• Published 27th Dec 2014
  • 5,224 Views, 101 Comments

Friendship is Tragic: Rise of the New Equestrian Order - Tala Tearjerker

Celestia, corrupted by the return of Luna, establishes the New Equestria Order. An organization dedicated to putting mares back in their place.

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Comments ( 30 )

New chapter is out. I'm not an especially quick writer.

Glad you like! I aggressively curate because I don't want the comment threads polluted by garbage, and I get a lot of trash based on the content that I create (or in other places, commission). I've also found that no-contact, deletion/blocking is extremely effective in minimizing trolling. I get the occasional piece of hate every month or so, but it never gets much farther than that.

Expect lots of nonconsensual sex, and ponytears in the near future :9

Okay, very minor pet peeve here. You reference NEO in the description, but don't provide a link to the originating material.

Based on some Comments I'm assuming there must be a story somewhere that this stems from.

Sorry for making such a nit pick comment, but I'm a bit obsessive compulsive when it comes to wanting to locate prior stories before delving into something I've just come across.

As for comments, over on my story I indulged a troll, who's whole shtick seemed to be implying I was gay. I tried to humor him along, but he soon clearly proved to have zero sense of humor and it seemed no idea I was joking with my comments. When he stopped with the inuendo and said outright that he was trying to say I was gay, I gave a sigh and deleted the entire comment thread. Never heard one word from anyone against the move. Far as I can tell the very fact that you're getting so many comments about deleting comments just shows that people are involved in the discussion. In a way better than them going "Meh."

I can help a little.
Everything I know about the NEO continuity comes from one commissioner that goes by the name Whitekitten. You can find his commissioned art on his furaffinity or by searching "whitekitten" on derpibooru.
He's (or she?) is responsible for a lot of commissions from top tier artists, and it's produced some great pics; but it's not for the faint of heart. Each pic has a story attached to it, you can learn of NEO from his furaffinity.
Don't really know if whitekitten is the author of this story or not...


Ah, thank you. Have seen some of that art before. The concept is over the top and very unrealistic, which means it does not really bother me that much.

I'm not a fan of snuff, mainly based on the idea that you can't have your cake and eat it too. It's a waste for Spike to eat Rarity when he could make good use of her for many months.

There is already a story universe on the site based on them using the clone pool and sending off ponies to a human world to be sex toys and food, but I rather like the idea of them finding some means of making copies of the more desirable characters.

Imagine if you could copy Twilight and the others at the point before they know what was going on. Then you could pull a groundhog day scenario with each new version, trying out a different means of finishing the encounter.

As long as there is no gruesome death I can dig it.
If you like time loops (I love Groundhog Day, Bill Murray is awesome) I recommend you try Hard Reset, it really takes the concept and runs with it.

There's nothing to link you to, you're reading the original source material. I do a lot of world building when I roleplay and this is a private setting I've built up over a long period of time. Part of the point is that you're not suppose to know everything up front, you should wonder and posit what it all means.

5905735 That's all I need to know. Now I can enjoy, or not enjoy, the story on it's own merits without wondering what I'm missing out on.

Having checked out both chapters now I can say that while I like the concept, the fact that the victims feel nothing but pain spoiled it for me.

Having Celestia heal and basically restructure Pinkie's insides was a good plot bunny, but why couldn't she take it that one step further to the point where Pinkie experienced mind blowing pleasure and ended up mind blasted and drooling?

I tend to place myself in the POV of the victim in most of these sort of stories and this story seems totally focused on rapist's fun, which in part includes their victims suffering greatly. Hence the name Tearjerker I guess.

This is your world and your fetish, and I'd not for one instant say you can't write it, or that you are not entitled to your fetish, but I will say that if you're producing it for a larger audience you might give some thought to making it more assessable to those who like to read from the POV of the victim.

Mind you, I have run into more than a few people on the net who would adore picturing themselves at the victim in this sort of scenario, so there is that.


Well that would explain several things. :p

I'm definitely not writing these for anyone else other than myself. I'm writing for an audience of one. It's just fun to put them up here and share.

Personally I've always found the "girl getting raped enjoys it" trope silly at best, and bait and switch at worst. It's also highly unrealistic. At best a victim would experience physical stimulation, but still suffer intense mental trauma, whereas most forced-but-enjoys-it scenarios are portrayed as the female originally being unwilling, but then subcumming to the sexual prowess of their assailant and thanking them afterwards. I'm not really interested in those scenarios, so they won't find a place in my work :)

All of them grinder related, I'm sure.


That's fine. I've written more than a few stories that were just for myself. They tend to be pretty chaotic as I jump from one theme to another at random. I can read them and understand but they are not really suitable for publication. Because they are pretty awful in terms of presentation, not because of the content. -_-;;;

There are lots of people in real life who indulge in BDSM and rape play. The stories I like tend to follow in that vein. The thing about using cartoon characters is that their play can be a heck of a lot more rough than what real people could indulge in.

For Instance Pinkie Pie, based on some of the things she does in Canon could likely deepthroat even Celestia in your story.

But I can certainly understand why you would regard it as wimping out and unrealistic to portray a genuine rape where the victim enjoys it.

Cant say I dont enjoy the more realistic scenarios, but it does feel a little odd that pinkie is so weak, her fourth wall breaking powers makes her a little hard to put in her place so to speak, not that challenge is a bad thing. The main question on my mind is if luna is a mare or not.

While that makes sense for this fic in particular, it tends to circle back to unrealistic with some of your other works. When total female submission is the way the world works, and there is no distinction between consent and rape, the female half of the populous would adjust and tolerate the random rapes, even enjoy them, in order to maintain sanity. This is on top of all the cultural conditioning they'd have received before hand. Even the threat of death loses it's fear factor when every female knows that they are the only source of meat in their world, and thus will never live past 40, 50 max. While this isn't the status quo yet for the New Equestrian Order yet, it probably will be in a few generations.

Of course, this is ignoring the fact that any attempt to institute such a society would be doomed to failure, but that comes with the territory.

Actually, seeing as thtiger suggested that Celestia would use mind control on Pinkie, and that I know you've used that sorta mind control in the past, you didn't really explain why Celestia wouldn't just mind blast Pinkie into a quivering slave.

To address two points.

1. I'm not sure where the reference to previous usage of mind control is coming from (I've never incorporated that into any of my commissions or fics), but Celestia wouldn't use it anyways. At least not at first. Breaking in a mare is it's own reward. Imagine the difference between someone using a hand drawn loom versus a completely mechanised one, surely the second is more efficient, but has less of that hands-on feel for the artist.

2. I disagree that the knowledge that you're going to die greatly lessens the terror associated with it. People who may have fatal, untreatable heritable diseases often times do not get themselves tested expressly because of the existential terror that comes with knowing one's time of death, even to ballpark ranges.

Also, there are plenty of examples in the art I've commissioned that demonstrates a sort of reluctant acceptance of one's fate when a society becomes completely patriarchal. I'm pretty sure I can't link to any of it here, but it shouldn't be hard to find.

To me Pinkie's fourth wall powers only exist because she doesn't realize that they're there, and isn't actively exercising them to solve problems directly. The fact that she defies gravity, or bounces in ways that she shouldn't be able to, is expressly because she isn't trying to use it to directly solve any problem, it's just a side effect of who she is.

Also, you'll find out about Luna in the next chapter. Promise!

I more meant that they give her the ability to know things she wouldn't ordinarily know. it wouldn't solve any problem here, it would just create one for those involved.

I'm betting Tala is the one that taught Celestia to think like this.

That'll be addressed soon enough :)

well after reading this second chapter I don't think I need to read anymore to know that this isn't for me. Mostly because Celestia is almost Whitekitten levels of appallingly evil/cruel. Not quite there yet because there hasn't been pony grinding but good day to you sir, I'm out.

6080052 I see, well that does explain why the content and dialog seemed so close to whitekitten's stuff.

When will this next chapter come?

I'm interested, but is it discontinued?

I haven't started working on a new chapter, but I will eventually. My life is very busy at the moment.

Update on there being any updates?

What does "CORPUS EIUS, NOS DOMINATIO" mean? Something about domination, of course.

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