• Published 12th Dec 2014
  • 3,682 Views, 94 Comments

Night Patrol - Foxgear

After the defeat of Discord Princess Celestia and Luna took the throne, fifty years later Luna is tired of ponies fearing her night and praising the day. Thus she begins an epic adventure to make the night safer for her subjects

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Battle for the Crystal Empire

Night Patrol ch 11

By Foxgear

Dusk awoke to the sound of hammering and shouting outside, each thud feeling like a direct hit to her brain as she stumbled out of bed. Very quickly she discovered something was wrong, her mane twisted around her like a rope as she fell to the floor wrapping herself in a cocoon of hair. That wasn’t the only difference. She couldn’t put her hoof on it, but she felt… longer? No bigger? She blinked noticing something above her vision. Quickly she untangled herself reaching up to touch the strange object, noting the ground seemed further away than usual, the thing was long, pointy and atop her head…

“Is this my horn?” She cried surprised feeling its length with her hoof, by Luna it had to be at least a foot long! “This can’t be real,” Dusk said frantically running to the vanity mirror across the room. After much slipping and tripping on her long mane, she came face to face with her changes. “Is this… me?”

Dusk touched her muzzle, poking, and prodding, even slapping her cheek just to ensure it wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t. It was real. She was older. At least as old as Applejack she guessed.

“This is… awesome!” Dusk squealed, bouncing around the room with glee, only to end up tripping on her mane again and accidentally blasting a hole through the wall with her magic.

She stared at the smoldering crystal with disbelief. There was no way her magic was that strong! She hadn’t even been casting a spell! Yet, she blasted through solid rock? That isn't possible.

Once again untangling herself, Dusk walked over to inspect the hole, peering through to make sure no pony was hurt on the other side. Staring back at her was a large teal eye.

“I see you are awake.”

“Whoa! Princess Luna, don’t do that!” Dusk screamed scampering back from the hole, slipping on her mane again and fired another magical blast, this time it shot through the ceiling.

“It seems you’re having trouble controlling your magic,” Luna said entering the room. Slowly circling around the fallen mare. “Do you know why?”

Dusk shook her head.

Luna figured that would be the case. As smart and talented Dusk was she was still only a foal. How any pony could possibly understand the advance complex magic of the Crystal Heart? It was magic even beyond her understanding, let alone Dusk’s. Still, they could speculate.

Helping the aged mare to her feet, Luna led Dusk over to the vanity. Sitting Dusk down in front of the mirror Luna retrieved a pair of scissors from somewhere with her magic and began cutting her long hair into something more manageable.

“You will have to accuse my lack of skill when it comes to mane styling. I haven’t had to cut my own hair in… Oh, two hundred years or so, whenever it was that Celestia figured out how to turn our manes into what you see now.” Luna said snipping off locks of Dusk’s hair little by little. “How short do you want it? We will be going into battle soon. Shorter hair would be more practical, but having some length wouldn’t be bad either, some spells make having long hair beneficial. Why I remember this one spell Celestia and I found, it makes your hair as hard as steel, combined with another that lets you control your hair and makes a handy attack and defense combo. What do you think Dusk?”

“Some length would be nice,” replied Dusk, closing her eyes as Luna cut the hair covering her face. “Could you make it kind of spiky or misshapen? I don’t like it when my hair is even, it looks like the bowl cuts dad used to give me.”

Luna chuckled doing as requested and adding a little spikiness to Dusk’s bangs and then resumed cutting the back, deciding to cut it just below her neck. Once Dusk’s mane was reduced to a manageable length, Luna began to work on her tail.

“You’re awfully quiet, something on your mind Dusk,” asked Luna, of course, there was probably a lot on the young mare’s mind, but she wanted Dusk to tell her.

The muscles in Dusk’s back tense at the question. Her black eyes widened, telling Luna something more was bothering the young mare than just her new height.

“I… I killed one of them, one of those black insectoid things.”

“A changeling?”

Dusk nodded, “Yes, I killed a changeling.”

“I see,” Luna replied statically, a pang of regret struck through her heart as she thought of little Dusk killing, even if it was a changeling. “I’m sorry. No pony should have to do something like that, especially a pony as young as you. Tell me Dusk, how do you feel about it?”

Dusk sniffled as tears roll down her cheeks. Hiccups rocked her body as she buried her head into Luna’s neck.

“Sad, I feel really, really sad! I want daddy! I want to go home! But I know we can’t! Their still out there, I only knocked them away, they’ll be back, and more ponies will die because I didn’t want to kill them!” Dusk cried as Luna gently rubbed her back.

“Ssh, ssh, it’s ok, it’s ok,” cooed Luna. “No pony here holds anything against you for that, you did the best you could, and there is nothing wrong with not wanting to kill, nothing wrong at all.”

Dusk pushed away from Luna looking up at the princess with big black eyes. “But there will be more killing, and I’ll have to kill again too. I’ll have to fight, won’t I? Because of how much magic I have and don’t lie and say I won’t have too either. Not now. Not ever. Don’t lie to me.”

“Yes,” replied Luna, bowing her head, so her horn touched Dusks. “You’ll have to fight. You’ll have to kill. And I’m so sorry, but there is nothing I can do to prevent that.” Luna held Dusk close, burying her muzzle in the mare’s mane to hide her own tears.


Applejack ran through the makeshift training field she and a few of the crystal ponies hastily constructed per Luna’s orders. There was a pony in need of some special training the princess said. Instruction that only Applejack could teach, Night Hunter training, the toughest form of exercise in all of the Night Patrol.

She reran the course. The turns and weaves were tighter than the standard ones with spikes placed around every post, every jump and an uncountable number of pitfalls, even a hairs margin of error could lead to serious injury in this training, which is why Applejack was confused to why the princess wanted whoever it was to go through it. The training was designed to build maximum skill in a short amount of time, but two days? No pony could learn that fast. The exercise probably wouldn’t even help them in the coming battle. So why do it?

“Is everything ready, Applejack,” Luna asked, entering the courtyard with a familiar mare at her side. Applejack had to look a little closer, but once she saw those black eyes, she knew who it was.

“You cannot be serious, princess,” barked Applejack, her voice trembling with controlled anger. Confidently she matched the princess’s pose, standing as tall as she could to match the princess’s height. She wasn’t going to budge on this. “She’s not ready. She's just foal.”

Luna regarded with her a blank expression. “That is not for you to decide. Nor is it mine. I’ve went over the dangers and Dusk believes she can handle it so she will be tested. Besides she needs to adapt to her new body and physical training is the best medicine for that.”

“But Night Hunter training? Why that? Why not normal training?”

“We don’t have time for that,” Said Luna with finality. Applejack’s ears drooping. Placing her hoof under her chin Luna raise Applejack’s head, so they were looking eye to eye. “I don’t want to do this either, but it is what must be done. Besides,” Luna leaned in whispering into Applejack’s ear. “You and I both know Dusk is no ordinary pony, it’s time to accept that Applejack.”

Applejack pulled away looking at Dusk, searching for signs of fear and found the face of determined mare staring back at her. Beneath that look, she knew the same foal she rescued was still in there, probably afraid, missing home and her daddy, but always willing to fight. She lowered her hat. Dusk was just like her in that regard she supposed.

“Alright, let’s get started,” Applejack said going to the start line. “Keep pace with me. Do not slow down for any reason and do what I do perfectly.”

“Right,” replied Dusk taking up position next to Applejack.

“Let’s go!”

Both mares took off at full gallop. Luna sat down to watch them as they made their way through the first set of obstacles, a bunch of posts spaced about a foot apart from each other and covered in barb wire. Applejack weaved between them seamlessly, while Dusk fuddled around, stopping barely in time. Applejack yelled at her to hurry up and proceeded to the next obstacle, alternating high jumps with more barbed wire and pitfalls hidden randomly around. Again Applejack made it through with little effort, while Dusk barely made it out with only a few scratches. Next came the hard part, spinning moving barrels that shot arrows. Applejack had a little difficulty, but manage to dodge them all. Dusk was forced to use a magic shield to avoid getting hit.

“Did I break the rules?” Dusk asked as they trot up to Luna, who only smiled at Dusk’s question. Finding amusement in Applejack’s stern face and silence to Dusk’s actions.

“Don’t tease her now Applejack,” said Luna waving her hoof at the earth mare, who broke out into a grin.

“Ah don’t remember explaining any rules. Ya made it through on your first time with only a little damage. You were impressive, but you still need improvement.”

Dusk looked between the two older mares with a frown. “I don’t get it. I’m not in trouble for using magic?”

“Who said you couldn’t use magic,” Luna inquired, “You did want you needed to stop that attack from hurting you. That’s good instincts. That’s what this training is for, to train your instincts to sense and avoid danger. There are no rules when it comes to surviving Dusk, remember that.”

“So, I’m not in trouble?”

“No,” said Applejack grinning ear to ear, “But no pony said we were done either. Now get back in there, and this time you have to avoid me too.”

“What?” Applejack punched the ground at Dusk’s feet creating a hole.

“Ah’d suggest you start running.”

Luna chuckled as Dusk took off like a bolt with Applejack hot on her heels. Of course, the earth mare was taking it easy on Dusk, attacking slowly and predictably, each attack just barely missing the unicorn. That was part of the trick to this next part. After each attack Dusk dodged or blocked, Applejack would attack a little faster each time, adding a little more power to each attack. By the time Dusk made to the finish line, a line of craters had followed in her path. This time she had more than a few scratches.

“Are we done,” Panted Dusk. She looked up to Applejack and Luna with hopeful eyes, but instantly regretted asking as they look at her with smirks upon their lips, “Again, I’m guessing..”

“Correct. Only this time you’ll be dodging attacks from both of us,” Said Luna charging her horn. Dusk didn’t move at first, so Luna blasted the ground next to the unicorn’s face to get her moving. She took off with Applejack giving chase. Luna firing several more magical blasts, nothing that would hurt Dusk, but would stun her, which would leave her open to Applejack’s attacks.

Dusk did exceptionally well, summoning magical shields to block Luna’s spells and dodging Applejack’s attacks, which were getting faster and closer to hitting her. After one attack split the ground, open Dusk realized how dangerous things were.

“Very good, very good indeed, you’re almost a natural Dusk,” praised Luna, “Next time try firing back at me. Defense is good, but sometimes it’s easier to take out an opponent. Now I believe a short break is in order. I must go inspect the defenses. Send her through at least two more times Applejack and then send her to my room when you’re done. From there we’ll begin your magic lessens Dusk.”

“Ok,” panted Dusk as she collapsed on her belly.

“Roger that princess, I’ll get her whipped into shape.”

“I have faith in you. I’ll see you two later.

Leaving the training ground, Luna made her way to the front of the castle, where Fierce Fury was overlooking the defenses. Crystal unicorns were working around the clock to forge together a passable defense. Breaking down the crystals from the decorations and useless trinkets, anything and everything was being used, even the royal family’s jewels, though Luna secretly kept one gem in particular, Symphony’s engagement ring, tucked away for safe keeping.

“How goes the defense Fury?”

The Rinin clicked his tongue dismissively. “They could be better. This place has too many windows, too many doors, and we have to few to cover them all. We are working on covering all the windows and creating choke points, as well as setting up traps in rooms to help compensate for our small numbers. Our best bet will be to stay close together and not spread our forces too thin.”

“Like a parallax, brilliant idea, and what manner of traps have you constructed?”

“The monster killing kind,” replied Fury as several crystal unicorns march past with traps. Luna watch them leave with a grim expression.

“Those could harm our troops just as much as theirs when they go off, why make them? Why not something more suitable for close spaces like spike traps or hot oil?”

Fury snorted leading the way to a balcony. He pointed his claw directing Luna’s attention to the city. “This is not the only place where those traps will be laid. The further out you go the more lethal the trap. I plan to have a small number of ponies engage with the enemy in the outer rim to slow their ground force. I and the remaining pegasus will stay low and draw their airborne troops to the ground for anti-air traps. Our goal is to take out as many as possible. For every one of us they kill, I want them to lose a hundred.”

“What of Sombra and Chrysa, what do you have in mind for them,” asked Luna, her mind going over the cans and what-ifs of battle. No pony could take Sombra or Chrysa, even she would be hard pressed to fight them one on one. Hell, she and Fury barely fought of Sombra alone.

“Worried?” Fury asked, causing Luna to whip her head around with shock. “It’s ok to be worried, to be scared, and I’m sure you already know what it takes to overcome those things. So don’t worry. Applejack will be there to support you and possibly Dusk from what I understand, and if you should need it, you can simply call for me, and I’ll come to your aid. We all will. We are here to fight with you princess, to the end if we must.”

Luna looked to the setting sun, her heart heavy, “That is what I’m most afraid of.”

The bed felt like the softest thing ever as Dusk threw herself on it with the last of her strength. Her everything hurt. Her muscles ached, her lungs burned, even her hoofs, hard and durable, ached, and it also hurt to breath. (How does that happen?)

“Well, looks like you had a rough day,” chimed Luna as she entered the room, her horn glowing with magic as she waved it over Dusk’s body. “Does that feel better? It’s a healing spell, but you’ll have to eat for it to work at full effect.”

Dusk cringed at the thought of food, her abdomen hurt so much that just eating a crumb seemed too much. She didn’t want to be wasteful since they had so little food to go around.

“Just some water, please. I don’t think I can stomach anything right now.”

“Very well, I’ll mix in some flowers and fruits so you can at least get some nutrients,” Said Luna presenting a strange multi color drink that smells like flowers and strawberries. “Now drink up, or I will force feed you like a newborn foal and don’t think I won’t do it.”

Dusk gagged at the thought and levitated the drink to her mouth and taking sips, before chugging the entire mixture down in one gulp!

“That was good! Can I have more?”

“No, it’s an energy drink, too much and your heart will enlarge and explode.”

“That can’t be true,” Dusk quivered, imagining just that happening to her. Luna’s laughs made her cheeks burn as she glared at the Princess. “That’s not funny. Telling me stories like that, I bet it isn’t true.”

Luna stifled her laughter. “Well it’s not exactly a lie either if a pony were to drink twenty of these in a row their heart would explode, but one or two will just keep you up and hyper for an entire day.”

“Why would some pony drink twenty in a row if they're that dangerous?”

“Some ponies don’t know when enough is enough, now enough idle chatter, it’s time for your magic lessons,” said Luna, getting serious and levitating several books and diagrams onto the bed. “Let’s start by expanding your attack spells. You know a basic magical blast and shield, so now you need to learn how to break through a magical shield and this spell is a good one for doing just that.”

“Magical drill horn blast,” Dusk read questionably, “Who came up with that name?”

“Starswirl, now pay attention. To use this spell, you must imagine your magic rotating clockwise and… ugh, I hate how Starswirl words these things,” Luna complained closing the book. “Just watch and do what I do.”

Nodding Dusk watched as Luna charged up her horn with magic, slowly the magic began to turn gradually speeding up until it looked like a spinning drill. Taking aim Luna fired the magic drill at the wall, it burrowed through instantly and continued to drill through one of the supporting pillars around the palace and then into the ground where it finally stopped.

Luna and Dusk sat in silence as they look at the smoldering hole. Shouts of panic came from the courtyard as the soldiers thinking it was an enemy attack sprang into action.

“We do not speak of this,” said Luna, rushing off to quell the noise. “And don’t do that, of which I told you not to speak off!”


“Good, girl!”

After the situation was taken care of with Luna passing the “attack” off as an accident with no possible way to identify the one who fired the spell. She sent the guards the back to their posts and returned to her room to resume Dusk’s lessons. Only to find the tawny mare sound asleep on the bed. Knowing that a good rest was sometimes better than the most brutal training sessions, she let the mare sleep.

“Shouldn’t you be getting’ to bed too?” Asked Applejack walking up from behind. The orange mare sat down next to Luna, following her gaze up into the stars. “They sure are pretty. What do you call that one over there? The one that bunch of stars that looks like a bucking bronco.”

“I don’t know. I never named it maybe I should name it after you. I shall call it The Apple bucker!” Luna laughed.

Applejack stared at her until she stopped and Luna smile faded, replaced with a frown. Far out at the borders of the city sat their enemy. The blue wall separating them crackled and weakening by the hour, they would break through sooner rather than later.

“I guess two days was a bit hopeful wasn’t it?” Said Luna solemnly, “A shame we didn’t have more time.”

“Yeah,” whispered Applejack, wondering if Nightingale had made it back. She hoped with every fiber of her being, but it was looking more, and more likely her friend didn’t make it home and even if she did it may be too late to save them. “You should really get some rest.”

“Yes, yes we should, though my bed is occupied by another. Mind sharing yours?”

Applejack blushed red, “Ah-ah guesses, but strictly platonic right?”

“If you insist,” said Luna with a shrug as she strutted over to Applejack’s bed. Applejack gulping as she climbed in beside her.

“I won’t tell you’re special somepony if you don’t tell my sister, ok? She gets jealous when I cuddle with other ponies.”

“So Ah’ve noticed, good night Luna.”

“Why thank you, I did work very hard on it tonight,” replied Luna, giggling as Applejack rolled her eyes as she wrapped herself up in the blankets, “Tis only a joke Applejack, good night and sweet dreams.”

Morning came too quickly it felt, the night passing over with no incident, however not everything was well. The survivors of the Crystal Empire awoke to find their only means of protection nearly gone. The shield made by the crystal heart was cracked all the way from top to base. From the outside, King Sombra hurled large blasts of magic at the blue force field. His latest attack struck as Luna emerged onto the balcony in Symphony’s armor.

“Princess Luna, good morning to you. I see you’re trying out a new look. I must say pink is a stark contrast to your normal regalia,” Said Sombra with a smirk. Observing the defensive positions of the crystal army and finding them in deplorable condition. He was certain his army could crush them the moment the shield dropped, but he wanted to try and persuade Luna one last time. “And I also see you are dug in for the good fight, but it would be a waste of life don’t you agree? Here is my offer to you and you’re ponies. Surrender to me and be sparred. Become my Queen…”

“Second Queen,” Interrupted Chrysa.

“Right, Second Queen, and not only could we take Equestria, but beyond! Think about it Luna, subjects that love and worship you rather than fear you. No more pesky nobles, no Celestia to outshine you. Think of it, Luna.”

Luna flew to the edge of the dome so she could face Sombra face to face, Fierce Fury by her side.

“A tempting offer Sombra, but one only a weak fool would accept. My sister is on her way, and she will bring the wrath of Equestria upon you. I assure you.”

Sombra laughed, “You assume Celestia is coming. Perhaps due to some notion of hope that somepony manage to escape? Well, I’d suggest you give up. I know of your little runaway and rest assured she has long since departed from this world.”

“Show me the body then.”

“Interested in seeing your own dead soldier? You grow more beautiful to me with every conversation. Very well, bring the corpse.” Sombra ordered, two changelings flew off and returned with the body of Nightingale. “I will happily accept that surrender now Luna.”

Luna glared at the unicorn king as she adjusted her vocals. “Fool! As if we could be fooled by such simple trickery! For we know our fair Nightingale possesses a piercing mark upon her marehood, which your dimwitted trickster has forgotten!”

“She didn’t have a piercing! I flew right under her… Oh…” said the disguised changeling.

Now it was Luna’s turn to smirk as Sombra blistered with anger. “My ponies, help comes! Hold strong till Celestia arrives! We fight for the glory of the Crystal Empire and Equestria!”

“Attack! Attack now! Kill them all!” Bellowed Sombra unleashing blast of magic that shattered the dome! The armies of Maredor poured into the city as the defenders took action.

“For Equestria,” shouted Luna leading the charge straight for Sombra. Their horns intersect as the battle broke out around them. Luna flew up, Sombra following with his skeleton wings. A group of changelings tried to slow her down, but Fierce Fury and his crystal pegasus intercept. Now high over the battlefield, Luna could cut loose without harming her own troops. Levitating the two lances off her back, she gave them a few practice swings and then attacked Sombra.

Be with me this day dear Symphony. I will avenge you and protect your kingdom in your stead. Luna screamed as she descended, letting her pent up anger and sorrow over Symphony’s death come to the surface. Sombra summoned a large scythe and swung the weapon connected with her lances as their fierce struggle began.

Below the armies of Maredor flooded into the city, the defenders easily giving ground as they charged, stirring excitement and vigor among the Mardorian ranks as they charged faster breaking their formations and running every which way in pursuit of the fleeing crystal ponies. Who scattered and attempted to hide in the nearby buildings. They followed all too eagerly. Glory and the spoils of war so easily in hoof! They couldn’t help it.

A slender figure caught the commander’s attention, an armored mare fleeing into an abandoned building alone. Eagerly he licked his lips as he led his squad into the building after her. Maredor, despite its name, was short on mares and he’d had enough of the changelings’ imitations these past few months and looked forward to having the real thing again.

“Come on boys! Let’s go get us some fresh fruit!” Bellowed the commander leading the way. They rushed into the building, scattering their numbers in search of the mare, they searched high and low, but found no sign of her. “Where is she?” The commander demanded, salivating at the lips. “Find her or I’ll have your heads! No pony touches her until I do first!”

“Sir! She’s over there!” Somepony pointed to the building across the alley, where the mare stood waving at them with an elemental fire bow and arrow primed and ready. Suddenly the smell of oil and tar became very prudent as she released the bolt and set the building ablaze in a glorious ball of fire. The soldiers of the black army now charred the same color of their souls.

“Command, this is Hot Lips reporting in, trap 139 had been executed with full effectiveness. We have a full house of burning rats, I repeat, full house,” Hot Lips reported into her communication Crystal.

“Roger that, continue to rally point A as planned.”

“Roger that, Hot Lips signing out, hail Luna.”

All over the Crystal Empire, the invading force felt the hurt as their first wave stalled. Many of their troops were lost to the defenders’ traps. Buildings went up in flames, sometimes entire streets, others were frozen over, the invader's progress slowed as their ground forces were forced to watch their every step and with their ranks broken their communication lines were thrown into chaos.

The enemy vanguard steadied their pace, creeping through the ruined city streets. Ignoring the buildings now not bothering to check them, assuming they were just full of traps. Groups of defenders emerged from the windows laying down a barrage of arrows and magic blasts, kneecapping the invaders, and disappearing before they could counter-attack.

In the east part of the city, the Maredor unit upon receiving reports of what happened to their advance units checked every building, sending five ponies in each to reduce causalities making sure they could hold their ground till help arrived. Buildings exploded, and arrows were fired as they engaged with the hidden troops, overwhelming the defenders and cutting off their escape with their superior numbers. As the captured soldiers were brought to their bellies, the officers of the Maredor army threw etiquette into the ditch to die. Allowing their troops to do what they willed. The stallions were killed, and the mares wished they had been.

Their momentum gaining the Generals of the Mardor army pushed harder, calling in Sombra’s elite troops, the Black Horns. The black horns were a unit made of the most powerful mages in all of Maredor. A unicorn unit of great destructive power with absolute loyalty to Sombra. With their ability, they ripped through the defenders, traps and all. Dropping entire buildings with waves of their horns. A trail of destruction followed them as they cut straight to the Crystal Castle. The last stronghold of the defenders.

“Come on, boys! Let’s go get the spoils!” The black horn leader cried out leading the charge.

Fierce Fury and the airforces were in a tight spot. They were just too few of numbers to stand up to the full might of Sombra’s bat ponies and Chrysa’s changelings.

At first, they managed to lead a good chunk into the traps designed to take out flyers, and it worked, very effectively too, but it was a one trick pony. For every enemy flyer killed another took its place and now that they knew not to fly too low. Fury and his troops had to fight at their level.

“Stay close together! Don’t let them separate you!” He told his lancers as they charge straight into the fray. Punching a hole right through the center and then made a quick retreat to the ground for cover fire from their unicorn squads. They continued this pattern, always making minor changes so the enemy couldn’t counter easily.

By the seventh charge, Fury took notice of the fact that over half of his original fifty flyers were gone and they were losing ground. The unicorn squads were forced to move back to rally point B. He looked toward Luna who was engaged with Sombra in an epic battle no pony dare to intrude upon. He did not like that he was being pushed away from his princess and rallied his troops to go and support her. They ripped through the enemy formation and made a beeline for Luna when they were blindsided by Queen Chrysa and her royal guard.

Fury growled breathing a stream of fire at the Changeling Queen. Chrysa threw up a green shield, deflecting the flames and charged with an ornate spear covered in beautiful jewels. The tip of the spear glowed as dozens of blasts shot from gems cutting down several Pegasi. One blast glanced his shoulder, his scales withstanding the attack. Readying his claws, Fury dived in close, chest swelling with flames, his cheeks puckered out, and he shot a barrage of small fireballs to ward of the Queen’s guards.

With a mighty roar, Fury swung his claw aiming for the gap in the queen’s armor, right between her neck and breastplate. Before his fangs could pierce her black flesh, a drone threw themselves into his attack path. The drone was skewered, his claws burrowing through the poor changeling's neck. The changeling clung to life and embraced him, trying to impede his movements.

“Get off me!” Fury tried to shake the drone as several more charged in from the right. The Queen raised her spear to run both him and the drone through.

“For the Empire!” A battle cry came as Fury’s wing pony, Stone Wing, charged into the attacking swarm. Taking the five changelings out in a display of raw skill and power. Sadly the grey crystal pegasi went down with them.

Taking the chance give to him, Fury ripped the drone holding him in two and flew back, the Queen too stunned by Stone Wing’s display to launch her attack.

“Do you really think you can win? Face reality freak, the time of Celestia and Luna is over! The reign of the changelings is now,” gloated Chrysa dodging Fury’s flames, while blasting beams of green magic at Fury, who dodged and charged head-on at her. The Queen deflected the attack with her shield, sending Fury veering off course. “You are skilled. Too bad your friends were not up to par.”

Slowly Fury turned his gaze downward. The bodies of his soldiers were still air born as he watched them crash into the ground with bone shattering cracks. The sound echoed in his ears. Their broken forms forever burned into his mind. All of them were dead, and it was his fault.

“I’ll kill you!” Screamed Fury as his body erupted into flames, startling Chrysa and the changelings surrounding him. Flexing his claws he dashed forward with complete disregard, ripping his way through the changeling ranks.

“What’s happening up there?” Commander Shiny Stone, captain of the guard, demanded observing the battlefield from the defender's command center. A couple dozen ponies worked tirelessly to relay messages from the front lines. Their crystal communication network went down several hours ago, so messenger ponies have been running back and forth between the front lines to keep communications open.

A hastily scribbled note was shoved in his face, reading that the third barricade has fallen. One more and the armies of Maredor would be at their front door.

“Miss Dusk.”

“Yes, commander,” saluted Dusk stepping forward. She was feeling antsy after she was ordered by Applejack to stay behind in the castle. Saying she was their last resort. She didn’t know what she meant by that, only that it was up to her if the fourth barricade was in danger of falling. Her orders were to attack with no restraint to keep the enemy at bay.

“The time has come for you to put your talent to use. Get out there and support our retreat.”

Dusk saluted once more and left with the remaining guards to the fourth barricade. Already shadow and bat ponies were fighting their way through the defenses. Her and twenty crystal unicorns met up with the fourth barricade's commander, Shiny Silver, Shiny Stone’s son.

“What’s the situation,” shouted Dusk as she took cover behind a crumbling wall with the commander. Three arrows embed themselves into the wall ahead of them. One crystal unicorn stood up to return fire, only to get a bolt through the skull.

“That,” pointed Shiny Silver to the dead pony, “That’s the situation. We’re getting slaughtered out here! There’s just too many to fight off. We’re getting overrun… Watch out!” A shadow pony emerged from the wall, poised to strike! Shiny Silver stabbed his horn into the pony’s chest and tossed it over the wall. “Please tell me there is a plan.”

Dusk smiled awkwardly, “Yeah, me.”

“Please tell me that was a joke. What can one mare do?”

“Luna’s a mare, and she does a lot,” Dusk retorted, Shiny Silver glared at her with a twitching eye. “Right no time for jokes. Just watch and be amazed.” (I hope this works.)

Dusk gathered magic into her horn, creating a sphere around herself she leaped over the wall and charged towards the enemy lines drawing their fire. Shadow ponies, bat ponies, and changelings, pile on top of her. She nearly buckled under the weight, but held firm and bolstered her shield.

“Anytime today,” She screamed as sweat dripped down her brow. Flashes of magic and everything from arrows to rocks flew overhead, knocking the enemy ponies off her shield. Taking a relaxing breath Dusk focused her magic and fired magic drill bullets from her horn through her shield. The magic drills burrowed through rock barriers and magic shields alike downing a dozen ponies in an instant. Morale surged for the defenders as the ponies began to attack in earnest, even managing to push the invaders back.

“Yeah, come on let’s get them!” A pony yelled, but she grabbed him by the legs holding him in place. “What are you doing?”

“Don’t be stupid,” She retorted, “Rushing in will get you killed.”

Shiny Silver nodded, “She’s right, Brick Hoof. Fortify our positions, prepare for the next wave!” The soldier saluted and began remaking the barricades. “Come on back here and rest we’re going to need your strength,” said Shiny Silver, leading Dusk back behind the wall. “You did well. Keep it up, and we may make it out alive.”

A shaky smile worked its way onto Dusk’s face. Shiny Silver gave her a knowing look as he patted her on the shoulder before leaving to help with the defenses. Once he was out of sight, her body began to shake as vile filled her throat. She tried to keep it down, but it was no use, she hacked up her lunch on the ground.

This wasn’t her first kill, yet that didn’t stop the shaking. She knew they were bad ponies, they probably killed a lot of ponies today, maybe even enjoyed it, but that didn’t make her feel any better. She killed them, and there was no changing that.

“Next wave coming in, Dusk we need you!”


Far up in the sky Sombra and Luna clashed! Sparks and explosions fill the air as their attacks met. It’s an impressive display, but that didn’t mean the sides were even. Luna panted heavily, her coat soaked with sweat. Symphony’s armor was more cumbersome than her own, and her lances took much more magic to keep float then her star blades. Another problem was the alicorn amulet around Sombra’s neck, providing him with an extra source of power. Extending his own stamina, while Luna was forced to rely on her own waning strength.

“It’s not too late to accept my offer Luna, join me and accept your new role as my mate.”

“I’d rather die first Sombra!” Luna spat flinging her lances at the black stallion. Flying back she fired three blasts of magic for good measure. Sombra deflected the lances and blocked the spells, his smirk irritating her to no end. Summoning her lances back, she countered his scythe just in time, but the force of the attack made her aura waver for a moment, and she felt the tip of the blade press against her throat.

Sombra pressed harder, even pushing with his hooves, Luna called on her earth pony magic to counter his strength, but it wouldn’t last. Already she could feel the last of her reserves failing her. Sombra’s eyes lit up with dark magic, Luna felt her mind go fuzzy for a moment before shaking it off.

“You mind tricks won’t work on me Sombra.”

The unicorn king chuckled, “Perhaps for now, but how long can you resist? You’re fighting a battle on all fronts Luna, which will give out first? Your body? Your mind? Your magic? Time will tell very soon I believe.”

As much as she didn’t want to admit it, he was right. She couldn’t keep fighting like this, but what other option was there? She couldn’t break off and retreat. He would surely follow her and attack her ponies below. No, she had to stay, she had too… is that fireball with wings coming at her?

“LET GO OF HER!” Fierce Fury screamed ramming into Sombra’s side. With his claws, Fury dug into the unicorn’s side grabbing hold of the base of his right wing and shattering the bone. “Come on, let’s go!” He shouted, dropping the unicorn king and tackling Luna into a free fall dive. The flames surrounding his body disappeared as they fall.

Luna struggled in Fury’s embrace as she watched bat ponies come to Sombra’s aid. Cursing at missing chance to finish the unicorn king off. However something caught her attention as she felt Fury’s claws dig into her side, his missing talon wasn’t missing anymore.

“Prepare for landing,” Said Fury as they level out into a rough landing against the ground. Applejack and Dusk quickly rushed to their aid, both mares looking worse for wear. Before she could ask on their condition Sombra’s voice boomed over the battlefield.

The black stallion was grounded, but still kicking and was looking very angry.

“Don’t think anypony is getting out of here alive Luna! You brought this fate upon them! And you will watch as I execute every last one of them, while you’re helplessly chained by my side!”

Luna rose to her full height as her ponies rally around her. Sadly gazing back at them. They had suffered so much for her, for their freedom, for each other. She wished she could tell them they would make though, that all the suffering was not for nothing, but she could not. They would die here, with her, but they would die together.

Gathering up her courage she stood tall as she stared down Sombra from afar, prepared to face death, but then something shined in the distance hidden by the blinding rays of the sun.

Suddenly explosions blanket the enemy lines. Ponies scrambled to find out what was going on, but it was too late, far too late. Coming over the horizon was a sight no pony had ever seen before, a massive battleship sailing across a stream of clouds, filled with hundreds of battle harden night patrollers eager to fight! It was the Moon cutter, and it brought a tear to Luna’s eye when she saw the pony commanding it.


--inside the moon cutter

“We are in position Princess, orders?”

Celestia raised her hoof, her eyes hard like steel as she gazed out onto the battlefield.
