• Published 1st May 2012
  • 789 Views, 22 Comments

From nothing To Love and friendship - VocalSymPhonieMusic.

How a 17 year old went from his crap life to a world of love and tolerance wherehis dreams come true

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Chapter 2. A new world a New Song

Chapter 2

A New world, A New Name.

Flying rather clumsily towards Ponyville I ended up losing control and crash into the ground, again.

“Ow! You know what, I think I'm going to walk”

I stand up and flap my wings sending the dust and dirt off of me and walk towards the town. Looking around at the calm and serene landscape I remember my old home where everything was gray and reduced to rubble. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air I relax and enjoy the long walk ahead of me. On the way I wonder what sort of event could have happened to transport me here, could it have been magic gone awry or just a weird space time paradox? Or maybe it could have been discord.

“Ha ha yeah right, why would he even do that? Have me spy on the ponies?”

Laughing at the fleeting thought I walk on towards the village. After awhile I stop at the nearby river and take a big gulp of water, and then jump in to clean myself of the remaining bits of dirt from all my flying attempts off of me. Stepping out after the dip I shake myself free of the water and ruffle my wings to shake out the extra water. Looking back at my wings I realized that they were still wet. Sighing in the realization that they were still feathers so they locked in moisture I stretch them out so they could dry while I walked. I continued on towards the giant windmill in Ponyville with high hopes of whats soon to come.

Barely able to contain my excitement towards the ever-closer town my walk turns into a trot, and then eventually a full on dash towards the town. Normally going this fast I would be tired quickly, but whether it was the different world I was in or me turning into a horse I felt like a million dollars.

After about 10 ten minutes of my full on dashing I started to grew tired so I slowed down to a walk again just as I arrived in Ponyville. A huge smile grew on my face as I saw the bright and cheery town with all of its equally bright and happy pony citizens walking about. Trotting into the town I explored every inch of it, from rarity's dress boutique to sugar cube corners and everything in between. But after my exploration I realized something, I had nowhere to sleep tonight, and I would hate having to sleep in the streets on my first night here.

Looking around town I looked for a job so I could make some bits to rent a room at a inn or something like that. Walking up to a job board I found on one of the buildings in the market, I see a good amount of jobs on it that I could do. There was everything from roof repairs to assistant's for an assortment of jobs. Unfortunately I had no idea of how to do any of those.

“Well this is lame, how am I going to get a job when I can't find anything I can do?”

Saying this out loud to myself I didn't expect to hear a voice behind me ask,

“Are you any good at singing?”


I turn around and see a earth pony with a tan body and a blue mane holding a basket with a bunch of fliers in them.

“Singing, are you any good at it?”

She asked with a more reassured look in her eye.

“Well I did take a couple of voice lessons a while ago but I don't thi-”

“Great! Try outs are soon, don't miss them!”

Shock was evidently clear on my face as the pony hopped away handing out more fliers to other ponies. Looking at the poster I see pony's in suits singing in a choir, along with a time. Looking at the poster again I saw the location; Canterlot's stadium.

“Well it is a good thing that I decided to explore ponyville first otherwise I would not be able to find the train station.”

Trotting off towards the station I pass more pony's who give me a bunch of pleasant, “Hello's” I nod and smile at them in reply and think about how friendlier everypony is here then back where I was. Arriving at the station I just barely catch the train before the doors close and before I know it I'm on my way to Canterlot. But the question remained, could I sing? Having to find out and glad for the empty cart I got, I decided to practice singing a couple of my favorite songs, from my little pony's Winter Wrap-Up to Can't Smile With Out You, I must have sung over twenty songs!

Having practiced singing for a long time and all the events that has happened in the pass day, I go to the sleeping cabins and lie down and close my eyes, resting for the day to come. What I didn't notice was the red musical cutie mark which appeared on my flank while singing.

The next day I awoke to the sound of the train's whistle and the conductor shouting,

“Canterlot Ahead!”

Stretching I walk of the train and look around for someone who would know in which direction the stadium was for the choral tryouts. Spotting a guard I walked over to him, he looked exactly liked the guards in the show. He was clad in golden armor with a fancy trim and had no expression on his face.

“Excuse me sir, but could you point me in the direction of the stadium where the singing tryouts are?”

“Of course, from here you take a left and go down the path there for three streets, then take a right and its straight ahead.”

“Thanks for the help,”

I say and walk in the directions he told me. Walking I noticed all the clothing stores and the fancily garbed ponies around me. Taking the left I could have sworn I passed Fancy pants talking to his friends in the “sophisticated” accent that most Canterlot ponies get. Walking on I examine how everything here seems to be set in perfect order, the shops lined up and completely tidy, the ponies with their fancy cloths and even the streets were clear and sweeped.

Taking the right that the guard said I saw the stadium dead ahead of me and gaining nervous energy I walked towards the stadium and end up running in through the wide entrance greeted by the sight of a bunch of pony's who I assume will be my rivals. There were a lot of them. Apparently they were my competition and from the looks of them, they were trained and ready to sing.

“Well some friendly competition is in order.”

Panic in my voice evident, I walk up to the registration area and check in. Its all or nothing now, I could win and according to the poster get a small home to stay in, or I could lose and have to do a job I have no idea how to do. They call me to the stand placed in the center of the arena. With a deep breath I walk onto the podium and begin to soig, and everypony's jaw drops.

Comments ( 6 )

A new chapter in my series of adventures, spent much longer on this one. as always leave comments and any errors you see so i can edit it to make it better and more grammatically correct. Thanks!

why are there 14 dislikes?

I don't know but I intend to find out everypony to the TARDIS

Sincerely the Doctor

i think it is because the first chapter i posted had a lot of grammatical errors in it, including the wall of text. this time around though i corrected (or tried) to fix all the errors that i made in the first one to improve the story, including having me edit it twice and then a friend to proof-read it. so i believe that is the reason, hopefully that bar will switch in colors soon! :rainbowdetermined2:

how did he travel to canterlot with no bits? I mean is it free or something?


thats actually a good point i meant to put in that the poster had a free two-way ticket to Canterlot in it but forgot to put it in there while writing but thanks for letting me know and ill fix that soon in the writing above or include it in my third chapter, im still writing it however due to the HUGE amount of finals work im currently doing...

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