• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 4,682 Views, 39 Comments

Shadow's star - MagicalEntaty

Spike failed to get the heart to Cadence and Twilight falls into the hands of Sombra

  • ...

It begins

Strength comes in many forms
but it always comes from the heart

Warning this chapter contains pain to character so if you don't like that don't read this chapter. But this is the worst it's going to get

Twilight had no idea how she was going to get out of this but she had to... somehow. She was trying to remember as many details as possible from her time in the castle, before all this. She was laying on the wooden bed in her cell and as she thought of this she picked at the wood, which gave her an idea! She moved her pillow and started to scratch out a diagram of the castle in the wood and for the things she didn't know she would make a best estimate. This was for things like where this room was and how everything fell into place in the castle, this was her best chance of getting out of here and stopping Sombra.

The creek of the iron door's told Twilight that someone was coming and it was most likely Sombra. Twilight quickly hide her work with her pillow and sat up to look at the pony that now stood before her.

"Lesser beings should bow before there King," his black coat seemed to be darker then before but it was still the monster known as Sombra.

"I only bow to true rulers that deserve it. And that is not you Sombra." Twilight his his name as though it was acid on her tongue. The hatred she felt towards Sombra only made him laugh like she was joking

Oh dear. dear Twilight. You won't believe that for much longer." Sombra said as he moved to objects that hung on the wall. This was when Twilight noticed there was somepony behind him, it was a Crystal pony, she had a dirty blue coat and dull hair that probably was a vibrant light purple before. She wore an old dress that resembled a potato bag, she was pushing a cart a lot of supply's, mainly cleaning. What that was for Twilight didn't want to know.

When Sombra turned his attention back to Twilight, the other pony backed herself out of view of the cage. Sombra's horn glowed and there was a rattle of chains, before Twilight could react four restraints flew at her and clamped around her wrists and ankles! They pulled her off the bed and she hung suspended in mid air. Twilight desperately tried to free herself but it was no good.

Sombra entered the cell with a strange looking collar, it was leather with strange runes on it. Using his magic it was strapped around Twilight's neck, "you may not want to make any sounds or you'll get a nasty surprise." A smile formed on Sombra's face as he grabbed a sharpen red stone. Twilight knew what it was as soon as she saw it, a fire stone said to be made when a powerful dragon die's by another and wants revenge. What it dose is, it attaches to it's victim and cause pain to said pony.

There powerless when there victims die, but this one still had magic "h...AH" the collar vibrated slightly and electricity ran through Twilight making her recoil in pain. Sombra only smiled holding the stone he approached Twilight, when he was right in front of her, Twilight looked him in the eyes. What she saw was joy, to him this was amazing, the best thing ever! And that made her hate him even more. With one swift movement Sombra stabbed Twilight in the stomach with the stone, the magic activated and it felt like someone set her insides on fire. She cried out in pain which caused the collar to activate sending electricity coursing through her body, causing her scream even louder, tears streamed down her cheeks, but Twilight knew that she couldn't give up.

When Sombra pulled out the stone the wound had burned its self closed, but he was far from finished. He stabbed Twilight ten times, each in a different spot and each time causing more and more pain. Twilight cried out each time and the collar activated. The last stab made Twilight scream so loud that any glass that was in the room shattered add on the electricity it was a surprise she didn't lose her voice right there. Electric fire stormed through her body and even though her mind and spirit were strong she felt something waver, her body was not meant to withstand things like this, it was going to break before she got a chance to fight, she had to do something!

When Sombra was done Twilight could barely move, and her throat felt as though she swallowed glass. Sombra exited the cage and snapped at the crystal pony to do her job as the chains released Twilight, her numb body hit the ground with a loud thud as the crystal pony entered her cell.


What she saw scared her, she saw the purple unicorns once beautiful coat was now showing large black burn marks, her hair and tail were a tangled mess, some of her nails looked as though they spent a long time scratching at something. A loud clang behind her meant that Sombra left and the first thing the pony did was run over to the limp form on the floor "oh Celestia" she cried as she removed the collar from around the unicorns neck and what she saw underneath was horrifying! All the fur was burned off and left a thick black mark that would probably be there forever. She did everything she could to help she cleaned the wounds and applied everything from creams to bandages and brought in the food that she brought for the unicorn, celery soap, water, and a apple and feed it to her. She sat the unicorn ageist the wall as she started to re-gain control

"who are you?" her voice was like sandpaper.

"I'm Hope Shard" she said, Hope Shard was kinda glad that the unicorn care at all after what she's been through "can I ask who you are?"

The unicorn smile at Hope she was happy to know there was at least one kind pony here "Twilight Sparkle"

Twilight got a look in her eye like she just found something important. She took Hopes hand and gave her a small wight crystal "I need you to do some thing for me please!" the way she talked it was as if she was going to die "I don't know how long my body can last with this, but my mind and spirit can. I need you to keep this safe and when it changes colors bring it to princess Celestia." tears came to Twilight's eyes as fear that she would say no "please your my only hope".

Hope Shard didn't know what to say so she took the crystal and nodded. Twilight looked as though Hope agreeing just saved the world.

Author's Note:

ya ya only hope cheese, but it fit. Besides that I have to say this or type this whatever. I Can't believe that i was this harsh I had an issue as a muse and I get this wow! I don't think I'm going into another story like this latter on.

about the story next chapter is the one I'm focusing on Twilight's friends and what they've been up to. and the collar is a crazy strong shock collar just so you know.