> Fallen Star > by SenpaiStarFeather > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the night exactly 10 years ago. The sky was lit up with more stars than usual. It was on this night a young Colt awoke in a field with no recollection of who he was and where he came from. He looked at himself, finding he had a deep purple coat and a pair of small wings.His mane was a darker purple than his coat and his tail was messy and had a silver streak like a shooting star. He gazed at the night sky and gasped: 'Its beautiful...' He looked into the moon and could sort of make out a pony in its gleaming surface. 'A beautiful Moon Pony? If only It could help me...' At that moment the moonlight shifted, the young Colt looked in the direction it had started to move and saw a big city with a castle glowing in the silver light. "That place looks nice..." He looked up at the Moon Pony "Should I go there?" The Moon twinkled for a moment, that's pretty much a yes right? 'Thank you Moon Pony... I'll go there and find out who I really am!' he started in the direction of the city, praying somepony would be able to help him find out who he was. The sunrise was beautiful. The young Colt stopped to admire if for a while, learning the first of many lessons he had to learn: DON'T LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN. His eyes were still sore when he bumped into the millionth object in the last 10 minutes, but this object was not a tree or a rock, it was warm and furry. He struggled to open his eyes but finally saw a brown pony with a massive smile on his face. "HIYA! MynamesCheeseSandwichbutyoucancallmeCheesieIreallyneedtotellsomebodyabouttheamazingpartylastnightItallstarte-" "I may be new to...Life...But I still know that ponies need to breath." "Oh yeah!" The pony took a deep breath... "So you met The most 'amazingtastical' mare on the planet who inspired you and stole your heart without saying a word to you?" "YES! Just her name is amzingtastical... Pinkie Pie...Ahhhhhh!" Cheese Sandwich fainted. Cheese woke up to a frantic Pegasus trying to decide what to do with 'the body' Cheese asked him what was wrong but just got a "Please this is REALLY not the time!" Cheese got up and showered the worried pony with confetti. "CHEESE!" "ME!" "I WAS SO WORRIED" "WELL NO NEED NOW!" "Y-yeah..." The two ponies walked for a while, Cheese eventually saying: "It's been fun but I'm afraid this is my stop! See that campfire over there?" He waved his hoof at a spiral of smoke in the sky. "Those poor poor Buffalo have never seen a party! I must save them! FOR PINKIE! And y'know what? I'll remember you. I'll throw you the biggest party just you wait and see!" He gallopped off in the other direction, leaving the young Colt to continue his journy to Canterlot. By the next evening he made it to the Canterlot gates, he stood in awe at the beauty of the town. He looked around for the big building he had seen a few nights before and found it. Canterlot Castle. 'Its even more amazing up close...' Two guards quickly approached him. 'State your business.' One said looking accusingly at him. 'I ...uh....' The other one was much more relaxed. 'Dude its just a little Colt, hey there little guy! Are you lost? Can you tell me where your mommy and daddy are?' He spoke in a slightly patronizing voice. 'Mommy...and Daddy?' He responded, not knowing what these strange words meant. The relaxed guard let out a sigh, 'Look kid, you cant just waltz into the castle. What kind of guards would we be if we let you in? Crummy ones that's for sure. If you don't even know what Mommy and Daddy mean you should probably be looking someplace else to go...' The little Colt looked at the floor in sadness, 'Oh...OK then...' He trotted off wondering what to do with himself untill he noticed it was getting dark again. 'Well I'm here now... So what do ponies do when its dark like this? I usually just feel really weak and everything goes dark...' He layed down on his back in the middle of the street (and getting some confused stares in return) gazing at the beautiful night sky once again. A beautiful song started playing in his ears... Twinkle Twinkle my little star... Im so proud you got this far... Don't lose hope now don't lose sight... I'll watch over you my child of the night... > Lonely Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moon hung directly over the young Colt's sleeping body, and deep within that moon a pony collapsed on the floor. "Damn... That much power to contact somepony so close to me? I suppose I did use a lot of power to summon that gaming system but... That's not the point!" The pony looked around, so many years she had sat here in this shiny bright room, a window on one side giving her a view of the planet she had once lived on. Her life consisted of playing video games mostly but it was still a prison. "I hope that she notices our similarities... Who am I kidding? She's probably so bored without me she would kill for some company! She'll probably adopt him on the spot!" The pony chuckled and looked at her twinkling silver crown, it had been so long since she had worn it... She rested the crown on her black coated head and looked at her reflection in the shiny wall. "Look at me. I'm so pathetic... My mane has returned to the way it was when I was a mere Pegasus like him... My body has grown thin... I mean sure I can summon food at will but... I don't really have an appetite these days..." She curled up on the couch in front of her T.V and fell fast asleep... The sun’s warm light gently entered through a nearby window. It touched the young Colt’s face. When he opened his eyes, he found himself sitting in a bed. Unbeknownst to him it was a room in the Canterlot Hospital. He could overhear muffled voices outside the door. “So, he was passed out in the street?” “Yup… tried to get in the castle yesterday but I sent him off. I asked him where his mommy and daddy were but he had no idea what I was talking about. Something’s really wrong with this one.” The door flung open. A white mare with a shiny pink mane entered the room. Her smiling eyes felt very welcoming to the confused young colt. She walked up to him, and looked him over thoroughly. She looked in his eyes, opened his mouth, twisted his legs in all sorts of strange directions, and even asked him to cough loudly. That part made him very uncomfortable. “Hmmmm…. Nothing wrong with this one” said the white mare. “Tell me, what’s your name little one?” The colt looked down at his hind legs and remained silent. “Oh come now dear. You certainly must have a name!” “I… I don’t… I don’t have one,” he muttered, rubbing his forehooves together. The door flung open again. This time is was a rather tall white mare with a glowing mane. She wore a crown upon her head and had a symbol of the sun on her flank. She was a sight to behold for such curious young eyes. This bold and imposing figure looked over at the touchy-feely mare with great concern. “Nurse, is he alright?” “Yes your majesty. He’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with him per se. But… ummm…. He has strange eyes. His pupils. They’re… they’re different.” “Thank you. That will be all. I wish to speak with him in private.” “Yes your majesty.” The nurse left room. The tall and intimidating mare stepped towards our very thoroughly confused and scared young colt. She looked down upon him, but with compassion, not authority. Her warm smile put the young colt at ease. “Tell me little one, what is your name?” “I don’t have one” he lamented, shrugging his shoulders. “I see.” She looked into his eyes. His pupil weren't round like a pony’s, square like a goats, or even ovular like a bat’s. They made a five pointed star. Celestia had not seen eyes like these in a long time. This youngster sitting before her was special. “Now little one. I have something to tell you. You are very special. And I believe I know where you came from. You are a Star Pony – born to protect the night sky. Your purpose is to defend our world from others with ill intent. I have seen one like you. Only one. Maybe you will meet her someday. But for now, let’s focus on you.” Tears began to well up in his shiny eyes. “So that’s it then. I exist. I’m here just to protect a world full of creatures won’t even realize I’m protecting them? What’s the point?” Celestia gently placed her hoof under his chin. “Look me in the eyes, child. I know it may seem like a bad thing. It’s a scary world out there I know. But you are gifted! You are special and your purpose is so important. I will take you to Cloudsdale tomorrow. It’s a city in the sky. You’ll love it there. I will place you under the watchful eye of my faithful servant. He may seem a bit odd, but you’ll like him.” “I still need a name!” he stammered. “That is important, isn’t it?” She look up towards the ceiling thoughtfully, not uttering a word. Her eyes shifted back towards the colt, a big smile on her face. “I know!” she exclaimed. She tapped her horn on each of his shoulders. “I hereby dub thee… Star Feather!” The newly named Star Feather looked up at her with great concern. “But I don’t know what to do. Just having my destiny picked for me? It doesn't seem right.” “Trust me little one. It is.” > The Sunset and the Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While thumbing through various books on magic in the classroom, Sunset glanced over at Star Feather. He was sitting next to an oaken bookshelf trying to comprehend the articles from a book on obscure types of magic. She pointed her hoof at him indignantly and shouted "Oh look, the pony too dumb to participate in a field trip!" "That's not it at all," he retorted. "I just didn't go." Sunset frowned and returned to her report. Celestia entered the room and called for the classes attention and collected the reports. After all the papers were gathered, she began to resume the lessons on transmutation magic. "Okay everypony, today we will be perfecting the transmutation from yesterday!" She glanced down at Star, who was sitting by her side. She asked him to sit and watch. Star's eyes were glued to Sunset Shimmer - her horn glowing brightest in the class. It emitted a beautiful green light as she turned hay into needles, sand into glitter, and so on. Her red and yellow mane suddenly looked prettier too... "C-celestia... I feel strange" he stammered as the Princess giggled childishly. "You must not be used to the magic in the air, you'll be fine." Celestia wandered around the room observing the class's progress, Star's wings suddenly opened and he couldn't put him down, "Has she cast a spell on me?" he gasped. The very thought of it was terrifying. But he figured it would be best to wait until after class to bring up the issue. The Castle Gardens were beautiful. Within its boundaries one could see a variety of exotic flowers, fruit filled trees, and greenest grass known to pony kind. Many tall and inquisitive statues looked down at Star as he looked for Sunset; he found her standing under a strange statue of a monster with a variety of strange features… as If she wasn't intimidating enough. "Umm... Sun-set?" he muttered as he nervously approached the unicorn. "It’s Sunset SHIMMER to you." she snapped at him. "Something you want?" Star attempted to hide his eyes with his shiny blue mane, but it was to no avail. "Did you put a spell on me in class? I felt really strange when I was watching you do your magic and I couldn't put my wings down for a while..." Sunset glared at him furiously, her cheeks turning slightly pink. "I didn't do anything to you!" She trotted off thinking to herself I wonder what it means if a Pegasus can’t put down their wings... I'll have to take a look through the library... She glanced back to see Star staring at her flank. She went from pink to bright red and screamed at the top her lungs. "YOU FREAKING PERVERT!" She threw a rock at him, striking him in the forehead. Blood slowly ran down his face as he looked at her with bewilderment and heartbreak. "What’s a pervert? I was just wondering what that thing on your flank is. Celestia has one too!" Sunset fachoofed and explained the meaning of it to him. "It's a cutie mark. Only awesome ponies who have found their destiny have one! Explains why you’re just a blank flank. If I ever catch you staring at me again I'll poke your eyes out!" She stormed back into the castle. Star wasn't sure if she had really meant the threat or not. But he had no interest in finding out. He walked over to one of the nearby potted plants and pulled off a leaf to wipe the blood off his face. Well that was...Something... Star left the gardens and trotted into the throne room where Celestia was arguing with Sunset. "I just don’t get why a Pegasus should be in a magic class!" "He's a... Special Case..." she mumbled. She didn’t want her to know too much about the mysterious young protégé. "I heard he's insane, is that his 'Special Case'?" "No!" Star walked up behind Sunset and asked "Who told you I'm insane?" Sunset whipped around in surprise. "Wha-" "Whoever they are they’re wrong!" Star was angry at the little brat. After all, what kind of pony would say things like that? "Why are you still here!?" Sunset retorted indignantly. "Well, I don’t really have an answer yet.” "You can't be serious. You’re pathetic!" Sunset hoped Celestia wouldn't say what she thought she would. But alas, it was not so. "I suppose you can live in the castle while you make your decision..." Sunset groaned. "Why are you so upset?" Sunset Turned to Star Feather, pointing her nose up to the ceiling and informed him with a cocky voice, "Being Princess Celestia's personal pupil, I am allowed to live in the castle, I’m pretty much a princess already!" "And you would be homeless without me." Celestia reminded her. "Yeah... And that..." Sunset's eyes suddenly turned to the floor, she really looked upset now. Celestia’s eyes shifted towards Star Feather. His blue fur was clearly smudged with a nice shade of red. “Star Feather, what happened to you?” Sunset went from upset to petrified. She stared at Star helplessly knowing her fate was sealed. “I um… I tripped over a rock and hit my head.” “Sweet mother of me please be more careful! I’ll take you to the nurse.” __________________________________________ The sky grew dark and the two little ones were sent to their rooms. As luck would have it, they just so happened to be sitting right next to eachother. Sunset threatened the poor little Pegasus as she entered her room. "Now if I find out you've been in my room I swear to Celestia I will MURDER you." I can't believe such a mean filly could be Celestia's personal student... She is pretty though... Star thought to himself, climbing into his regal bed. Now how do I do this again? Do I just wait for the voice? Star's thoughts were interrupted by the very voice he was thinking of. Try to climb the castle... Use your wings... Star wasn't about to say no to the pretty voice, so crawled out of bed and gave a few test flaps of his wings. At least he knew what they were for now. He nervously flew up the sides of the towers until he came to the highest one, the moon hanging overhead, illuminating the starry night sky. You made it... Good job! I see you found my sister..." "Who are you?" My name is Luna. You have been referring to me as 'Moon Pony' correct? Star gasped, "You're the Moon Pony?!" Yes... I have been guiding you since you first woke up! Tell me, how is Celestia? I can only see brief manifestations of the world through you. Communicating from inside here is very tiring... "She's fine; she even gave me a name!" Oh? And what name would that be? "Star Feather!" Yes... A fine name indeed for a fine Star Pony! "Thing is... I don't know if I even want to be a Star Pony... It just doesn't seem right to have my destiny chosen for me. There’s gotta’ be so many things out there I can learn to do!” Hmmm... I can see where you're coming from my child, but you must understand, if you don't protect the night sky, who will? "I suppose I never thought of it that way..." When I was in your position, neither did I. But trust me. You are more special than you know. I must go now; I need power for my gaming system after all! I went a whole day without it just to talk to you! "Ok... Goodbye Luna!" Star flew back into his room, pondering the faculties of a “gaming system” and hopelessly wandering what it be. While gliding down towards his room, he noticed that flying came naturally to him. It actually was a lot of fun! He flew right through his window and into his bed, sliding flawlessly into the silken sheets. As he lay in bed, he heard her voice once more. He looked up into the night sky, the gently light of the stars smiling down upon him. Twinkle twinkle my little star Never give up you will go far Up above the world so high... I believe in you, my child of the night... > First Days > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two Unicorns were trotting up the marble stairs leading to Canterlot Castle. One was a sky blue filly with a platinum mane, the other was a pure white young stallion who looked no older than seventeen, he wore shining golden armor and if his tail poking out the back of said armor was anything to go by, he had a dark blue mane. The older stallion turned to the young filly and said with a warm smile, "Hello there, is it your first day here? I've never seen you around." The blue filly turned to face the stallion and said in a cocky voice, "Indeed. I, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE! Am here to ace Celestia's Royal Magic Class!" "Great and Powerful Trixie eh?" The white Unicorn began looking around for something, "What are you looking for?" Trixie may be cocky but she was anything but unhelpful, "Just looking for the pump that inflates that ego of yours, it must be the strongest one in Equestria!" The white Unicorn fell over in a laughing fit, almost toppling down the stairs. Even Trixie chuckled a bit. "Alright, Trixie will give you that one, what is your name?" "Shining Armor. It's my first day as an actual guard, I suppose that's something we have in common huh?" "I suppose." Shining and Trixie reached the castle doors where Captain Storm Wing was waiting for him, the two Unicorns shook hooves, wishing the other good luck, and trotted their separate ways. Star Feather awoke to a Royal Breakfast and servants fussing over him, he was dragged out of his regal bed and he had his coat brushed to perfection (his mane and tail strangely kept their messy styles no matter what the servants tried) they sat him at one end of a long dining table with Celestia's Cutie Mark printed on the center. He glanced over to the other end of the table to see Sunset relishing the treatment, as if there was any doubt she wouldn't be. "Oreo!" A timid black coated unicorn with a silky white mane came shakily out of the kitchen, "Y-yes Mistress Sunset?" "This toast is burned! Make some more!" "B-but Mistress, the toast is perfect, I made sure of-" A small spout of flame shot from Sunset's horn, charring the toast and terrifying poor Oreo. "SEE. BURNED. MAKE ME SOME MORE NOW!" "Yes Mistress Sunset! P-please forgive meeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Oreo scampered off into the kitchen as a cruel smile spread over Sunset's face. She turned to look at Star only to receive a death stare that broke even her concentration. "S-stop that. Right now!" "Why were you so mean to Oreo? He made you a lovely Breakfast and you burned it! Since when did you have fire powers anyway!?" Star was evidently angry but Sunset simply rolled her eyes, "One: Fire is kinda my thing, I literally have a sun on my flank. Two: I have the power to mistreat him, so I do. Simple as that." The doors swung open to reveal a pure white Unicorn with a golden mane strutting into the Dining Hall like he owned the place. He walked over to Sunset and touched his horn to hers and said in an overly pampered voice, "Sunset my radiant little flower did you miss me? I certainly missed you..." He leaned in closer to her waiting for an answer, "Buck off Blueblood before I do to you what I did to my toast, and you don't want that. Ask him over there." She pointed to Star who shook his head at the newcomer. "And who, pray tell, is this?" Star Feather got out of his chair and trotted over to Blueblood, offering a hoof to him, "This is what I'm supposed to do right Sunset?" Another cruel smile appeared on Sunset's face. " Yes Prince. "Prince?!" Star and Blueblood cried in unison "Yes Blueblood, I went and found a real stallion while you were gone!" Blueblood turned to Star Feather, left eye twitching, and cried, "YOU STOLE MY DEAR SUNSET FROM ME! FOR THIS, YOU SHALL PAY!" He grabbed a glove from... Somewhere... With his magic and slapped Star across the face. "I CHALLENGE YOU TO A ROYAL DUEL WITH YOUR HONOR AT STAKE!" "Oooooooooooh! I'll get the whole class to watch!" Sunset was excited at the thought of colts fighting over her. "Do you accept my challenge Knave?" Blueblood asked cockily. "I have absolutely no idea what a Royal Duel is but YES!" Star Feather was sitting next to Celestia again, watching the class perform Possession spells with various degrees of success. Sunset had managed to make her doll dance around her desk while others could only manage a small wave of the hand. Suddenly, the room began to grow darker and darker until nopony could see anything beyond the light of their horns, a spotlight appeared in the middle of the classroom and a deep voice echoed through the room. " Greetings future admirers, prepare yourselves to be SHOCKED, AMAZED, MIND BLOWN, and ENVIOUS as I..." A blue glittery puff of smoke appeared under the spotlight. "The GREAT and POWERFUL TRRRRRRIXIE!... Joins your class." "Ah. I was wondering when you would grace us with your presence..." Celestia sarcastically addressed the new member of her class. Sunset took one look at that filly and decided, She's mine. Star Feather started clapping for the filly, causing a few more claps, then a few more. Eventually even Sunset was clapping at the entrance. Trixie sat down in the desk next to Sunset, her eyes trailing down to her Cutie Mark. "See something you like O Great and Pervy Trixie?" "I like that Cutie Mark, It matches mine." Trixie pointed at her Cutie Mark, A Crescent Moon with a wand. "So it does, I think you and I will get along juuuust fine." After class Star wandered the halls of Celestia's Castle, dwelling on what Luna had told him: if you don't protect the night sky, who will? "Something wrong?" Star gasped and quickly turned around to see Celestia looking at him with concern. "It's just... I've been thinking about the whole Star Pony thing..." "And?" Celestia's eyes twinkled with hope, "I realized... Who else but me can?" "Is that a yes?" Star nodded, and Celestia beamed with excitement, "I'll arrange a trip to Cloudsdale first thing tomorrow!" Star watched as Celestia practically bounced down the hall, pleased that he had made her a so happy. "Star Pony hmm?" Star whipped around for the second time to see Blueblood staring at him questioningly. "Um... I... Uh..." Star stammered, unable to form a proper sentence. "It doesn't matter to me, what matters is that my mother is happy, and that I get to destroy you for taking my dear Sunset away from me!" He stomped off, muzzle in the air. Star trailed behind him to the 'Battlefield' "I wasn't aware Princess Celestia's pool doubled as a Battlefield." Trixie glanced over to Sunset on the lifeguard chair next to her. "It works doesn't it?" "I suppose." Star Feather glared over to the other side of the empty pool, Blueblood doing the same. all the children from their class had crowded around the edge, all while Sunset and Trixie watched from their lifeguard 'thrones.' Sunset called for attention, and begun to explain the rules: "Rule number 1! No flying out of the pool! flying around is ok but no higher than the spectators! Rule number 2! If any attacks fall upon myself, Trixie or the audience, the attacker will be disqualified! And Rule number 3-" "Whoever wins gets a kiss from Sunset!" Trixie butted in, a mad glint in her eye. Sunset paled. Blueblood went red. Star had no clue what a 'kiss' was. Trixie leaned over and took the flag from Sunset's lap, she began waving it in the air: "3!" "Trixie can we have a diff-" "2!" "I mean can't you kiss the-" "1!" "TRIXIE!" "FIGHT!" Fight? What did that mean? Star soon found out as Blueblood's hoof connected with his muzzle. "OWCH! You-" Another hit, then another, soon a thin line of blood trailed from Star's mouth. Blueblood laughed at him with the crowd. "Let's see who's laughing when I'm the bucking winner!" Star's language stunned Blueblood long enough for a purple hoof to send him skidding across the floor, Blueblood could swear he saw actual flames in those usually bright eyes... "Hmff! Such language!" "Sunset said it..." "Well she's Sunset!" Blueblood charged at Star with his horn lowered, but a quick flap of his wings Star was over him and falling. CRASH Star landed on Blueblood, causing a few drops of blood to spill from under his mane. "You-" Star brought his hoof down again, further damaging Blueblood's previously perfect mane. "I-I surrender!" Star stopped his cruel beating and hopped off of Blueblood, extending his hoof to him. "I.m... I'm so sorry..." Blueblood got to his hooves. "No. You won. You have earned the adoration of the class, your prize, and my respect as a rival. Speaking of your prize..." Sunset landed softly like a cat and walked towards Star Feather. "This... This wasn't my idea OK? All Trixie. No me. This only happens once got it? "Got it! Now whats a kiss?" Sunset rolled her eyes and smirked, "How did I know you would say that..." She leaned in and kissed him on the muzzle, quickly pulling away with a face redder than her mane... > Beautiful Melodies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star awoke to the same routine as the day before: fussy servants, a Royal Breakfast, Oreo abuse and a pompous (yet still slightly sore) Blueblood. Star himself wasn't feeling so good as well, he had a small plaster on his muzzle which Sunset said made him look like a 'badass.' Whatever that meant. Celestia entered the Dining Hall as everypony finished their food, and sat down next to Star Feather. "Are you ready?" She asked, the same excited twinkle in her big blue eyes. "Of course!" "Delightful. Can I trust you to walk around Canterlot while I sort out payment and packing?" "Packing?" "We- well, you will be in Cloudsdale for a few days, I trust this is OK?" "Um... OK..." "Splendid. let's be off then." Celestia and Star said their goodbyes to Sunset and Blueblood, beginning their journey to the balloon station. "Alright, don't go too far away and don't spend all this in one place!" "I wont!" Star bounded down the street, Celestia's generous 500 Bits in his old patched up saddlebag with a faded design of a star surrounded by spirals. Think It was too much for a foal? Oh I'm sure he will be fine... Star bounced up to shop with a big black disc leaning against an over-sized cello on the roof. Star was about to walk into the shop when the door swung open, knocking him too the ground. "Aw dammit I'm real sorry!" "Tch, honestly Vinyl when will you learn to be careful?" "Sorry Tavi..." Star got to his hooves and looked at the two fillies before him. One was pure white, save for her blush of embarrassment, with some purple shades resting in her electric blue mane, the other was a brown sophisticated looking filly with a purple bow-tie and a neat black mane. "Terribly sorry, Vinyl can be a bit careless sometimes..." "Oh, It's alright." Star tried to hide the pain returning to his wounded face. "Woah, you already got a plaster on that?" Vinyl stared at the plaster on Star's muzzle with shock "No, this from a fight I was in yesterday." "A fight? Awesome!" "Vinyl... Ah, please forgive me, my name is Octavia." She took a small bow. "The best fillyfriend in Equestria!" Vinyl shouted, pumping a hoof in the air. "What's a fillyfriend?" "Of your Very Special Somepony is a filly, then she's your fillyfriend!" "Somepony special to me? Hmm..." Star trailed off in thought., perhaps Sunset could be his fillyfriend? "Well it was lovely chatting with you, um..." Star took this as a sign of Octavia wanting his name. "Star Feather." "Right, goodbye!" Octavia turned to leave, but Vinyl's face turned to the floor and she muttered: "Sucks we couldn't get that stuff though..." "Maybe I can help?" Star emptied his saddlebag, spilling the 500 Bits onto the pavement. "Seriously?!" Vinyl's jaw dropped, Octavia's eyes widened: "W-we cant take that!" Octavia's voice cracked as she stared at the pile of gold. "Yeah you can!" Star corrected her, Vinyl piping up: "Yeah, we can!" Vinyl levitated the bits into her own saddlebag and charged into the shop. "Vinyl!" Octavia chased after her fillyfriend as Star trotted back to the Balloon Station, a huge grin on his face. "So, what did you do with those bits I gave you?" Celestia asked as she climbed the stairs to the royal class airship. "I gave it away!" "W-what?! To who?" "YO! STAR!" a familiar voice rang from behind them, "I..I can't... How...?" Octavia was stunned by the sight of a Princess. Vinyl waved at them from behind her shiny black and purple turntable, Octavia leaning on her cello for support. "Them." "Hmm... A a truly great act. But next time, keep it for yourself..." Celestia sighed as she sat down, Star sitting in the seat behind her, waving to Vinyl and Octavia as the airship slowly ascended... > Reach for the Stars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It's so... Pretty..." Star couldn't believe his eyes as the Royal Airship broke the cloud barrier and up into the endless blue surrounding it. "Yes, it is quite the sight isn't it?" Celestia looked over the edge of the ship to look at the fluffy layer of white below her. "CLOUDSDALE UP AHEAD!" The pilot called from the back of the ship. OK Star you can do this... Everything has been just fine, so why would anything bad happen now? Star tried to calm his building nerves but with little effect. "Still nervous? Usually a trip around Canterlot is enough to take ones mind from their nerves." "Uh, Celestia? Can you...Um... Stop reading my mind?" "Why? I do hope you haven't been thinking anything...Naughty..." "W-what?!" Star exclaimed in surprise, what did she mean by 'naughty'? "Oh I'm only teasing, but seriously. With a reaction like that I would be inclined to believe you were... Perhaps It could be linked to your wings and Sunset Shimmer?" "Yeah, about that. Why does that happen?" Celestia eyes looked like they could pop out of her skull, Nopenopenope, too young! "M-maybe when your older... Eheh..." A loud 'POOMF' was heard as the airship docked into Cloudsdale. "Ah! We're here, thank you Artemis." "Just doing my job Princess." Star bounced around on the clouds with a massive grin until Celestia lifted him with her magic and turned him towards a huge complex. It was a group of golden colored buildings with cones, hoops and a single catapult in what Star could only assume was the training area. "That is where you will learn to fly and eventually embrace your gift." "So this is the little starchild!" Star and Celestia turned to see a mint green Pegasus wearing a blue and yellow uniform. An orange Pegasus filly resting in her spiky red mane. "Star Feather, this is Avia, she will be your flight instructor." "Pleasures all mine, is it alright if Spitfire watches?" She asked, motioning to the filly in her mane. "Of course." Celestia replyed as she began walking to the compound. "So you beat him up?" "Yeah, that's how I got this!" Star lifted his mane to show Spitfire his plastered wound. "That's so badass!" "Sunset said so too!" "Hey Star! Ready to fly?" "Yes Ma'am!" Star gave an exaggerated salute, sending Spitfire into a fit of giggles. "Hey don't get to close to my Spits or her coltfriend will come after you!" "Moooom! Soarin' is not my coltfriend!" "Alright kiddo, just sit back and watch." Avia tested Star's flying skill and was surprised with the experience he already had, Spitfire and Celestia joined them in the sky to have cloudfights and mess around until the sun began to set... "Ok, now explain to me how Star Magic works." "Star Magic is a variation of Pegasus Magic that allows Star Ponies to breath in Space and command stars like clouds. It is used unconsciously and consciously and causes the points on the Star Ponies eyes to grow to form a 5 pointed star as well as the iris glowing brighter. Star took a deep breath and looked to Celestia with hopeful eyes. "Perfect. We will take off in 5 minutes." Star went to sit next to Spitfire on a cloud bench and noticed her eyes were sad and dark, despite the late suns rays reflecting off them. "Good luck champ, your already better than I'll ever be..." "That's not true!" "Dude, I appreciate that. But your destined to fly around in space while I can barely go to my top speed for 10 seconds..." "So? Just practice and let others help you." "What?" "Like when I kept messing up that turn over and over again, then did it first try when you gave me advice!" "But... How can Mom help me if she's always flying with the Wonderbolts?" "It doesn't have to be your Mom." "Nopony else will help me..." "Don't you have any friends?" "Soarin' and Fleetfoot..." "Then they can help!" "I-i guess...But..." Spitfire turned to Star with wide, slightly teary eyes. "Why? Why do you even care? You have everything perfect! You have an awesome destiny without even getting a Cutie Mark, you live with Princess Celestia for her sake!" "Because I can't stand seeing others upset." "What?" "I suppose I just want to give everypony...Hope..." Spitfire could have sworn she saw his eyes flash when he said 'Hope' but thought nothing of it. A tear rolled down Spitfire's cheek. "Thanks man... I know you gave me Hope..." Spitfire hugged him briefly then pushed him away with a burning face. "Cmon, don't wanna be late for takeoff do we?" Star and Spitfire arrived at the take-off are, Star taking his place next to the catapult. "Do we have to use the catapult?" Celestia asked, worry evident in her voice. "Yep. His wings aren't strong enough to get out of the atmosphere on his own." Star curled up in the catapult and heard Avia counting down. 3... 2... 1... "FIRE!" Star spread his wings and flew through the night sky so fast he was invisible against the inky blackness. Untill he reached his top speed that is. When his Pegasus Magic kicked in and a silver trail appeared behind him. Star Feather? "Celestia?" Oh thank me your alive! "Thank you!" Um... Ok.... Just keep flying straight! Star did just that. and soon he could see planets, comets and the Moon directly ahead of him. Alright! Can you breath? "..." Star Feather? "......" STAR FEATHER!? "O-oh! I'm sorry Celestia! It's just...So... Beautiful..." That's quite alright, but try to pay more attention next time? "Will do!" Star flew around in zero gravity, it was a little harder to control sometimes but similar enough to regular flying. Now, let's try moving a star. Star found one of the 5 pointed nightlights and stood on one of the side points. Only to slip off and drift away. "Uh... Lets try that one again!" He managed to stand on the star this time and just like Celestia had instructed, began to push it around. Sunset Shimmer walked down the pristine halls of Canterlot Castle to her bedroom, it had been a long day of studying. She glanced at Star's room with a small sigh, as much as she hated to admit it, Star was fun to have around and livened up the place a bit. She entered her room to see Trixie in her sleeping bag on the floor. "You really don't have to sleep there you know. "What's a sleepover without sleeping bags?" "Touché" Sunset looked out of her massive window and gazed into the night sky. "Look! A shooting star!" Sunset jumped at Trixie's sudden cry, when had she left the sleeping bag? But true to her word, a shooting star could be seen soaring in the night sky. Sunset closed her eyes and made a wish. I wish for Star to fulfill his destiny... OK, stop now. Star came to a full stop and noticed something was stuck on his vehicle, little slips of... Paper? It seems you have picked up some wishes... Star plucked one of the slips from its resting place in-between to points of the star. It rippled like water from his touch and had a picture of a young stallion with a sandy mane and a coat as red as an apple. Ah wish Papa would get better... "I do too..." I'm afraid we cant do anything about that one... Try another. Celestia knew the condition of her Apple Supplier all to well... I wish Bon-Bon would believe in Humans.., "Humans?" Don't worry about that one... "OK..." There was one more wish on the star, it had a picture of... Sunset Shimmer!? I wish for Star to fulfill his destiny... "Sunset..." Despite the amount she teases you, It seems she really does care... Star smiled as the wish vanished. That one he knew he could grant. Alright, time to come back down. "OK!" Star flew back over Cloudsdale and began concentrating on his Star Magic for re-entry. It is time My Little Star... "What?" Star, who are you talking to? Fly to the Moon... "OK..." Star? What are you doing!? Celestia began to panic, was somepony else communicating with him? The only pony who had ever had as much magic needed to telepathically speak this far was... No... It couldn't be... Star flew at his top speed towards the Moon. Celestia tried to convince him to stop but to no avail. Come on... You're almost there! "Don't worry Luna! I'll save you!" Luna! Please stop! Hurry Star Feather! Star felt himself being propelled faster towards the Moon thanks to its gravitational field. He was almost there... Just a little further... Now...! BOOM "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Star screamed in pain as he was launched away from the Moon and into zero gravity. He was nearly launched right into the atmosphere of Equus again. The last thing he remembered was a burning feeling on his wings and back, followed by a dark shadow rushing towards him...