• Published 12th Dec 2014
  • 2,521 Views, 46 Comments

Ponies & Keyblades - GoneGuy

A MLP:FiM/Kingdom Hearts Crossover. When Sora enters Equestria, a magical world of talking ponies, can he learn the magic of friendship and save this world from the Heartless?

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20 The Mastermind/A Friend Appears

The group made their way through the maze of caverns, being careful to stick together. There were twists and turns that would boggle the mind. Sora was reminded of Wonderland, except this place was dark and filled with dank caverns and bats.

Not a single Heartless appeared while they trekked through the cave, which suprised the group. They had soon made their way deep enough into the cave where they heard hoofsteps close by. The group of ponies watched behind a large boulder as the black pony walked past, heading towards the exit.

The group began to continue down the path this mysterious pony had come from, and soon enough, they reached a small cavern, where Princess Celestia was being held, sleeping, in an erethreal cage.

The group rushed to her side, and Sora prepared to use his Kingdom Key to unlock the cage, but as soon as the blade appeared in his maw, they heard a voice.

"Ah-ah-aaaaah! No wakey-wakey the Princess."

They turned to see Sunset Shimmer and Nightmare Moon standing there, alongside a new pony.

"Correct. Now, Sora, I give you a choice. King Mickey.... or Equestria."

Sora recognized the voice as King Mickey appeared in a mystic bubble, covered in darkness on the outside.


"Very good, Sora. Now, what shall it be?"

"Sora! Don't listen to her! Save your friends!" the King said.

"Silence, your 'Majesty'."

"Take King Mickey back to Disney Castle NOW!"

"Musn't let our temper rise, Sora."

He heard the screams of his friends, and he turned to see they were all trapped in bubbles.

"I wonder what the Elements of Harmony could do as Heartless...."

Sora summoned his blade to his maw.

"How about we have a fair fight, Maleficent? Winner can do whatever they want to the loser, No objections!"

"No, Sora! She'll make you into a Heartless!" the King cried.

"Alright, we have a deal."

"First, release my friends!"

"After the fight, I shall release them, if you win. We can't let them interfere, now can we?"

Sora leapt at Maleficent, brandishing his blade, striking her as she transformed into a large, black dragon, breathing green flame towards him.

Sora leapt back, and looked deep into his heart.

"Give me strength!"

The familar bright flash of light, and his clothes changed to gold and black.

"Everypony! We're in here again!" Applejack said, inside Sora's heart again.

"Alright! Let's show that mean ole' witch what Sora can do! Sora, make that magical element blade-thingy appear again!" Pinkie said.

Sora summoned his blade, once again combining the power of the Elements of Harmony into one magnificent blade.

"Sora! I think I just realized something. Maybe, you could use MY magic while we're in your heart!" Twilight said, factually.

He aimed his blade, saying the only word he could think of.


A powerful blast of pure, white magic sailed towards Maleficent like a torpedo, striking her and knocking her onto her back, as Sora dashed straight to her stomach and leapt upon it, striking it with another powerful blast, as she bucked him off.

"Wait, sugarcube. If you can use Twilight's magic, who's ta say ya can't use out talents too? You know, Rainbow's flight skills, Pinkie's party power, mah applebuckin', you get the picture."

"Sora! Use your wings to fly up real high, and then fly straight back down." Rainbow suggested.

Doing as he was asked, he flew up into the air, and dived straight back down, turning upward right before striking the floor.

A loud boom.

Followed by a magnificent burst of color.

Maleficent herself, in all the might of her dragon form, was knocked into the air.

And then, the unexpected.

As Sora's clothes returned to normal, and his friends all appeared beside him, he heard a shout.


A blast of black and purple fire went straight into Maleficent's chest.

The group turned around to see an all-black pony, with a silver mane and tail, wearing a jacket something like Sora's, brandishing a unique blade in his maw.

"That all ya got?"


"No time for Hellos, Sora. Let's take Maleficent down together, with your friends!"

Maleficent had recovered, but now had returned to her previous form.

"No! How could you have done this?"

"Because, Maleficent."

She turned, hearing an all-too familiar voice.

But no one was there.

"The power of light trumps all darkness!"

She turned again to see the King standing next to the two ponies with Keyblades, and all three put their blades into a circle, firing off a spectacular blast towards her.

She did the only think she could think of. She retreated into a corridor of darkness, leaving only Nightmare Moon and Sunset behind her.

"No! How could you have defeated our mistress!" Nightmare Moon shouted, "No matter! You will all perish any way!"

She fired a blast from her horn, striking the cavern's roof, which began to crumble.

"Get Princess Celestia to safety!" King Mickey said, unlocking the door to her cage.

"But your Majesty, you'll be crushed!" Riku interjected.

"Don't worry about me. Celestia is more important for Equestria's future!"

"But - "

"Go Now!"

The ponies took off with Princess Celestia through the cave, while the villains retreated into a corridor of darkness.

But not before Twilight could utter the Spell of the Elements, and 7 ponies lifted off the ground, blasting a spectacular rainbow into the rift, both changing it's course and restoring Nightmare Moon to her former place in time.

The group arrived outside the cave, and another flash of light occured.

"Princess Luna! You're ok!"