• Published 6th Feb 2015
  • 316 Views, 1 Comments

Distracting Gaze - ZeatGuy

The eyes can hold the truth to things best hidden.

  • ...

The call.

On most days I would have taken my tea to go but today I got a call for a meeting at the shop. After thanking the pink haired girl for my tea I found a seat and started to wait. It wasn't long before I found a cupcake in front of me.

“I didn't order this.” I said as the pink haired cashier took a seat across from me. With a smile she started taking of the apron off and running a comb throw her hair only to have it return to its large puffy curly that it normally was.

“Yea, I know.” She said cheerfully smiling the same as before. “It's a snack.” She said before taking a rather large bite out of it. “Do you want some?” She asked with her mouth full.

“I'm good, thanks” I said pulling back a bit. “Can I help you?” I asked as she finished with her large bite.

“That’s why I called you.” She said sarcastically before wiping her face with a napkin.

“So you’re the one who called.” I said making her nod quickly. “I thought you sounded familiar.” I said making her smile.

“Yep names Pinky Pie. But you might have known that from my name tag.” She said putting her hand out.

“It's nice to really meet you Pinky, my names Thoughtful Gaze.” I said as I shook her hand avoiding her eyes.

“It's nice to meet you too.” She said with a smile.

“So Pinky what can I help you with?” I said locking eyes with her.

“Well it's not me that need help it it's my friend Fluttershy. Lately I've been having this bad feeling.” She said rubbing her arm a bit. “Normally I would go and see her and try to cheer her up but... I've been under a lot of stress and the Cakes need me for work.” She said with a sad look.

“I'm sorry to hear that.” I said closing my eyes and thought about the matter.

“I just wish there was something I could do.” She said before taking another bite of the cupcake only leaving a small bite left.

“Pinky I can tell you care for your friends a lot, but you don't have to worry about them the way you are.” I said taking the last of the cupcake from her. “Can you do something for me Pinky.?” I asked making her nod.

“Like what?” She asked as I pulled out a stress ball from my bag.

“Pinky can you tell me why you eat so much?” I asked making her have a worried face. “You don't have to lie to me you can tell me the truth.” I said making her look down.

“I eat a lot when I'm stressed.” She said just loud enough for me to hear it.
and my guess is you’re not happy with your weight right?” I asked making her nod. “I want you to have this, it's a stress ball. Whenever you’re feeling stressed just hold this and crush it or squeeze it as much as you want.” I said handing it over to her. She looked at it for a moment before crushing it.

“Thanks.” She said before smashing it in her hand a small smile coming to her face as she did so.

“So about your friend.” I said as she started messed with the ball. “Is there anything I should know before I go to meet her?” I asked making her nod again.

“Yes. Flutter Shy is very shy, she might not trust you at first. If I have the time I'll call her and tell her you’re coming by.” She said making me nod. “She also has bother who doesn't talk to other people.” She said making me nod again.

“If that’s everything the only thing I need the only thing I need is where to go.” I said standing up with my tea and bag.

“But what about payment?” She asked as I cleaned the crumbs off the table.

“Well we can talk about that later for now how about you tell me where I can find her.” I said making her look down.

“She lives in a cottage near the Everfree.” She said looking away with a sad face.

“I'll take care of her alright.” I said putting my hand on her shoulder. “I've never failed before and I won't start now.” I said making Pinky look up to me with a smile.

“You’re a nice guy you know that Thoughtful.” She said taking my hand off her shoulder.

“You can call me Gaze Pinky.” I said with a smile making hers grow larger. “I'll come back either tomorrow or later today and tell you if a made some headway.” I said before picking my tea back up.

“Thanks Gaze.” She said before putting her apron back on. With that I left off to find the person in need of help.
It took a bit longer then I wanted to find the cottage, as I stepped out of my car I found the cottage to look as though it was a part of the landscape itself the early evening light hitting making it look older then it probably was. As I came up the door I could hear the sound of animals to my left and right. With the sound of a light knock the door sound came to an unearthly quite. After a moment the door was opened to a kid that looked to be in his teens. He had white hair that was a bit longer and was pail enough that I would say he was albino if I didn't know any better.

“I'm looking for Fluttershy, my name Thoughtful Gaze.” I said to him before he looked away from the door closing it soon after. After another few moments the door opened again to a girl around Pinkys age with light pink hair and a light yellow sweater on.

“Pinky sent you right?” She asked making me nod as she looked me up and down. After a moment of looking me up and down the door was closed again but this time only for a moment before the white haired kid opened the door and walked past me leaving the pink haired girl at the door. “You can come in now.” I heard her say before she stepped to the side, letting me pass her.

“Was that your brother?” I asked knowing it was before I asked.

“Yea, I didn't want him to hear us so I sent him to get some things from one of the shops.” She said before closing to door and walking over to the kitchen. “D-do you want some tea?” She asked stopping in front of the door way.

“That would be nice but would you mind just bringing hot water in a teapot.” I said making her nod before walking away. I looked around the room finding some bird houses, nick knacks, and some pictures of her and five other girls. I reorganized most of the girls on the pictures, the most obvious being Pinky Pie, the next being Twilight who ran the library, after her there was the dark purple haired woman name Rarity who I got most of my outfits from. One of the last of them was a blond haired girl that helped run the apple farm a bit out of town, the last and the one I know the lest was a rainbow haired girl that was part of the weather patrol.

“It will be ready in a little bit.” She said before taking a seat pulling her legs up onto the chair with her.

“You have a rather nice home.” I said making her look around.

“Thanks.” She said as she shifted in her seat a bit.

“You do know why I’m here right?” I asked making her nod. ”If it makes you more comfortable I can tell you a bit about my life.” I said making her nod again.

“I-I think that might help.” She said as the water finished heating up with the alerting sound of steam. “Let me get that.” She said before standing up and walking back into the kitchen only to come back out with a heated pot of tea. Opening my bag I pulled out a container of varies tea leafs, and a tea ball. Filling the ball nearly to the brim I placed it into the old looking tea pot letting it simmer as the time will pass.

“So is there anything you would like to in particular or just anything?” I asked making her shrug a bit before speaking up.

“What kind of schooling do you have?” She asked making smile a bit before thinking.

“That is a good question, well when I first started school I was in public school I had a nice time there before third grade. After that I was put into a private school for gifted children where I spent most of my time until I was out of high school. After high school I went to college for a law degree along with human behavior and psychology. After a bit of helping the ‘right side of justice’ I found my why into helping people through life problems.” I said making her look as though she became more curious.

“What happened in third grade, if you don’t mind me asking?” She said as he legs came off the chair which showed she was getting more comfortable.

“It’s fine, when I was in third grade there was a class assignment where we had to draw a picture of our happy place. And as you know everyone has a special talent, but did you know there are people that have talents that can only happen under the right condition.” I asked making her look at me confused.

“I've never heard of that before.” She said as I opened the tea pot to check if it was ready, finding it was I picked up the two tea cups pouring one for each of us.

“It's true, sadly though most of them think there better then common people and mostly stay to the bigger cities.” I said thinking over the past before handing her one of the cups.

“You don't seem like that.” She said making me smile a bit before drinking some of my tea.

“Thanks that means more than you might think. Before I was 'found' as the nobles liked to call it me and my live in poverty. For us things ware ruff, to this day I still think if I wasn't 'found' I wouldn't have made it through high school.” I said before taking another sip letting the tea calm me down. “I try to do whatever I can for people that aren't as lucky as most, or at least small towns that get passed over for the most part.” I said before finding that Fluttershy had started leaning towards me.

“Wow that's really nice of you.” She said before taking a sip of her cup of tea and letting out a pleasant sigh. “This is really good where did you get it?” She asked before taking an eager sip.

“Thanks, I made it myself out of a couple different types of tea leaf. I can give you the recipe if you like.” I offered making her nod lightly.

“That would be very nice.” She said before setting down her cup. “I guess you would like to know something about me now.” she said making me smile.

“How about you tell me how you came to live here.” I asked making her look down.

“A-alright I guess it is something I should tell you. I came here around the time my parents left. ”She said looking at her hands. “When I was nine my parents left me and my brother here with our aunt, we haven't seen them sense.” She said with trimmers in her voice.

“You don't have to say anything you don't want to.” I said putting my hand on the arm of her chair making her chuckle a bit.

“It's fine, I need to tell someone other than Rainbow.” She said sternly before taking another drink of her tea.

“How about before that you tell me about this 'Rainbow' you're talking about.” I said have her look over at one of the pictures before picking it up.

“Rainbow Dash has been my friend for as long as I can remember.” She said smiling before handing me the picture and pointing to the Rainbow haired girl. “She's helped me thorough times I didn't think I could. I've done the same for her but it's not really the same I think.” She said before wiping the moister from her eyes.

“So needless to say you two are very close right.” I said making her nod with a smile again. “Has it ever gone any further than that? If you don't mind me asking.” I asked making her smile disappear.

“No never, and before you ask I've never thought of her of anything more than a sister.” She said picking her cup up. “We used to get teased when we were in middle school by people because we spent so much time tougher. I can understand where people would get that. She would always stay the night and I would always be there when she was training.” She said gripping the cup tightly.

“Do you hold a grudge against any of them?' I asked making her shrug a bit.

“It was so long ago that I don't really any of them.” She said before looking up at my eyes. She looked into my eyes and I looked back giving her a look that made her shake a bit. “Well there are a few people that I can remember.” She said before braking eye contact.

“I think we can both agree that lying won't help you when we're talking to me.” I said making her nod.

“Sorry I just didn't really want to talk about it right now.” She said making me nod a bit.

“We can talk about some other time if you want.” I said before picking the tea cup up and sipping from it.

“I guess so, I think I'm ready to talk about my parents again.” She said before downing the last of her tea placing the cup onto the table in front of me. “It was a few years later before I heard anything from my parents, they sent a letter saying they aren't going to come back.” She said as I poured another cup for her placing back where she put it.

“Do you think that’s why you might be so shy?” I asked making her shrug. “Do you think you’re afraid of getting hurt again and that’s why you’re so careful with the people you chose to trust.” I said making her look down thoughtfully.

“Th-could that really be why I’m not good around people.” She asked before slowly looking up at me.

“Well it’s only one part of the big picture. Saying it’s the only problem is like saying you were the only one to work on a partner project when you really only did half of it. “I said before taking another sip of my tea finding it had cooled a bit.

“So what your saying is there’s more than one reason to why I’m like this.” She said as I filled my cup a little to bring the heat back.

“That’s what I am thinking, but if we are going to address the problem then I’m going to need something from you.” I said before placing my tea cup onto the table and going through my bag looking for a note pad.

“What is it?” She said looking at me with a worried face as I placed the note pad on the table in front of her.

“I know this might not sound the something you want to do but… I want to invite the people that made fun of you that way you can make an adman.” I said making her pull back from the note pad.

“I-I don’t want to do that.” She said getting defensive.

“The things that can be best for us can be the things can be the things we fear the most.” I said making her sit there without saying anything. “This will help you more than you might think.” I said as she looked at the note pad closely.

“Do you really think so?” She asked looking with a worried look on her face.

“You really want to know what I think?” I said making her nod. “Do you really want to know the truth?” I said making her nod.

“I'm sure please tell me.” She said making me take drink the last of my tea before setting in onto the table.

“The truth is, you can never get any better unless you confront your fears.” I said making her look down.

“So what you’re saying is if I don't give you the names of the people or confront them myself I can't be helped.” She said looking worried.

“That’s a part of it but the real problem is. I can’t help you if you don’t let me.” I said making her close her eyes for a moment before nodding.

“Alright...” She said before leaning over and opening a drawer and pulling a pencil out. “If you think it will help then I guess we can try.” She said writing down three names. As she wrote the last name and handed me the names the front door was opened to the white haired teen from before only now had a bag of groceries. “Angel what are you doing home so early.” She said as she looked at the clock on one of the walls only to be surprised by how much time had passed. “Wow where did the time go.” She said taking the bag from Angel.

“Time passes faster when you’re not paying attention.” I said walking over to her and putting my hand on her shoulder. “Even if you think we didn’t make much progress today. We made more head way to day then I have with some people in a month.” I said before picking up my bag.

“Al-alright…” She said as I made my way to the door. “When can we meet again?” She asked making me stop in the door way.

“I’ll have Pinky call you when I’ve talked to the people on this list.” I said making her nod. “It was nice meeting you both and I hope to see you soon.” I said before turning around.

“Bye Thoughtful.” I heard her say as I walked back to my car. Opening the door I placed my bag in the passenger seat before I looked at the three names on the list. Not recognizing any of them I tossed it in to my bag and started my car and started for the library.
Finding a spot near the entrance I pulled my note pad and a pen from my bag as I got out of my car. Locking the door I headed inside in search for the computer only to find Spike whose hair stood as it normally did.

“Hay Spike.” I said lifting my hand to him to wave.

“Oh hay Thoughtful, what are you doing here you normally come on Thursdays and Fridays?” He said making me shrug as he pulled the keys out for one of the cabinets.

“I was helping someone today and I need to find some people.” I said making him chuckle a bit as he pulled one of the laptops out.

“Really anyone I know?” He asked making me shrug and smile as it started booting up.

“Maybe, but you know I won’t say who.” I said as he but in the access code and slide it around letting me pull up look up what I needed.

“What if I guess who?” He asked as I started looking up the names on the list trying to find out how to contact them.

“You really want play a game about me helping someone works through serious issues in their life?” I asked making him shrug.

“Well when you put it like that.” He said as I found phone numbers for all three of the guys on the list from the weather factory employee list.

“So what are you doing after work?” I asked shoving the note pad and pen in my front dress pants pocket.

“I have to help set up for a sleep over Twilights having. I’m still trying to figure out if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.” He said leaning back to check the door way, probably making sure Twilight didn't hear him.

“Really whys that?” I asked carouse of the way he was acting.

“Well on the one hand I’ll be kept up all night by Twilight and her friends as well as Angel will probably be coming over as well and I’ll have to keep him entertained. But on the other hand I get to see all of Twilights friends in there nightgowns soooo…” He said teetering his hands up and down by his sides.

“Really who’s all coming?” I asked making him crack a smile.

“Why you want to get a part of the action too.” He said with a small chuckle making me close my eyes and shake my head.

“I’m just curious.” I said making him snap his fingers and slim his hand into the other.

“Wait no you should stay.” He said making me stare at him. “That way there will be another guy around and Twilight might not make Angel and me do a bunch of girly things.” He said making me shake my head even more.

“There's no way I'm going to stay here tonight.” I said making him shake his head all about.

“Oh yea you really think so.” He said oddly with a strange look on his face. “You really think so?” He said while standing up and walking off through the door way before he heard Spike saying something to someone in the other room.

“HE WHAT!” I heard get yelled through the entire library followed by the the sound of someone running into the library. There was a sudden entrance by Twilight who had a large grin on her face. “Spike just told me you want to be a part of the sleep over.” She said moving over to me nearly knocking me over from the speed.

“That’s not what I said...” I said making Twilight lose her large grin and slump down a bit.

“Oh alright.” She said making me mad at myself. She turned around and went to walk off with a sigh along with it.

“What I said was it would be cool if I could be a part of it.” I said making her turn around. “I didn't think I would be allowed to stay.” I said making her grin come back.

“So you will stay?” She asked making me sigh.

“If I'm allowed... then yes.” I said making her jump up and down with excitement.

“Yes we have another guy coming over, now we can try different games and we can real guy stories and we can all so... I still have to get ready though” She said before running off to the other room.

“You really think so...” I heard with a chuckle from Spike who had just entered the room making me shot him a glair.

“You are an ass.” I said slowly making his grin get bigger.

“Oh come on it will be fun.” He said walking over and wrapping his arm around me. “It’ll be me you and Angel all alone with some of the Ponyvilles cutest women.” He said swiping his arm across in front of us.

“Is that really what you’re looking forward to?” I asked making her shrug as he let me go.

“This will also be the first time we’ve really hung out too.” He said making me chuckle a little.

“That’s true.” I said before moving to the door. “I’m going to grab my bag.” I said making him nod as I went through the front door with my back turned to it.

“The Dash has arrived.” I heard as I swiveled around to go through the door. Before I knew what happened I ran into a body. I went to apologize but before I got the chance to I felt something slim into my side and chest. Falling to the ground with a howl I found it was harder to breath than normal. “Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry.” I heard before someone dropped down next to me grabbing my chest.

“Oh fuck.” I said opening my eyes to an rainbowed haired girl who was wearing a sweaty smelling training gear. “Did you hit me?” I asked lifting my hand and pointing at her.

“Yea I am bu...” She started to say as I let out a chuckle. “What are you laughing about?” She asked making me sit up.

“Nothing.” I said trying to get up. “It just haven't been knocked down in a long time.” I said as Spike walked over.

“Dude are you alright?” He asked supporting me on the way up from the ground.

“I'm fine alright.” I said as I found my footing. “I might need an ice pack, but I'll be alright.” I said lifting my shirt a bit to look where she hit.

“I'm so sorry I just came back from martial arts class and I'm still in that mindset.” She said making me laugh again.

“Do you want me to get you some ice?” He asked as I popped my back into place.

“Sure couldn't hurt.” I said putting my hand on the door. “So I'm going to get my bag now.” I said opening the door and walking out. I could hear another car pulling up as I pulled the bag out.

“Thoughtful is that you?” I heard a refund voice say on the other side of the car. Looking over the hood I found the local tailor.

“Hay Rarity what are you doing here?” I asked as she pulled a rather large bag out already wearing a white blouse and skirt with her hair done up as it normally was.

I'm staying the night with Twilight tonight.” She said as we both walked to the door. “And what are you doing here?” She asked as I opened the door for her.

“That’s funny I got pulled into the same thing.” I said making her smile and nod.

“Spike?” She said still nodding.

“Spike.” I said as he walked up with a bag of ice.

“You guys talking about me?” He said handing me the bag as we all walked into the main room as I eased the bag onto my side.

“I don't know maybe we are.” I said as we got into the room where Rainbow and Twilight ware setting up. I could hear Twilight talking to someone on her phone.

“So what you’re saying is you can’t make it…” She said making most of us stop as someone talked on the other side. “I guess it’s fine…” She said before the voice talked some more. “You can just make it to the next one alright.” She said with a sigh. “Alright bye… I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said before hanging the phone up. “It looks like Apple Jack isn't coming.” She said making Rainbow grown.

“Man, we were going to arm wrestle tonight too.” She said throwing her duffle bag down.

“Why don’t you just go and see her tomorrow.” I heard from Rarity. “That way you guys don’t make me watch.” She said placing her bag in the corner.

“We don’t have to lessen to you.” She said before grabbing a water bottle from her bag.

“I guess I should tell Pinky to not get food for Apple Jack.” She said as she dialed in a few numbers. “Oh Thoughtful have you eaten yet?’ She asked me making me think.

“Not since this after noon.” I said making her nod.

“Your fine with meat right?” She asked as I heard Pinkys voice on the other end of the phone making me nod. “Alright, never mind Pinky.” She said before hearing her say before the ringer hung up on the other end.

“So wait does that mean he’s staying for tonight?” Rainbow asked pointing to me making Twilight glance at me before nodding while pulling what looked like extra bedding out. “Thanks for the heads up Twi.” She said as Twilight was having trouble with the beds.

“Well I found out about three minutes before you got here. Now if you don't mind can you give me a hand here.” She said getting mad.

“Fine gosh all you had to do was ask.” She said before walking over and helping her out.

“So what do you guys normally do during sleep over’s?” I asked having Rarity turn to me after she set her bag down.

“Well we watch movies and doing each outer hair and play some board games.” She said as we watched Twilight and Rain attempting to only watch them fall down.

“Sounds fun.” I said making her nod. “My guess is you guys pull those out every time you stay the night right.” I suggested having her nod again. “So why is it so hard to get them out?” I asked as the beds became lit up by a purple light.

“Apple Jack normally is the one that gets them.” She said before they were flung across the room surprising me.

“Why didn't you just do that in the first place?” Rainbow asked before there was the sound of books falling. “Oh.” She said before the books ware enveloped in the same magic before they all went back into their places.

“Alright what's next?” Twilight said before Rarity walked off into one of the other rooms.

“Blankets.” Rainbow said pointing up to the top of the closet making Twilight sigh. “I can get it if you want.” She said making Twilight raise her hand to it,

“Would you please?” She said having Rainbow jump up to pull them down. Tossing the blankets on top of the of the bedding, only to have Twilight get to fixing.

“So...” I said making Rainbow turn to me. “I don't think we really met.” I said making her shrug a bit.

“That’s true names Rainbow Dash.” She said putting her hand out. “Fastest flyer in all of Equestra.” She said proudly as I took her hand and shook it.

“Thoughtful Gaze, psychologist.” I said making her back up slightly.

“So what you pick apart peoples head?” She asked accusingly making me shrug.

“Only if I need to, it's hard to keep relationships doing things like that.” I said looking down. “The last time I did that it was easier to move then try and stay around.” I said remembering my bitch of an ex.

“Oh sorry.” She said as Rarity came back with a tray of drinks. “Maybe drinks well help.” She said with a grin.

“Rainbow this is for you.” She said handing her a drink. “And I think you might like this one Thoughtful.” She said handing me a drink before taking the last one off for herself. I looked at the drink before giving it a small sip hardly tasting the alcohol. “I remember that you don't like drinking too much.” She said clinking our drinks together.

“Thanks.” I said with a smile before I heard someone’s phone get a massage.

“Pinky said she'll be here in a few.” Twilight said as she finished with the bedding. “Spike can you get the projector and the back drop!” She yelled before he popped out of the kitchen.

“You don't have to yell I was just getting something ready.” He said before coming out of the kitchen and running up the stairs to do as she asked.

“I think tonight’s going to be very fun.” Rarity said before taking a sip of her drink before we heard a light knock at the back door making Twilight turn to it.

“Spike must have locked the sliders.” She said before going to the door. Not wanting to just stand around I went over to my bag and opened it checking for a few things I might need in the morning. Looking up I found that Rarity and Rainbow had both moved there bag over to one of the beds thinking I should do the same I moved my bag to the bed at the end.

“Look who's here gals.” I heard Twilight say as she walked back into the room having Fluttershy and Angel close behind her.

“Hello Fluttershy it's lovely to see you again.” Rarity said with a light hug. “Angel it's always nice to see you too.” She said looking at him before he walked off with a small bag.

“It's nice to see you to Rarity.” Fluttershy said before putting a bag down that looked the size to just fit some cloths in it.

“Hay Shy.” Rainbow said with a wave as there was a large sound coming from the stairs.

“Can I get a hand?” I heard Spike say as he was carrying two bags on both his arms and what looked to be a back drop on his shoulder.

“Oh here.” I said rushing over and grabbing one of the bags.

“Thinks, stupid thing started slipping.” He said getting a better grip on the back drop. “Hay you mind if I ask you something?” He said a bit quieter.

“Sure.” I said having him lean in really close.

“What do you think about weed?” He asked in a low tone as I set the case on the floor as he put the other one down and the back drop.

“Well in what sense?” I asked as he started to set up the back drop.

“Well have you know...” He said he said shaking a little.

“Are you asking if I've ever smoked before.” I said having him nod. “Yes when I was in college I smoked a few times to help me relax.” I said making him nod a bit. “Is there any reason you’re asking?” I asked making him glance around.

“I just got some cookies, and I was just wondering if maybe you wanted some.” He said making me think. I took a moment to think about it, the night could be enjoyed without it but it had been a while.

“Well I mean maybe half.” I said making him grin.

“It's in my room so we can get it in a bit.” He said pulling the white back drop down. “But you mind taking this over there.” He said pointing on the other side of the bedding.

“Got it.” I said picking the bag up and bring it over. As I set the bag down I heard the sound of a door being slammed open followed by the sound of someone shouting.

“The party has arrived.” I heard a familiar voice ring through the whole library.

“Pinkys here.” I heard from almost everyone as they continued what they were doing.

“Hay Pinky.” I heard Twilight say as Spike walked over and unzipped the case to out the projector. I could hear Pinky walking into the room and say 'Hi' to Fluttershy and Rairty.

“Here hold this.” Spike said referring to the case so he could pull it out as I heard someone step behind us.

“Hay Spike, hay Gaze.” I heard before someone ruffled both of our hair.

“Hay Pinky.” Spike said looking up before setting the projector and plugging it in.

“Hay Pinky it's nice to see you again.” I said standing up as Spike finished setting up.

“It's good to see you too.” She said before looking down at Spike who was busy working on the projector. “Can I talk to you for a moment?” She asked tilting her head to the other room.

“Sure I guess.” I said before following her out of the room back in to the libraries main room. “So... you went to Flutters right?” She asked making me nod as she played with the end of her light pink shirt. “Did you find out what was wrong?” She asked making me shrug a little.

“Well I did find out something that’s bothering her.” I said looking in to her eyes. “But you do know I can't tell you right?” I asked confusing her.

“Why not?” She asked getting closer.

“I’m not allowed to share anything she tells me. If she said it was alright with me sharing then I would, but I don’t see that happening.” I said making her look down with sadness and concern. “If it helps it does look like she will get better soon. She opened up faster than I thought she would and we talked about some things that I’m sure she could use some help with.” I said before she pushed he body to me. “Are you alright?” I asked as she kept leaning on me.

“Thanks Gaze.” She said before putting her arms around me.

“You’re welcome Pinky.” I said before raising an arm around her shoulder. We held it for a moment before I spoke again. “Maybe we should get back before they start having fun without us.” I said as she still leaned on me for a moment before whipping her face on my chest.

“Your right.” She said before slipping out of my grasp. “We can't have them have all the fun for themselves.” She said before grabbing my arm and leading me back in to the room with a surprisingly strong grip.

“Alright.” I said being pulled by her. “But before that...” I said trying to stop her only making her slow a bit before stopping with a grown.

“Come on they might start the movie without us.” She said before turning to me.

“I was just curious... have you been using the stress ball?” I asked making her look down with a slight blush.

“Well I did use it but...” She said before shifting in her spot a bit. “I kind of worn it down and the sand got everywhere.” She said with a cute grin.

“You wore out a stress ball in one day?” I asked in amazement making her shake in place a bit.

“Yep, but I went and got another one.” She said before pulling out a bigger much nicer stress ball.

“That’s good, has it been working?” I asked making her nod before crushing it.

“It sure has other when I needed to I didn't snack all day.” She said making me smile.

“That’s good.” I said before I moved to the doorway. “I think we should join them now.” I said making said making her run past, I couldn't help but watch her body as she did so, it just looked different somehow.

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