• Published 29th Nov 2014
  • 2,029 Views, 33 Comments

A Pink Queen - Ponyess

I had found a small group of Ponies in the forest. Apparently they were enjoying my brand of humor, even if what they were looking for was just a Pony to love them. What I had failed to realise is that they are Changelings in need of a Queen. Me?

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A Pink Smile Parade of Joy: 10

An idea struck me, like a lightning bolt from a clear sky, or a Smith’s stead from the top of a very tall building. I felt a shiver down my back as I pondered what I was to say. To approach my Queen with such a Proposition.

Every Quen deserves a Parade in her Honour, that much was obvious. I just did not know how my new Queen would take it. I guess this is a problem with a new Queen, we all face these anxieties.

At first, I had considered to have a song written in her honour, but on second thought, I soon changed my mind. There is a song for the occasion already. They had referred to is as the Smile Song, which kind of sounded off in a ridiculous manner. Yet, it reverberated frighteningly well with our Queen.

If we are to celebrate our Pink Queen, how better to do it, than with the theme she is beaming around herself. The smile is what made her special to every Pony in the village of Ponyville. Then, the feeling of Joy and Happiness is close to the Love we feed on in the first place. With that said, my choice is made. I knew what we had to do.

“Breezer, we are going to have our very own, and very first parade in honour of our Pink Queen!” I told him.

“That does sound right. Now you just need to plan for the parade, so that we can all perform our respective parts!” Breezer responded.

“The first part is easy, almost too easy. I want for all of us to beam of the brightest smile you are capable of!” I responded.

“Just smiling? Yes, Constellation, that does sound too easy. We have our new Queen to keep us safe and happy. If smiling could make her day, then I would be proud to smile for her!” he responded.

“Yes, we do have our very own Queen. Now it is up to us to honer her, as tradition demands of us. The first part is to respect her, to keep her happy. In this case, keeping her happy isn’t just a matter of etiquette, but a matter of survival. Our joy is what drives her forwards, what powers her up and keeps her alive. I feel it, every time I notice a Pony smiling in her presence. Only in her case, it isn’t limited to the Ponies. The effect is there, whenever she sees a smile!” I concluded.

“I noticed that she loves the entire village, every single citizen. Not just a few friends, like all the others. There are similarities to the reason why Queen Chrysalis invaded the Royal wedding at Canterlot Casle, in order to live on the Love of Shining Armour!” Breezer suggested.

“I recognise the notion, but we don’t have to do anything of the sort. All we need to do, is to keep her happy, to smile at and for her. She can manage all her duties as Queen for us, while she lives her life, doing everything she did for her Village. Though, there is something more we could do for her!” I pondered.

“What if we organised a Townwide Parade for her, at some point? She would love that!” he suggested, with some added confidence.

“Yes, she certainly will enjoy that. We just need to set a date, when it will do the most good. There is one small problem on our side. You do know what happens if we feed too much, I take it!” I prompted.

“A happy Queen was good for a Hive, even before we chose Pinkie Pie as our Queen. Pinkie Pie is a much better option then the one Chrysalis chose. I guess it can be too easy to fall for the obvious, while missing the better choice. I may not have the best of perspectives, we were starved, up until the moment we set eyes on Pinkie Pie, and I never was close to either Shining Armour or Cadence. Yet, I still do prefer the option we chose. All I want is for our Hive to flourish. Why do I need to desire Invading, Controling or Infiltrating, when I could as easily get it all for free? We merely give her everything she ever dreamt of, and in return, she grants us everything we ever need!” he added.

“Candence was too obvious a target, but not a good one. As a matter of fact, Ponyville is the ideal home for us and our new Hive. The only dark cloud on my horizon is that we may have to go up against our High Queen at some point. In a few years, we can have the strength and the numbers to cast her down. Then we can share our blessings with all the brethren out there!” I put forth.

“You mean the Ponies doesn’t have to fear us? I fear it is certain Queens that will be fearing us. With the strength of Equestrias smiling Ponies behind us, they will see reasons to fear. Although I do sense another cause of fear in their eyes. Our location is a nexus. If we have Pinkie Pie on our side, we have the Ponies since their High Princess is on her side. Since we have Zecora behind us as well, she did after all conduct the ceremony, there is something more behind her, I just can’t put a hoof on what. What the Everfree and Discord can and will do, when put to the test, I can never predict. Yet, their positions can never be ignored, even less so, if we are put to the test!” he concluded.

“There is a reason why we went of in this direction. The reason is still every bit as relevant and correct now as it ever was. There is no going back on it, we chose a Queen. Turning our back on her is High Treason. It’s merely unthinkable to do such a thing. We are committed to this course. I am just happy for being her, I stand by my choices and my Queen!” I pronounced.

“If we knew the reason, or not, but as you said, the reason is more valid than ever. I can’t turn my back on my Queen. No more than I could live in vacuum, with neither Love nor food. She is the centre of our hive and our lives!” he responded.

“Since Pinkie Pie is loved here in Ponyville, we can rely on her friends and allies’ support, but only to a point. We could make certain preparations. Maybe we could take an example from the Ponies? What if we create an equivalence to their Wonderbolts? If we set up our very own forces in order to be prepared. Besides, if we are allying ourselves with the Ponies, we could strengthen their defences, in order to ensure their support when we need them in return. We did alley ourselves with the Ponies, the instant we chose Pinkie Pie as our Queen!” I reasoned.

“Yes, she is the most loved Pony in the entire village of Ponyvile. There isn’t a single reason not to love her for any Pony in the village. I had the strange notion, not even Princes Twilight sparkle or Celeste is held in the regard, but I may be mistaken. On the other hoof, Pinkie Pie spends her day selling sweet and delicious pastries, when she isn’t throwing parties. All her effort is focused on making every Pony laugh and smile, she has no capacity that could tear her position amongst the Ponies down. It is in their best interest to love her, to smile at her and laugh at anything around her. How could you not love her, when you think of it? She is the very essence of joy and happiness personified. Abandoning her could be the same as abandoning joy. Who is dumb enough to consider such an act? She practically made us protect her since we protect ourselves and out interests, just by protecting her!” he responded.

“Even so, she does a very good job at everything she does. She is a natural leader. She makes them invest in her success. She can afford to be generous, knowing full well they give her more back at every turn. It is easy to be loving, when they all will love her more. With her, we simply can never lose. If we happen to be Changelings, what’s the difference? To her, all smiles and laughter is equal. Of course, it is easy to be happy and smile in her presence, even focus. That only makes her an even better Queen. Her only goal, preference and purpose is joy. We can easily afford ourselves happiness. I just hope her Pegasus mare finds all our lost brethren. Each and every one of them will share in the joy she spread, and in so doing, improve her life and make her all the more powerful. I want to share this with her!” I continued.

“Yes, our Queen did send out a Pegasus mare, in search of our brethren. Yet, since we are now her loyal subjects, they are her subjects too. She sent out a search and rescue in our name, yet she is merely retrieving more friends and subjects. It is a closed loop, when I win, she wins, when she wins, I win. It is a fools errand to calculate the true or final winner. There is no end to this loop. The only answer is that WE win. In this, she is one of us, and with her, all of Ponyville. Now we just need to find the candidates to take their part in her Pink Honour Guard For when the day comes, we will be standing side by side, protecting Ponyville and our Hive against whatever comes our way!” he responded.

“Your conclusions and reasoning is flawless. We are going to gather every Changeling proper for her Honour Guard. Then we stand with her, side by side, shoulder to shoulder. I am ready to face, whatever foe comes our way, with her. If it is a monster like Tirek, a Tyrant like Sombra, a horde of monsters from the Everfree forest, or even the High Queen of the Changelings herself. We will stand firm and protect our Queen to the very last. If I die, I will die with a smile on my face, laughing like crazy, happily giving my life for our Queen. Is there a higher goal? If so, I fail to see it!” I pointed out in lyrical terms of Joy and Logic!” I pointed out.

“You know, even if she wasn’t even hatched as a Changeling, she has all the best qualities a Queen could wish for. If ever you see another Queen with these qualities, I would see you as lucky and fortunate!” he offered.

“Just the fact that greed can never compute in her world alone is a good sign. Only with our new Queen, we will be struck down and dumbfounded in delirium, if we try to take on too much Love. She simply has too much to offer!” I subjected.

“That makes for the best defence of getting our Hive larger. We need not hide or cower behind her and her friends for fear of starvation. She can easily provide all we need. By standing up for ourselves beside them, we can help them and give back everything we were ever given. Even if this is the greatest threat to the High Queen; Chrysalis, the one thing that will scare her more than anything else in this wold. Even more than Tirek himself!” he committed.

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Author's Note:

Constellation's POV