• Published 16th Nov 2014
  • 5,515 Views, 562 Comments

X Steps Through The Portal - Tennis Match Fan

Now that the link between the human world and pony world is constantly open through Twilight's magic, students (whether by accident or on purpose) will wander to the other side.

  • ...

27. Soarin

"Hey, good job at today's game," Soarin told his teammate Misty Fly, giving her a friendly pat on the back.

"I did my best," Misty Fly replied, folding her arms as the Wondercolts soccer team walked off the field. "Too bad we didn't win."

"Nah, who cares about winning?" Soarin asked. "You did your best!" Misty arched an eyebrow.

"Does Spitfire know you feel that way?" She asked teasingly. Soarin looked at his cleats.

"Okay, I lied. I do care about winning. But it's also important to do our best, right?" He held his hand up for a fist bump. Misty Fly returned the gesture with fist bump and a smile.

"See ya around, Soarin," she told him as they turned to walk in separate directions.

"Bye, Misty!" Soarin called, waving as she left.

Soarin continued walking back to the main entrance of Canterlot High School. After games, he usually hung out there with his other close friends, Spitfire and Fleetfoot. Sure enough, Fleetfoot and Spitfire were already sitting on the marble statue that was iconic to the school.

"Whatup, Soarin?" Fleetfoot asked lazily. "Wasn't today a stupid game?"

"Well, uh, I didn't particularly dislike it, except when we lost," Soarin answered.

"Ha." Spitfire rolled her eyes. "Today was terrible." She took a sip from a can of lemonade she apparently had with her. "If Blaze hadn't accidentally passed it to Cherry Spices, the score would've turned out totally different. Here." She tossed Soarin a can of orange soda.

"Thanks, Spitfire," Soarin replied, prying the lid open. The fizzy drink into his mouth felt bubbly and made his tongue tickle.

"Don't mention it." Spitfire took another sip from her own can.

"Do you wanna talk about something else besides the game?" Soarin suggested. "It might help you guys cool down."

"See, that's why there are people like you, Soarin," Fleetfoot commented. "You guys always know what to do in times of crisis."

"Let's talk about those seven girls," Spitfire suggested. "You know, the ones that get those weird pony ears and tails at every major school event?"

"Rainbow Dash is one of those girls," Soarin reminded her. Spitfire rolled her eyes.

"The rainbow-haired girl that's tried and failed every year to get on the Wonderbolts' College Soccer team?" She questioned. "Oh yeah. She's too full of herself." Spitfire closed her eyes as she began a mini-rant.

"She's good, I'll give her that, but sometime she acts as if she's team captain." As Spitfire continued talking, Soarin leaned back against the statue. Nothing supported his weight, and he fell backwards!

"HELP!" Soarin cried as Canterlot High disappeared from around him.

Spitfire opened one eyes. Fleetfoot was whipping her head around in bewilderment.

"Uh, where's Soarin?" Spitfire asked. "I just heard a scream and now I don't see him."

"I don't, either," Fleetfoot agreed, a trace of worry in her voice. "Do you think he just up and ditched us?"

Soarin stared up at the light blue walls, made of some sort of crystal material. After a dizzying trip through a swirling inter-dimension of colors, he was now in a room by himself.

"Where I am I?" he wondered, looking around. Well, the crystal room part was obvious. "Why am I not at Canterlot High anymore?" He tried to stand up- but he didn't have feet anymore.

"What the heck?" he shouted, falling back on his side. Instead of seeing his hands before him, Soarin was met by a pair of off-white hooves. Soarin's eyes widened as he suddenly noticed an extra weight on his back.

Soarin rolled over and stared at himself in the crystal wall. Why hadn't he noticed his reflection before?

"I'm a pegasus!" Soarin gasped, noticing the pair of wings on his back. "What the heck?!"

Trying to unfurl his wings was a weird experience. Soarin wasn't exactly sure how to move his new limbs.

"Would they be like another set of arms?" He wondered, twisting his neck to look at the wings. Deciding yes, Soarin pretended he was stretching his arms out after a nap. To his delight, the technique worked! His wings spread open in feathery splendor.

"This is sweet!" Soarin exclaimed happily, giving them a little test flap. "I wonder how easy it would be to fly?" After a minute of irrational flying thoughts flying around his brain, he shook his head, trying to clear his mind and set himself against the idea. "Nah, I can't stay here forever. It would take too long to train myself for a skill I'd never use again." Soarin frowned in an adorable pout and looked back at his wings again.

"They still look pretty epic," he admitted to himself. "Rainbow Dash got wings, didn't she? We're both pegasususes- how do you say the plural of pegasus?" As Soarin pondered the question, he unconsciously began to flap his wings.

"I think it might be pegasi," he decided a minute later. "That sounds about- Sweet mother of apple pies!" he yelled. "How did I get up here?" Soarin was now perched on the ledge of a windowsill, a good seven feet off the ground. He gulped as her turned to look down. On one side was the room he had arrived in. A seven feet jump paled in comparison to the twenty-something foot drop to hard dirt on the other side of the window. Soarin's green eyes widened. His vision spun.

"I think..." he whispered weakly, "I think I might be afraid of heights." As Soarin confirmed his fear, the ground seemed even farther away. Soarin swallowed nervously.

"Uh, don't think about that. The room. Get in the room before you slip and fall to your ironic doom," he muttered, his gaze sliding to the conforting room on his left. Soarin closed his eyes. Seven feet wasn't a lot. Not compared to 25 feet, that was.

"I don't want to die!" Soarin shouted, jumping inside.

He landed on the crystal floor. Thankfully, he hadn't been hurt by the impact.

"Good," Soarin said, breathing in relief. "Now I'm gonna get out of here and never mention this to anyone." Soarin walked up to the mirror and stepped through, taking him back to Canterlot High.

"-and then I said that if they were gonna kiss, he didn't have to make out with her in front of me!" Fleetfoot wailed. Soarin watched her sob into Spitfire's arm. "How could he be so insensitive?"

"Who are we talking about, again?" Soarin asked curiously. Spitfire and Fleetfoot looked up.

"Hey, you didn't ditch us," Spitfire commented. "Where did you go?"

"Uh... the bathroom?" Soarin answered. Spitfire looked at him with a Really? expression on her face.

"Because of you being gone, Fleetfoot has been crying to me about her boyfriends for the past two minutes," Spitfire deadpanned.


Author's Note:

New Headcanon: Soarin had a fear of heights (similar to Fluttershy's) when he was younger. :pinkiehappy: