• Published 2nd Jan 2015
  • 1,066 Views, 5 Comments

The Power Ponies: The Power Inside - Matthew Stone

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The Strength of a SuperMutant

Zapp has finally taken Firestorm back to the underground headquarters, as Isaac guided Zapp in to tend to Firestorm’s weakness.
The lightning-wielder knows Sava and Fili-Second are doing everything they can to hold Mordum off, but feels deep concern of the strength he might hold. However, she’s unaware of Sava and Fili’s plan to defeat the monster, so reassurance is sneaking up to surprise her.

But Bakura, he could appear anytime with anyone knowing. That’s why she told Matter-Horn about what the brothers have planned ahead. That gave Matter-Horn the idea to go outside the tunnel, so can assemble a team to be ready and fight Bakura. As soon as Matter-Horn gets situated with Zapp’s warning, the cyan pegasi superpony runs to check on Firestorm.

She comes across a carved stone room designed by Gladiator, seeing Firestorm put on a steel bed. Isaac then begins to paraphrase chants for a spell called “Removal”. He even gets his equipment out as Zapp resumes watching. A rumble then shakes in the tunnel, having the human citizens panic when feeling the shake. Bakura is getting closer, just as she anticipated. She hopes for whatever holds Bakura and his associates back, works.

Then, Isaac began to perform the spell, as he looks at the text in his spell book. As the chanting goes on, Firestorm feels the surge enter his body. Zapp can also see some blood trickling out his nose.

“How long will he hold up?” Zapp asks.

“The removal is just beginning.” Isaac says.


Zapp has heard the explosion entering the walls, as she turns to see the intruders making their way in. She rushes over to see that Bellcord, JT, Saddle Rager, Radiance, and Mistress Marvelous are hoping to their feet. Gladiator rushes by them, and lifts up his sensor to trigger what’s coming through the hole. Squeals sound, as the citizens back away. Matter-Horn then comes by Gladiator to hear the cause.

“They came sooner than we expected,” Gladiator moans, “It’s the demons.”

“Oh, no...” Zapp sighs.

Fili-Second and Sava breathe heavily as they run against the pounding fists of Mordum, as they follow their running on the shaking bridge. Some of the railings even tear off and fly like ghostly wires as they pass Fili-Second’s dashing trots. Sava even flies himself backward against the flinging rails, catching one to then throw towards Mordum. The move pierces the enemy through his leg, having a good amount of black blood ooze from that wound. There isn’t too much coming out, but enough is capable of making Mordum more infuriated.

“YOU DAMNED PESTS!” Mordum screeches.

As Mordum blasts another round of magic towards Fili-Second and Sava, the hero fox realizes he’s still wearing his belt. He looks down, raising his hand over to reach for something as he runs. Yet, another blast strikes his arm to injure it, having him yelp in pain. He turns to Fili-Second, seeing her to aid him at a task that may help them win this fight. She looks at his belt as she zips past the blasts erupted onto the ground.

“Fili… in one of my belt pockets is a device called a Mutagen Shooter ray gun.” he whispers to her when going by her side, “Get it out and point it directly at me when ready.”

“Won’t that hurt?” she asks.

“Just do as I say and believe what happens… It could give me enough power to win this fight.” Sava finishes.

Fili shrugs, and quickly grabs the ray gun without Mordum noticing. She then runs the opposite direction away from Mordum so his blast attacks are focused on her. Then, she aims at Sava when signaled, and shoots the ray.
[http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9hyvEk010Po] (Song starts at 00:20, ends at 01:20. PLAY IT DURING THE BRAWL!!
The ray fires a glowing green ooze, which covers Sava entirely, causing him to clutch his head. The veins in his body flush into red, as his muscles become buffed up and hard. His chest and abs squeeze tight, as they grow hard as rock as well. His feet then stomp hard on the ground to gain back the attention to Mordum. As of now, the unique ray has made Sava super strong!

"COWABUNGA!!! I could get used to THIS!!" the fox grins.

The fox then rushes at Mordum to throw a fast punch, and another, and another. To that intention, Mordum then jumps upward and fights back by kicking the hero fox into his face. Blood spurts out through Sava’s nose, as he then has is muscular tails slap into Mordum’s chest. The attack has the villain fall away, banging his head against a railing of the bridge. He looks up at the fighter, determined not to lose.

Fili-Second manages to then attempt a move that will distract Mordum from making another attack on the fox. She then flashes over and pushes him over by his butt. In another powerful shove, she then does a surprise upward punch towards his jaw, cracking it slightly until it’s disfigured. Mordum then roars, having enough of the attempts of making him lose. He then grabs Fili by her tail as she starts to run again, and then throws her up into the air.

Sava looks up alarmed, knowing that she’ll crash down or get seriously crushed by one of Mordum’s fatal moves. The bridge continues to rumble, as he flaps over to try and kick him on the back to stop his kill attack. Modum does a back kick with one simple flip, then knocking Sava over against a bridge railing to weaken his muscular stamina. He shivers, as he looks up at Mordum catching the falling power pony by her neck, and then squeezes her throat as he begins to choke her. Fili wheezes, scared when looking into the oozy eyes of the villain.
“Such a pretty pet you are.” Mordum chuckles, “Weak and innocent, just like a real woman.”

“What a sexist bastard…women are independent & strong now; after all, this IS the twenty-first century.” Sava growls silently about Mordum.

He then struggles upward, looking at how he can rescue Fili in any way. The other good thing is to combine the rescue move with something that can defeat Mordum. But what could stop him? Sava looks around without making a sound, seeing the broken cars in debris as they’re tipping over the cliffy edges of the broken bridge. Then, he sees a heavenly curve.


There’s a rounded, high, concrete curve frozen by the heat as the fire continues to take down the bridge slowly and casually. It’s just close enough, and over the enemy severely hurting the fox’s friend. Sava has enough running speed in his muscle power. If he can run quickly without making a sound, he’ll twirl upward and kick Fili out of the bastard’s giant hand. If that will work, he MIGHT make both fists punch into his eyes.

But it will take more than math to measure the right distant to make the winning hit. Still, Sava poses silently and looks at Fili. She the looks at him, wondering what he’s up to.

The fox then zooms his feet, having the tapping soles flow past the gravel rocks without kicking them. He then has his tails flow to steer him in the right direction of the curve. His anger rises, as he hears Mordum’s laughter. The villain is nearing his kill to have Fili draw her final breath. Then, Sava’s feet touch the beginning of the curve.

Sava’s speed goes like a motorcycle in a stunt show, as his feet finalizes his running spin. He twirls as a circle, then going towards Fili to kick open Mordum’s clutched fist. With one sharp foot punch, Fili is released from the grip. Mordum screams from the kicking pain, but gets more of what he deserves. Tails then spins around to see the villainous dolt’s face, and throws up both his fists.




Both fearless fists finally pierce through Mordum’s eyes, having him scream as black blood spurts everywhere away from his body. Fili is disgusted, and zooms away from the inky blood colliding to the ground. She even winches when she sees the evil blood burn through the bridge surface like acid. Sava finishes his twirl and lands both feet on the ground, looking at Mordum’s jelly moving limb jumps to defeat. The clumpy villain soon has his teeth fall out, having them melt into white liquid as if they’re paint.

The skin on Mordum’s body even melts, exposing his black muscles. The shapes twirling around his decomposing body are magically appearing under his feet, tearing away more of his flesh like termites. Sava then looks down to see what the deadly magic is doing besides killing Mordum. The black liquid is expanding, and eating away the bridge. Sava’s muscles tone down, as he looks at Fili.

“We have to leave. NOW.” he says to her.

Fili nods, and has Sava hop on her back. She then flashes away from the flaming bridge, dodging around the burning vehicles as her obstacles. Both the fox and pony are now a kilometer away from the end of the bridge. They feel the shaking earthquake move of the bridge being destroyed, as they too hear the dying roar of Mordum falling into the ocean with the demolished goods to be drowned and melted.

As Sava and Fili are finally off the bridge, they pant at their remembrance of the fight they accomplished. Bakura is the only villain left, along with the demons as his assistants. But the fox and pony can’t help but look back at the damage on the now-gone bridge. Mordum is dead for good, and Fili is slightly traumatized by the fact she almost murdered. Sava then hops off her back, hugging her.

“We still have time.” Sava tells her, “I think we should also go back to the sewer tunnel section, just to make sure the other guys are okay.”

“Sounds good.” Fili huffs, “How will we explain the damage of the bridge though?”

“Believe me…” Sava sighs sadly, “There’s enough damage done to Corvine already.”

Bellcord, JT, Saddle Ranger, Radiance, Mistress Marvelous, Zapp, Matter Horn, Mote, and Gladiator block the demons away from the human citizens. While doing that, Isaac and Pouter continue to protect Hummer by aiding at his wounds. Bellcord works alongside Saddle Ranger, as her super angry charging pushes over the first twenty demons to fall back against a brick wall Bellcord makes with his magic. JT then uses his giant wrench to swipe back some of the demons that push back up, but it doesn’t mean they punch back to him. Radiance then uses her gems to blast the demons attacking the fox, just before one even bit him.

“Thanks.” JT smiles at her.

“Hey, as lady always has to act quick.” she grins, “We’re all fighters here.”

A bigger demon then suddenly jumps over her, having her look up and gasp. It then takes hold of her by the thigh, and looks directly at her with its blank eyes. She screams as the monster is ready to bite her head off, but something jumps onto it’s head to try and distract and irritate it all together. Mistress Marvelous is on top, and she buck kicks the monsters shoulder to have it jerk Radiance away from its grip. Mistress Marvelous then pulls out her lasso, and swings it around the demon’s neck.

The sexy power pony then pulls back the noose, keeping hold as she rides the being like a bull. The beast tries to shake Mistress Marvelous off, as it targets ten of the human citizens being protected by Zapp and Matter Horn. The two power ponies stand guard as the giant demon prances close to them with its gnawing teeth. They then clutch shut, as Mistress Marvelous pulls tighter at the noose to study the ruthless monster. The demon shakes, loosing air from the tugging rodeo move by Marvelous.


Mistress Marvelous makes her winning attack, taking down the demon. However, as the demon falls backward to it’s death, the pressure of its body also crushes Mistress Marvelous. Zapp and Matter Horn gasp in shock, rushing over to lift of the giant demon to make sure Mistress Marvelous is all right. The power pony in her sexy, red, leotard outfit squirms out, huffing in exhaustion. She huffs and gags at the stench she slightly smelled from the demon.

“That monster smelled like SULFUR!” she mumbles.

“No worse than rotten eggs.” Zapp grins jokingly.

Mote and Gladiator do their share of the fight as they’re behind the power ponies. Mote does simple punches and kicks at the demons as they charge over, trying to have their teeth bit his neck. Mote shoves down, and then takes out five of the clever imps with death punches to their foreheads.

Gladiator pops open a laser sword from his wristband gadget, as part of his robotic costume. He slices through the demons, cutting in half by upward moves, to cutting the top body away from the bottom. He dodges their bite moves, and makes a laser shield to hold them back and shove them to they can hit their backs against the wall.


An explosion is suddenly made, as Matter horn gags and gasps. She then looks behind her, seeing that a black aura is covering over the screaming citizens, taking them away. With such dark magic, Bellcord and Saddle Ranger try to rush over and rescue the human citizens. Then, they see Hummer, Isaac, Firestorm, and Pouter being shoved out of the black aura, as they accidentally push down Bellcord and Saddle Ranger, unconscious! Pouter is locked in a cage, as Hummer, Firestorm and Isaac are tied up with grey cords holding their hands behind their back, and holding their ankles. Matter Horn gets up to free them, but then falls down!

She then looks down to her hooves to see that she’s all tied up with magical grey cords binding her top and bottom hooves. She then looks at grey cord appearing all over the place, coming after Radiance, Zapp, Mistress Marvelous, Mote, JT, Saddle Ranger, Gladiator, and Bellcord to bind them all up as well. As the dark, magical rope work is finished up with knots, they lie on the ground, struggling and cuddling while trying to get free. Pouter closes in eyes in embarrassment while crouching in his cage.

“How does it feel to get painful tugs and pinnings?” an evil voice said.

Matter Horn looks up, seeing Bakura stepping out of the shadows in front of the gang.

“I have the citizens now.” he grins.

“But they’re innocent human beings…” Bellcord cries, “Why make them suffer?”

“Because you now made ME suffer!” Bakura sneers, “I now know of what happened. You had your friends kill my brother today. Well let me assure you, I will AVENGE HIM! So… I think I’ll start by killing you…. Matter-Horn….”