• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 862 Views, 11 Comments

Heart of a Silver Spoon - Dawnclaw

Silver Spoon, now grown up, has a great job at Manehattan. However she gemovets bored, and wonders what it's like back in Ponyville. So she does the only reasonable thing, she quits her job and heads back to Ponyville!

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Chapter 1

The gentle pitter patter of rain on my window, softly awoke me.

As I opened my eyes, I could see the sky through the window. It was grey and cloudy, kind of like my coat. I sat up at looked around the blurry room. My room was, clean, to say the least. I guess when you have OCD like me, you just hate anything that is messy. I grabbed my glasses and put them on. I could see my clean room a lot better now, and then I looked at the clock on my bedside table.

“Eight o’ clock,” I said in a drowsy voice. I then realized what that meant, “Oh crap, I’m gonna be late.”

I quickly jumped out of my bed, and galloped out of the bedroom. I ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, only to see my violet eyes looking back at me through my bright blue rimmed glasses. Looked up at my mane and saw that it was a total mess. I quickly grabbed my brush and started to softly lay down my hair. My mane style had changed a lot from when I was a filly. Instead of having that braided ponytail, I now just let it straiten and fall down.

As I was brushing my mane I started to wonder what my old friends looked like. I wondered if Diamond still wore that stupid tiara, or if Scoots had a long mane now. Maybe Sweetie Belle didn’t have that squeaky voice anymore, and if Apple Bloom was still…. Well, I guess I was getting carried away, because my thoughts stopped as I finished brushing my mane.

I quickly put away my brush then ran to the door. I picked up my saddlebags and hooked my umbrella to them and headed out the door.

Manehatten is a nice place, if you don’t mind the crowds and the noise. Not to mention the rude ponies, rape, murder, and crime. Also the place is just filthy. Sorry, got a little carried away there. I don’t really like Manehatten. I kind of just put up with it, because this is the town that I have a job at. As long as I get my pay check, nothing else really matters.

As I trotted through the wet streets of the city, I realized how much I missed Ponyville. Though, that was nothing new. I always felt like that as I looked up at the tall, grey, lifeless buildings on my way to work.

Eventually, I arrived at my work place. It was a huge grey building with a big green logo that said, “Hayco”
Hayco is a large life insurance company. Of course they have many different establishments around Equestria, but their headquarters is in Manehatten, the one I work in. I’m a secretary for the head of Hayco, a rich snob named Big Bucks. Of course, I hate this job, but it puts food on the table, and the pay is actually pretty good.

I trotted through the front door, folded up my umbrella, and put it in this large basket by the front door. The receptionist waved at me and I nodded in return. I walked into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the top floor.

Before the door closed, a brown hoof stopped the door and a stallion got it next to me. His name was Fax Hoof. I didn’t know much about him, but I did know one thing for sure: he’s a pig like the rest of the stallions in who work here.

As he got in he smiled at me, “Why, if it isn’t the shrew herself, Silver Spoon.”

I sighed and glared at him as the door closed and we started heading up, “Just because I rejected your sorry ass, and everypony else’s, doesn’t make me a shrew.”

Fax chuckled, “Nah, you just think you’re better than everyone else.”

I decided not to look at him, since the mere sight of him got me pissed, “Really? You don’t think it has anything having to do with all of the stallions here have their heads up their asses?”

Fax smiled, “Ah, so that’s what you think? Do you even know why Big Bucks hired you in the first place?”
I stayed silent.

Fax laughed again, “Because he wants inside you. Hay, maybe he’ll even invite some of your friends from Ponyville. Like that pompous rich girl, Diamond Tiara.”

At that, I couldn’t take it anymore, I promptly inserted my back hooves into his mouth. Fax flew back and hit the wall of the elevator with his head, denting it. It fell down, knocked out cold. When I got to the top floor, I quickly got out of the elevator and I pressed the first floor button, making the elevator go back down with a broken jawed Fax Hoof inside.

In any other business, I would be fired on spot by the boss, but not with Big Bucks. He liked me too much to do that. I walked into Big Bucks’ office and said, “Hello sir.”

Big Bucks turned around in his chair and smiled, “Ah, Silver Spoon, good you’re here. I wanted to talk to you.”

I looked at him, “Yes sir?”

Big Bucks nodded and stood up from his chair and stood up, “Silver Spoon, how long have you working with Hayco again?”

I sighed and said, “Three years, sir.”

Big Bucks smiled and got a bit closer to me, “And you have been doing a fantastic job.”

I nodded, and started to get a bit uncomfortable, “Thanks, sir. I’ve been trying my best.”

Big Bucks started circling me, “Indeed, but I think some improvements need to be made.”

I looked at him and started backing away slightly, “W-what do you mean sir?”

He took off my glasses, and smiled, “Much better. You see Silver Spoon, this job has some…. Requirements.” He got his face a bit closer to mine and said, “Nothing major.”

Suddenly, Big Bucks started furiously kissing me. This wasn’t the first time a stallion had tried to force himself on me, so I knew what to do.

I quickly kneed him in the crotch, having him keel over on the ground. While he was on the ground, I grabbed some pepper spray and sprayed in the eyes. He screamed and I picked up my glasses, put them on, and started to leave.

As I was leaving he looked at me with his, red, burned eyes and said, “You bitch….”
I looked back at him and said, “Well, this bitch is quitting, goodbye Big Bucks.” With that I slammed the door to his office and trotted down the stairs to the first floor. Fax was sitting down next to the reception desk, with an ice pack and a crooked jaw.

He glared at me as I walked past him, “Ju bidch. Ju brock ma jaaa!”

I ignored him, grabbed my umbrella, and walked outside. As I walked outside, I realized what I just did. I just committed assault and quit my only job. I couldn’t go back and beg for my job back, I would just get the cops called on me. Even though, it’s not like Big Bucks is going to give my job back anyway, no matter how attractive I am.

As I was thinking, I suddenly bumped into another pony.

“Oh, sorry,” I looked up and gasped in surprise when I saw who it was.

The mare was orange and had a short hot pink mane. She looked at me in surprise, “Silver Spoon?”

I looked back in equal shock, “Babs?”

Babs Seed smiled at me, “Silver Spoon!” She gave me a hug, “Long time, no see.”

I smiled and nodded, “Indeed, Babs Seed, indeed. Where have you been?”

Babs Seed looked at me with a grin, “Oh, you know me, here, there, everywhere. How about you.”

I sighed, “Well, I just got out of a really crappy job.”

Babs looked at me, “Awww, sorry girl that sucks.”

I nodded, but then smiled, “Well the job sucked anyway. I’m glad to be out of it.”

Babs nodded, “Indeed.” She looked up, “Well I just got out of a bad job too, actually.”

I looked at her, surprised. Babs Seed never seemed like the quitting type, “Really? What happened?”

Babs Seed shrugged, “I dunno. I was working for a seed packaging factory one day, the next day I’m fired. I don’t know what happened.” She smiled, “I guess someone finally told the manager I wsas sleeping on the job. Damn snitches.” She giggled then looked at me, “Man, Silver Spoon, seeing you brings back good memories. Remember the fun times all six of us had as teenagers?”

I laughed, “How could I forget?”

Back then, I guess Diamond and I realized what huge jerks we were being. When we became teenagers, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders actually got their cutie marks, Diamond figured out that, us bullying them, was pointless, it didn’t help us in any way. So we apologized and the Crusaders, forghave us, even though Scootaloo was a bit hesitant at first. Before long, the six of us became best friends, and did everything together. It was good times.

Babs looked at me and smiled, “Ah, I wish all six of us could get together again, just like the good times.”

Suddenly, a light bulb went off in my head, “Why not?”

Babs Seed looked a bit confused, “Huh?”

“Well, since both of us are unemployed now, there is really no point to staying in Manehatten, is there?” I smiled at her.

She smiled back, “I get what you’re saying.” She nodded, “Okay, pack your things, and meet me at the train station tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, we go to Ponyville!”
The next morning, I went to the train station where Babs was waiting for me. My saddlebags were filled with all kinds of luggage. Babs Seed waved at me and I trotted over to her. She smiled.

“You ready, Silver?” She asked as she gave me a train ticket that said Ponyville on it.

I smiled at her and said in an excited tone, “Absolutely!”

I took the ticket and looked down at it. This was the thing that was going to change my life forever. It was going to bring some of the best and trying times of my entire life. I was finally going to be able to see Diamond, Sweetie Belle, Scoots, and especially Apple Bloom.

I looked up at Babs and smiled wide, “Ponyville, here we come!”

Comments ( 11 )

silver spoon and scootaloo romance i hope


ScootaSeed and SliverBelle for me.

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in this one! Victory dance!stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/4477727/dance-of-life-o.gif


I want SilverBelle and ScootaSeed in this.


When will you update a new chapter. :unsuresweetie:
and if there is any shipping please make it straight I'm tired of lesbians. :facehoof:

Good story but the pacing is way too rushed.

Great start! I really enjoy it, feels like a to-do list at first but I quickly got sucked in. I'm putting this in my group so others can read. Thumbs up!

5436135 SILVERTIARA, baby, like, FOREVER!

or SilverBelle is a close second.:duck:

Silver Spoon, now grown up, has a great job at Manehattan. However she gemovets bored, and wonders what it's like back in Ponyville. So she does the only reasonable thing, she quits her job and heads back to Ponyville!

"IN Manehatten" not at, and "gemovets"?:twilightoops:

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