• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2023


Muscle Cars are the best of cars.

Comments ( 42 )
Comment posted by Mosqueefo deleted Dec 11th, 2014
Comment posted by Mosqueefo deleted Dec 11th, 2014

Mean and hateful comments will be deleted, so why post them? Please, try to be nice if you don't like my story. Actually tell me why you don't like it. I'm not a professional writer, and I certainly don't know everything. So please, try to help my writing get better as I go along, instead of being hateful and mean. Thanks! :twilightsmile:

so its going to be like this, have fun with the millions of hate comments and "trolls"

Thanks for the warning, I just wish people wouldn't be mean to people who are writing their first (good) fic. :fluttercry:

5371531 I just think that you don't have to be so mean about it, that's all.

5371752 For most comment deleters I've seen on this site, "mean" is just a bastardized synonym for "honest" or "not giving baseless praise." Unfortunately for you, I can't see the comments you deleted to see if your claims are indeed true, and I (as well as many others) know many of the people whose comments you deleted to be very constructive with criticism, so I can't honestly see you gaining any friends over this, and your shamelessly blatant self-insert is not going to help at all in this regard. Also...


I just wish people wouldn't be mean to people who are writing their first (good) fic.

This is not your decision to make.

Don't get me wrong, constructive criticism is something that i need right now, me being new to this. But people posting things like: "Comment deleter is fag." and "What the fuck did I just read?" isn't constructive at all. It's just plain rude. Forgive me if I don't want to see that every time I get on my profile.

5372315 unfortunately, it does happen a lot around here. On a recent one, I only deleted one cause another author and I had a little joke for it. They say what I said not to say and I get rid of it. Nothing mean about it. It was fun.

Well I won't be deleting any more, as it seems to cause more trouble than it's worth. I just need to find someone on here willing to take a look at my fic and provide some feedback, but I guess that will be pretty hard since I've already had a bad start with a few people.

5372382 just give it time. There are editor groups around, just hard to find the editor you need.

Well, I definitely appreciate the advice. And if you'd like to, go ahead and check back on this story every now and then. I can't promise you that you will like it, but I can promise that I will be better at writing fics in the future from all the feedback, constructive or not.

5372439 I'll place it in my RL list and if I have time, I'll look at it tomorrow.

Thanks. And whatever feedback you can give will most certainly help.

Another self-insert. Yay.


Glad to here it! Look for the second chapter to be done in a few days! :twilightsmile:

im liking this so far... his accent though puts me off slightly but anywho i dont know why this is getting dislikes your get +1 good sir

5464873 I am glad you like it, and I will greatly appreciate your thoughts on how to make it better if you have any. I will also try to update as often as possible. :pinkiesmile:

5514786 ReadingSin I hope! Having my story reviewed while making my sides hurt from laughter makes me quite happy!

cant wait for more!

Glad to hear it! the next chapter should be here within a week! :twilightsmile:

I DONT GET ALL THE HATE! im liking this besides the way he talks... some people... im telling ya one day these people are gonna hate on something and then they would of wished they did not

Oh well, can't please everybody. :ajbemused: But I'm glad you like it and I will try to be a little more speedy with the updates. :twilightsmile:

Sweet assballs, the hate in the comments is intense dude, jesus.
Aside from a few types, and the title chapter name (its beginning) this looks interesting enough.
I'm not one to hate on Self inserts, I've written more than a few of them, and hell, I've never gotten this much hate.

But anyway, you should probably look into getting an editor for this, maybe go back and look it over.
Good first chapter, no fav as of yet... but I'll keep an open mind about this.
You get a thumbs up for effort.

My old friend, Lord Death entered

Something about that bothers me, that she's friends with death himself... hmm...

Also, if I could point out a helpful hint. When you have someone thinking. on't put quotations, just italics is good enough.
Like so:
I sure wish I had a hat right now. Rarity thought.

Nice job on this chapter, less hate then the others thankfully.
Though I do have to agree with one or two of them. You shouldn't delete comments.
Just leave em there, least that's what I do, heeh.

Nice work.

6192916 An open mind is a great sign to me :twilightsmile:

Interesting go at this.
Here's what I'm wondering, how will Twilight react to Celly being buddies with Death 8D
ehehe, nice job. Looking better at writing my friend, nicely done.

6192956 Sounds like a great Nightmare Night prank :trollestia:

Ahh country, how fun 8D
Gotta love dem guns man, guns guns guns guns.

Nice chapter, and man... feel bad for his dad 8D haha.

Nice job ncie job.
You get a fav, I look forward to seeing more soon.

Just going to say, I didn't enjoy this, however I am willing to lend a hand in any future projects you do.

7863952 This was my first story back when I first joined the site. It is not my best work, yet I still update it for shits and giggles. If you want something better, I have 3 other stories that people are taking quite a liking to.

I appreciate your honesty in not liking it, and I also appreciate the watch as well! I hope my other stories are more to your liking. :twilightsmile:

7865419 I'll put them on my reading list, and again if you need some ideas or someone to look at your future projects, just PM me.

7865479 I sure will, thanks a bunch! :pinkiehappy:

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