• Published 16th Nov 2014
  • 5,515 Views, 562 Comments

X Steps Through The Portal - Tennis Match Fan

Now that the link between the human world and pony world is constantly open through Twilight's magic, students (whether by accident or on purpose) will wander to the other side.

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26. Fili-Second

Author's Note:

If it helps you imagine her better, this is Stickywicket as a pony. Convert to a human:

"You should read these Power Pony comics, Sweetie Belle!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, waving a comic book in the air. "I almost feel like they're real..."

Halfway across the globe, in a city named Maretropolis, the heroines of the Power Ponies comics lived nonfiction lives, fighting crime with the help of awesome super pony powers!

"Fili-Second!" cried a teenage girl as pony ears appeared in a mass of orange hair. This orange hair nearly doubled until it was a ponytail. She beamed as pony power flowed through her.

"Are you ready to get your butt kicked?" She taunted her nemesis, a villain named Stickywicket.

"Ha! Just try!" sneered the opposing girl. She giggled before she popped a stick of gum in her mouth and began to chew. Fili-Second grinned and began to run circles around Stickywicket. This was her superpower: speed! Usually, her mind boggling pace was enough to disorient baddies, but Stickywicket seemed resistant to her attack method.

Suddenly, Fili-Second's boot caught in something sticky. She was thrust forward, then pulled backwards by some inertia gravity force she should've learned about in science.

"Hey!" she protested, looking down for the source. Her left boot was stuck in a large wad of pink gum.

"Gotcha!" Stickywicket winked, walking over. "Ready for some more fun?"

"Let me out of this!" Fili-Second protested. Stickywicket tapped her lavender chin, pretending to think.

"How about no?" She suggested, orange eyes glinting mischievously. Fili-Second struggled to get her boot out of the gum as Stickywicket stepped back and blew another bubble. This one, blue, was large enough to envelop Fili-Second whole.

"Help!" Fili-Second's boot became unstuck as she fell to her knees in the gum bubble. "Help!" She pounded on the bubble as it began to lift off the ground. Her teammates paid no attention, too busy fighting their own foils.

"Radiance! Mistress Marvelous!" She cried. Her bubble was now several meters off the ground. Stickywicket, holding the bottom of her own personal bubble as if was a bubble, rose up to her level.

"They're too busy," she said, smiling victoriously. "Now, what to do with you?" Fili-Second glared at her.

"Let me go! Besides me needing to defeat you Radiance will throw a fit if I come home with my hair wrapped in bubble gum!"

"Who says you'll be coming home?" Stickywicket taunted. She snapped her fingers. "I know just the place. To the Mane-iac's old hairspray factory we go!" As they rose over Maretroplis, Stickywicket guiding them both, Fili-Second seriously resented how little attention was paid to the skies. Zapp would have to fix that once she got out of her sticky situation.

"So, what's at the Mane-iac's place?" Fili-Second asked after she couldn't bear the silence anymore. Stickywicket turned to face her, a devious smile on her face.

"Only a portal that'll take you to an alternate dimension," she answered. Fili-Second's mouth dropped open.

"What?" She cried. "You can't do that!"

"Oh, I can, and I will," Stickywicket replied, casually examining her nails. "And don't say 'The Power Ponies will find me!' The battle they're currently fighting won't be over for several more minutes, and whether or not they win, you'll be in another universe, and they'll have no idea where you are." Before Fili-Second could reply, her nemesis added, "Here we are now! Please keep all hands, feet, abnormal ears, and tails inside the bubble as i pop it and we descend. Thank you!"

"What?" Fili-Second screamed. She looked down. The bottom of her bubble evaporated! She began to fall straight down-

Until something caught her. Her fall became gentle. Fili-Second looked up. Her bubble hadn't completely disappeared; it was more of a parachute now.

"Hey." Fili-Second shot a dirty glare at Stickywicket. The villain shrugged.

"What can I say? I love a good prank!" She snicked as they both descended into the warehouse, which had a hole in the roof. Fili-Second recognized it as Zapp's doing from a couple years back.

"I present to you: a portal!" Stickywicket somehow morphed the bubble so Fili-Second was trapped inside again.

"So this is how it feels to be triumphant," she mused as she rolled the bubble up to a glass mirror tucked in the back corner of the warehouse.

"Don't be so presumptuous," Fili-Second retorted, although she couldn't help watch, interested, as Stickywicket dipped her hand through the glass. The mirror's surface rippled like a pool of water.

"Well, bye bye, Fili-Second." Stickywicket leaned in and popped the bubble. Fili-Second stumbled forward, but before she could regain her balance, Stickywicket pushed her into the mirror.

"Bye!" Stickywicket called as Fili-Second fell.

"Noooo!" Fili-Second screamed as she fell. Colors filled up her vision, blocking out Stickywicket and the world she knew. Her pony ears and tail faded away; that was all Fili-Second could comprehend.

"Heeeelp meeee!" She screamed as she flew through dimensions.

Suddenly, Fili-Second's vision cleared of color. She stared up at a cloudy gray sky, completely different from the one she had left behind.

Fili-Second blinked. Even though they had disappeared as soon as she had fallen through, she still felt the presence of equine ears on her head. She lifted her head to see skyscrapers surrounding her. In fact, the layout remind her of Maretropolis.

"Is it..." Fili-Second's words trailed off as she noticed the rest of her body. Gone was her regular outfit. Fili-Second stared at the hooves in front of her.

Fili-Second was a pony. A full pony.

"Oh. My. Gosh," she gasped. "This. Is-" She paused, pulling herself to her hooved.

"AWESOME!" Fili-Second cheered, fireworks exploding in her brain.

"I'm a pony!" She gushed, turning around in circles.

"Of course," she added after a moment, "I have to get back to my friends soon. But I'm a pony!" She looked at herself again. She wore a full body suit, white with purple arrows like her Power Pony suit back home. As Fili-Second looked up, only one tuft of orange her poked out from under the suit.

"I bet I still have my super speed!" She exclaimed, her gaze turning to a tall building on her right. Fili-Second smiled.

"I've always wanted to run up a wall!" She exclaimed, crouching down on her new hooves. "And if I fall, some pegasus will catch me!" Without wasting another moment, Fili-Second took off. She still retained her super speed, hooray! As wind stung her cheeks as she rushed forward, Fili-Second realized she wasn't going as fast as usual.

I'm not used to hooves! She realized, but that wouldn't stop her. In mere seconds, Fili-Second was running up the side of the building.

"Yes!" She cheered, looking down at the ground below.

Big mistake.

In doing so, Fili-Second slowed her pace yet again. Gravity took hold. Fili-Second fell backwards!

"Help!" She screamed as she plummeted to the ground. "HEEEEEEEREEELP!" The asphalt street came rushing at her. Fili-Second shut her eyes-

And was thrust sideways by a new force. Fili-Second opened her eyes to see herself in the grasp of a pegasus. Her light blue coat and spiky ;avender hair reminded Fili-Second of Zapp. Wait a minute...

"What were you doing up there, Fili?" Zapp scolded as she dropped Fili-Second on the ground. "That was dangerous! If I hadn't saved you-" FIli-Second cut her off with a high-pitched giggle.

"Oh my goodness, I'm finally talking to Zapp!" She squealed. Zapp looked at her like she had grown two heads.

"You're not Fili-Second?" She questioned. Fili-Second shook her head, continuing the annoying giggle.

"Uh, Funny Umbrella, Power Ponies fan, stalker extraordinaire!" She exclaimed, leaning in. Zapp looked around, hoping for a way out.

"Funny Umbrella?" She asked. Fili-Second nodded vigorously.

"It's not my real name, of course. I just use it as my superhero alias, like you Power Ponies do." Fili-Second winked, and decided to have a little fun with Zapp.

"By the way, I totally love the dolphin nightlight you keep in your room. Why do you keep it a secret from the public?" Zapps mouth dropped open.

"First of all, I'm ashamed to admit I'm a little scared of the dark," she answered, toying with her lightning bolt pendant like she always did when nervous. "And second, I could report you to the police for that!"

"Oh, but you wouldn't," Fili-Second answered, trying to conceal her merriment. "We both know you hate going to other authorities 'cause it would make the Power Ponies look weak. And besides, you told your pet turtle you want to show mercy on citizens like me. Your beat downs only go to villains like Meteoryte and the Mane-iac. You want to get rid of your stereotype no-mercy persona, which to the trained eye you never have been, and prove to the world you've always been compassionate towards the weak-"

"Enough!" Zapp interrupted, her cheeks glowing magenta in embarrassment. "I'd gladly like to be a no-mercy hero if it will keep away stalkers like you!" Fili-Second giggled.

"Oh, Zapp. You don't have the courage or the will!" She replied. "Don't worry about it, we love you just the way you are."

"Now think fast!" FIli-Second zipped away as fast as she could towards the portal.

"COME BACK!" Zapp yelled, but FIli-Second just smiled as she raced into the mirror.

Stickywicket was wrong. It's easy to get back! Fili-Second thought as she hurtle through the portal practically at light speed.

She was wrong.

Fili-Second was thrust out of the portal.

"I'm back!" She announced, opening her eyes. Her excitement drained away. Almost half the villain community was standing before her, expressions ranging from eager to triumphant to satisfaction. Worse yet, Fili-Second was wearing her cheerlfeading uniform. Her ear and tail where gone.

Fili-Secon swallowed nervously as she looked at Stickywicket, who lead the group.

"I heard the pony world is nice this time of year."