• Published 16th Dec 2014
  • 430 Views, 14 Comments

Fallen Star - SenpaiStarFeather

When you have no past to look back on and no future ahead of you, only the present matters.

  • ...

The Sunset and the Moon

While thumbing through various books on magic in the classroom, Sunset glanced over at Star Feather. He was sitting next to an oaken bookshelf trying to comprehend the articles from a book on obscure types of magic. She pointed her hoof at him indignantly and shouted "Oh look, the pony too dumb to participate in a field trip!"

"That's not it at all," he retorted. "I just didn't go."

Sunset frowned and returned to her report. Celestia entered the room and called for the classes attention and collected the reports. After all the papers were gathered, she began to resume the lessons on transmutation magic.

"Okay everypony, today we will be perfecting the transmutation from yesterday!" She glanced down at Star, who was sitting by her side. She asked him to sit and watch. Star's eyes were glued to Sunset Shimmer - her horn glowing brightest in the class. It emitted a beautiful green light as she turned hay into needles, sand into glitter, and so on. Her red and yellow mane suddenly looked prettier too...

"C-celestia... I feel strange" he stammered as the Princess giggled childishly.

"You must not be used to the magic in the air, you'll be fine." Celestia wandered around the room observing the class's progress, Star's wings suddenly opened and he couldn't put him down,

"Has she cast a spell on me?" he gasped. The very thought of it was terrifying. But he figured it would be best to wait until after class to bring up the issue.

The Castle Gardens were beautiful. Within its boundaries one could see a variety of exotic flowers, fruit filled trees, and greenest grass known to pony kind. Many tall and inquisitive statues looked down at Star as he looked for Sunset; he found her standing under a strange statue of a monster with a variety of strange features… as If she wasn't intimidating enough.

"Umm... Sun-set?" he muttered as he nervously approached the unicorn.

"It’s Sunset SHIMMER to you." she snapped at him. "Something you want?"

Star attempted to hide his eyes with his shiny blue mane, but it was to no avail. "Did you put a spell on me in class? I felt really strange when I was watching you do your magic and I couldn't put my wings down for a while..."

Sunset glared at him furiously, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

"I didn't do anything to you!" She trotted off thinking to herself I wonder what it means if a Pegasus can’t put down their wings... I'll have to take a look through the library...

She glanced back to see Star staring at her flank. She went from pink to bright red and screamed at the top her lungs. "YOU FREAKING PERVERT!" She threw a rock at him, striking him in the forehead. Blood slowly ran down his face as he looked at her with bewilderment and heartbreak.

"What’s a pervert? I was just wondering what that thing on your flank is. Celestia has one too!"

Sunset fachoofed and explained the meaning of it to him. "It's a cutie mark. Only awesome ponies who have found their destiny have one! Explains why you’re just a blank flank. If I ever catch you staring at me again I'll poke your eyes out!" She stormed back into the castle. Star wasn't sure if she had really meant the threat or not. But he had no interest in finding out. He walked over to one of the nearby potted plants and pulled off a leaf to wipe the blood off his face.
Well that was...Something...

Star left the gardens and trotted into the throne room where Celestia was arguing with Sunset. "I just don’t get why a Pegasus should be in a magic class!"

"He's a... Special Case..." she mumbled. She didn’t want her to know too much about the mysterious young protégé.

"I heard he's insane, is that his 'Special Case'?"


Star walked up behind Sunset and asked "Who told you I'm insane?"

Sunset whipped around in surprise. "Wha-"

"Whoever they are they’re wrong!" Star was angry at the little brat. After all, what kind of pony would say things like that?

"Why are you still here!?" Sunset retorted indignantly.

"Well, I don’t really have an answer yet.”

"You can't be serious. You’re pathetic!" Sunset hoped Celestia wouldn't say what she thought she would. But alas, it was not so.

"I suppose you can live in the castle while you make your decision..."

Sunset groaned.

"Why are you so upset?"

Sunset Turned to Star Feather, pointing her nose up to the ceiling and informed him with a cocky voice,

"Being Princess Celestia's personal pupil, I am allowed to live in the castle, I’m pretty much a princess already!"

"And you would be homeless without me." Celestia reminded her.

"Yeah... And that..." Sunset's eyes suddenly turned to the floor, she really looked upset now.

Celestia’s eyes shifted towards Star Feather. His blue fur was clearly smudged with a nice shade of red. “Star Feather, what happened to you?”

Sunset went from upset to petrified. She stared at Star helplessly knowing her fate was sealed.

“I um… I tripped over a rock and hit my head.”

“Sweet mother of me please be more careful! I’ll take you to the nurse.”


The sky grew dark and the two little ones were sent to their rooms. As luck would have it, they just so happened to be sitting right next to eachother.

Sunset threatened the poor little Pegasus as she entered her room. "Now if I find out you've been in my room I swear to Celestia I will MURDER you."

I can't believe such a mean filly could be Celestia's personal student... She is pretty though... Star thought to himself, climbing into his regal bed.
Now how do I do this again? Do I just wait for the voice? Star's thoughts were interrupted by the very voice he was thinking of.
Try to climb the castle... Use your wings...

Star wasn't about to say no to the pretty voice, so crawled out of bed and gave a few test flaps of his wings. At least he knew what they were for now. He nervously flew up the sides of the towers until he came to the highest one, the moon hanging overhead, illuminating the starry night sky.

You made it... Good job! I see you found my sister..."

"Who are you?"

My name is Luna. You have been referring to me as 'Moon Pony' correct?

Star gasped, "You're the Moon Pony?!"

Yes... I have been guiding you since you first woke up! Tell me, how is Celestia? I can only see brief manifestations of the world through you. Communicating from inside here is very tiring...

"She's fine; she even gave me a name!"

Oh? And what name would that be?

"Star Feather!"

Yes... A fine name indeed for a fine Star Pony!

"Thing is... I don't know if I even want to be a Star Pony... It just doesn't seem right to have my destiny chosen for me. There’s gotta’ be so many things out there I can learn to do!”
Hmmm... I can see where you're coming from my child, but you must understand, if you don't protect the night sky, who will?

"I suppose I never thought of it that way..."

When I was in your position, neither did I. But trust me. You are more special than you know. I must go now; I need power for my gaming system after all! I went a whole day without it just to talk to you!

"Ok... Goodbye Luna!"

Star flew back into his room, pondering the faculties of a “gaming system” and hopelessly wandering what it be. While gliding down towards his room, he noticed that flying came naturally to him. It actually was a lot of fun! He flew right through his window and into his bed, sliding flawlessly into the silken sheets. As he lay in bed, he heard her voice once more. He looked up into the night sky, the gently light of the stars smiling down upon him.

Twinkle twinkle my little star
Never give up you will go far
Up above the world so high...
I believe in you, my child of the night...

Author's Note:

I would like to thank the AMAZING VinnyMartello for editing these Chapters to perfection. Thanks Mate XD