• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 4,681 Views, 39 Comments

Shadow's star - MagicalEntaty

Spike failed to get the heart to Cadence and Twilight falls into the hands of Sombra

  • ...


it can't be true...
...can it?

Spike jumped out the window, intent on getting the Crystal Heart to Cadence. Twilight,however, couldn't sit there and leave things up to chance. She had to get out somehow. Twilight put everything she got into her next attack, and the crystals shattered. She took a step forword to escape, but they regrew before she had a chance. A magical sensations sent shivers down her spin. it was a pules of dark magic. Dark magic like that could only mean one thing: Sombra got the Heart. She had to get out now or shes dead! that thought brought forth a whole new wave of power blasting out destroying the whole tower,which was good but... down side she blow up the floor as well. She fell onto a heap of ruble and a wight hand was in front of her to help her up, it was her bbbff. "What was that!?" Twilight looked behind him and saw Sombra with the Heart!

"We have no time he's here!" she pointed at him his eye's were upon Twilight they were like they were piercing her vary sole. A grin spread across his face reviling fangs, Shinning Armor gathered everyone and started to lead them to the borders portal Applejack and Rainbow Dash stayed in the back to make shier that no one fell behind but Twilight knew something the others didn't, and it was that they couldn't get away. At least not all of them.

The first to see the shadows was Twilight, as they fled, the shield couldn't stop them it was controlled by there master as everyone continued to run Twilight started to slow down and focused her magic, Fluttershy looked at her "we have to keep moving what's the matter," a tear slid down Twilight's face.

"Tell the Princess's what happened. I'll hold him off." Cadence saw Twilight's horn glow.

"NO!!! Twilight don..." before she could finish Twilight cast a teleportation spell on all of them, sending them somewhere safe from the King. Now alone in the bleak tundra she continued to move forth as the wind battered agents her. Thankfully she still had her coat or she would be a goner. Behind her the shadows were slipping past the Empires limits, in the mist of the darkness stood King Sombra standing tall with his black hair and grey coat and armor covering his whole body and his cape, red as blood, bellowed behind him.

Twilight was up to a gallop rushing through the blizzard and she didn't dare look back. She felt a tendril of darkness grasp her tail but she was able to slip away. Twilight didn't stop or look back she didn't hesitate she ran full gallop untell she reached some hills looking around she couldn't see Sombra anywhere so she ducked into a small cave.

The rush of everything that happened started to leave her and she realized just how tiered and in pain she was, she tried a simple light spell by she used all the magic she could muster just to get this far. Using the daylight that streamed in from the cave opening and looked at the damage. Bruises the size of baseball's were forming all over her body, she had a few cuts here and there but they were nothing, she also had a large cut that would have bin bleeding quite badly but stopped now. When she tried to breath a sharp pain shook her body, she probably had a creaked rib or two, maybe more. Looking around the cave she noticed something glowing in the back, she painfully walked over to the glow and found it was a an attempt to make a tunnel, though it was vary far in, it had crystals in the wall she looked around and for the first time she saw lot's of crystals in the wall. This was probably an attempt at making a mine but with no luck. In the "tunnel" there was a small hole that let in light that reflected off the crystals making the glow, the area wasn't big but big enough for her to curl up at the bottom, and the reflected light felt like sunshine to her. Twilight knew that if she fell a sleep just like that she would die so she cast a spell enchanting the light rays so that they would worm her up and cuddled underneath the light using her hands as a pillow she put her self into a dormant stat un-tell the light warmed her back up, and she knew no more.


Sombra stepped out into the beautiful winter that he had created long ago the sight was stunning to him but he could not enjoy. It because there was something more important that he had to deal with, the lavender pony that had enough power not only to break his spell, but to destroy to whole tower she was in and yet still able to teleport her friends to safety, not to mention the cleverness to get through all of his traps. That pony is dangers to have as an enemy, or great to have as an ally, even if she dose not wish that of her own free will. A smile spread across Sombra's face, for that he needed to make her break. Break into small pieces, that will be fun he hadn't been able to tortured somepony for a long time, he misted there begging for him to end there pain to end everything.

Sombra noticed something, a red dot in the snow and more making a trail, that pony had to have been bleeding after everything she's been through. He fallowed the path that the droplets of blood made. Slowly they got smaller and fainter, it seamed that at this point the wound stopped bleeding but from here on he could use a tracking spell. Even though her hoof prints are now long covered there still there and Sombra was able to revile the path that she had taken from the small bits of her essence she left behind. He resumed his search with the Crystal Heart by his side.

He came upon a small cave inside there was a faint glow so he stepped inside. The walls were decorated with crystals which seamed to shutter as he walked past, in a small dent in the wall, there she lay the unicorn that has so much power in that small... week... body. Just by looking at her he could tell that she put a hibernation spell on herself to keep from wasting liquids and nutrients, but falling asleep in a winter wasteland that wasn't vary smart. Kneeling next to her he said "it is such a good thing I have come to get you out of this cold." Sombra reached the unicorn that lay asleep on the floor of the cave but as soon as his hand meat the light rays he recoiled in pain! Somehow this small pony was able to manipulate the rays of light and turn them into rays of sunlight that would burn anyone that she dosn't want to pass. This made him even more determined to have her as his own. Looking for a way to break the spell, then realized what made the light rays, crystals. A small mistake she made, and she was so close to being kept there but Sombra... his special talent was crystals. Calling on his magic his horn glowed a sickly green and all the crystals turned black and stopped reflecting the light, that means no more protective sunlight. He piked up the unicorn now stopped by nothing and returned to his Empire.


Celestia was sitting in the dinning room with Luna waiting for news when a bright purple light appeared in the middle of the table. A tangle of pony's sat where the light emerged from, it was Cadence, Shinning Armor, Spike, and Twilight's five friends the worst part Twilight wasn't there. Celestia knew what this meant and went to worn the guard, Luna however asked what Celestia feared "What happened? are you alright and...and where's Twilight?" the tension in the room felt deadly and when Cadence spoke it felt like it was crushing them

"Twilight gave the Heart to Spike to deliver to me... but Sombra got there first. Twilight was able to escape the trap that held her in the tower... but as we ran I think she realized that he was going get us so she teleported us here and I don't know where she is now." Recounting what happen just made things harder like it made everything real Luna looked at them

"Twilight is in the hands of Sombra!? That is even more reason we must stop him and get her back! But we must be careful because so long as he's got the Heart he is seemingly un-stoppable." everypony nodded as there prepared for the upcoming battle that was not just for there friend but for all of Equestrya.

Author's Note:

if i misselled something pleas tell me I am not the best speller. and thanks for reading