy the muscular clone, just to gain energy of enraging her. The strategy works, as the clone stomps all her hooves down to try and hit the foxes with her head, just as a bull would do it. The foxes then jump aside to reveal Hummer, spitting out a huge array of fire to scorch her face. The beast screams, as the fire also consumes part of her hair in agony. Hummer then looks over to Radiance, and signals her to try and rile up her clone next.             Radiance then turns back to her clone, and flashes a gem spark to stun her opponent. The flash blinds the villainess, as she staggers back to be tripped by one of Pouter’s surprise flipper moves. The blanket giggles, as he rushes towards Gladiator for the next move. The clone does as the griffon expects, and runs toward the blanket to try and catch it. Gladiator then creates a hologram that looks exactly like Pouter, having it go the opposite direction as Radiance follows it. Gladiator then turns over to Mote, letting him know it’s his turn.             Mote then pulls out her spear blade, swinging it around like a magic show wand.             “HEY! BRUTE! OVER HERE!” Mote yells at the clone beast.             The muscular clone notices Mote’s insulting moves, and roars in anger. She then punches the foxes aside and rushes towards him. Mote stays in place, as Gladiator controls the hologram to go behind him. Radiance’s clone keeps following the ghostly blanket as it get’s closer to Mote, unaware that she’s also getting close to the hulked clone. Mote waits… waits…             At that time, Gladiator then deactivates the hologram. Mote then jumps up, and both clones’ speeds are too fast and slick to control. They scream as they make and epic collision.             “NOOOOOOOOO!” they both scream.             BANG!                       Both the clones explode as their heads bloodily bang and turn into ooze. The liquid of black spatters all over the place like ink, and it disgusts Radiance all together. As Bellcord breathes deeply to hear the last of the clone’s airy fumes, he can feel the real, peaceful Saddle Ranger starting to wake up in his arms.             “Bellcord?” she asks, “What’s going on?”                           “YOU’RE AWAKE!” Bellcord cheers in relief.             To his surprise, Saddle Ranger wasn’t the only one starting to hug him. Coming from behind, Matter-Horn, Mistress Marvelous, Radiance, and Fili-Second hug him from behind. He yelps, but then he smiles when Hummer gives another hug to him.             “We were wrong about you…”Matter-Horn said, “You really are one of us.”             “Look, I’m sorry if…” Bellcord starts to say.             “Don’t be. You’re an official part of the team now.” Matter-Horn grins.             Bellcord hugs the gang, as Pouter comes up behind them.             “Shouldn’t half of us check if Zapp and Isaac need help in the doomed city?” the blanket suggests.             “Something makes me think the demons already arrived.” Bellcord agrees.             “Then we all have to go together!” Matter-Horn said.           “But we can’t just leave Firestorm alone during his fight!” JT protests.             “I think he’ll appreciate it if we follow his example.” Sava assures, “He’s doing his duty to protect us, while we’ll do ours protecting Corvine.” > No Train, NO Gain > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Firestorm and Bakdum are resuming their fight where the arena is now destroyed. They fight with their giant monster moves, just like in the GODZILLA movies. Firestorm can then hear the screams coming from the distant city, as it makes Bakdum laugh.             “Give it up! I’m going to out match you, laughing beast!” Firestorm shouts.             “AS IF!” Bakdum cackles.             He then punches Firestorm and grabs him by the tail. He then swings him around and throws him against the rocky base of the mountain, like Firestorm is breaking a building wall. Firestorm then wobbles back to his feet, and charges up to punch Bakdum back.             He then picks up Bakdum and throws him farther back from the lair ruins. He then flew into the air in sonic speed to catch the combo monster with his next move. Bakdum’s eyes widen as both combined brothers inside the body look at Firestorm coming at them.             “SPINNING FIRESTORM DRIVER!” Firestorm shouts, making his combination.             POW!             The move has Bakdum punched at the pit of his stomach, having him spin backward into a new section of the fight. The two monsters are now in the forest, and Bakdum lands hard and uncomfortably on hard wooden oak trees. Firestrom then lands on both his dragon feet, stomping closer to his rival.             “Well played…” Bakdum admits, “But I doubt your friends are succeeding to defeat my demons right now.”             “They’re doing their duty…” Firestorm simply said.               Bellcord slams his feet to the ground when landing, having flied himself and the rest of the Power Ponies on his back. They’re all here, Matter-Horn, Sava, Pouter, JT, Fili-Second, Radiance, Mistress Marvelous, Saddle Ranger, Hummer, Gladiator, and Mote. The gang can already see the fire smashing through the buildings, as screams arise in the streets.             “Where should we start?” Sava asks.             “First we need to find Zapp to make sure she’s okay.” Matter-Horn plans out, “If we see anything block our path for any reason, we have to fight through or save someone.”             “If we’re lucky, Zapp might run into us.” Gladiator hopes, “I bet she met up with Isaac by now.”             “All right, let’s run for it!” Matter-Horn chants.             The gang runs with each other real close, being part of one group. Pouter kept his eyes out for any weird activity as he clings onto Bellcord’s back. Then, he notices something odd. The windows in the new buildings they’re passing don’t look shattered, but perfectly new. How can they not be broken in this situation of fire and eruption? Then, Fili-Second looks at Pouter’s suspicious notice at the windows. Both of them can then see the glass… SHIFITING! Even worse, they’re turning OILY BLACK. And there are EYES sticking out of the disguised ooze, as they jump into the air to attack the team.             “GUYS! WE GOT COMPANY ITENDING TO TRAP US!” Fili-Second screams.             “Oh crap.” Mistress Marvelous moans, “They could be demons that Bakura summoned.”             “Clever ones too.” Bellcord admits, as the first of black creatures jumps in front of their path, “They can morph into anything to fool their target.”             The next demons jump on Saddle Ranger’s back, having Bellcord stop running as he looks in shock. More demons then surround the foxes, Mote, Gladiator, and Hummer all together. The rest of the Power Ponies are cornered into a demon morphing into a spiked wall, having spinning drills reserved to kill them. Matter-Horn, Radiance, Fili-Second, and Mistress Marvelous panic as they’re forced to step back by the demon’s spears.             “Steppy steppy.” the demons cackle.             Bellcord then reacts, and snaps his fingers to have his chaos explode the monsters. Mistress Marvelous sighs in relief, and then uses her lasso to whip at the demons, forcing them to bleed. She then throws one of her iron horseshoes from her belt, using it as a boomerang as it swings and knocks out ten of the demons’ brains one by one. Bellcord keeps count of how many they’re up against as he helps Saddle Ranger to her feet. There are about ONE HUNDRED coming at them, and despite their small size, they’re slick and tricky. Pouter keeps watch of anything trying to strike Bellcord, and yelps as he notices something flying towards his back, and POUTER TOO.             “BELLCORD! RUSH FORWARD! QUI-“ Pouter tries to warn.             It was too fast for Bellcord to notice sadly. A bigger, muscular, back demon jumps onto Bellcord’s back, nearly breaking his spine while it pushes Pouter off his back by force. Saddle Ranger becomes scared for her new best friend in danger, along with seeing Radiance and Matter-Horn in danger. The two of them are already being confronted and challenged by twenty more demons, which slash blades at them with their morphed arms. Radiance tries to uses her gems to blast the demons back with it’s rays, but it encourages them to come closer. Matter-Horn even uses her horn to blat at least five demons into their chests, yet fifteen more dodge their attacks.             Sava and JT swing their weapons, as Sava swings his blades to shop through the running demons while rushing. JT pulls out one of his hidden guns from his pockets, and shoots heated bullets through the hearts of the gooey demons. Sava is tripped over by a black demon’s elongating foot, mutating and morphing to a jackhammer to try and knock him down. The deadly move is shocking to the fox, and he flies upward to miss the attack.             As Bellcord whimpers from the crushing foot of the big monster, Saddle Ranger couldn’t take any more of this. Her anger powers up once more, as her suit goes along with her expanding muscle flexes. She becomes angry and big again, this time full of rage and fury.             She thrashes and punches the demon right away, as the big bastard falls off Bellcord. The chaos hero sighs, as the giant monster snarls at Saddle Ranger and jumps over to push her down. Saddle Ranger then kicks the monster in the face, also avoiding one of his scratching swipe moves with it’s sharp claws.             In the meantime, Fili-Second rushes by Mistress Marvelous as, as the two of them collaborate on a move to knock down the demons stepping at them with fast tapping feet. Fili-Second grabs whatever iron horseshoe has in her belt, and has her fast paced arm ZOOM the horseshoes to pierce through the demon’s brains, killing them instantly. Mistress Marvelous then ties the last horseshoe to her lasso, and swings it around as a battering ram to knock more demons while running. One grabs hold of her lasso to stop her, but as she stops, she has her strong teeth pull the rope upward, swinging him up to the sky to go realty far, and NOT come back.             Hummer is with Gladiator and Mote, as the dragon breathes out a fuming flame of green to burn at least ten demons into a crisp. He then feels one demon jumping onto him, biting his arm to try and infect it. Hummer screams in pain, as blood dips away and through his leotard suit. Gladiator then interferes, tearing off the demon from his arm. He then quickly tends to Hummer’s wound, as his other arm keeps shooting rays at the demons to push them back. Mote decided to use basic karate moves he took lessons from a while back. To that manner, he head bangs the first demon that treads toward him and then lifts him up to swing him onto the ground. He then back punches one upcoming demon to the face, and kicks one demon to crash into two more. He then jumps up to miss a mutated blade coming from the demon’s right arm.             Back to Saddle Ranger, she’s near successful when beating the big demon constantly. But, the giant freak had another element of surprise for her. When she lifts her fist once more, the demon splashes some of his goo onto her face, having her scream in pain and whimpering in weakness. Bellcord screams in dismay, rushing over to help. The big monster then pushes him down, and steps hard onto his leg, BREAKING IT! The chaos hero screams in such an exhilarating crack, as the monster sees the goo he threw onto Saddle Ranger is weakening her powers. The goo takes away her anger as an emotion, and forces her to return to her original, powerless sighs. She then grows tired, lying on the ground and feeling weak. Matter-Horn looks in terror, and flashes over toward her. But more demons wobble toward her with their liquid powers, slapping her down so she won’t interfere with the giant’s intentions. Saddle Ranger cries, as the giant changes his hand into a mace, raising it into the air to strike her.             BLAM!             A sudden canon ball suddenly crashes through the giant demon’s side of it’s chest, having it cough out blood and topple over in defeat. Saddle Ranger and Bellcord weakly turn around to see who shot that to save their lives. ISAAC AND ZAPP finally arrived! Isaac’s magic power made that canon to defeat the monstrous demon, and half the human citizens hiding in the sewer are aiding them at battle, holding their weapons to fight the demons. As the human citizens run in to begin shooting, Saddle Ranger wimps over to Zapp, hugging her.             “I’m so glad you’re here. Thanks.” Saddle Ranger said, “We were just going to look for you.”             “Well, smart of me to come to you then.” Zapp grins.             “Focus.” Isaac calls to both of them, “We’re nearly done, but those… THINGS are cloning themselves resending their population back to on hundred of themselves. I think it’s the blood.”             “Blood?” Saddle Ranger asks.             “What ever the demons spit out from old lifeless bodies, the blood redevelops from it’s original host.” Isaac explains.             “Maybe… we should heat whatever blood is left… into IRON.” Zapp thinks out loud.             “Really? How?” Saddle Ranger asks.             “I better explain this to Matter-Horn.” Zapp says.             Isaac comes over to Bellcord and Saddle Ranger to take care of their wounds, as Zapp rushes over to meet up with her leader.             “Matter-Horn. The blood is the source for having the demons reappear again and again.” Zapp tells her, “We should tray and still it, and turn it into melted iron.”             “What?” Matter-Horn asks, confused.             “The blood is possessed.” Zapp continues, “That move may be the only way to stop them.”             Matter-Horn nods.             “All right. I’m going to have to include you, Radiance, and Gladiator to participate.” Matter-Horn said, “We’re going to have to occupy the demons’ attentions if we have to strike them.”             “You know how to melt them?” Zapp asks.             “Gladiator will take care of that.” Matter-Horn said, “Go inform them.”             Zapp does, and rushes to both Radiance and Gladiator, as they’re by each other by coincidence. She tells them about the plan she and Matter-Horn discussed. Then they nod, running to their new locations, allowing the demons to follow them.             Gladiator runs the other direction, passing by the rest of the demons fighting the foxes and Hummer. He then goes to the location where the majority of demons are crowded, right in front of the human citizen fighting them! Gladiator is impressed of how they’re taking control of the little monsters, but it almost amuses the demons as they laugh. That gives Gladiator the opportunity, as he roars at them to get their attention. They look at him finally, as he winks at them.             The demons in front roar, as they rush to him along with the demons following him from before. Radiance is just behind Gladiator holding them off with is defense moves, as she then meets up with Zapp to hop on her back. The lightening pony was able to keep some demons preoccupied by fooling them to go another direction, which gave her a chance to meet up with Radiance to carry her on her back. She then rushes, as Radiance pulls out two gems, shooting hugs rays that take out all HUNDRED demons at once in the accumulated location they’re tricked to come into.             The monsters stop their fighting, only giggling as they bleed out to have more of themselves regenerate from the attack, must to the shock of the citizens. Then, Matter-Horn picks Gladiator up quickly without having the demons know about it. One of Gladiator’s special gadgets was then activated, shooting LAVA at the first of the bleeding monsters. The demons then looks at one of their own, squealing as he blood flow is stopped. The heating process then stills the blood, having it go dead. The demons whimper, trying to fasten their blood generating. It’s all too late for good, as Gladiator activates full strength to aim at ALL demons at once. Isaac, Saddle Ranger, and Bellcord then come in front of the human citizens, gathering them to get away from the attack so it won’t hit them by accident. Gladiator then smirks at the demons.             “Eat this.” he smiles.             The bursting lava goo he shoots out is hot as hell, as he has it pouring onto all the little devils all together. The heated liquid collides with their demonic blood, having them squeal and struggle to pull back their icky limbs. Their screams grows louder, LOUDER, until… they’re silent. The lava quickly melts over, having their blood dead, and the demons themselves turned to stone. Matter-Horn and Gladiator then land slowly onto the ground, looking at their success of the fight. Matter-Horn sighs in relief, as all of the Power Ponies come together once more to do a group hug. Zapp then notices Bellcord, coming over to join, but he whimpers at the pain going on in his broken leg. Isaac also bandaged it really well, having Bellcord still slump.             “Bellcord…” Zapp gasps, running over to him.             “I know, you don’t trust me.” Bellcord sighs.             Zapp then hugs him.             “But I do now.” she smiles, “I’m just shocked of all the pain you went through to protect us.”             “Pain isn’t the worst.” Bellcord lets her know, “If Firestorm looses his personal battle, we won’t know how to expect Bakura or Mordum.”             “He’s right.” Saddle Ranger admits, “What we need to do is plan out an army, or create some peaceful shield.”             “Peaceful is too vast of the word.” Radiance huffs, “But you’re right. There’s no telling when these MONSTERS will come back.”             “Then I suggest we train ourselves.” Sava nods, “Because one of the brothers will be coming here.” > The Countdown to Death > --------------------------------------------------------------------------      Firestorm is starting to develop his telepathic senses of how his friends are doing. His visions see them doing really well after they defeat the first of the invading demons that tried to kill them. He then returns his attention to Bakdum, who gets back up to his feet after the clever attack received from Firestorm. The combined brothers in one body then glow in red energy, gnawing their teeth in two layers. The flow in their veins grows, as they prepare to fight yet again.             “I see your rest is over.” Firestorm said.             “During this hour fight, I’d be expecting more from you.” Bakdum laughs, “This will be fun to end you.”             Bakdum has his energy up, going in for  punch at Firestorm’s head. But the dragon formed pony dodges the attack and punches Bakdum back, hitting hard as he could while his hands are in boxing positions. The punches are fast, with take Bakdum by surprise.             “What the?” Bakdum stutters.             “SPEED FORM!” Firestorm shouts.             He moves forward again, then punching Bakdum left to right. Bakdum dodges them, but the majority of the next ten punches take toll. Then a hitting uppercut to Bakdum’s lower chin to his face takes him, having him fall to the ground again. Bakdum screams in anger, as he forces himself back up to run at Firestorm. He swipes across a scratch attack with his claws, but Firestorm flies wing up to then kick his arms backwards. The shielding move makes Bakdum roar.              “WHY YOU…” Bakdum growls.             He runs at Firestorm again, using his kicks this time. Firestorm dodges the leg attacks, and uses a tail whip attack on the villain. The whip sends him back AGAIN to the ground, having him get up once more with a black eye on his face.             “I’M GOING TO TEAR YOU PIECE BY PIECE!” Bakdum roars.             He runs again, only to be stunned as Firestorm punches him hard into his face. Then he does two left punches and right upper fist throws to his jaw. In four times his power, he proceeds by hitting him in the chest, then forcing him up with his arms. He then drops him onto the ground, and Firestorm then jumps up onto him once more. The dragon formed pony then does a pinning lock on top of Bakdum’s arms and chest, calling it the Dragon Lock. Bakdum’s limbs already feel sharp and stiff, just as Firestorm is close to having him submit.             “GIVE UP!” Firestorm commands.             Bakdum just looks into his eyes, and then laughs menacingly.             “God, you must be so naïve Firestorm.” the monster simply says.             Firestorm raises his hand to make another punch, but then hears jet engines humming in the sky. He looks up, using his dragon vision to see what’s being carried at it’s connectors. He gasps in shock, to see that they’re NUCLEAR BOMBS, being directed towards Corvine!             Bakdum pushes Firestorm off, and then stabs a burning stone through his chest. Firestorm roars in agony as he topples back, growling at Bakdum for what he’s up to. Bakdum then whispers something for a minute as if someone else is here, and directs his attention back to the limping Firestorm.             “That was my magic friends, THE DEMONS!” Bakdum laughs.             Suddenly, the combined monster separates into two split brothers again. Bakura and Mordum then step closer to Firestorm groaning in pain as he shrinks back to his original form. He looks up at the evil brothers.             “We just had our minions infiltrate the military base, separate from the city island.” Mordum hisses, “Under complete possession of the demon’s hacking skills, they’ll blow these buildings to the ground, right on top of EVERYONE where it deserves. The perfect cleansing, don’t you agree?”             Firestorm sneers.             “What have you done?” the dragon pony yells, “And what have you done to ME?”             “A simple kryptonite for your dragon powers.” Bakura laughs, “The pain will wear off in forty eight hours, that’s when YOUR DEATH WILL arrive…”             Firestorm’s eyes widen.             “Well, enough of that.” Bakura sighs, “Since the Power Ponies are back to normal, we have to kill them all now. Love to hang out, but you bore us.”             They then turn away, as Mordum flips the finger as Firestorm before they leave. They then flash themselves to Corvine to take care of business, leaving Firestorm alone in the ruins. He struggles to get up, still feeling the pain.             “I… I have to get to Corvine to help the Power Ponies….” he says, “I can’t let them get to my friends first.”             He then trudges the direction he once came from the university, and lifts himself up to fly weakly to the island city.               Matter-Horn and her friends guide everyone who came with Zapp and Isaac back to their hidden zone in the underground tunnels. The gang follows them along, also realizing that some subway rails are located right by the sewer lines. As stinky as it is, they have to cope with it to live, even to Radiance’s displeasure. The way the whole group has entered was only a couple miles away and different from how Zapp and Isaac first entered. They had to run all around quietly past demons carrying automatic guns for weapons, just to go to a lid entrance somewhere in the city park.             Anyways, Bellcord and Saddle Ranger were determined to help more. Unfortunately, their injuries are quite serious from the deadly punches at their battle. Zapp overheard Bellcord whispering to himself that he wants to see that everyone is safe outside, and not abandoned and left alone to their doom. Zapp then turns to Matter-Horn, who happens to be talking to Isaac to see how he got his mage powers. Zapp then taps her on the shoulder.             “Like Bellcord, I’m concerned about anyone left behind on the streets.” Zapp tells her, “I should scan the city to make sure.”             “That’s a dangerous task.” Matter-Horn warns.             “I’ll go assist her!” Fili-Second volunteers, rushing up.             “Me too.” Sava said, stepping forward.             Matter-Horn sighs.             “Very well. That’s a good idea.” Matter-Horn nods, “But be aware that those demons by Bakura might fly as well, I’m sure they might. Just make a plan in case they do.”             “Who do you think I am? A Power Pony who jumps ahead without even thinking?” Zapp scoffs, “I’m better than that.”             “Just be careful.” Matter-Horn said again.             Zapp the flies up to leave the tunnel, with Fili-Second and Sava rushing up to follow her. Matter-Horn then turns around to see how the human citizens are handling. She even sees Mote scanning to make sure they aren’t infected by any possession of Bakura’s spells.             “Anything okay.” Matter-Horn asks.             “The bites some people may get aren’t viral, like a zombie attack. However…” Mote sighs, “They can easily kill someone.”             “What?” Matter-Horn gasps.             “It’s a serious lava chemical that the demons carry once released from underground.” Mote explains, “If they bite into the victim, they can have the lava chemicals burn their blood cells and shut down parts of their body. I assume part of Bakura’s mission is to erase all living life on this island in such a monstrous strategy.”             “But, before… Hummer was bitten…” Matter-Horn gasps.             She shudders, then running and pushing through the crowd to find him. She then comes up to JT, and the bandaged up Bellcord and Saddle Ranger, tending to Hummer as he coughs and wheezes. The Power Pony leader then cries out in horror as she sees his veins expanding, showing black lines instead of flowing blue.             “We… we don’t know what’s wrong…” Saddle Ranger weeps.             “He’s bitten.” Matter-Horn sobs.             Isaac then comes by them, shocked himself. Matter-Horn turns to him, desperate to find an answer to cure this. She then looks around to see three more bite marks on other human victims as well. Radiance then approaches to aid them, as Pouter looks at the infections with her. The blanket also shrinks in fear of the appearance of the citizens’ veins.             “The only way to stop this virus from killing them is to kill Bakura and Mordum all together.” Isaac sighs, “They control the possession, but it… it will be a hard mission to even get close to them.”             Matter-Horn clenches her teeth.             “Then it’s official.” she snarls, “We have to kill those bastards, if it’s the only way to save our friends!”               Zapp flies in the air with her pegasi wings, as Sava flies with his two tails. Fili-Second is under them, scanning the roads for intruders as she goes through the streets. Sava turns to Zapp as they kept moving in their direction.             “Something is on your mind.” Sava tells her.             “It’s nothing. I’m only concentrating.” Zapp tells him, “I… I see that they DID cut down the power lines and communication towers. Wi-Fi is also forced off based on that. Contact to outside cities by cell phone or computer is impossible for the citizens.”             “Have you… ever thought you became part of the team because of Firestorm being your idol since you were young?” Sava wonders.             “Well, I knew him for a ling time.” Zapp just says, “Why? Are you insinuating something?”             “I just think you should… get together on a date with him if you really like him.” Sava tells her, “That’s what I’ll do with Matter-Horn.”             “Oh.” Zapp said, surprised, “Well I rather not go so quick.”             “GUYS! LOOK!” Fili-Second suddenly shouts.             They look down, seeing Fili-Second is pointing her hoof down the east direction of the annual city bridge. Zapp then looks down, to see the similar pony she was just talking about with Sava. FIRESTORM. And he’s bleeding! The sight made Zapp scream.             “FIRESTORM!”             She cries as she flies down really fast to him, catching him in her arms before he falls down weakly. Sava lands by her side, looking at the forced injury into his chest. Fili-Second then comes by them, nearly throwing up at the sight of Firestorm’s bleeding.             “What happened?” Zapp asks, “Did… did one of the brothers do this to you?”             “Yes…” Firestorm says weakly, “And they’re on their way. They’re even sending missile planes to bomb more of the city.”             “WHAT?” Zapp gasps.             “NO! Other people are still out there!” Fili-Second panics.             “We have to do something!” Sava said.             “We better get you back to our hiding place in the meantime.” Zapp says to Firestorm, “Isaac is a very good medic, he’ll heal and take out whatever is inside of you.”             As Zapp picks him up, as sudden jolt on the bridge shakes. The fox and three ponies wobble, as they look up at the enemy blocking their path. MORDUM!             “Where do you think you’re going?” he snarls.             “Fixing the damage YOU done to Firestorm!” Fili-Second snaps, “And where is your other brother?”             “You made that rhyme!” Mordum taunts, ignoring her question.             “He’s… I know Bakura will be looking for your other friends.” Firestorm whispers to Zapp.             Zapp frowns, then looks at Fili-Second and Sava.             “You think you can hold Mordum of so I can get Firestorm to safety?” she asks.             “No problem!” Fili-Second winks.             “We’ll deal with this fiend no matter what!” Sava promises.             Zapp smiles, and then flashes up in the air with Firestorm clinging to her back. As Mordum reaches up his claws to try and stop them, Fili-Second interferes by spinning a tornado around his left foot, to throw him around and topple him to the ground. Sava then pulls out one of his swords, as he begins to fight one of Mordum’s moving clawed hands. The way he shields the razor sharp fingers almost seems as if he’s fighting twenty swords altogether. He sweats, nervous that his flesh and fur will be all cut and torn at once.             “You probably never dealt with any monster like me before!” Mordum muses,” “I will kill you, that’s a vow!”             “Go ahead and keep trying!” Sava smirks, “But you will pass out eventually.”             Fili-Second then jumps back to Sava, as she allows him to get on her back. Riding her like he’s on a saddle, he roams with her speed as he keeps cling his sword against the growing claws. Literally, the clawed fingernails ARE GROWING, and spinning around in rubber movements as they try to pierce and kill the heroes.          Fili-Second assumes there will be an opening, just to show one of Mordum’s weakest spots for an attack. One primary goal is the fingernails, he won’t be so deadly without them. Then, see notices something interesting in the color of his eyes.             “The colored lenses…” she whispers to Sava, “They aren’t dark like blood, they’re lighter.”             “Your point?” Sava asks.             “He’s kind of blind from what I notice.” she tells the fox, “They can sense EVERYTHING, which is one of his strengths. I think that if we destroy his eyes, we’ll also completely destroy HIM.” > The Strength of a SuperMutant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zapp has finally taken Firestorm back to the underground headquarters, as Isaac guided Zapp in to tend to Firestorm’s weakness. The lightning-wielder knows Sava and Fili-Second are doing everything they can to hold Mordum off, but feels deep concern of the strength he might hold. However, she’s unaware of Sava and Fili’s plan to defeat the monster, so reassurance is sneaking up to surprise her. But Bakura, he could appear anytime with anyone knowing. That’s why she told Matter-Horn about what the brothers have planned ahead. That gave Matter-Horn the idea to go outside the tunnel, so can assemble a team to be ready and fight Bakura. As soon as Matter-Horn gets situated with Zapp’s warning, the cyan pegasi superpony runs to check on Firestorm. She comes across a carved stone room designed by Gladiator, seeing Firestorm put on a steel bed. Isaac then begins to paraphrase chants for a spell called “Removal”. He even gets his equipment out as Zapp resumes watching. A rumble then shakes in the tunnel, having the human citizens panic when feeling the shake. Bakura is getting closer, just as she anticipated. She hopes for whatever holds Bakura and his associates back, works. Then, Isaac began to perform the spell, as he looks at the text in his spell book. As the chanting goes on, Firestorm feels the surge enter his body. Zapp can also see some blood trickling out his nose. “How long will he hold up?” Zapp asks. “The removal is just beginning.” Isaac says. KABOOM! Zapp has heard the explosion entering the walls, as she turns to see the intruders making their way in. She rushes over to see that Bellcord, JT, Saddle Rager, Radiance, and Mistress Marvelous are hoping to their feet. Gladiator rushes by them, and lifts up his sensor to trigger what’s coming through the hole. Squeals sound, as the citizens back away. Matter-Horn then comes by Gladiator to hear the cause. “They came sooner than we expected,” Gladiator moans, “It’s the demons.” “Oh, no...” Zapp sighs. Fili-Second and Sava breathe heavily as they run against the pounding fists of Mordum, as they follow their running on the shaking bridge. Some of the railings even tear off and fly like ghostly wires as they pass Fili-Second’s dashing trots. Sava even flies himself backward against the flinging rails, catching one to then throw towards Mordum. The move pierces the enemy through his leg, having a good amount of black blood ooze from that wound. There isn’t too much coming out, but enough is capable of making Mordum more infuriated. “YOU DAMNED PESTS!” Mordum screeches. As Mordum blasts another round of magic towards Fili-Second and Sava, the hero fox realizes he’s still wearing his belt. He looks down, raising his hand over to reach for something as he runs. Yet, another blast strikes his arm to injure it, having him yelp in pain. He turns to Fili-Second, seeing her to aid him at a task that may help them win this fight. She looks at his belt as she zips past the blasts erupted onto the ground. “Fili… in one of my belt pockets is a device called a Mutagen Shooter ray gun.” he whispers to her when going by her side, “Get it out and point it directly at me when ready.” “Won’t that hurt?” she asks. “Just do as I say and believe what happens… It could give me enough power to win this fight.” Sava finishes. Fili shrugs, and quickly grabs the ray gun without Mordum noticing. She then runs the opposite direction away from Mordum so his blast attacks are focused on her. Then, she aims at Sava when signaled, and shoots the ray. [http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9hyvEk010Po] (Song starts at 00:20, ends at 01:20. PLAY IT DURING THE BRAWL!! The ray fires a glowing green ooze, which covers Sava entirely, causing him to clutch his head. The veins in his body flush into red, as his muscles become buffed up and hard. His chest and abs squeeze tight, as they grow hard as rock as well. His feet then stomp hard on the ground to gain back the attention to Mordum. As of now, the unique ray has made Sava super strong! "COWABUNGA!!! I could get used to THIS!!" the fox grins. The fox then rushes at Mordum to throw a fast punch, and another, and another. To that intention, Mordum then jumps upward and fights back by kicking the hero fox into his face. Blood spurts out through Sava’s nose, as he then has is muscular tails slap into Mordum’s chest. The attack has the villain fall away, banging his head against a railing of the bridge. He looks up at the fighter, determined not to lose. Fili-Second manages to then attempt a move that will distract Mordum from making another attack on the fox. She then flashes over and pushes him over by his butt. In another powerful shove, she then does a surprise upward punch towards his jaw, cracking it slightly until it’s disfigured. Mordum then roars, having enough of the attempts of making him lose. He then grabs Fili by her tail as she starts to run again, and then throws her up into the air. Sava looks up alarmed, knowing that she’ll crash down or get seriously crushed by one of Mordum’s fatal moves. The bridge continues to rumble, as he flaps over to try and kick him on the back to stop his kill attack. Modum does a back kick with one simple flip, then knocking Sava over against a bridge railing to weaken his muscular stamina. He shivers, as he looks up at Mordum catching the falling power pony by her neck, and then squeezes her throat as he begins to choke her. Fili wheezes, scared when looking into the oozy eyes of the villain. “Such a pretty pet you are.” Mordum chuckles, “Weak and innocent, just like a real woman.” “What a sexist bastard…women are independent & strong now; after all, this IS the twenty-first century.” Sava growls silently about Mordum. He then struggles upward, looking at how he can rescue Fili in any way. The other good thing is to combine the rescue move with something that can defeat Mordum. But what could stop him? Sava looks around without making a sound, seeing the broken cars in debris as they’re tipping over the cliffy edges of the broken bridge. Then, he sees a heavenly curve. AHA!!! There’s a rounded, high, concrete curve frozen by the heat as the fire continues to take down the bridge slowly and casually. It’s just close enough, and over the enemy severely hurting the fox’s friend. Sava has enough running speed in his muscle power. If he can run quickly without making a sound, he’ll twirl upward and kick Fili out of the bastard’s giant hand. If that will work, he MIGHT make both fists punch into his eyes. But it will take more than math to measure the right distant to make the winning hit. Still, Sava poses silently and looks at Fili. She the looks at him, wondering what he’s up to. The fox then zooms his feet, having the tapping soles flow past the gravel rocks without kicking them. He then has his tails flow to steer him in the right direction of the curve. His anger rises, as he hears Mordum’s laughter. The villain is nearing his kill to have Fili draw her final breath. Then, Sava’s feet touch the beginning of the curve. Sava’s speed goes like a motorcycle in a stunt show, as his feet finalizes his running spin. He twirls as a circle, then going towards Fili to kick open Mordum’s clutched fist. With one sharp foot punch, Fili is released from the grip. Mordum screams from the kicking pain, but gets more of what he deserves. Tails then spins around to see the villainous dolt’s face, and throws up both his fists. POW! POW! GUSH! Both fearless fists finally pierce through Mordum’s eyes, having him scream as black blood spurts everywhere away from his body. Fili is disgusted, and zooms away from the inky blood colliding to the ground. She even winches when she sees the evil blood burn through the bridge surface like acid. Sava finishes his twirl and lands both feet on the ground, looking at Mordum’s jelly moving limb jumps to defeat. The clumpy villain soon has his teeth fall out, having them melt into white liquid as if they’re paint. The skin on Mordum’s body even melts, exposing his black muscles. The shapes twirling around his decomposing body are magically appearing under his feet, tearing away more of his flesh like termites. Sava then looks down to see what the deadly magic is doing besides killing Mordum. The black liquid is expanding, and eating away the bridge. Sava’s muscles tone down, as he looks at Fili. “We have to leave. NOW.” he says to her. Fili nods, and has Sava hop on her back. She then flashes away from the flaming bridge, dodging around the burning vehicles as her obstacles. Both the fox and pony are now a kilometer away from the end of the bridge. They feel the shaking earthquake move of the bridge being destroyed, as they too hear the dying roar of Mordum falling into the ocean with the demolished goods to be drowned and melted. As Sava and Fili are finally off the bridge, they pant at their remembrance of the fight they accomplished. Bakura is the only villain left, along with the demons as his assistants. But the fox and pony can’t help but look back at the damage on the now-gone bridge. Mordum is dead for good, and Fili is slightly traumatized by the fact she almost murdered. Sava then hops off her back, hugging her. “We still have time.” Sava tells her, “I think we should also go back to the sewer tunnel section, just to make sure the other guys are okay.” “Sounds good.” Fili huffs, “How will we explain the damage of the bridge though?” “Believe me…” Sava sighs sadly, “There’s enough damage done to Corvine already.” Bellcord, JT, Saddle Ranger, Radiance, Mistress Marvelous, Zapp, Matter Horn, Mote, and Gladiator block the demons away from the human citizens. While doing that, Isaac and Pouter continue to protect Hummer by aiding at his wounds. Bellcord works alongside Saddle Ranger, as her super angry charging pushes over the first twenty demons to fall back against a brick wall Bellcord makes with his magic. JT then uses his giant wrench to swipe back some of the demons that push back up, but it doesn’t mean they punch back to him. Radiance then uses her gems to blast the demons attacking the fox, just before one even bit him. “Thanks.” JT smiles at her. “Hey, as lady always has to act quick.” she grins, “We’re all fighters here.” A bigger demon then suddenly jumps over her, having her look up and gasp. It then takes hold of her by the thigh, and looks directly at her with its blank eyes. She screams as the monster is ready to bite her head off, but something jumps onto it’s head to try and distract and irritate it all together. Mistress Marvelous is on top, and she buck kicks the monsters shoulder to have it jerk Radiance away from its grip. Mistress Marvelous then pulls out her lasso, and swings it around the demon’s neck. The sexy power pony then pulls back the noose, keeping hold as she rides the being like a bull. The beast tries to shake Mistress Marvelous off, as it targets ten of the human citizens being protected by Zapp and Matter Horn. The two power ponies stand guard as the giant demon prances close to them with its gnawing teeth. They then clutch shut, as Mistress Marvelous pulls tighter at the noose to study the ruthless monster. The demon shakes, loosing air from the tugging rodeo move by Marvelous. SNAP! Mistress Marvelous makes her winning attack, taking down the demon. However, as the demon falls backward to it’s death, the pressure of its body also crushes Mistress Marvelous. Zapp and Matter Horn gasp in shock, rushing over to lift of the giant demon to make sure Mistress Marvelous is all right. The power pony in her sexy, red, leotard outfit squirms out, huffing in exhaustion. She huffs and gags at the stench she slightly smelled from the demon. “That monster smelled like SULFUR!” she mumbles. “No worse than rotten eggs.” Zapp grins jokingly. Mote and Gladiator do their share of the fight as they’re behind the power ponies. Mote does simple punches and kicks at the demons as they charge over, trying to have their teeth bit his neck. Mote shoves down, and then takes out five of the clever imps with death punches to their foreheads. Gladiator pops open a laser sword from his wristband gadget, as part of his robotic costume. He slices through the demons, cutting in half by upward moves, to cutting the top body away from the bottom. He dodges their bite moves, and makes a laser shield to hold them back and shove them to they can hit their backs against the wall. BANG! An explosion is suddenly made, as Matter horn gags and gasps. She then looks behind her, seeing that a black aura is covering over the screaming citizens, taking them away. With such dark magic, Bellcord and Saddle Ranger try to rush over and rescue the human citizens. Then, they see Hummer, Isaac, Firestorm, and Pouter being shoved out of the black aura, as they accidentally push down Bellcord and Saddle Ranger, unconscious! Pouter is locked in a cage, as Hummer, Firestorm and Isaac are tied up with grey cords holding their hands behind their back, and holding their ankles. Matter Horn gets up to free them, but then falls down! She then looks down to her hooves to see that she’s all tied up with magical grey cords binding her top and bottom hooves. She then looks at grey cord appearing all over the place, coming after Radiance, Zapp, Mistress Marvelous, Mote, JT, Saddle Ranger, Gladiator, and Bellcord to bind them all up as well. As the dark, magical rope work is finished up with knots, they lie on the ground, struggling and cuddling while trying to get free. Pouter closes in eyes in embarrassment while crouching in his cage. “How does it feel to get painful tugs and pinnings?” an evil voice said. Matter Horn looks up, seeing Bakura stepping out of the shadows in front of the gang. “I have the citizens now.” he grins. “But they’re innocent human beings…” Bellcord cries, “Why make them suffer?” “Because you now made ME suffer!” Bakura sneers, “I now know of what happened. You had your friends kill my brother today. Well let me assure you, I will AVENGE HIM! So… I think I’ll start by killing you…. Matter-Horn….” > The REALLY Big Boom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matter Horn struggles to free her binds as her companions watch in terror, with Bakura having some pendulum moving blade swing over her with his clutched hand. Matter Horn becomes fatigued by her struggling after a while, and has her eyes shrink when the blade nears her eyes. Mote is now enraged at Bakura’s attempt to make the kill. He thrusts and has the veins rush in his tensioning hooves. SNAP! SNAP! The kill fails, as Bakura turns to see that Mote breaks free, jumping in front of the blade and slicing it n half with his hit power. His move slices Matter Horn’s top hooves free, having him now in the way of Bakura. He has no choice but to fight the villain now. “SO, YOU ESCAPED!” Bakura hisses, “WELL, MAYBE I SHOULD KILL YOU INSTEAD!” As Bakura and Mote start to fight, the filly power pony nods his head at Matter Horn to free her friends. She then uses her horn to burn the binds, having the rest of the gang free and running towards her. Pouter is even let out of his cage, and scuttles towards Bellcord to cling onto his back. Bakura shrieks and has his demons start to follow the group when fighting. Matter Horn then has a magic circle surround her friends as Mote continues his brawl. “We have to find the citizens and rescue them!” she tells the others. “Be careful!” Mote calls out to her as he makes a punch to Bakura. Matter Horn nods at him, and before the demons charge closer to them, a huge spark flashes around the hero friends to send them out of the sewer. The spark pushes the demons back, as Bakura roars in displeasure when noticing. Mote then makes another swing at Bakura’s stomach, having him fly his back against the wall. As Mote charges to make a kick, Bakura picks up a sudden stone slab and slams it across the edge of Mote’s skull. The deadly move nearly made Mote unconscious, and Bakura sends another beating towards his chin. The villain then makes a bucking kick to one of his ribs, having his cough out a yell. As Mote is forced upward by another kick, he then tumbles backward while rolling to the other wall side of the sewer. “So weak!” Bakura taunts. Mote knew this isn’t his end as Bakura approaches closer to him. The young filly slowly looks down at his uniform belt pocket. Slowly, he drags his left hoof down to reach out a piece of wood from his staff weapon before. He then chants something softly, as the little sliver starts to glow like gold. Bakura then extends his hand, having it glow and aim at Mote’s back. “Little wimp!” Bakura continues to insult. He then makes his deathly fire blow with his palm, as it aims towards Mote. BLAM! Bakura gasps again, as he discovers to see that Mote created some sort of shield to protect him from the blow. But that’s not all. As the filly slowly gets up, his appearance is bigger and adult. He even wears a silver vest, and his wings are huge as an angel. He then stands on his two lower hind hooves, turning around to face his enemy. “I introduce you… to my guardian form!” Mote smirks at Bakura. Fili-Second and Sava are close together when running back towards the sewer they last remembered going by. Then, the two of them suddenly see Matter Horn and the others running together, as they try to find the citizens that are kidnapped. The fox can hear the demons’ screeches coming in the distance, as he rushes over to embrace with his cousin. “What happened?” Sava asks JT, “Shouldn’t you guys…” “Bakura gave us a surprise attack.” JT snarls, “Now he has the citizens hostage!” “WHAT?” Fili-Second screams. “Mote is holding him off as long as we can.” Matter Horn tells them, “Right now, we need to find where the citizens are taken away to.” Bellcord suddenly sniffs, and gets a rotten stench creeping up his nose. “Don’t get me wrong, but I think I have an idea where those imps are holding our innocent friends.” he says. “How do you know?” Zapp asks. “I have the ability to catch a demonic scent, when it belongs to a being that doesn’t belong in this universe.” he explains, “Zombie, vampire, maybe… demon… so…” Bellcord wriggles his snot. “I envision they’ll be at the bay.” he says. “Wow. You might be right.” Pouter grins, impressed. “But they’ll keep full guard of anyone, even us!” Fili-Second informs, “The rescue may be impossible. We can’t even jump, or swim over. Both ways might gain their attention and have them outnumber us quickly. I also remember that the bombs are on their way after Firestorm told us about them.” “Bombs?” Radiance whimpers. Matter Horn taps her hoof to her chin, thinking. “Here’s what I think we should do…” Matter Horn considers. She then turns to Bellcord and Radiance. “Guys, this may be the first time, but you got to collaborate with both chaos and gems.” Matter Horn said. “Okay,” Bellcord beams. “Right… very well…” Radiance agrees, still uncertain of that idea. Matter Horn then looks at Gladiator. “Do you think you can find the virus controlled planes holding the bombs?” she asks him, “Maybe you can see if you’ll hack into their program and stop their target.” “I’ll see what I can do.” the robotic griffon nods, “I’ll head up now. I’ll also join you after I have any chance stopping those suckers.” “Right.” Matter Horn grins. With his robot speed, Gladiator rockets up into the sky to search for the droning planes. Matter Horn then turns to her friends, also seeing that Firestorm is on his hooves and ready to fight. All are banded together, as the foxes also hold onto their weapons. “Right after Bellcord and Radiance’s combined move, we’ll arrange our powers to lead out the citizens from this destruction.” she said, “Here’s how…” Gladiator is in the air, having his flames carry on his acceleration. His wings stiffen as soon as he finds the black planes holding the nuclear bombs. He makes a big gulp, and has one of his scouter glasses scan the transporting planes, to make sure there will be no surprises. Nothing is inside or driving. He swoops over to the bomb planes, having his claws dig slowly into the exterior metal of the flying object. He then heads down to the first bomb connected at the bottom of the moving plane. Time is ticking, and there’s also a door valve on the bomb. Gladiator opens it slowly, and sees it’s all wires and technology shit. He has his laser from his wristband cut the senses and targeted one, having the bomb deactivate within a minute. He then releases his grip from the bomb, flies upward, and stays on course to then have part of his metal body hit into the motor of the plane. The stabbing hit destroys it, and he pulls back immediately. The explosion is then made, destroying the plane. Gladiator then swings to the next plane, digging his claws to the exterior metal once again. He then claws himself downward to the bomb. He opens the bomb lid, then seeing there’s… a clock! And… to his horror, it’s unmovable and wireless! He then feels the speeding of the plane, as it’s tilts downward. The nose of the engine then points directly at corvine, and possible collision timing will be about… an hour! “Shit!” Gladiator gulps. The human citizens are muttering in fear and zany shudders when the black monsters are pointing their spears around them at the base of the beach. Such ways of crowding them together is as they’re being treated as cattle. Most of the police authorities have already been captured as well, and bound hand to foot by the demons. A fence surrounds the barrier to imprison them all at the shore, having the first three demons guard the outside of the rusty door. The wall exterior seems weak, but the bastards done fine work creating spikes to keep anyone from getting in or out. Three of the vicious imps continue their close watch. Just as they go back in, they hear a clinking noise that sounds like a rolling can. They turn to see a pink gem rolling and rolling with its cylinder shaped movements. The demons are joyous by it’s beauty, and rush over to observe it in curiosity. SNAP! A sudden shaking as the demons trapped in the gems clutches, as the beautiful rock suddenly turns into a caged lasso catching their arms. More gems then appear, as Radiance throws them up front and fast. Bellcord stays hidden by her, as he has the gems change into giant crystal soldiers, making noise to get the demons’ attention from inside. The little imps then rush out, ready for they fight as they growl and throw their weapons at the giants. Bellcord then winks at Matter Horn and her friends as they sneak into the barrier shaped prison to sneak the human citizens out. However, Isaac stays outside close to Radiance and Bellcord, just so he can keep removing whatever Bakura put into Fireblaze. “How long will this last?” Firestorm asks the wolf. “One hour.” Isaac answers, “Just one more touch up of my stitch…. and the weakening in your body will be gone soon.” The row is all in when Matter Horn has part of her team meet up with the human hostages once inside the demon made prison. Zapp even has her lighting powers make an escape hole near them, gaining their attention slowly. Saddle Ranger even saves her anger strength, but uses whatever is left to knock out the demons close by to the citizens. Fili-Second then zooms in front of the demons right by her, in time to distract them according to plan. She allows the monsters to rush at her, as he rapidly kicks and dodges their attacks. Matter Horn then arranges Sava and JT to evacuate the people through the escape hole. It’s all settled then. When the foxes guide the people far away from the danger, Matter Horn, Saddle Ranger, Mistress Marvelous, Hummer, Pouter, and Zapp will take care of the rest of the battle to help the others. They must keep the demons near the water bay, ocean, beach, or whatever it’s called for as long as possible. Until Gladiator has luck deactivating the bombs, the demon soldier population must also be lowered. With a scream, Matter Horn zaps a light into the sky with her horn to catch the rest of the demons’ attention. They shriek when they see the majority of the human citizens have now escaped, and charge at the first two of the team up front. Matter Horn works with Saddle Ranger, as the shy power pony brings back her rage power to push back the first five demons with one muscular punch. She even acts as a shield for Matter Horn, as the leader power pony leans by her back, walking with her slow walking moves when shooting at the demons coming at her back. Saddle Ranger even punches more demons, and uses her strong arms to block their bite attacks. Mistress Marvelous and Hummer then use their powers to combine their strength, as they see twenty demons with their black blood spitting out when dashing. The cowboy power pony lends Hummer a lasso, as he then sets it ablaze to turn it into a firing whip. With the flaming rope, he whips and sets the demons ablaze into exploding ink, just when the rope tip touches them. Mistress Marvelous clutches onto Hummer’s arm to keep full protection onto him, buck kicking at any upcoming demon with her right leg. She moves with Hummer’s slow defense walk, hopping on her left foot. She then brings both footed hooves up together to send back six demons all at once. Zapp has Pouter assist her as she flashes by the demons to shoot her lightening rod attacks. Pouter then acts as her gun, as she grabs him by his flipper points to have him shoot electric spit from his mouth. The yucky electric balls strike the black demons to the ground, having them sizzle in pain. “I can taste the bad apple in my mouth already…” Pouter belches, tasting the sizzles in his tongue. Right behind them, Fili-Second is already teasing her enemies of demon fools. “You really think you can catch me, SLOWPOKES?” she taunts. The demons snarl, and jump to Fili again. She then zooms around in a speeding circle to spin them around and have them crash into one another until piled up in a pyramid. It was another surprise to her when she notices bigger demons emerging from the ground, holding dark magical swords in their hands. She swipes her movements backward as the swipes of the blades near her chest. She then has her head thrust forward, banging her forehead to knock out the first big demon while biting her lip. FLAM! The sound suddenly emerges as Matter Horn looks back to see the plane getting closer to the bay of the beach. She can see Gladiator grunting, struggling so hard to try and keep control of the crazy plane. The bomb also rings, as his claws and laser gear tries to deactivate it. “Guys… down… GET DOWN!” Matter Horn suddenly yells at her friends. With that, her friends look, and scream when near her. They then cower down or jump away, hugging each other as the plane nears. Then, while crashing and killing more demons, the possible exploding plane crashes into the beach! BANG! > The New Mutation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Isaac had enough shield power to protect him and Firestorm from the explosion debris. At that time, he now removes the evil spell out of Firestorm in the nick of time. The dragon pony then flutters his eyes as he wakes up, feeling the cure flowing through his head to heart. He looks up, seeing the plane landing between the enemy demons and his friends is destroyed. The nuclear bomb… deactivated! Right on time, and Gladiator is now fighting alongside Matter-Horn. “Better catch up with your job and save your friends.” Isaac says to him as he lowers his shield. Firestorm nods, and flies back up into the air with super speed. He then shifts his body parts, getting ready to go into another form. As he lands, he stomps at Zapp’s side to surprise her. She smiles when he’s all well, and in his fused fire and ice form when ready to fight the demons with her. With a roar, his punches speed up in fast movements with heated ice spikes stabbing through the black imps. Mote resumes his battle with Bakura, knowing his friends will need all the time they need to win their battle, as danger will be toyed with. The filly hero swings up a hooved fist to make a punch, but Bakura blocks the attack and throws a stabbing kick into his chin of the leg. Mote falls back down, grunting as the villain laughs. “You’ll have to pray for a miracle to happen if you want to save for friends!” he taunts. Mote screams as his muscular strength has him throw out a punch carrying firepower. The flaming thwart of violence strikes Bakura to his jaw, having black blood finally spurt out from his teeth at some point. The filly then jumps away from Bakura’s death kick, now waiting for him to do more. As time slows down during battle, Matter Horn and Pouter rush over to pick up Gladiator out from the plane debris, hugging him in relief. Across from them, Firestorm is in his Ice Dragon mode, using his ice shield to cover him from the spears being thrown by the black demons. He then sinks up whatever radiation was left from the blast, and throws the radiated shield to crush and melt the next twenty demons in front of him. The population of the cursed army is now shrinking, and Bellcord admits this is starting to look good just from looking. Radiance is also knocking out the last of the big demons with her jeweled fists that are shaped like brass knuckles. Zapp then comes over to Firestorm, impressed by his form. “I had no idea you have an Ice Dragon form.” she smirks. “As I might have told you before, it came from my mother’s side, since she was an Ice Pegasus. She somehow transferred this over to me.” Firestorm explains, “Now these powers can combat against dark fire powers as well, like Bakura’s. I’m sure this can help Mote defeat him.” “And speaking of Mote…” Saddle Ranger adds, walking up behind him. “We got to help him stop Bakura and finish the job.” Firestorm finishes. CLASH! A sudden roar of tearing tar strikes from the ground. The foxes turn around to see something flying in the sky. It’s Mote, and he’s flying back from another dark punch from the horrible Bakura, making his next landing to the far off street. “We better hurry then.” Matter Horn says. Everyone was finally out of the sewer lines as the rescue continues to surge with Matter Horn having Bellcord assist to strengthen the team. At that moment, Mote is blocking Bakura’s throws of deadly hits, having thro sounds related to jet engines. The filly hero then swings back with a jump to add a kick under Bakura’s jaw. All of a sudden, Bakura carries a move under his sleeve. A dagger morphs out of his mutated body, as it carries electric volts around the blade. He then thrashes a cut to Mote’s cheek, having a deadly shock push the filly back with horrid pain. He can feel a crack break his spine slightly as it pressures against the concrete. Bakura then approaches closer to Mote, having a smile slowly open like a vault. “I’ll be dealing with you first…” Bakura sneers, “Then Matter Horn, than that pathetic draconequus shit Bellcord, Saddle Ranger, maybe even of those stupid foxes!” “You’re going to have to do better then hurt anyone.” Mote spits out, “No one will respect you either way.” “As I said, I’ll deal with you first!” Bakura shouts. “Why not me?” A sudden voice rumbles. A bang in the ground strikes between the enemy and filly, as dust clogs up the eyes of the dark tyrant. Bakura coughs out the specks, seeing Sava the fox is now here to defend Mote. Mote smiles when he’s here to aid him. “Need help?” Sava asks, looking down at him. Mote nods, staggering up to his hooves to fight by his side. Bakura roars, as he charges at both of them with his daggered blade magically turning into a giant sword. He swings, only to allow Sava to fly up and pass the attack while Mote turns around away from the blade hitting the concrete. Sava then makes a punch at the spinal cord to Bakura’s neck, having the enemy huff a grunt of angst. Bakura swings the sword up again, heaving it downward to strike the filly and fox. Mote the creeps from behind to ram into the back of Bakura’s legs. The forceful push has Bakura tumble, making him yell as his chin to chest front hits the ground. Mote stands of top to pin him in defeat. Sava makes a smile, up until… FLASH! Bakura’s surprise arm swing has the front of his sword make a cut to Sava’s two tails, having the kitsune hero scream and crash to the ground. Bakura then slowly lifts upward, swiping Mote off his back. He then grabs the fox, hanging to his fur. “It’s not over yet…” Bakura huffs, “I have plans for you…” Bakura then takes out a secret grenade under his belt, swinging it down. BAM! Mote falls from the explosion, having Bellcord suddenly appear from behind to catch him. Hummer the dragon then has his fire powers blow the bad explosion flames away. The flames from his breath also magically hold the concrete of the buildings up, to keep them from falling down. Matter Horn, JT, Pouter, Saddle Ranger, Radiance, Zapp, Fili-Second, and Mistress Marvelous then trot over to comfort Mote. “You okay?” Zapp asks him. “Yeah.” Mote said. “I helped contact more army and police authorities to get every human citizen out of this hellhole finally, so the humans are safe as a feather.” Bellcord grins, “Meanwhile, Matter-Horn has done good herself.” “With creating a weapon to hold off the black demons that is.” Matter-Horn concludes with an annoyed sigh, “I gave them to the soldiers. Gladiator also helped with the technology.” “Isaac has also confirmed Firestorm is good as new!” Saddle Ranger smiles, “He’ll be back to saving the day with us.” The explosion flames settle down. The hero blanket can’t help but look around, curious of how Bakura disappeared. But… Sava is gone too. “Sava…” JT said, worried, “You don’t think Bakura took him, do you?” JT asked nervously. “He did…” Mote groans. The filly cries, along with JT and Saddle Ranger. The filly hero then catches himself, and pulls out a monitor gadget. JT beams when seeing it. “That’s Sava’s pager!” JT says. “Yep, it connects wirelessly to Sava’s tracking device on his back.” Mote said, “We’ll find out where he’s held hostage, maybe nail Bakura where he stands as well.” Mote looks at the device, hearing the beeps and seeing the small dot on it’s screen. “Good. Let’s get a move on.” Hummer says. “There’s a van we can use, over there.” Zapp points. They all nod at the Volkswagen van across from them, then rushing to climb in. Hummer hops up front to the drivers seat, and engages with the engine to have it ignite. The motor of the van starts, and the whole gang with Matter Horn is now driving off. Blink. That’s all Sava is doing, when he wakes up. Only thing is, the poor fox is hooked up to some weird machine. “Where….am I?” The fox asked, preparing to rub his skull. SHMMP! TUG! The kinky feeling is coming to Sava, as his hands and ankles are bound tightly together with wires looping around them twenty times on each limb. Sensors are also connected to his hand and ankle bindings. He tugs and pulls, but the struggling only increases the pain. “Good…I see you’re awake.” said a voice Sava looks at the direction the voice is coming from. Out of the shadows comes the source. Bakura. Always him. For all the bad luck Sava isn’t having already. “Why kidnap me and tie me up, old man?” Sava sneers. Bakura becomes aggravated with that insult. “I AM NOT OLD!” he screams. “Just tell me something, like an evil plan then.” Sava sighs, “I’m getting so bored, I can barely roll my eyes.” “Very well. I ran some tests on you while you were knocked out, and I discovered that there is a substance called mutagen in your body. I’ve decided to make it so that you can never mutate again by subjecting you to a blast from my atomic crystal.” Bakura explained. “WHAT?” Sava puffs out, “Do you really believe that you can stop my mutations? The mutagen in my bloodstream is still active, and it makes me mutate out of—“ “SILENCE!!” Bakura yelled, slapping the fox across his face, and then turning to a nearby scientist. “Zooimpathic! Commerce the testing immediately!” the villain ordered. “Yes Bakura.” the villain’s assistant said nervously, as he rushed to a keyboard and began programming the atomic crystal ray. “You can’t do this!! You don’t know what kind of incredible powers you’re tampering with, Bakura!!” Sava pleaded, but to no avail. The ray powered up, and launched a green energy blast that covered Sava all over, causing his head to throb in pain. He began to grow larger, his fur turned light-brown, & he grew fangs. There was some masking tape on his fingers, and some wrapped around his feet. “I love to stay and see you suffer.” Bakura sneers, “But I now have what I needed.” The villain goes by his imp like assistant to get a tube from the atomic ray machine. The mutant energy from the fox is being leaked right into the glass tube, having it glow green. Bakura clutches to his prize. “I have a new canon to fire to target my new prey, the citizens escaping the city!” Bakura says. Sava gasps. “Have a good day.” Bakura laughs. As the villain walks out, Sava struggles more then ever to get free. Zooimpathic watches closely, as he has the ray try to rid the life out of Sava slowly, just as Bakura instructed. The zap only encourages Sava to struggle faster, faster… SNAP! The cords binding his hands and ankles suddenly snap, as the muscles on the fox’s body begins to grow. Zooimpathic gasps. Sava then tears out of the cords, and thrashes out of the table with a roar. He then jumps up to grab the ray, having both his claws rip and tear the machine apart. Gears and springs scatter, turning the room into a new complete mess. Sava then kicks the tools standing in his way. Angrily, he then approaches Zooimpathic and grabs him by his lab coat. He then charges over to the wall, and slams the assistant against it. “What did you do to me, cretin?! ANSWER ME NOW!!!” Sava screamed, growling with fury. “I accidentally removed one fragment of the crystal from the machine before it fired at you. It must have accelerated your mutation somehow.” The assistant explained, terrified. “Are you telling me I’ve become some kind of Hyper-Mutant?!” Sava growled, baring his teeth. “Um….pretty much, yes.” Zooimpathic gulped. The now-supersized vulpine threw the doctor to the side, and runs to crash through the wall. The assistant lays on the floor, moaning as he watches Sava escape. The hero fox now has a new score to settle with Bakura. In the van, JT’s communicator began to beep faster. He’s getting a signal that’s tracking Sava, and there’s no doubt he’s close by. As Hummer makes the next turn, he yelps as he sees the big, brown, muscular fox running through the middle of the crumbled road. He jerks the brakes, having everyone yelp in surprise with the jolt move. JT then hops out of the van, wondering what’s blocking their way. Bellcord stands by him to protect him from the being. Saddle Ranger then comes up in front of them to calm them down, instantly recognizing the giant, brown, fox. She assures them, it’s Sava. “WHOA!! What happened to YOU, bro?” J.T. asks. “Bakura captured me and tried to put a stop to my mutations by zapping me with this freaky ray, but it turned me into some supersized mega mutant!!” Sava yelled, “Now he’s going to use my mutant energy to take down the escaping citizens!” “Just stay calm.” Matter Horn says, stepping out of the van, “The city is all clear. If we all go together to find out where the citizens are, we can stop Bakura on time.” “Easy for you to say.” Sava sighs, “You aren’t the one who’s been zapped into a monster.” His stomach then begins to gurgle. “Um, is that a bad side effect?” Pouter asks, peaking through the door. “Oh no…” Sava gulps. Radiance steps out as well. “UGH! This is getting grotesque!” she winches at the sight of Sava. Sava can feel his stomach glowing in pain. He grew bigger, his fur turned lighter-orange-brown & became ragged, his eyes turned red, his hands grew claws, & his fangs became sharper. “RAAAAAAWWWWRRRRRRR!!!!!” he yelled, letting loose an earth-shaking roar. “YIKES!! Bro, you have really changed in the last few minutes!!” J.T. whimpers. Sava had become almost entirely feral. He roared with rage as he looks down towards the team. Matter Horn now knows why else Bakura has kidnapped Sava. He intended to have their fox friend turn against them! “RAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWRRRRR!!!!” Sava shrieks! “Half of us should go rescue the citizens!” Matter Horn shouts, “Fili-Second, Hummer, Zapp, Radiance, you guys come with me! Mistress Marvelous, Bellcord, Saddle Ranger, Pouter, Mote, help JT get control of Sava!” “Right!” they shout together! Matter-Horn, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, and Hummer then hop back into the van to cross the other bridge that will get them to the military and citizens. As they drive off, JT grabs a grappling hook, and runs around to wrap it around Sava’s arms. However, Sava used his new blowtorch breath to burn through the rope before it even binds him. JT falls back, and Bellcord tries to use his magic to knock the big fox out. No good. The giant feral fox then pushes Bellcord aside. The monstrous fox raced through Corvine, crushing cars like soda cans. He grabbed a steel beam and used it to whack a crushed car into a makeshift goal post. Mote, Pouter, and Mistress Marvelous follow, as Saddle Ranger helps Bellcord to his feet. Above them, a news copter is filming the situation overhead them. In irony, Sava is now viewed as a new enemy, a tool by Bakura to help destroy the citizen’s home and landmark of democracy. “This is Brent Davenport, reporting live from outside the Corvine Hockey Stadium, where a gigantic, mutated fox is causing large counts of property damage and plenty of destruction. Corvine’s military forces have been called in to put an end to this rogue mutant’s destructive rampage, which just shows what happens when good mutants go badly. And now, back to you, Keith.” the reporter says in the copter, live on air. A large tank rolled into view and launched a humongous missile at Sava, who’s suddenly getting back some of his self-control. Despite his size, his mind is still stable at the moment. He grabbed the missile in mid-flight from the tank, and threw it into space as Bellcord, Saddle Ranger, Mistress Marvelous, JT, Mote, and Pouter come by him. Half of the military is now here, and they’re aiming their guns at the group! “D-DON’T SHOOT!! WE’RE NOT THE ENEMY, BAKURA IS!!” The mutated fox yelled, waving his arms. “That’s ridiculous!! We already got enough damage from Bakura, but it’s mainly menaces like you and your friends only want to destroy it! You nearly destroyed half the city! We had just about enough of your services, including from Bellcord!” the general yelled. Sava grabbed a small capsule from his pocket and threw it down, releasing a cloud of smoke. When it cleared, the fox was gone, and so were the rest of his friends. Matter-Horn, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, and Hummer abandon their van as they use their powers to fly over to where they finally see the crowd. The rest of the military and police forces are protecting them as they march through the plains with the road. Matter-Horn and her friends then come up front to have them see their presence. CLICK! A lot of those sounds are heard as the military soldiers suddenly aim their weapons at them. Matter-Horn is confused, also hearing the shocked murmurs from the citizens looking at surprise of their heroes being wrongfully targeted. Matter-Horn can’t understand why she and her friends are being targeted. Then, she sees the aura around they’re heads. Like the general and his troops in Corvine, the military is under Bakura’s spell, and he’s having the good guys turn against the Power Ponies! > The Beginning of the End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In such silence, Bellcord, JT, Pouter, Mistress Marvelous, Saddle Ranger, and Mote walk with Sava down a long sidewalk by the beach. The big brown fox that used to be his orange-furred regular height, is now in guilt. He laments on his uncontrolled rampage by Bakura’s power, also not believing the military has turned against them. “Forget it…all we did was cause destruction.” Sava sighed. “Suppose Bakura only made you big for a short amount of time to take advantage of you?” Bellcord assumes, “That way, the trust between human authorities is weakened?” “No, that’s not it.” Mistress Marvelous says, “Something tells me there was an aura around their heads. They were hypnotized by Bakura’s control.” They then feel the ground begin to shake. Saddle Ranger sighs and she kinks her hooves together. Mistress Marvelous began to understand as well. “Now I get it.” the orange cowboy Power Pony said, “Bakura used Sava’s mutated strength to shake more of the city island. The ground must be breaking, soon to form an earthquake to sink the city into the water.” “W-what?” Saddle Ranger gasps. “I looked at the design of the city with some of their cable towers in place as well.” Mistress Marvelous says, “Whatever shook those towers can also participate on collapsing the island.” “Bro…” JT says, looking at Sava in shock. The cousin fox looks at Sava, as he shrinks slowly. It’s a second stage mutation he reverts back to, with his orange fur coming back to place too. His muscles also weaken to the bone. “Damn….” Sava sighs. “We didn’t manage to beat Bakura. I say we just let the humans take a whack at it from now on.” Pouter grumbled. This, of course, made Sava snap to attention. “Don’t you get it? The human citizens don’t have our powers! That’s why it’s up to US to defeat Bakura and his goons!! We owe it to the world as heroes!!” Sava shouts. “Yeah, but how do we stop Bakura?” Mote asks. Sava smirks. “During my last fight with him, I snuck a tiny chip into the flesh of his armpit.” Sava smiles, “Gross as it sounds, it will help track us Bakura’s location so we can stop him.” “Genius.” Mistress Marvelous beams. JT then takes out his tracker. “Apparently he went back to his airship that used to be at his original base.” JT finds on his tracker, “He’ll shoot the missile to all the populated amount of two million citizens overhead. There’s also a chance that thousands of the troops are turning against the rest of the Power Ponies to keep them distracted.” “I still can’t believe they’re under Bakura’s will!” Saddle Ranger whimpered. “Well we’ll get that bastard right were we want him!” Bellcord grins, making a fist in his hand. “Care to make a few tricks up your sleeve then?” Mistress Marvelous encourages to him, “We do have to save this here dang city of Corvine after all.” “With pleasure!” Bellcord smiles, getting ready to snap his fingers for teleportation. “We’ll make sure this day stands for victory!” Saddle Ranger vows. Sava, JT, Pouter, Saddle Ranger, Mistress Marvelous, and Mote gather around Bellcord, as he magically has all of them go directly into the airship of Bakura’s. The brainwashed army held the captive citizens back in their circle formation, as the rest of the militia group fired their guns with Bakura’s aura signal. Matter-Horn, Hummer, Fili-Second, Radiance, and Zapp dodges all the bullets they can to try and get closer to the citizens, but one soldier pulls out one weapons that targets Hummer’s weakness. A giant hose connected to a portable water hydrant fires at the dragon, weakening his dragon powers as the pressure pushes him and Matter-Horn back. This makes Radiance roar, having her gem powers shoot from her horn to try and strike back at them in retaliation. The bullets strike back to her, piercing her through her shoulders. She falls back, being caught into Zapp’s arms while Fili-Second makes her move. She zooms around the gun armed shoulders to get the first ten citizens out of the circle to their safety. But that was just as far as she went, after a couple more bullets pierce her through the legs. She topples over, screaming as she lands close to the dragon and leader pony. Matter-Horn stutters, not knowing how to talk sense into the soldiers. It would do no good, Bakura’s strength is far to hard to break now. The brainwashed men then aim their guns and FIRE! BLAM! Some clanging is then heard, with Radiance, Matter-Horn, and Hummer looking up. The bullet attacks are blocked, and the buddies can see the cause of the shielding. Gladiator is back in the game, with his reflective mirror shield activated on his arm. By him, is Firestorm, now safe and standing. The wolf mage Isaac is also by Gladiator as well. Zapp is ecstatic when she sees Firestorm and runs up to hug him. Fili-Second creeps slowly under the flying bullets as the soldiers continue to fire. She then comes up by Gladiator, who turns to look at the gang. “Great Bakura did this. This is his plan all along make the military turn against us.” Gladiator says. “That fiend. We need think away deal with this without hurting the human soldiers, then get to Bakura so we can kick his sorry ass.” Firestorm says. “Hang on. Maybe I can put them to sleep with my new tech.” Gladiator says, “Half of us should then keep watch of the citizens while the other half takes care of Bakura. My guess is that the rest of the team will help you when you meet them there.” “And what does the tech gadget do again?” Radiance asks. “It will put anyone to sleep, like those soldiers. Don’t worry, it’s harmless. We can then can cure them by beating Bakura.” Gladiator said. “Lets try that.” Zapp nods. As they plan, the shield starts to crack. Gladiator grunts as the bullets come at them faster. Another general then calls at the group with a menacing voice. “Surrender now, and our lord Bakura will see what fate he have for you.” General shouts. WOOSH! Gladiator tosses the tech gadget, which is shaped like a battery. BLANG! The new tech is then activated on the citizens and military as they went to sleep. Gas seethes out as the capsule sends the citizens to a safe sleep as well. Gladiator deactivates the shield and looks at his friends. “I’ll guide Firestorm, Matter-Horn, Radiance, and Zapp to Bakura’s hideout, which is a floating airship.” Gladiator says, “He must have stolen it from the airbase when it’s being destroyed. Meanwhile, Fili-Second, Hummer, and Isaac should stay here to tend to the citizens.” “Sounds good.” Matter-Horn agrees, “Lead the way.” Gladiator activates a floating orb device that carries him, Matter-Horn, Radiance, Zapp, and Firestorm upward. The rest of the team stays on the ground to check on the citizens, with Isaac magically casting masks on themselves to avoid breathing the gas. Matter-Horn can now see a dot in the horizon of the sky. The airship. The last battle stands available, ready to make an end. The flash is made, as Bellcord has him and his friends inside the airship. The foxes look around, hearing the sinister cackling coming down the hall. They’re the first to speed down, running towards the cockpit of the ship to make their entrance. The two of them then bust open the door with the other two Power Ponies following them. Bakura snickers in the room, as he turns around to look at his guests in curiosity. “You’re finished…” Sava vows, unsheathing his swords. “Well…if it isn’t the Power Pinheads and the Ninja Nitwits.” Bakura grinned. “Save the formalities, creep. You transformed me into a…grotesque mutant beast….and for that, YOU’LL PAY!!” Sava growls. The fox then flips over to kick Bakura in the head, only to have his flow backwards. The villain than activates the laser to shoot as many rays as it can, using the mutated energy stolen from Sava. JT then surprises Bakura from behind, grabbing him in a Full-Nelson hold. “Looks like you’re going nowhere sugar cube.” Mistress Marvelous sneers at Bakura, “This laser business will stop!” “It’s over! Just surrender, or else!” Sava threatens. “What are you doing, fool? Don’t you see that we’re greater than they could ever hope to be?! We could conquer them AND the world!! Don’t give yourself up for these….these dogs!!” Bakura strained. “Well, it’s nice to know you’re so worried for my safety.” Sava smirked. “DO THE RIGHT THING AND LET ME GO!!” “I AM DOING THE RIGHT THING: RIDDING THE WORLD OF YOU!!” “AS IF!” Bakura screams. He then thrashes JT off his back, and expands his muscles with the blackest magic possible. He then notices Saddle Ranger rushing to push the button that will stop the laser. Bakura then has his clawed arm slap her back, having Bellcord panic to catch her. Blood comes out from her mouth from the painful slap given to her. Bakura then looks at Sava, turning his morphing hand into a machete blade. “DIE!” Bakura hisses. “A challenge?” Sava muses, “It’s on.” Sava grins as his eyes glowed white. A flash is then made behind Mistress Marvelous. She turns back, to see that Matter-Horn, Gladiator, Radiance, Zapp, and Firestorm are inside. As Bakura sees this when starting his fight with Sava, he summons his black demons from the floor to distract them. The imps open their teeth to fight them to the death, with the Power Pony team buck-kicking them into their chests. “Is there anything we can do to help Sava defeat Bakura?” Zapp asks as she electrocutes an imp. “We can’t leave him alone in the fight, that’s for sure Zapp. Use your lightning & combine it with Matter-Horn’s magic. The resulting charge could strengthen Sava and expand his body’s speed and stamina.” J.T. calculated, “It’s sounds crazy, but the remaining mutation in his body can sink in what he needs from electricity. It can help him win the fight!” Zapp nods. At that second, a magic-engulfed lightning bolt hit Sava’s body head-on. JT watches, desperate, as Sava’s body began to shift and grow and have the volts surge in his body. Suddenly, Sava expanded his eyes and jumped ahead to give Bakura a mighty punch. “EAT THIS, YOU NIGHTMARE!” Sava yells at the villain. While Sava beats more out of Bakura, Bellcord fights alongside Saddle Ranger and Mistress Marvelous against twenty demons with black chainsaws. The imps hop over to swing the items, only to have Bellcord’s magic transferred to Mistress Marvelous’ lasso, having her control the ropes to trip the demons over and cut one another accidentally. Saddle Ranger doesn’t bother to use her “hulk” powers, but she keeps punching away at the skulls of the imps, as she jumps over their hit attempts too. Zapp works with Firestorm, as they both work romantically against the thirty other demons. Zapp uses more of her thunder powers to push the vicious beasts back, having them spin around in a tornado cloud full of static. Firestorm then breathes fire out of his mouth to set ten other demons ablaze until they melt. “Hot.” Zapp coos at him. Fireblaze winks at her for flirting. Pouter ducks under lab tables to avoid getting hurt. He looks across to see Radiance fighting with JT, Mote, and Matter-Horn. The blanket then sees that Gladiator is sneaking past his companions, as they help keep the demons distracted. The robot griffon is starting his work to deactivate the laser that’s now nearing the citizens being protected by the rest of the team below. Simply, the blanket keeps watch, just to let Gladiator know if there’s anything that might stop him. Radiance has her gems freeze the five demons in front of her, turning them ice blue. She even kicks them to pieces, shattering them like crystals. JT uses his katana swords to slice the demons’ stomachs open, having intestines pop like balloons as the ooze escapes their bodies. Mote goes under the demons that near Matter-Horn to trip them over, making it easy for the team leader to incinerate them with her purple rays of magic. Pouter then turns to look at Gladiator, working at the wires running the laser machine. The blanket then sees the monitor. The laser is nearing the innocent citizens! Worse, THIRTY demons spot Gladiator in action. They heads towards him with clubs in their hands. “OH NO!” Pouter panics. Gladiator turns around to see the demons jumping over to stop him. “Too late.” Gladiator grins, snapping the last wire. > Victory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the wire is snipped by Gladiator, the laser ray makes a lame, but epic dying hum. The robot griffon then has his metallic sword suddenly swipes horizontally to cut the approaching demons behind him. Bakura turns away from Sava for the moment to see his laser attack has failed. Matter-Horn grins at Gladiator for his success, as Bakura screams in enragement. Bellcord whistles in delight to his reaction. “YOU ALL RUINED MY MISSION! YOU’LL PAY!” Bakura shrieks. As his creaming continues, Sava punches him in his jaw, while the villain punches back at the fox to his side chest. Firestorm then comes behind Bakura, breathing ice towards his left arm to freeze it. The aid to Sava as useful, as Bakura’s fighting tactics start to delay quite slowly. Bakura lets out another scream as he tries to hit the fox again, but Firestorm comes up front to smash into his chest. The dragon pony then pins Bakura to the ground. “You’re not going to destroy this city again.” Firestorm shouts Zapp shocks the rest of the demons, finishing them off with the last blow of her lightening powers. Pouter slowly rises out of his hiding spot, and grins at Zapp for her job well done. Zapp then approaches close to Firestorm, with Matter-Horn by her side. “It’s over.” Matter-Horn says to Bakura firmly. “NOT YET!” Bakura screams. Bakura pushes the dragon pony off with dangerous force, having him crash against the wall. The mighty heave was enough to shake the whole airship, having Zapp in fear. Then, Matter-Horn steps back as Bakura grows with a massive change of height. Spikes as sharp as knives begin to tear out of his skin, making a bladed shield and weapon for his body barrier. His hair turns into electric whips, colored golden as a greedy miser. His claws extend, and turn the color red. His feet grow as long as a beast’s, also turning into wired, robotic clamps. As his change is finished, he makes a loud roar in front of the heroic challengers. The room of the airship tilts to Bakura’s surprising weight. Matter-Horn sighs at the appearance of the monster. Her teamwork with her friends will have to take more than collaboration to win the fight; it has to take effort and strategy. She then nudges her friends to form a group and come over by her. “Guys…” she tells them, “Whatever happens, we will not leave this airship until he goes down with it.” The gang shudders at the instructions, but… they knew it has to be done. Sava especially sighs, because he knew this sacrifice is to protect Corvine. The group is all here facing Bakura. Matter-Horn, Radiance, Zapp, Firestorm, Gladiator, Saddle Ranger, Mistress Marvelous, Bellcord, Mote, Sava, JT, and Pouter are all together now. They observe the villain raising his hand, as it morphs into a mace. “CHARGE!” Matter-Horn orders. The group does so, having their speed rush to their feet. Matter-Horn works with Radiance, as they both zap the aura from their horns to strike at the back of the beast. Bakura than turns to them, blowing hot steam at their faces until they feel the piercing burn blinding their eyes. They scream as Pouter catches them, having JT run at the villain with his nunchuks. The fox swings the 'chuks up and down with Bakura skipping backward to avoid the attacks. JT nearly makes a hit to cut one of Bakura’s kneecaps, but the bastard only hops up to then kick him in the jaw. The fox falls back, moaning in pain. Zapp and Firestorm then take their turn, as the dragon pony mixes his fire and ice into arrows with the painful mix of heat and cold. The spears strike Bakura on different parts of his limbs, from arms to legs. So far, the move is working. Zapp then twirls around Bakura’s ankles and has him trip down for the time being. Gladiator and Saddle Ranger then work as a team for their next attack. The robot griffon shifts his arms to make laser cannons, as Saddle Ranger saves her anger to make muscular punches instead. She hits Bakura in the chest as she flies up, while the laser strikes from Gladiator are successful. Mistress Marvelous and Bellcord are the next to come over as Bakura falls down. The cowboy pony superhero uses her iron horseshoes to pound Bakura in the ankles, as Bellcord snaps his fingers to have a giant fly swatter attack him from above. Bakura then mercilessly grabs Bellcord by his throat, and begins to choke him. The draconequus hero is then saved by a pulling hug from Mistress Marvelous, as she then hops to buck kick Bakura’s eyes. Blood bleeds out his left, as the villain shrieks in distemper. Now again, Bellcord is thankful for having a friend protect him, while Saddle Ranger comforts him. Sava then charges with a growling roar, as he pulls his ninja swords out to attack the monster. As the fox swings the blades, Bakura’s right eye keeps contact of where to dodge as he tips back. Back, again, right, front. All these bends makes Sava then swing his blade to CHOP off one of Bakura’s arms. The baddie screams in anger as the blood oozes out his stump. SLAM! The sudden jolt of instinct then has Bakura grab Sava’s two tails, much to the fox’s unexpected surprise. He lifts the ninja fox up and looks him straight into his right eye. Snorts are sounded through the villain’s nostrils as Sava grunts in fear. “Pathetic imp…” Bakura sneers, “I had enough of YOUR foolishness…” “Not as foolish as YOU are.” Sava smirks. That’s when Bakura snaps at that insults. At that moment, he grabs Sava’s other tail, separate from the left. He then grabs the other tail, and RIPS it off! “OWWWW!” Sava screams. Sava only has one tail now, as the double is yanked off by excruciating force from the villain. Bakura then SLAMS the fox onto the floor, having the airship rumble louder as it nears the ground. JT looks back, and screams to come to his aid. As he catches his cousin, they both look up at Bakura, who’s now opening his teeth to try and make bite attacks at them. “Don’t you think you had enough focusing on them?” a voice asks behind him. Bakura looks around to see Mote, ready to fight him now. The filly also wears a belt around his torso, painted gold and silver. He then pulls something out of the belt compartment, holding up three cards that have an Egyptian symbol on the front. “I took the liberty of having Isaac give me this belt in case of an emergency.” Mote explains, “Hidden in my suit… they can…” “Quit stammering, you brat!” Bakura snorts. “I guess your belt carries items for battle. But what good are those cards?” Mote smiles. “My special characters of course.” the filly finally says, “And I’m ready to cast them!” Mote then throws his cards on the ground, and they shine as he calls his characters to his command. “It’s all too sudden.” Mote explains, “But Isaac explained to me the one weakness against a demon’s power. That is a pair of three cards that carry souls of the light magic. A good thing that wolf saved them.” “What? Light magic?” Bakura stammers in horror. The beings than appear from the cards. One is a blacksmith with a helmet shaped of a heart. Another is a dragon with blue eyes. The last is a circular, round shaped creature with swirls for the eyes and nose. They each carry a sword that’s colored yellow. “They’re known as the Blacksmith Soldier, the Blue Dragon, and the Poly Circle.” Mote finally concludes. Matter-Horn slowly gets up with Radiance’s assistance, as they see what’s going on across them. Bakura steps back in defiance, but then steps back in fear too. Mote then chants an order for the three ghostly soldiers to follow. “MAKE THE PALADIN MOVE!” Mote yells to the souls. The three soldiers then collide their swords together, and have a bright light glow towards Bakura. The villain attempts to move, but something then PREVENTS him from doing so. Bellcord just snapped his fingers to make circular restraints, and they’re combined with Matter-Horn and Radiance’s light magic that just got transferred by Mote. The three of them look at the filly and wink, as their victory is nearing. The foxes even look up in hope, as Pouter tends to Sava’s tail wound. “YOU BASTARDS! I’M SUPPOSED TO WIN!” Bakura screams. “You’ve done two great offenses to justice Bakura, attempted murder, and attempted genocide!” Mote says, “For that, you must be perished!” With that said, Mote roars the command for the soldier spirits to have their power escape the swords. As Bakura struggles while the spirits ready the target, the rest of the gang huddles together to stay close with Bellcord, so he can teleport them out of the collapsing airship. The foxes, power ponies, blanket, filly, and griffon hug Bellcord tightly as he’s about to snap his fingers. Mote then makes a sudden hop as he yells the command for the attack formation. The roar is heard as the gang poofs away. “LIGHT PALADIN, ATTACK AND DESTROY!” the voice roars. “NOOOOO!” Bakura rages. As Fili-Second and Hummer help Isaac with a dust spell that brings the citizens and police forces back to their senses, Matter-Horn and the others finally appear with Bellcord and his good magic charm. All of them are near a road that’s across a fielded plain, far from the burning city of Corvine with red orange in the sky. They then look up at he burning hovercraft that’s nearing them at least seventy feet in the air. BOOM! At long last, the airship explodes, taking Bakura along with it. “The soldiers go back to their cards after their orders are finished.” Isaac explains to both Matter-Horn and Mote, “They won’t die in any way. Still, I have to find where the cards land after the debris wears off.” The head of the power ponies then turns to see Pouter putting a bandage on Sava’s bleeding tail, as he also sanitizes and stitches the injury. She gasps, and rushes over to him as JT also hugs him. Fili-Second comes by Matter-Horn as they both check on the fox. “The authorities are now realizing their wrong doing, thanks to Isaacs magic charm.” she tells Matter-Horn, “How’s Sava doing?” “The injury looks infected.” Pouter hums, “But the tail stump will heal over time.” “Sava…” JT tried to say in sympathy. “Hey…” Sava sniffs, “No sweat. I’ve been through worse.” Matter-Horn then leaps forward and hugs him tightly. “Whoa, Matter-Horn, you’re actin’ like I just came back from the dead!!” Sava said. But, then there was an urge about he feeling he had to share. He admired Matter-Horn for quite a while now. Therefore, he decided to tell her. “Listen….for a while, I’ve really admired your heroic handiwork, and...what I’m saying is---” Sava started. But he was cut off when Masked Matterhorn kissed him on the cheek. For a while, her friends were silent as they watched from across. Sava’s face turns completely red in joy. In an instant, he fell over, giggling giddily. “It’s about time he told her,” J.T. smiled, as Bellcord and Zapp laughed beside him. Sava sighed, contentedly. “Isn’t life grand?” he asked. “We still have construction on the city to do.” Gladiator reminds them as he approaches, “Everything on that ‘Manhattan’- like island is as if is a landfill.” “Bellcord and I can take care of THAT!” Radiance offers, “I certainly despise messes.” “And are all the survivors safe?” Matter-Horn asks the robot griffon, “Any causalities or death.” “At least one hundred with injuries.” Gladiator sighs, “But the rest are alive, all two million citizens.” “Woah. That’s a record!” JT says, “I’m just glad they’re alive.” Matter-Horn then turns her head as she sees the military captain walk toward her slowly with a guilty face. “Um… I’m so sorry about… being a bully before…” he says, “I was just under…” “Bakura’s magic, I know.” she nods, “It’s not your fault. Luckily for us, he’s gone for good. Mordum is not going to harm us anymore either.” Bellcord smiles as he sees the gang rejoicing and nuzzling for their heroism. He then turns sadly, thinking they don’t need him any longer. Then, a hoof tugs on his suit and has him turn back around. “Where are YOU going?” Zapp asks, holding onto Bellcord’s hand. “I… just don’t think you need me any longer…” he sighs. “Don’t need you? WE DO NEED YOU!” Saddle Ranger protests, “You proved to us that you’re a real hero today.” “We can use another member on our team.” Matter-Horn smiles, “Wanna join?” Bellcord smiles in happy surprise. Letting out a playful squee, he goes around Matter-Horn, Hummer, Mistress Marvelous, Zapp, Fili-Second, Radiance, and Saddle Ranger to give them a big hug. He accepts! Matter-Horn grins and then turns to Sava and JT. After nudging out of the hug, she walks over to them. “What about you guys?” she asks, “Do you want to join?” The foxes smile, and extend their hands out to shake Matter-Horns hoof. They accept as well. Mote then comes up to her and hugs her too.” “We did great today, didn’t we?” Mote asks. “Hey, you finished the fight the most perfect way possible too.” she congratulates to him. Gladiator and Firestorm watch in happiness at such friendship, as they then turn to Isaac. The wolf mage smiles but then turns around to leave. Gladiator places hi robotic claw on his shoulder. “Where would you go?” he asks him. “Anywhere in this world where more people need my aid.” Isaac tells him, “I’m the traveling kind, and a traveler has to keep the whole world safe.” Saying that, the wolf mage flashes off into the distance. “Good luck to you.” Firestorm nods. Pouter jumps up and down in joy at the excitement. The blanket even comes up to lick Bellcord on the face. As Bellcord gently sets Pouter down, the blanket sidekick then rushes up to Hummer. “WE WON! WE WON!” he cheers. “Yeah... yeah. Calm down.” the dragon hero smiles. “Well, I’ll get the citizens to cooperate with the army.” Zapp tells Matter-Horn, “So… Bellcord and Radiance will clean up the mess?” “Yep, the rest of us should to.” Matter-Horn nods, “In fact, any citizen is welcome to help with construction. See of you can get the captain’s permission for that to be possible.” “Will do.” Zapp smiles. After coming over to ask the request, the captain agrees. Within hours, the new members of the Power Ponies initiate the reconstruction on the city of Corvine, and the citizens once again feel at ease. A new team is assembled, with everything in place. Six main Power Ponies, a draconequus, two hero foxes, a dragon, blanket sidekick, filly, robot griffon, and dragon pony is just enough to make a strong team. > The Actual Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the real world of Equestria, who else is finishing the whole story that he just made? TAILS. The whole tale was written and drawn from mind to paper, as he makes the final touch. “The End.” said Tails, as he closed the script. After a few more hours of editing and revising, he goes out and puts his work into a box, so it can be mailed off. A few months later, Tails got a letter in the mail saying that his comic had been accepted for publication and had been published. “Some days, it just doesn’t get any better than this,” Tails smiled to himself as he read the fully published version of the comic he’d written so long ago. The End. > The Epilogue > --------------------------------------------------------------------------          Pharaoh Phetlock, Female Fatale, Long-Face, Smudge, Mane-Iac, and ShadowMane have been arrested the very moment Bakura has been defeated, as Tails forgot to mention in his story. The moment after their arrest, they’ve gone to court and have been sentenced to life in prison without parole. After all, they DID help Bakura part-time with demolishing the city of corvine. In such comic relief, the six of them have also been ordered to contribute to a group discussion therapy while behind bars. The physician also doesn’t give up until they come to a breaking point to their reasons of evil deeds.             “Now we’re going to go through this again.” the group physician says, “Who wishes to tell me about one’s parents?”             “My father…” Long Face sighs, “He’s been raised in a house with no furniture.”             “Weird coming from a mime pony.” Mane-Iac snorts.             “Wait your turn!” the physician instructs, “Smudge, how about you?”             “Uhhhhhh…..” the gooey monster groans.             “You won’t get an answer from HIM!” Pharaoh Phetlock sighs, “His brain is full of liquid like his body’s.”             “What about you?” the physician asks the villain, “Are you interested in bad traits because of your interest in history?”             “Well… I had a mummy for a parent…” Pharaoh Phetlock sighs.              “Oh god…” Mane-Iac sighs to herself, “Prison is going to suck…” Sava glances in through the window, and laughs to himself. Then, since he's already struck hard, he leaves, fading away, into the night... The Actual End!!