• Published 12th Dec 2014
  • 3,682 Views, 94 Comments

Night Patrol - Foxgear

After the defeat of Discord Princess Celestia and Luna took the throne, fifty years later Luna is tired of ponies fearing her night and praising the day. Thus she begins an epic adventure to make the night safer for her subjects

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Let's go on a trip

Applejack was stumped. How was she supposed to finish reading at least three of the twenty books Luna had left for her to study when most were written in some bizarre fancy language? The only books that weren’t indecipherable were some sort of picture books. She wondered why such books were included in her “studies” but assumed Luna grabbed them by mistake.

Well Ah can’t read them, but maybe looking through the pages will count? Picking up one of the picture books Applejack began lazily flipping through it, her mind barely registering what she was seeing till something in her head clicked.

Wait a darn minute. Are these what Ah think they are? Giving the faded pages her full attention Applejack realized the “picture book” was actually a book about hoof to hoof combat. “The Basics of Hoof Fu, Advanced Armor Combat: Charge and Stomp, and Pony Zen. Heehaw! now this is some learning Ah can get into!”

Turning back to the first page of Hoof Fu Applejack copied the stance as depicted and slowly worked through the basic description on the page. She jumped straight up into the air, kicking her back right leg and her front left leg out at once and accidentally ending up knocking over two tables.

Better clear up some room first.

Pushing aside all of the tables, Applejack was pleased to see she had all the space she needs to practice.

“All right, time for some fancy hoof work!”

Luna awoke just as the sun began its descent. The tingle of her sister’s magic poked at her, urging her to raise the moon. Yes, I know Celestia I’m on it. Luna grumpily got out of bed, walked to her balcony and focused her magic on the moon, her pride and joy, and gently lifted it into the sky.

Once the moon was in place Luna strolled over to the other side of the castle where Celestia’s room was and sure enough it was empty. Celestia was no doubt already back in Canterlot by now. A pang of hurt and loneliness passed through Luna.

Once again I am excluded. I may not enjoy the politics, but she could have at least said goodbye. Then again I suppose I was rather snarky with her this morning. Luna had thought about telling Celestia of her idea for a pony militia or Night Patrol as she preferred, but now-a-days nothing could get done without the noble’s interference. Celestia would probably be against the idea anyways, her line of thinking was that she could protect all the ponies of Equestria alone. An idea Luna shared until last night.

We can only protect so much at once, our subjects need to learn how to care for themselves. For you and I dear sister, may not always be around to do so.

Immortal Goddesses of the sun and moon is what the ponies called the two sisters. To the normal ponies they probably seemed like gods, but even they could die. After all there used to be many more alicorns running about and now there were only three; Celestia, Luna, and their cousin Symphony of the Crystal Empire, though a fourth maybe on the way if Symphony’s letters were any indication.

Shaking her mind clear of their nearly extinct race Luna left Celestia’s room. “I suppose I should let Applejack out of the library now.”

When Luna unlocked the library door she was once again taken by surprise by Applejack who flew right into her, delivering a vicious kick to the Princess’s head!

As Luna lay beneath the orange mare she pondered her own combat skills. Between Applejack's surprise attacks and the cyclopes I’m starting to think I’m getting rusty. I haven’t had a real battle since Discord and that was… fifty years ago?

“Well I am glad you are studying Applejack. I was expecting you to be more engaged with magic theory than physical combat.” Luna shifted around trying to get up, but Applejack was heavy! “Could you please get off me now?”

The orange mare blushed, “Oh sorry Princess, Ah mean Luna. Right Luna, cause that’s what you want me to call ya right?” Applejack said, flustered as she climbed off the Princess of the Night and held out a hoof to help her. “Ah’m sorry for kicking ya in the face. Also Ah can’t read those books yawl set out for me.”

Luna looked up in horror, “You can’t read?” Applejack reared back on her hindquarters from the volume, waving her hooves frantically in the air.

“No, no, no what Ah meant was Ah can’t read the language their written in. It’s all this fancy looking stuff Ah never seen before.”

Luna breathed deep sigh of relief. I was actually scared there for minute. To think that any pony in this day in age didn’t know how to read is simply mind boggling.

“That’s good to hear. I’m glad those stuck up unicorns in Canterlot were wrong about earth ponies… intelligence,” Luna suppressed a chuckle with her hoof, “Honestly, only one in a hundred earth ponies knowing how to read, what a ridiculous statement. Right Applejack?” Luna waited for a confirmation but didn’t get one, “Um Applejack, what’s with that look in your face?”

Applejack shamefully looked away, “Well you see Princess, Ah mean Luna, Ah’m the only one in my family who can read. There are few others in the clan, Ah think five about total. But,” Applejack said cheerfully, maybe a little too cheerfully from Luna’s point of view, “Ah’m sure it’s not like that for all earth ponies. My kin and Ah move a lot so there ain’t much time for book learning and we only work with apples, so there ain’t much reason to learn much else. Ya know…” Applejack said smiling in a way that screamed 'fake'!

Is our education system that bad? Do we even have an education system? Wait, yes we do, but only in bigger cities like Canterlot or Pegasopolis. Are there even earth pony cities of that size? I can’t recall. Why have I never realized this? Luna was absolutely boggled by this realization. Even after all these years the three tribes were still at odds with one another. No, it wasn’t that simple. There were earth pony nobles now too, right? There is… Pudding Head! No, she died a few years ago. Um Smart Cookie! No, she’s gone too. Were they ever replaced?

This revelation troubled Luna. Next time she saw Celestia they were going to have a very serious talk. “Buck up dear Applejack!” Luna shouted cheerfully, wrapping her foreleg around the orange mare’s neck. “I shall see to it that this ‘problem’ is rectified. For any pony of the Apple clan wanting to learn I shall provide the means for them to do so. The castle staff is very well educated. We can host a school here in the castle. Will your family be open to the idea Applejack?”

“Ah reckon they’ll be up for anything you suggest Princess. Since you are a princess and all, plus you’re letting us stay here for free and I don’t think anypony wouldn't want to offend you by saying no.”

Luna hugged Applejack’s neck tightly, boldly shouting, “Excellent news! We shall commence with the preparations. Alas though they will have to wait. In all the excitement I nearly forgot what I came here to do.”

“What’s that Princess?”

“First of all call me Luna, Applejack,” Luna said pointedly. “Second you and me are going on a trip! So pack a bag of supplies for at least a week and meet me in the courtyard in an hour. I have some final preparations to attend too, but I will see if I can’t set up some sort of temporary school with the castle staff before we go.”

“Alright, but where are we going Princess, Ah mean, Luna.” Applejack inquired.

Luna trotted deep into the library, speaking to the orange mare from around the corner, “We are going to Mount Firehorn.” Luna declared dramatically, reappearing with her hoof raised.

Applejack gulped, “Mount Firehorn, you mean the same Mount Firehorn that is said to be home to dragons and other dangerous critters? That Mount Firehorn?”

“The very same, won’t it be fun?” Luna cheerfully trotted off leaving Applejack to fall to her rump with her jaw slack. She stayed like that for several minutes before pulling herself back together.

“Well, Ah guess Ah better start packing. Best get my flame proof boots.”

“Nice boots,” Luna complimented as she approached Applejack. “Vampire bat leather I assume?”

“You bet! Critters were causing a heap of hurt on our crops one year; let’s just say they won’t be again for a very long time.” Applejack chuckled darkly. No bats were gonna steal the Apple family’s crops! Or beavers for that matter, beavers made such nice hats.

Luna assessed the farm pony’s equipment. She had food, water, a small tent, a compass and other odds and ends that would be useful if the need arises.

“You are quite efficient Applejack. Not a single bit of unnecessary baggage.” Luna suppressed a chuckled at the farm pony’s new accessory. “But if I may ask, why are you wearing a beaver hat and not your regular one?”

Applejack blushed as she rubbed her neck feeling embarrassed, “That hat belonged to my Pa, it’s all I got left of him and I didn’t want it to get burned up in case we met some dragons or the wind knocks it into a volcano. Plus it’s getting chiller and this hat is better suited for colder weather. Though I guess it’ll be useless once we get to Mount Firehorn.”

“True,” Luna agreed, choosing not to address subject of Applejack’s father being dead , and instead chose to change the topic, “But it will be cold for most of the journey, so I’m sure your beaver hat will come in use. In fact,” Luna rummaged around her own pack and pulled her own possum hat out. “I will wear my own silly hat as well.”

Luna cracked a smile and waited for Applejack to stop laughing, which only took about five minutes.

“Now that we are calm, let us set out.” Luna ordered as she began cantering down the road, Applejack hot on her heels. “We will keep this pace for as long as we can. No need to go any faster or we will wear ourselves out.”

“Ok, Princess!” Applejack called from behind, having a little trouble keeping up with Luna’s longer strides.

Luna rolled her eyes and sighed, “Please Applejack, stop being so formal, especially when we’re out here on the road.”

“Ah’ll try my best, but it’s kind of a habit.”

Luna thought for a moment, when the most wonderful idea occurred to her. “Very well Applejack, as Princess I order you to break your habit of calling me Princess by the time we return the castle.”


“What are you not up the challenge?” Luna taunted. A fierce determination appeared in Applejack’s eyes as the farm mare trotted up to Luna.

“Your darn tootin Ah’m up for the challenge! Ah never back down!”

“Good to hear. By the time of our return I will expect you to be speaking my name properly. After all I’m rather tired of being called Princess, when I am clearly named Luna.”

Applejack fluttered in her steps, but quickly recovered. She thought back to last night and the conversation she and Luna shared before they were attacked. “Do you not like being called Princess, Prin… Luna?”

Luna continued trotting in silence for a while before answering. “Well I guess a little. It is frustrating being called by a title rather than by name. My mother didn’t name me Princess Luna after all, just Luna.” Luna paused again trying to think of the best way to explain. “Being called Princess all the time, it seems that is all ponies see is just a princess and not Luna. Do you understand Applejack?”

“Ah can’t really say. Ah never experienced anything like that but… wait! You stopped speaking fancy!”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Right there that’s what Ah mean, you’re saying Ah and not we.” Applejack pointed out.

“I am? Strange, I only speak like this when I’m alone with Celestia or…”

“Or what?” Applejack inquired, her curiosity burning.

Luna turned and looked fondly at Applejack, “Or with a very good friend. We are friends Applejack, right?” Luna asked, her tone uncertain.

Applejack smiled and nodded, “You bet we are Princess!”

“I thought I said to call me Luna?”

Applejack chuckled “Ah know, Ah know. It’s going to take some getting used too is all. How about this, Ah’ll call ya Luna, you call me AJ! This way we both have to practice not being so formal around each other.”

Luna pondered the suggestion, “AJ huh? Very well, challenge accepted, Appl… AJ.”

Applejack giggled, “Not so easy is it Luna?”

Luna remained silent but smiled none the less, eventually breaking out into laughter as they trotted along.

Applejack collapsed on her bed roll with an exhausted sigh. Her hooves were so tired that they were throbbing!
Ah can’t believe Ah run that far, two hundred miles in five hours; It’s not natural! And Luna doesn’t look tried at all.
It was true, the night blue alicorn barely had any sweat on her coat as she prepared their supper. In fact Luna was hopping around enthusiastically, seeming unaffected by their travels.

“Almost done. I hope you're hungry AJ, it’s not often one enjoys a meal prepared by royalty. Though it has been awhile since I last cooked, I hope my skills haven’t dulled.” Luna shrugged; it couldn’t taste that bad she figured. “Now come and sit with me, so that I may go over your lesson for tonight.”

AJ groaned as she walked over to the campfire. It was still night or early morning judging by the slight peak of sunlight in the east. As a farm pony Applejack was used to waking up early, staying up late was another story. Between all the running and keeping up with Luna’s sleep schedule Applejack was ready to nod off right where she sat, till Luna handed her a hot cup of something.

“What’s this? Some sort of tea?” Applejack asked inspecting the dark liquid.

Luna shook her head, “No, it’s coffee; it’s meant to help keep you awake. It is a little bitter I must warn you.”

Shrugging off the warning Applejack took a sip of her coffee and gagging at the taste. “Ugh, you actually drink this stuff?”
Luna nodded and took a sip of her own brew, “Yes, it helps me stay awake. It is an acquired taste. I’m sure you will grow used to it overtime. I do have some crème you can add to make the taste more tolerable if you liked to try it.” Luna dug through her pack and removed a glass bottle fill with what looked like milk.

Applejack hesitated, wary to try a new brew again, but ultimately took the glass from Luna, “Gotta try everything at least once.” Pouring the crème into her coffee Applejack watched the black liquid turn brown. She cringed at the sight of it.

This looks like shit!

Taking a deep breath Applejack raised her glass with her hooves and drank it down quickly, emptying the cup. She stood perfectly still, analyzing the drink down to every last detail, her eyes widening as the caffeine hit her system. Her exhaustion seemed to melt away, leaving her wide awake. Better yet the drink tasted great!

“Boy howdy that’s the stuff!” Applejack exclaimed shaking in her seat. “Ah feel like Ah could run another two hundred miles!”

Luna chuckles, “As amazing as that would be. I have something better in mind. Come along, I wish to teach you something.” Luna picked up a wrapped package from her bag and led Applejack to a clearing next to their camp.
“Alright Applejack please put these on.” Luna tossed the orange mare the package.

Applejack unwrapped the cloth, four golden grieves each with a big green gem embedded in the center rolled out. Applejack gasped at the sight of them. She wasn’t one for fancy things, but the craftsmanship was simply beautiful. As Applejack put the boots on; Luna began to explain their origin.

“These grieves are made of enchanted metal by some famous blacksmith who has long since passed. I believe his name was Rare something. Anyways many years ago Celestia and I commissioned suits of armor from him for our battle with Discord. Unfortunately the armors were destroyed in our first bout, but Celestia’s boots survived. The boots you are now wearing.”

Applejack gulped and began to hesitantly remove the boots. Luna placed her hoof one the mare’s neck to calm her down. “Relax Applejack, Celestia has long since outgrown these boots and replaced them. I would have given you my boots, but they still fit me and silver would clash with your coat horribly.”

“Ah’m not one for frou-frou stuff, Luna, if you haven’t notice.”

“Yes, yes, nor am I really. still, a mare can look nice every now and then. Now, where was I? Oh yes, those boots aren’t just a fashion accessory, they were made for battle. By focusing your earth pony magic into the gems embedded into the boots you can unleash devastating attacks with mere stomp of your hoof. Observe!”

Luna stationed herself in front of a rock, allowing her magic to be visible to Applejack, when she built it up enough power she slammed her hoof against the rock, shattering it to pieces!

“You can also do this!” Luna shouted slamming her hoof against the ground, creating a shock-wave that shot across the ground for twenty feet before splitting a rock in half! “And also this!” Slamming her hooves down, Luna summoned five spikes of earth from the ground in front of her. “That last one is good for defense and offense, though lacking in range.”

“Whoa. You’re saying Ah can actually do stuff like that with mah hooves?” Applejack was awed. She knew earth ponies were stronger than the other races, breaking stones though, that wasn’t something she ever thought she could do without getting hurt. “Wow, what else can I do?”

Luna smiled as she wrapped her foreleg around Applejack, “A lot my friend, but for now, learn and master these skills first, then I will show you more.”

“You got it!” Applejack excitedly bounded over to a stone and began trying to copy Luna by punching the rock. The results…


…Weren’t quite the same.

“Remember Applejack; focus your magic, not muscles. Feel the energy and bend it to your will.” Luna advised. She settled down at the edge of the clearing, giving out hints to the farm mare when needed. Mostly she let the orange mare figure things out on her own, figuring that it would eventually click together for her.

Time and practice, the best kind of learning. I just hope it doesn’t take too much time for her to learn. Luna mused, watching Applejack strike her hoof against the stone for the hundredth time. She was about to have her call it a night when a faint green glow engulfed Applejack’s hoof as she struck the stone. A small crack appeared on the face of the rock, followed by another deeper crack. Applejack struck it again.

Yes, that’s it Applejack! You can do it!

Applejack pulled back her hoof, her body tired and worn out, but she refused to give up! With the last of her strength she swung, but a misstep had her falling forward, her hoof barely scraped against the rock. Much to her shock the entire top half of the rock exploded!

“Ah did it! Ah really did it!” Applejack joyfully cheered as she jumped to her hooves. The sudden movement made her a bit light headed, but a supportive wing stabilized her footing.

Luna beamed with pride as she led the weary orange mare back to their camp, “Well done my friend, you learned much faster than I anticipated.” Luna helped Applejack into her bedroll. “Now rest, you’ve earned it.”

For the remainder of the trip Luna and Applejack would travel and train. During their journey Applejack became more accustomed to staying awake at night, as well as its environment. Luna lectured her on the stars and their meaning, along with how they could be used for navigation. The Princess would also share stories about the constellations in the sky and her past from time to time; both of which left Applejack riveted and eager to hear more.

“We are here.” Luna declared as they came to a stop on top of a cliff. Across the rocky wastelands lied Mount Firehorn. It looked as its name suggested. A giant stone horn, almost like a unicorn's horn, towered over the landscape, spewing fire from its very tip. Applejack gulped at the sight of it.

“Are we really going there?” She asked hesitantly. Ah’m not a coward, but Ah ain’t stupid either!

Luna chuckled, “Oh heavens no! The only thing that could live there are dragons, and I assure you, we are not here for them. No, our destination lies over yonder in the mines where the Steel Hooves and Iron Shoe clans make their home.”

Applejack sighed with relief, “That’s good. Ah don’t think mah fire boots wouldn’t last long up there.”

“Quite true Applejack, now let us continue on our journey is almost over.”

Luna and Applejack trotted long the narrow path. They dodged falling rocks, loose hoof holds and other dangerous terrain till they arrived at the village gate, where they discovered that there was a newly made and much safer road that they could have used.

“I think my map needs updating.” Luna held up the map of the land that was well over fifty years old. “Oh well, at least our way was much more exciting!”

Ah think Ah've had enough excitement for one day. Ah’d be surprise if Ah don’t have some gray in mah mane. Applejack shuddered, checking her mane just in case.

As the two walked towards entrance of the town they marveled at the unique architecture of Firehorn., huge plumes of smoke poured out of the chimneys of forges as unicorn and earth ponies worked the metal ore into useful shapes. From the mine entrances carts on rails were pushed to the refinery, filled with metal ore, diamonds, gold, silver and many other minerals. At the center of it all stood a white coated unicorn mare.

Allure ran Firehorn with a caring, yet iron hoof! Her fine purple mane swished back and forth as she pointed her hoof and barked orders left and right. As she turned to address another group of ponies Luna and Applejack were shown her short cut tail and mark, which was a giant orange rupee. Two gold rings pierced her left ear.

“Come on you lazy lot! We got to get more arms ready before those creatures come back! Rawhide and Tough Hide are counting on us! Are you trying to let them down?” Allure demanded fiercely. The ponies shook their heads and doubled their work pace. “That’s the stuff! Keep it up!” She encouraged as she turned, coming face to face with Luna and Applejack.

“Oh my, visitors! How lovely. I’m sorry for not greeting you at the gate, but as you can see we are in a bit of rush around here. But please come in, come in. let’s go to my abode, so you may rest. I’m sure you are tired from your journey.” Allure trotted towards one stone building, carved in the shape of three diamonds; two on the bottom and one on top. “Welcome to my humble home. I know it’s not much, but please make yourselves comfortable while I make some refreshments. Is cider ok with you two?”

“Cider would be fine, thank you for your generosity,” Luna politely said as she and Applejack took a seat at the table in the room. As Allure poured the cider they looked around at the decoration on the walls. Gems of many sizes and shapes were embedded in the stone structure, a stone staircase lead up to what they assumed was the bed room and through an open door they spotted a bunch of mannequins with armor on them.

“Here we go, one for you, one for you, and one for me.” Allure sang, handing each of them their cider. She took the seat across from them and raised her mug. “To new friends! Huzzah!” The three clanged their mugs together and drank down contents.

“Ah, that hits the spot!” Allure said with a burp. She blushed as she moved her mane out of her eyes. “Sorry, how uncouth of me, and I haven’t even asked you your names yet or given you mine! Oh dear, I’m so sorry!”

“It’s alright. We didn’t introduce ourselves either, so it’s all good.” Applejack assured the white mare. “Ah’m Applejack and this here is Princess Luna.” Applejack pointed to the regal mare, though she wondered how Allure didn’t realize Luna was a princess right away, till she remembered Luna’s wings were covered by her saddlebags.

Allure reared back in her seat, her eyes wide and filled with shock! “A princess… I have a princess in my home! This is… this is the… most wonderful day of my life!” Allure took Luna’s hooves in her own and shook them vigorously. “It so nice to meet you your Highness. I’m Allure Steelhorn, daughter of Raritan Steelhorn, my father made you and your sister’s armor nearly fifty years ago! This is so exciting! To think I would be meeting you myself! Whatever it is you need you can count on me to make it!”

She's enthusiastic and Raritan’s daughter. Ugh, I can’t believe I forgot the name of the stallion that made my armor! I am so ashamed! Luna took a calming breath. She lived for a long time; no one could fault her for not remembering every pony she came across. During Discord's reign things were chaotic and remembering one pony’s name wasn’t something that she had to time to do. Still I feel bad forgetting him, even if the notion is silly. On that note… how old is this mare? Never mind, best not to bring it up.

“So if your father made Luna’s armor fifty years ago…” Applejack interrupted.

Dammit Applejack!

“How do you look so young?” Applejack asked with skeptical eye. She may not be good at math, but these numbers weren’t adding up. “Ah mean you don’t look any older than me.”

Allure politely smiled and answered, “And how old are you Lady Applejack?”

Applejack’s eye narrowed at the way she said ‘lady’, but held her tongue. “Ah’m twenty summers old.”

“Well I am twenty five years old; my father was only fifteen when he crafted the armor. Ten years later he found his special somepony and I was born and here I am twenty five years later; simple to understand, no?” Allure said a little haughty. Applejack’s cheeks burned red as she began her retort.


Luna quickly placed her hoof over Applejack’s mouth before she could retort. From their travels Luna learned Applejack had quite foul mouth when she felt like she was being insulted. A group of pesky squirrels had been the center of the farm mare's ire after they stole her breakfast one morning.

“Ok, let’s get on to business shall we?” Luna suggested pointedly to the mares. Both of them turned away from each other, crossing their forelegs in a huff. They looked at one another for a full minute before shaking hooves. “Good, now Miss Allure, I have a business proposition for not just for you, but your entire village. I have recently decided to create a militia of sorts and I am in need of armor and weapons, as well as ponies to fill the ranks. I can pay you a fair wage and give you constant work and I would only need a few of your herd to stay at the castle to deal with armor and weapons repair. You would be allowed to rotate the personal as you see fit. How does that sound?”

Allure chewed her lip nervously taking several deep long breaths and then suddenly stood and began to pace the room. Her face shifting from joyous to dread for several seconds before she stopped in the middle of the room and smiled at the two of them.

“If you do would excuse me for a moment, I need to go upstairs.” Luna and Applejack sat in silence as Allure disappeared, several seconds passed when a very happy and very loud squee of joy came from above. “I can’t believe this is happening! This is the best day of my life!”

Luna couldn’t help but smile as Allure worked through her emotions. Nearly five minutes later when Allure came back down with a pen and paper looking only a bit fluttered as she entered the display room. She was in there for another five minutes and came back to the table and sat down. Pretending like nothing had happened.

“Your request is doable, a simple task for our clans, but…” Allure hesitated; chewing nervously on the edge of her hoof as she struggled to find the words. “But it may be awhile before we can set things in motion. We have numerous orders to fill for the ponies of Prance, Saddle Arabia, and the Germania Trakehner ponies. We are just not in a place to fill your order right away, especially with the recent trouble with…” Allure quickly shoved her hoof in her mouth, but it was too late.

Luna leaned across the table so her face was only a few inches away from Allure’s, “Recent trouble with what, my dear? Please tell me.” Luna asked, deeply concerned for her subjects.

Allure lowered her hoof, “Well... there have been attacks on our food supplies and gem reserves. The food is easily replaceable, we usually just trade or buy more, but the amount of gems being stolen is troubling. Without them we can’t buy or trade, since the vast majority of our gems go to the dragons on Mount Firehorn.”

“Why are ya giving Dragon’s your gems?” Applejack interrupted.

“Because Dragons eat gems, we give them some gems and they let us take their scale shedding for our armor; they also allow us to live here. This is their territory after all. We’ve been mining here for years and have finally set up a permanent home, but at this rate we won’t even have enough resources to start another mine in time for the dragons tribute. If we don’t pay the tribute, who knows what they’ll do! Dragons aren’t known for being nice or reasonable.” Allure began to tear up and choke on her breath, only calming down when Luna placed her hoof on her shoulder.

“We will do whatever we can to help your ponies Allure.” Luna assured the white mare. “How long has this been going on? Have you taken any measures to protect your stores? Do you have any clue about who could be stealing from you?”

Allure wiped her eyes, “The robberies started over two months ago. Somepony claims to have seen some sort of creature run off the other night towards the peaks overlooking the town. Two of our fore-ponies, Rawhide, and Tough hide went up to investigate and report back. That was three days ago and they were supposed to be back yesterday. The mountain where the suspects are isn’t so big that it can’t be climbed in a day or two if you know where you’re going and trust me those two know these mountains like it’s their own leg.”

I never imagined things would ever be this bad. What happened to the monthly reports? Surely Celestia must be aware of this or if not her some official! And if they were why wasn’t I informed? This is why we have a system in place! Luna sighed mentally. Another matter I will address with Celestia. Now is not the time for pointing hooves, but for action!
“Fear not Allure, Applejack and I will go check on your foremen and resolve this matter. You just do your best to get that tribute ready and keep yourselves fed.”

Allure smiled gratefully, “Thank so much your Highness, I will prepare you a map and some supplies. Feel free to try on some of my wares, they could come in handy, and there is a swordsmith across the way if you need weapons.”

“Just Luna is fine, and thank you for the offer, but I’m afraid a full suit of armor would only slow us down. If you have some light armor available that would suit our needs just fine.”

“The lighter armor is located towards the back, please have a look. I’ll be right back with a map.” Allure trotted outside and disappeared into the bustle of the town.

Wordlessly Luna walked into the armor store room, Applejack trailing behind her. She paused to inspect the heavy and mid weight armors, admiring their crafthoofship. She really is Raritan’s daughter; the design looks the similar as my old armor. In fact these pieces look better than my armor, sleeker and less bulky. I may have to take a suit home when we're done here.

In the back was the lighter armor Luna was searching for. They were half pieces covering only certain parts of the body, mainly the shoulders, flanks and chest area. Leather padding made up the rest of the armor as well as some chain mail.
Luna rubbed her chin as she inspected the selection, till she spotted one piece she liked. “I believe this would suit you best Applejack, please try it on.”

Applejack took the armor and looked about for a place to change. She glanced away nervously as she asked, “Will right here do? Ah don’t see a place to dress.”

“I see no problem, we are both mares after all, no need to be embarrassed, plus we don’t normally wear clothes.” Luna reminded the farm mare. Applejack blushed and looked away.

“Oh right, Ah forgot. Ah just thought it wouldn’t be proper for me to dress in front of you, you being a princess in all. It’s bad manners in my family.”

What strange way of thinking. Luna thought as she watched Applejack try to put on the armor, try being the key word. “Here let me help you, these things can be rather tricky at times.”

“Ah... thank you,” Applejack stuttered as Luna’s hooves wandered over her coat, tightening buckles and setting the leather straps just right so they wouldn’t bind when she moved.

“Done!” Luna chimed gleefully as she looked Applejack over with a critical eye. “Yes, this was indeed a good choice; it’s almost if it was made for you.”

The armor was made into three parts. The first part was a form fitting dark blue bodysuit the same shade of Luna coat. The suit extended from Applejack’s neck; covering her torso, flank, and traveling down her legs before stopping above her knees. a leather harness was placed over the suit, allowing the metal shoulder and flank plates to be mounted on. The metal was obsidian in color and matched Luna’s crown. Finally two saddle bags attached to the harness and leather headband with metal studs wrapped around Applejack’s head. The farm mare no longer looked a like a plain Jane country mare, but a warrior ready for battle!

“Simply perfect, I’m definitely bringing this piece back with us. Now it is my turn to pick.” Luna searched the racks again and was quickly drawn to a set of obsidian shoulder and flank protectors. She quickly strapped on a harness for pegasus for her wings, locked the armor in, and placed her star blades in the holsters attached to the harness. “All set, let’s go check on Allure and be off. The sooner we rid the town these troublemakers the better.”

Applejack wordlessly nodded and followed the Princess outside.

Allure had just finished gathering the supplies she promised when Luna and Applejack exited her house. They were a very imposing sight, making the workers pause and stare while the fillies and colts of the town whispered in awe with big excited eyes filled with wonder.

They came to a stop in front of her, Luna extending a hoof, “The map please.”

“Of course, Princess,” Allure floated the map over to the Princess of the Night and kneeled, the rest of the town ponies followed her example. “We thank you for your help Princess. Safe travels on your quest.”

“Thank you, but leave the praise until we’ve rid your town of these troublemakers.” With that Luna turned and started heading towards the path up the cliffs. Applejack did a slight bow to the town folk and left to follow Luna.

When the two where high above the town Applejack let out a long breath she hadn’t realized she been holding. “That was intense. It felt like they were looking at me like Ah was some kind of hero of something.”

“In their eyes you are a hero, Applejack The brave knight accompanying her princess into a dangerous situation with no guarantee of coming back.” Luna looked coyly at the orange mare. “This is not the first time you’ve followed me head long into danger, why are you so nervous now?”

“Last time Ah was desperate to save my kin. Ah would have done anything to get them back.” Applejack paused as they approached the top of the path and looked down at the town. “This time Ah’m helping strangers. Not just that but some of them are unicorns. Ah never thought Ah’d be doing something like this to be honest with ya.”

Luna was surprised by Applejack’s words and worked to keep her face neutral when she asked the troubling question on her mind, “Do you dislike Unicorns, Applejack?” Come to think of it that could be why her and Allure started that little squabble. Are the relationships between the tribes that bad even among commoners?

Do Ah dislike unicorns? Ah never really talked to one before today. All Ah know about them is from mah kin and they never really spoke nice about them always talking about how unicorns swindled them and such. But these unicorns are different, they were working with earth ponies and just trying to get by, like me and mah family.

Applejack smiled as she reached to conclusion and answered the princess, “No ah don’t hate unicorns. Ah just never… knew any all that well before is all.”

Luna closed her eyes and smiled, “I see. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get to know them more as we go. For now let us continue on. We have a ways to go to finish our quest.”

“Right behind ya Princess!” Applejack hollered, running to catch up with the Princess.

Author's Note:

Chapter two, everybody, please review and let me know what think. I hope I managed to get Luna and AJ's characters right, I should because they are my favorites. And for those of you wondering, Allure is the Rarity of this time. Rarity isn't my favorite of the mane six, but I do respect her character.