• Published 29th Nov 2014
  • 2,030 Views, 33 Comments

A Pink Queen - Ponyess

I had found a small group of Ponies in the forest. Apparently they were enjoying my brand of humor, even if what they were looking for was just a Pony to love them. What I had failed to realise is that they are Changelings in need of a Queen. Me?

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The Party of Rules Changed: 6

Author's Note:

Constellation's POV

“This is the moment none had foreseen and none had been looking forwards to, yet I am excited about this. Maybe it is merely the party, but still!” Pinkie, soon to be the Queen of this still very small and insecure hive stated.

“You can never predict who the new Queen is, Pinkie Pie. Once this is finalized, you have duties to attend to. We need to affirm and secure the hive as soon as possible. Thankfully, most of your duties are merely formal. Yet, there is the one thing we will need from you, the reason why we need you so desperately, but we can go into that after the ceremony, the time is almost upon us!” I proclaimed.

“Holding court, ceremonies and making laws seems simple and straightforwards enough, even if I could make use of help from you as advisors!” she pointed out.

“Aside from the standard day-to-day duties, you also need to manage the hive on a few other levels, but we will help you when you need us. There will be a Prince by your side, more will be made available as time goes as you see fit!” Breezer pointed out.

“Zecora will be here shortly!” Twilight proclaimed as she stepped into the room, looking over the decor she had so recently put into place.

“Excelent, we are just about done here. Everything is in order and looks perfect this far!” I responded.

“This is a very small ceremony, for such an important position. I could easily squeezed in several times as many in a smaller hall, but I am merely the host of the party. Zecora will carry the crown, just as you specified!” Twilight Sparkle continued as she scanned the room, the remainder of the group gathered in a corner, while all decorations hung from the walls, short of the dais that stood on the floor, strategically placed conveniently for the occasion.

A few more Ponies entered the room, a mere minute before Zecora was spotted approaching the hall.

“Twilight, Zecora is approaching!” Spike whispered from the door, not sure if he should enter, or not.

“Thank you, Spike!” Twilight responded, finally looking up, only to see the Zebra walking into the room, crown in hand, slowly making her way in a stylish measured gait, befit a person in her role.

To the right of the room, Rarity, Applehjack, Fluttershy and Spike stood, watching the event play before their eyes.

“Hoo!” Owlowiscous exclaimed as she flew into the room, landing on Twilights right shoulder, just before Twilight took her place amongst her friends as the Pony representation to observe what was to come to pass.

To the left were the Changelings, now in their natural form, standing solemnly, merely watching the event unfolding as designed.

Under the watchful eyes on the right and left, Zecora took the final steps to the dais, before she turned around, facing the minimal crowd, looking the room over and meeting each and every pair of eyes in turn from the left to the right. Slowly, quietly, as if the time stood still and nothing in this world had been of any consequence. What she saw, no Pony or Changeling knew, assuming the saw merely the decor and the gathered Changelings and Ponies.

Zecora blatantly ignored the wooden panels from the native land where this particular group of Changelings hailed from. This tiny detail is of no consequence, it merely made the Changelings feel at home, reminding them of where they came from, their origin. Comfort is important, even if you need to use details like decoration to aid you in the pursuit.

Pinkie Pie, the Queen to be stands on the right side of the Dais, while Breezer, the Prince to be stands on the let side, both waiting for the signal, the time, to hear Zecora pronounce the words written into the joint ceremony.

For a moment, the room had fallen into silence, each and every Pony and Changeling standing quiet, quietly awaiting what was to come.

“Approach, Pinkie Pie!” Zecora pronounced.

Pinkie Pie took one step forwards, turned towards the middle where Zecora is standing, then walks seven steps forwards, stopping five feet from the Mistress of the ceremony, quietly waiting.

“Approach, Breezer!” Zecora continued.

Breezer took a step forwards, then turned to face Pinkie Pie, with Zecora clearly standing in the middle, before taking his seven steps, stopping his five feet from Zecora. Looking, waiting in awe for what had to come, what could no longer be avoided. The ceremony that was to signal a success, or a failure for both him and his entire hive.

“Pinkie Pie, element of Laughter, Queen to be, a position to accept, or reject the offer of what you could be?” Zecora pronounced in a voice not quite hers, probably due to the question at hand, unaccustomed and unfamiliar.

“I am Pinkie Pie of eternal Laughter and Queen of Ponyville!” she responded.

A sigh could be heard from the Changeling part of the crowd. The gathered Changelings did look as if a heavy burden had been lifted from their shoulders, placed squarely on the shoulders of the newly elected Queen. Yet, there was still an obstacle that could ruin everything. The one who was to be the Prince, what if he for some reason gave the wrong answer or simply refused? There was currently no alternative Prince and a Prince is essential to the Hive and its wellbeing.

“I am Breezer, the eternal Provider and Prince of Ponyville!” he filled in as response on the cue from Pinkie Pie.

Faint sounds or noises could be heard from the Zebra, Zecora, Mistress of the ceremony as she chanted a blessing under her breath. It had been agreed that she should pronounce it in her native tongue, in part for her convenience and comfort, but also for the effect the chant in the ancient tongue of the tribe of Zebras Zecora hailed from. If it had been to appease the spirits of the land or spirits from far-flung plains of zebras since long past, what was the difference, the effect is here and now. Yet, the blessings did carry power, to those it was intended for, as it did to all gathered in the room, as few as had been gathered in the royal hall of Ponyville castle.

From a niche under and behind the dais, Zecora now brought forth a goblet, filled to three quarters with a brew she had concocted for the occasion. The brew had been handed down from olden time, Shaman legends and ancestry had been carried all the way into the Everfree forest, now to be called upon in this special time, for a ritual of import.

“Then, drink from the fountain and unite in common cause, free your spirits for the good of all for the better of hive and community, for better and for worse!” Zecora pronounced after she had momentarily placed her lips on the small mark barely visible, between the right and the left of the goblet.

Pinkie Pie accepted the goblet and managed to swallow a fair amount of the goblet’s contents. About as much as either had expected, yet leaving the goblet full as Breezer accepted it from Pinkie Pie’s hands. Now Breezer drank his fill from the reminder of what the goblet had been filled with. Had it been mere liquid, Pinkie Pie had easily emptied it on her own. What the goblet contained could have been explained as a bridge for spirits, yet none was listening to that line of reasoning. How or why such a bridge could have been built and established out of the cold water-like liquid ruined such explanations. Yet it is what the magic did accomplish.

“The hive has been accepted and established. Pinkie Pie, Queen of Ponyville!” Zecora pronounced as she placed the crown on her head.

“The hive has been confirmed, awaiting its consummation. Breezer, Prince of Ponyville!” she then continued as she placed the second crown upon his head.

As predicted, both sides had recognised the crowns and accepted them as the symbol of the Royalty that wore them. Rarity had done an excellent job, creating them.

“You are now Queen and prince of Ponyville. The laws set down by Queen Pinkie Pie will hence forth be recognised and respected by all. Go forth and consummate after the banquet!” Zecora finished her ceremony and moved out of the spotlight.

Once the final word had been pronounced, the light started to dim slowly. Once the light had reached the lower setting of more intimate sentiment, Ponies and Changelings alike found it in order to enjoy the party Pinkie Pie had prepared for them.

Pinkie Pie and Breezer, Queen and Prince respectively wore their crowns, as was prudent at any and all official occasions, of which this was merely one. In private is an entirely different matter, but that was for after the banquet.

“Thank you, Zecora. You did a great job!” Twilight Sparkle told the Zebra as she approached her just as she had left the dais after the ceremony had been completed.

“Thanks, Rarity. You created the perfect crowns for the ceremony!” Pinkie Pie complimented her old friend as she approached her after the ceremony, once the banquet was in swing.

“That was my pleasure entirely. for you, I would have done considerably more, you need but ask!” Rarity pointed out.

“Yeah, but the recognition was due. I have to play the part, you know. I still have more than enough time to ask you for other favours since you enjoy doing it and are performing admirably!” Pinkie responded.

“We all play our parts, just different duties. some we choose to take up and some we are chosen for. I know you will be the best of Queens, Pinkie Pie!” Rarity continued.

“Thanks for hosting this coronation for us, the party was a blast!” Pinkie Pie told her friend, Princess Twilight sparkle.

“Yes, it certainly was. I was uncertain as to what was to entail and how this would go down at first, but it seems as if my worries was for naught. Yet, I am still glad it isn’t something we are going to have all that often, once is enough for my lifetime. However long or short that may be. We could go tomorrow, or I may as well live unchanged over millennia, like Celestia and Luna. I guess I am happy it was you who got this honour, it is more than enough for me to be an Alicorn Princess. One more duty would have been too much right now!” Twilight responded.

“One coronation in a lifetime is fine and okay, I am the Queen. Although the party or banquet could be fun. I am a bit curious as to what this will be like. It isn’t as if any of us has done this before!” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“Oh, parties and banquets and the like, these I could enjoy. I still do love your parties, Pinkie, you know that!” Twilight responded.

“Queen Pinkie Pie, the night is ours. I just hope it will be as enjoyable as the banquet. For both of us, that is!” Breezer offered as Twilight had moved over to another pony.

“Yes, Prince Breezer. The night is ours and I guess we better get to it right away!” Pinkie Pie responded.

I followed them out of the hall and all the way back to our little cells in the basement. We still do feel more comfortable there. Besides, a bed doesn’t require more space.

The other Changelings had all gathered outside the room where we had chosen to complete the consummation. Awaiting the duty that came with this. They would have to wait outside, while the Queen and Prince enjoyed the night.

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