• Published 12th Dec 2014
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Night Patrol - Foxgear

After the defeat of Discord Princess Celestia and Luna took the throne, fifty years later Luna is tired of ponies fearing her night and praising the day. Thus she begins an epic adventure to make the night safer for her subjects

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An act of war

Night Patrol ch 28

By foxgear

The table was covered by maps from end to end. Luna, along with Sixes, Emerald Cutter, Applejack, Crusader, and Topaz Slicer, made up the task force for responding to the Mammoth Tribe and Chimera attack.
The plan was simple. The task force would divide into two groups and investigate areas of interest.

Emerald, Topaz, and Crusader would hunt the chimera sight. At the same time, Applejack and Sixes would head towards the towns near where Applejack encountered the mammoths, to find out any recent activity on the large mammal tribe. They would be accompanied by their own giant, P-Rex.

“Are you sure we want to take P-Rex out of the castle? He’s… well let’s not beat around the bush, he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer and let us not forget that ponies outside the night patrol tend not to react to him well.”

Luna nodded, “I am very certain Applejack. I fear the time for us to use the full force of night patrol has come. We can no longer restrict ourselves. Clearly, some being out there intends us harm, so we must show them just want they are dealing with. After all, P-Rex is but the tip of a far greater mountain of power. I also plan to unleash the triplets, and several other squads lose around the surrounding area. Not so far apart that they can’t reach each other if needed, but we’ll be patrolling a much greater area than usual.”

(P-rex, the triplets, and the night hunters are all being deployed? Add in the regulars and the rangers that is the entire night patrol. Luna was really serious about this. They didn’t even have this many units deployed for the battle of the Crystal Empire and Rainbow Factory!) Applejack thought, worried about what could come of this, but she trusted Luna’s judgment, even if she thought this was a little overboard.

“I’ll leave you all to prepare. I must speak to the other units. Fury and Rawhide will be detached with larger units in the Moon cutter and Solar Flare. Should you need them, you need only send up a signal flare, and they shall come baring a full battalion in each vessel. Any questions before I take my leave?”

Applejack raised her hoof, “What is Overheat doing? I noticed you haven’t mentioned him once the entire meeting.”

“I’m afraid, Overheats injuries are a bit more severe than originally thought, and he is laid up in medical with several fractures and magic exhaustion. I’m surprised he managed to stay standing for as long as he did.”

“I see and Kira? Shouldn’t she be back from Nippon or wherever by now?”

Luna frowned, “I’m afraid Kira is in a bit of a complicated situation and is unable to return at this time, or anytime soon.”

“Complicated situation?”

“Very complicated, trust me. If you’ll excuse me, I must go, please be careful.”

Luna left the room, leaving them to their work. The group filed out of the chamber, murmuring amongst themselves about logistics and supply lines. The Moon Cutter and Solar Flare will take several hours to prep and gather the units to fill them, not to mention the supplies. To reduce downtime, they decided a small detached force will go-ahead on foot to perform recon.

“We could just carry you there, Emerald, both Crusader and I can fly, it would be no trouble,” Topaz said as they gathered up their gear. A mission with his sister, he couldn’t help but feel Luna did this intentionally, as she is known to do. It was a kind gesture none the less, whatever the Princess’s reasons.

“I am perfectly fine with walking or flying myself on my gems. I do not need to be carried.” Emerald said with her muzzle turned upwards in a huff. “However… as this is a mission. I wish to get it done as quickly and efficiently as possible, so I will allow you two to carry me to our destination, but so help me if word of this gets out!”

“Rest assured, our lips are sealed,” Topaz assured her, “Right, Crusader?”

The white rinin nodded silently, looking pale… well paler than usual. Topaz looked curiously between Emerald and Crusader, wondering why they seemed so tense around each other. Whatever the case, Topaz was sure it wouldn’t interfere with the mission.

Meanwhile, Applejack and Sixes collect their third team member. The two stood in the courtyard facing the armory. Inside P-Rex was being commissioned his armor, a massive project that has taken a lot of bits and steel. Some had objected to spending the resources on the large pony, but Luna simply countered with “He’s a member of night patrol, and all members are given armor. No exceptions!” Thus the fittings and metalwork began. Only until recently has it been completed. Now the task of placing the armor on P-Rex was a different challenge, but one conquered none the less.

“Is he done yet?” Applejack hollered into the armory. A few disgruntled mutters of “He won’t stop moving” and “Why is he so ticklish” were her replies. Really it was quite comical. However, as the big doors rolled open to allow P-Rex out, he was anything but funny, he was scary. He looked like a giant metal pony, with horns and spikes sticking out from his helmet and shoulders, as well as his legs. There was hardly a piece of exposed flesh to be seen! No wonder it took so long to make.

However, that image of a metal demigod was tarnished when P-Rex began bouncing energetically like a puppy. His tongue was even flopping around spilling slobber everywhere!

“Mission time! Mission time! I’m going on a mission! Yay! Yay! Yay!”

P-Rex could talk now… though he had the intellect of a foal. Really it was taking a lot of will power not to go ask Luna to reconsider sending him. Honestly, Applejack didn’t want to see such an innocent and fun-loving pony doing what she did, killing.

“Uh, ready to go, P-Rex?” The big pony nodded, jumping up and down in excitement. Applejack smiled nervously, waving at Allure, who just had her material carts knocked over. “Sorry, Allure! Let’s get out of here before we’re chased out, Sixes.”

Sixes chuckled, and she smacked him in the barrel with her hoof, he only laughed harder as he carried her onto P-Rex’s back. It was strange to ride on the back of another pony, unnatural even, none the less P-Rex was fast, faster than one would think for his size.

“Giddy up, partner!” Applejack hollered, stomping her hoof on the big pony’s back to let him know he could take off. He did, but not before rearing up. She cringed as his giant hooves hit the ground, shaking the courtyard, tipping carts and crates and ponies as they thundered out of the castle. She was diffidently going to owe some favors when she got back.

From her balcony, Luna watched the two groups move out. Beside her, a transparent image of Celestia stood next to her. Celestia’s newest spell, one that would allow them to talk from great distances and see each other. At least her sister still put her great mind to use.

“How are things in Canterlot? I know I left quite a bit on your plate to deal with, but there was no time to idle. You see it too, don’t you sister? You know what is coming.”

Celestia agreed solemnly, “Indeed I do sister. As we have seen in the past. War is brewing, and as always, I must turn to you, to be the bad pony.”

“I prefer the effective pony, but I suppose modern scholars view my conquests differently than they did in the past. I assume you want to talk to our enemies first and have them see reason?”

“No,” Said Celestia, much to Luna’s surprise, “In recent matters, you have proven correct in your reading of the situation. Hence I will put my trust in you. Do what you feel is right. You have my full support Luna, and I shall deal with the nobles here.”

Luna couldn’t help but smile. (Celestia putting her trust in me wholeheartedly? When was the last time that happened? Not in the previous decade, as far as I remember.)

“Thank you, sister, know your trust is not misplaced.”

“I know it isn’t,” Celestia turned away, drawn to the knocking at her door. “Ah, I see the nobles are here. Please excuse me.”

The connection closed, and Celestia’s image faded.

Taking a settling breath, Luna left her balcony and headed for the medic bay to check on Overheat. His strength would be needed as soon as possible, and she was hoping his injuries weren’t as severe as the doctor first thought.

Rounding the corner and making her way past a herd of ponies scrambling off to somewhere, she found herself at the medical wing. Entering the room, Luna trotted to Overheat’s bed to find it… empty.

“Nurse Blue Heart.”

“Yes, your highness?” A white pony with a blue cross mark answered promptly.

“Where is Overheat?”

“Overheat, ma’am?” Blue Heart browsed her list, “Ah Commander Overheat, he checked out a few hours ago.”

Luna frowned. If that was the case, why didn’t he report to her? “Keep an eye out for him if you find him. Have him report to me.”

The Nurse nodded and continued with her work. Leaving Luna to wonder where the fire pony has disappeared to.

The hot rays of the sun beamed down from above, bombarding the group of travelers with its intensity. The day's warmth was unappreciated by Emerald and her team as they made their way to the ruins of the border town. The green rinin was embarrassed about being carried by Topaz and Crusader, passing her red flush off as heat from the sun. Thankfully they arrived at the town with little incident and began their investigation.

“Tread carefully, we’ll be on our own for a while.” Said Emerald looking around the destroyed town, the cleanup crew had done an excellent job. Everypony was accounted for. No bodies were left out to rot and instead were buried. The new wooden grave marks were the only new thing in the town. It was a sad reality that this place would most likely never be settled again. At least not this century. Massacre spots weren’t a high seller, even for dirt cheap.

“You say that, but what are we looking for?” Topaz asked, making his own observations. “Everything here is dead. We all know the dead can’t talk. Not that the victims of this attack could probably say anything useful anyway, they’d probably were too busy fearing for their lives to notice important details, like which way the creature came from or if there were any sightings of it before hoof. Right?”

Crusader spoke up, “They did notice something was amiss. That’s why my squad was dispatched in the first place. They reported something was eating the nearby woodland creatures, leaving nothing but gore behind. Wouldn’t the local patrollers have a record of the attacks? Maybe we’ll find a clue if we search the outpost.”

Emerald and Topaz share a look. That did make sense, a lot of sense, in fact. “Smart thinking kid, come on, let’s get going! The nearest outpost is only fifty miles from here, and we’re walking the whole way!”

“Yes, ma’am,” Topaz chuckled, knowing Emerald didn’t like being carried. Putting up a fuss of quiet gripes the entire way here. Still walking would prove beneficial as it would let them spot clues that the trees would have hidden from the air.

The three trot along at a steady pace through the forest. The road was clear, with no traffic other than them. Likewise, there were no forest critters either. No rabbits, no birds, nothing. It was eerie.

“I don’t like this,” Emerald said. “It’s way too quiet. You two see anything?”


“No, ma’am.”

Emerald frowned, “How far are we from the outpost? We should be close to it by now, right?”

“Judging from the map, I’d say… we’re here.” Topaz points ahead to a worn-down building surrounded by timber walls, the gate ripped wide open. “Well… that’s not good. I thought the monster didn’t come out this far.”

“It didn’t,” Crusader answered, taking point. Small flickers of fire ignite between his horns as he cranes his neck around the corner of the ruined gate. “Clear.”

The three enter, their eyes shifting all over the place, the signs of battle were everywhere. Deep claw marks marred the walls, and large splats of dried blood were everywhere. Cautiously they made their way to the main bunkhouse where the daily reports would be kept. Once inside, they bar the door.

Quickly Emerald trotted to the desk in the corner of the room, the officer’s office, and rifles through the drawers finding their prize, the captain’s notebook. “Found it.”

Laying the book out for Topaz and Crusader, Emerald flipped through the worn pages to several days before the attack at the village.
“Spotted signs of a large animal nearby. I sent out two rangers to locate and confirm the creature. The report confirmed a predator in the area, one ranger injured, called for backup from the castle. Commander Crusader said to be dispatched.” Emerald stopped reading show them a map of the area.

Topaz rubbed his chin, examining the map of the creature’s path, “It seems the beast came from the eastern region, right over the griffon’s side of the border.” He found that interesting. “We should head east.”

Emerald gave him a look, “East? Why east? That’s griffon territory, we can’t go beyond the border, why waste time walking the twenty miles there?”

“Thirty,” Topaz corrected, “Thirty miles. Thanks to the new trade agreements, we can cross ten miles into griffon territory. Meaning we can enter the villages along the line and ask some questions.”

Emerald nodded, “That’s great. Maybe we can get to the bottom of this.”

As Emerald and Topaz trot for the door, Crusader held his ground, looking nervously towards the wall of the room as the two senior hunters turn back to him with curious looks.

“Is something wrong, kid?” Emerald Cutter asked.

“I think… we should wait here.” Hesitation filled his voice. After the last mission, Crusader was questioning his capacities as a commander, but he had a feeling in his gut that something wasn’t right. That they shouldn’t leave just yet.

“Yes,” He stated firmly, addressing the two seniors with more confidence. “I think we need to stay for the night.” He finished uncertainly, losing some bravado and waited for a harsh repute. Much to his relief, the two didn’t mock and scold him. Instead, Emerald shut the door and look curiously at him.

Emerald looked him straight in the eyes, “Ok, why?”

Crusader gulped, they were probably going to think he was crazy, but here it goes. “I have feeling that we need to stay here, at least a while longer, maybe at least for the night. We’ve been traveling all day anyways and need to rest, and this is the only shelter around for miles. I know you probably think I’m just tired, and I’m making excuses, but I’m not! I really think we need to stay here.”

“Well… Crusader does bring up a fair point,” Topaz said, looking out the window. His vision focusing on the claw marks on the walls. “We have been moving all day, this cabin is better sheltered than our tents and much more sturdy. Chances of us being attacked by other monsters are very high, almost seventy-five percent if you want to be accurate. We would be safer here.”

Emerald looked restlessly between the two, her gaze landing on Crusader. Luna has spoken of Celestia having similar feelings, preemption, etc. and Crusader was half Celestia genetically speaking. Maybe he was having some foresight moment or sixth sense. Perhaps he was just overly cautious after how his last mission ended. Either way, the point remains it was getting dark, and they traveled a lot today.

“Fine, we’ll camp here tonight, but I want this place reinforced! Cover the windows and seals the doors!” She barked, creating boards of green crystal. “Put those on the windows.”

Despite being safe and sound inside, the three Night Hunters still took turns for guard duty. Naturally, Crusader was given the second watch, the worst one. It wasn’t like the first watch where you just stayed up a little later or third watch where you just got up earlier. No second watch you get woken up in the middle of the damn night and then have to somehow fall back asleep. Even if you do, it’s not a very restful one.

Already his eyes were dropping from being awakened, and he’d only been awake for an hour. He supposed it was only fair that he take the second watch as it was his suggestion they stay and put them behind schedule, but he didn’t have any regrets. He wasn’t cautious enough when he was leading his unit here last time. He was brash and too eager to prove himself. Maybe if he had waited and thought things out, they would still be alive.

He felt his heartache as he thought of his lost unit. He was ashamed that he didn’t even remember some of their names. They were fresh recruits, many just coming out of training, and he was too distracted trying to prove himself to his mother and father to sit down and actually talk to them.

Many would think he wasn’t bothered by his father’s lack of… any interest in him. He kept up a good face about it. After all, the critics and gossipers in support of his father, Sixes, did have a point. Sixes had not fathered him, nor had Celestia mothered him. He was created, forcibly and without consent or warning. That didn’t mean he still didn’t want a mother’s touch or to know a father’s pride because despite his appearance. He was the same white foal he had been, yet he was not at the same time.

A part of him did wonder though if it had been Luna’s feather instead of Celestia’s, would things be different? Princess Luna seemed to have trouble speaking to him too. Despite being the one that named him, it was only after the truth of his gene make up became known did the Princess of the Night’s attitude towards him cool. Not that she was unfriendly or cold, it was just… awkward.

The sound of something rustling outside pulled Crusader from his thoughts, he stood and moved around following the sound of something scraping the walls outside. The noise was eerie. Like something out of a horror story. Carefully he followed the noise around the room, along the way he nudged Emerald and Topaz awake, the two awoke silently with no sound and wordlessly follow his lead. He tapped his ear, asking if they heard the noise, too. They mimic his action. Meaning they heard and understood.

“What do you think it is?” He whispered, gathering in the middle of the room. Outside, the noise grew louder. The wood logs of the outpost creaking and moaning, one of the trunks snapped, sending splinters everywhere. The strength required to do that was immense.

“Some sort of monster,” Topaz replied dryly. “It sounds like it’s getting frustrating, it must know where we are, but it can’t find us. I’d say there’s a twenty to forty chance that it’s blind or has inhibited vision and thus makes up for lack of sight with enhanced hearing and smell. Making it very dangerous if we are forced into the forest, where it will have a natural advantage.”

“Who said anything about running and hiding? We are hunters, let’s hunt the damn thing!”

“Emerald, may I remind you we are not Overheat and Kira, we do not share their particular skill in hunting like you do. A sound strategy is the key to victory.”

Emerald rolled her eyes, “Yes, I agree, but if I remember, you got that full-body plasma attack, and the kid is the most magical Rinin alive! I can basically cut through anything. I fail to see why we need to restrain ourselves against this thing.”

The two argued back and forth on the matter till Crusader shushed them. “The noise, it’s stopped.”

That was indeed the case. The scraping had stopped. Putting the three on edge, each watching a wall, eyes in every direction, prepared for anything that might happen.

From outside, the sound of wood splintering shattered the silence, followed by a loud roar and the sound of something running. The three were so stunned by the volume of the noise, none of them moved for several seconds. Emerald shook herself free of the roar’s spell and cut her way through the wall, leaving the two stallions to catch up.

Topaz and Crusader were hot on her trail, rushing by the destroyed fence and following the giant claw-like imprints into the forest. The prints were heading towards the border, Topaz noticed as they ran. Up ahead, Emerald was a good half-mile ahead of them. Only the shine of her crystal coat in the moonlight allowed them to see her in the dark.

“Fly up,” Topaz ordered, spreading his wings. He flew up above the canopy with Crusader on his tail. From up above, they could see the green shine of Emerald’s coat through the trees, and ahead of Emerald was their quarry. “The hell is that thing?”

The creature was reptilian or something of that family, Topaz theorized. Observing how it crawled across the ground at blitzing speeds, it slithered through the trees with the grace of a snake and the speed of a stampeding buffalo.

“Do you see that?” Crusader pointed ahead to a bright glow across the tree line. There was smoke, and smoke usually meant fire.

“I see it,” Topaz said, narrowing his eyes, “And I don’t like it. Blast that thing before it gets any further into Griffon territory.”

Crusader nodded, charging up his horns, he took aim and was about to fire when the creature just suddenly vanished! Emerald skidded to a stop below as they circled overhead and came in for a landing.

“What did you two do?” She inquired, confused. They could only shrug. They had no idea what was going on.

“Nothing, it just vanished.”

Emerald scoffed, “Monsters of that size don’t just vanish! It’s got to be around here somewhere? Maybe it has a camo ability?”

“If that is the case, why didn’t it use it sooner?” Topaz countered. “Surely, if it thought we were a threat, it would have disappeared sooner. Another thing, Crusader and I spotted smoke up ahead where the griffon village is supposed to be located. We should head there and see what’s going on.”

She nodded in agreement, “We were heading there anyway. Come on, let’s go.”

The village of Small Talon, located just twenty-some miles off the border, was a reasonably large village despite its name. Functioning as a trade town/barracks for the griffon Kingdom. The town itself was built on a small bluff making entering by ground very difficult as any visitor or attackers would have to climb the steep, narrow path up to the village. The road itself was only wide enough for one pony to walk without falling. This made the town very easily defendable against any ground assault by invaders.

A trait that helped in the last war with Equestria, the village was more an unofficial fortress in reality, which is why when Crusader, Topaz, and Emerald landed in the square finding it ablaze and its residences and guards dead. Were taken aback.

“What the hell happened here? Who could have done this?”

Topaz grabbed Emerald by the shoulder, trying to drag her away from the carnage. Harshly he whispered, “It doesn’t matter. We need to get out of here now!”

The sound of something being knocked over caught their attention. The three turned to the source, ready to deal with whatever was to come. They expected some manner of beast to come running at them, what they did not expect a survivor.

“Help me!” A brown griffon screamed in terror, scampering down the lane. “She’s a monster!”

A blast of dark blue magic shot from around the corner, destroying the building and everything between it with the explosion hitting the fleeing griffon square in the chest. He exploded into a pile of guts and gore. Nothing but a red stain remained of him.
From the wreckage, a tall black form walked through the flames. The creature was equine with wings and a horn and ethereal hair. There was no doubt, it was an alicorn, and it looked just like Luna if she were as tall as Celestia.

“My, my, how wonderful to see you, my dear children of the night,” The pony spoke with a sultry tone. The three rinin backed away, on guard against the mysterious mare. “My poor little dears do not fear your Queen. I’m simply setting the stage is all.”

Her smile widened as a patrol of griffons appeared overhead, and right before their eyes, the black alicorn changed shape and turning into an exact copy of Luna!

“We are Princess Luna of Equestria! We, at this moment, declare war on King Silverous and all of Griffondom! Go and tell your king!” The pony declared mimicking Luna’s voice perfectly. The three-night hunters could only stare in shock at what just happened.

“Do you know…?” Emerald stuttered, trying to wrap her mind around what was going on. “Do you know what you just did?”

The pony smiled at her, “Yes, yes, I do. My name is Nightmare Moon, by the way. I look forward to the time when you all will be serving me. Till then, tell little Luna to have fun. I’ll be seeing her soon.”

Nightmare Moon cackled vanishing in a cloud of smoke, leaving the three rinin confused and shaken in the burning village.

“We need to get home!” Emerald commanded, her mind a whirl. “You two fly ahead!”

“You won’t out run the Griffons!” Topaz told her; his voice filled with worry.

“I know,” She mumbled, producing a forced smile. “Maybe I can get them to see reason, if not… tell Luna I’m sorry for the trouble.”

Topaz and Crusader nodded, flying ahead of her. Emerald slowed her pace, letting the Griffon Patrols catch up. “I ask you listen to me now, before things get worse.”

They squawked a battle cry and she roared in return.

Author's Note:

Edited 4/13/2020