• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 4,682 Views, 39 Comments

Shadow's star - MagicalEntaty

Spike failed to get the heart to Cadence and Twilight falls into the hands of Sombra

  • ...

What to do

Author's Note:

this one is the same day but in Hope Shard's view. by the way the armor at the end should be easy to tell who's is who's.

There are things scarier
then the dark

It was been a week from the day she got the crystal, what the thing was, she had no idea. Not the mention that she was the one that took care of Twilight once the King was done with her, and she had to witness it. Why she didn't know, probably because of her name or the fact that she actually dose still have hope and he's trying to scare it out of her. Not that it will work.

Each day the painful screams grew more and more, and after Twilight looked worse and worse. One day Twilight had screamed so loud she lost her voice for a short time, but the apple that Hope Shard brought for her everyday made her eyes light up. It was like she was meeting a long lost friend, when ever Hope tried to ask about the crystal, Twilight would go completely silent. The burns, cuts, stabs, and more littered Twilight's body. The crystal was the only hope she had left, so Hope Shard wanted to protect it, with her life if she had to.

Today King Sombra didn't show up but another servant did. She didn't know him but she could tell he was here on Sombra's orders, he told her that she wasn't needed today and to stay in her room. Her room was better then a cell, barely, there was a bed and a desk, the walls were cold stone and there was a small window with a perfect view of the portal. She had been in her room for an hour when a sudden warmth, in her pocket, caught her attention. She pulled out the crystal that rested there, when it wasn't hidden in one of the many nooks or creaks in the walls of her room. The crystal did exactly what Twilight had told her, it changed colors, it now looked like the sunset with multiple shades of purple and pink. This means that she has to get out of there now before Sombra realizes that she has this... what ever it is.

Hope Shard walked out of her room and went to the kitchen, doing her best to not seam suspicious, though everyone there was pretty much doing the same thing. When she got there she found the list of things needed in the market, this was her ticket out. She told the person usually in charge of it that she would take care of it, while thinking 'I'm going to leave this rotten place behind.' she had all the path's through the city memorized and if any of the guards stopped her, well that was the best part of being a servant, she just said she was doing it for the king.

Hope was walking through the market and was almost at the portal when it happened. A yell, so angry, so full of hate and, rang throughout the whole empire, it was Sombra, he found out that she left, even though she was told to stay in her room. Hope like everyone else froze and looked at the castle, Sombra and his guards would be looking for her now, most likely for the crystal which must be vary important. 'maybe I should just get rid of it, save a lot of trouble,' that's when she heard it.

"Please don't. You promised me you would get this to the princesses."

The voice spoke in her head, startling her. She gave a small yelp, in surprise, and tried talking back, also in her head. 'Uh, who is this and what are you doing in my head?' Hope knew she wasn't that crazy, at least not yet. When the voice answered it only proved ether she was more crazy then she thought or it truly is another pony.

"It's Twilight." a image of the pony after her last betting flashed into her mind. blood had been running down her head from her nearly severed ear, still in the taters of her clothing. IT was a knife this time, poisoned, she was stabbed all over her body, blood and urine coated the floor, and the electric brace around her neck. Some how non of the wounds hit anything important, but green slime was in the flesh, making more pain as it entered the body. That day was one of the best for her which brought a tear to Hope's eyes thinking of that mares pain. Twilight continued talking...or thinking... whatever you would call it.

"I can't explain everything right now but if you can get through the port..." But Twilight was cut off from the clattering of armored hooves, and it sounded close.


Twilight yelled in her head giving Hope a headache, though she didn't question it. She ran full tilt to the portal, hoping to be seen as one of the panicking pony's, as it seamed all were on the move, running in every detection. A chill rain through the air, and she turned around regretting that decisions. A black crystal was now forming in the center of the road, and standing atop of it was King Sombra, his venomous green eyes falling on the fleeing girl, cold fury was clear as the storm raging beyond the portal. "Arrest that traitor!" her bellowed as the pony's closed in, Hope jumped through the portal.

The moment she crossed through the portal she felt a cold wind hit her body, she closed her eyes to prepare for the frozen, wet, landing. But something completely different happened, she felt a warm strong magic run through her body like a raging river, things twisted and turned tell she was sick. The spinning stopped and she landed on the ground, it was cold but it was... stone? Did she miss the portal? Did they get her? That would mean she fail Twilight, and get her family the only people she cared about into trouble. She opened her eyes and looked around and saw she was in Canterlot castle standing before her was nine people, she somehow got to the castle, and she had a feeling that it has something to do with Twilight. "Who are you? Why are you here?" A strong scary voice almost yelled at her. She turned to see a deep blue alicorn in silver armor, next to her was a with alicorn in golden armor. and the grope of pony's behind them all wearing armor, orange, cyan blue, pink, soft yellow, wight with dark purple, purple with gold, and the last alicorn in a pink and purple set. she looked back to Princess Luna, she wasn't going to fail her only friend.

"My name is Hope Shard. A girl named Twilight Sparkle asked me to give this to her friends." and she pulled out the crystal.