• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 2,169 Views, 76 Comments

Princess Twilight Sparkle's Frustrations - Alex Warlorn

Twilight Sparkle meets with her friends, and suddenly begins asking some very weird questions, VERY WEIRD questions!

  • ...

The Day Everything Was Too Nice

When Twilight's friends had come over for their scheduled 'Council Of Friendship Meeting' (just really an excuse to socialize and have fun), they were surprised when Twilight 'check lists for check lists' Sparkle wasn't there to greet them with Spike on the dot. Spike said Twilight had research that had run a little long, though even the baby dragon seemed a tad concerned. But the girls only had to wait for a short while until Twilight stepped out of the castle.

Twilight Sparkle looked around at her friends, and sighed. "Fine, let's hear it."

"Uh, hear what Sugar Cube?" AJ asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Whatever it's going to turn out to be today, let's just hear it. One of you is secretly a serial killer?"

"How do you kill cereal?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Uh, daring, are you feeling well?" Rarity asked, noting the rarely said word 'killer'. The word killed was one rarely tossed about, the only time in recent memory it was relevant to them was when King Sombra had been obliterated by the Crystal Heart, but the only tears shed for the dark tyrant's death were those for a lost soul.

"You're part of a massive conspiracy that silences and eliminates anypony or anything that might upset the status quo of Equestria, only answerable to yourselves?"

"That sounds kinda cool, but no," Rainbow Dash said.

"NO IT ISN'T!" Twilight snarled. "It's a mockery of everything Equestria was meant to be! Everything it's supposed to be!"

"Uh okay?" Dash flew back some. Twilight's composure had slipped for a brief moment and that was enough to make Dash shudder.

"So... so let's move on. You're social opportunists who were using me from the start?"

Rarity shook her head. "Darling, as much as I always look for a chance to expand my business connections: when we first met I helped you with your mane like I would ANY pony. And I went into Everfree because Fluttershy was, and because I wasn't about to let somepony from outside of Ponyville just wander blindly through Everfree."

"And really," Pinkie Pie said, "That really doesn't make much sense. Remember how we all buttered you up trying to get those Gala tickets? I think that's about the ONLY time we really ALL acted like that. And we probably would have done that to anypony we knew with tickets. Sure, Dashie moonlighted with the Wonderbolts during the Equestrian Games, and Rarity two-timed us and lied to us on your birthday so she could socialize with the fancy ponies more, but neither of those really had anything to do with you."

RD and Rarity lowered their heads some.

"So is Equestria at a war that'll make a mockery of all our non-lethal methods of fighting, and have us all slaughtered unless we're MORE savage and cold-blooded on the battlefield than the enemy?"

"Um, not last time I checked, uh, no," Fluttershy said.

"Last 'war' we had was with the Changelings and nopony died," Rainbow Dash pointed out. "And that was when we got ambushed."

"Are we under occupation of sexist monsters who have brainwashed all the males into being sexist monsters too and broken us mares into slaves and sawed off our horns?"

"Um, Twilight, do you have a fever? Why don't we go inside? Please?" Fluttershy put a hoof to Twilight's forehead.

Twilight shook her off. "Answer the question."

"No," AJ said with a stern face, feeling extra disgusted at that one. Spike shook his head too. Rarity pointed at her own horn wonder how Twilight had missed it.

"Sweetie Belle is a robot/demon hybrid and is going on a town rampage?"

Rarity frown deeply, not looking the least bit amused. "Now you are just being silly dear! I think I would know if that was true!"

"Did Celestia changed her name to Molestia and abuses me and her servants?"

Spike frowned and pointed. "Twilight you should know better than anypony that was just garbage those journalist printed to sell their stupid tabloids."

"So is Celestia secretly Tirek?"

"NO!" All her friends said together.

"We just kicked Tirek's sorry flank back to Tartarus, Twilight! You can't have forgotten that already!" Rainbow Dash pointed out in disbelief. "Remember? New castle? Epic new rainbow superpowers?"

Rainbow demonstrated by letting the blue glow shine a little bit, still loving how it felt.

Twilight breathed in deep. "So is Celestia at the top of a racist supremacist system with Alicorns at the top, then unicorns, then pegasi, then earth ponies, followed by everycreature else?"

AJ shook her head. "Twili' are ya feelin' okay? Ah PAY Daisy Jo and her girls for their milk! Same with the sheep and their wool! In bits! We have a contract!"

"And darling, you and I both know that elites aren't rude over species! I know I'm not a Canterlot native, but nothing I've seen suggests they base their bad attitude on race."

"Plus, racism kinda died out after the Windigos nearly destroyed pony civilization by feeding off of racial hatred, remember? The fancy historical play?" Rainbow Dash said. "And, well..." she said, pointing to everypony. "Does anypony give a darn about us all being different races?"

"Spike, have I been planning to betray my friends in some twisted selfish interpretation of harmony and become a goddess?"

"Uh, no. And Twilight, erm, you kinda already are, remember?" Spike pointed at her wings. "You're Friendship, not Harmony..."

"Okay, am I having a existential crisis over the realization that there are multiple universes, and that the choices of other Twilight Sparkles somehow negate or trivialize the choices, I, myself make?"

"Besides that freak out you had over accidentally getting some check lists out of order because you insisted on trying to read three books at once while organizing, no."

"I did NOT freak out!"

"No offense Twili, but ya do freak when things are outta order, worse than Rarity."

"I have a business to keep afloat all by my lonesome! Besides, I have my messy rooms, they just serve a purpose."

"Okay, are we stuck in an ever repeating temporal loop that will never ever be fixed, living the same time over and over, becoming all powerful to where an army of fully empowered Tireks would be a triviality for one of us to take care of while drunk? Destroying any hopes for the future because there is none rendering all that power and knowledge meaningless?"

Pinkie Pie look at a pocket watch. And then quickly whispered with Time Turner who happened to be just passing by to where he parked his blue shed.

"Nope!" Pinkie Pie said politely and cheerfully.

"Is an evil, potential future, superpowered version of myself trapping us in a timeloop to punish a villain?"

The pink party pony talked with Time Turner again. "Nope!"

"Do we have an extra-reality self-righteous visitor who none of us could hope to take on in a fight, lectures us, brow beats Princess Celestia, and leads to the reveal we live in a dead universe while we all fall for the manipulations of an equally overpowered extra-reality magic eater that can eat the Elements power when we try to use them?"

"No," Fluttershy said looking up at the sky, shivering a little.

"And we just beat a magic eater," Rainbow Dash explained. "And our big friendship powered Rainbow cannon thing seemed to kick his flank pretty nicely."

"We're all about to be turned into hedonists who see mating as something done in the name of pleasure rather than a sacred union that's meant to be preserved for marriage?"

"No way!" Applejack shook her head. "That's nuts! No offense to anypony, but Ah ain't got TIME for that sort of thing! And Big Mac and Cheerilee aren't tah the 'admit we're in love' part yet."

Fluttershy blushed deep red and hid her face behind her mane at the mere idea of being mounted by a stallion.

"Me and Cheese Sandwich aren't past the holding hooves stage yet," Pinkie Pie said.

"Me and Soarin' are just friends, besides, he'll never leave Spitfire."

Rarity also blushed. "Twilight! I can ASSURE YOU am not that kind of mare! I have a high standard for stallions."

Spike looked at himself in a mirror looking for imperfections.

"Rainbow Dash! Are you stuck in a futile loop where everything I just asked is true all at once, even though it makes no sense, and everypony else is now an empty shell for a force beyond our comprehension that loves miserable and horrible things to happen to us for no reason?"

"Twilight you're the only one acting weird. Did you not get any sleep? My life is actually about 20 percent more awesome than it was before, since you know, the Rainbow Power Form thingie. Is this like that time I, ahem, erm, sleep walked through a Daring Do dream? What kind of creepy stuff have you been reading?"

Twilight sighed. "Okay, so there's some horrible, cynical, pessimistic, ahem, excuse me, 'realistic' social truth I've been blissfully ignoring all this time because I'm a pampered filly whose completely ignorant of how the real world works?"

Her friends all looked at each other.

"Twilight," Rainbow Dash asked, "Is this about how I was a day late in returning that Daring Do book to the library? I told you I just wanted to read it over twice. I said I was sorry!"

"NO! NO! What is it? Tell me already! Tell me! I'm sick of it already! Does my brother secretly now hate all changelings whether they work for Chrysalis or not?! I can't take it anymore! Just tell me already! Are we about to be hit by a deadly virus where my years of studying magic and friendship prove useless as we die one by one?! Are any of us secretly changelings?! Am I really a mental patient and I just hallucinate I've been Celestia's student in Ponyville?! Or am I a human in one imagining ALL of this? Lies are a gift to society?! Ponies who are born poor should just smile and nod and stay poor?! Nopony's choices matter because we live in a caste system!? We're all one big computer program about to be shut down?! Or am I not the target this time? Is it Rarity because she has so many rules for herself that she needs to have her nose rubbed in them!? TELL ME ALREADY!!!! Give me the off hoofed remark that'll reveal that the truths and ideals I've fought for and learned about for the last four years are just little niceties that have no place in how life really works!" Twilight shouted at the sky. "I KNOW YOU WANT TO! Just say it already! Come on you big bullies!"

Ponies stopped on the street, worried their princess was having another break down.

Drenched in sweat, her breathing haggard, Twilight fainted.

Several hours later, Twilight Sparkle was in her bed, surrounded by her friends.

Spike had Nurse Redheart look her over as a house call, castle call, whatever. Spike had to fight tooth and nail to convince them that restraining Twilight would only make things WORSE given she had included 'hallucinating mental patient' as part of her rant.

The Alicorn slowly woke up, seeing the loving and worried faces of her friends.

"So are you ready to tell us what that was all about now darling?" Rarity asked smiling politely.

Twilight Sparkle sighed. "I was experimenting with the world mirror. Now that I can keep the portal open, regardless of the phases of Luna's moon, I figured that using a traditional 'magic looking glass' spell on it couldn't hurt."

Everypony (and dragon), sighed. Yet another disaster caused by the Princess of Friendship's magical experiments. Was it any wonder Mayor Mare requested that the castle have measures to keep Twilight's experiments from effecting the town by accident?

"Don't give me those looks. Progress and experimentation inherently has risk, that's part of life. And the vast majority of my research has HELPED ponies. . .And...and I don't put anypony at risk but myself if I can help it, unlike...I was... hoping maybe... I could find a new connection to the world with the good King Sombra that Celestia... that Celestia was best friends with. Maybe help him in a way that wouldn't cause a sympathetic-karmic-inversion in our world. After all, I was able to help with Sunset's new world without that happening, so maybe it was possible. But I wasn't just seeing alternate worlds anymore... I was seeing possibilities, I had gone past the quantum state accidentally due to how broad I set the spectrum. Then... I was seeing the shadows of thoughts, of what a lot of ponies out there THINK Equestria is like, or... their world is so full of hardship and unfairness, that a more fair world feels UNFAIR to them."

"Like how a lot bully poor Minty."

"What was that Pinkie Pie?"

"NOTHING! Continue please!"

"The point is... I lost track of myself. I couldn't tell where other worlds ended and mine began. I keep seeing it over and over, where the Equestria we've been working so hard to protect, to make just a little bit better every day of our lives, was just a farce, that everything we believed in were just polite lies to keep societies gears turning. That friendship was just a drug fed to the herds so they wouldn't rise up against their masters. There were ponies... out there... who didn't WANT our Equestria to be real, or at least, they didn't want a place where ponies like Suri and Flim and Flam were exceptions, not the norm. They wanted an Equestria were EVERYPONY was like Suri, or Lightinng Dust, or Flim and Flam, or Blueblood deep down. That it was all just polite lies. They wanted an Equestria were miracles just dumb luck instead of proof that you shouldn't give up on tomorrow or your morals because things get tough. We... we aren't the Equestria they want."

Her friends, Spike included, all hugged her.

"Well, that's too bad for them!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes darling," Rarity said, "If they can't enjoy a happy place without some uncouth underbelly, then that's their problem."

"There's plenty of dirty and unhappy stuff out there already. It doesn't need to be here," Pinkie Pie said.

"And Twili," Applejack said. "Do yah think yer friends in that world Sunset's stayin' in believe that stupid stuff about friendship bein' just a game?"

"...No, I don't think so..."

"Even if we didn't completely save good Sombra's world, Ah think their Princesses are a lot happier as nice gals than monsters..."

"I saw it in the mirror when I managed to view it...they were. They're trying to save Sombra..."

"Maybe there are worlds that ain't as good as they are here, maybe those ponies are happy there. But that just means we should be happier this one's real."

Pinkie Pie nodded. "Yeah! And if another me is a big meanie pants? That just means me deciding not to be is better, isn't it?"

Fluttershy gave a smile. "And...even though he fell for Tirek's temptation...Discord didn't go out of his way to hurt ponies because he could anymore. Friendship definitely means a lot to him. Friendship is anything but a happy little lie for him now."

"Ah think he's the ultimate proof what you're sayin' ain't right, Twili," Applejack pointed out.

"Yeah! Have you seen him smile when he's around Fluttershy or being nice?!" Pinkie asked, hopping over. "His smile before was all 'hahaha! look how bad I am!' but his smile when he's a good guy is all 'Oh I'm really truly happy!'"

"...I think what Pinkie is trying to say is that Discord seems a heck of a lot happier on our side," Rainbow translated. "...I hate to admit it, but I saw him cringe when he handed us over to Tirek, that ain't the old Discord..."

"And dear Trixie has changed as well," Rarity pointed out. "I don't think there's been one time we've interacted with her since the Alicorn Amulet incident where she didn't enjoy our company."

"And don't forget Babs," Applejack continued. "She's a nice little sweetheart now, and a LOT happier as the Crusaders' friend instead of their bully."

"...You're right...But what about Suri and the Flim Flams?"

"...You said it yourself, Twilight, there are some RARE ponies who aren't kind, but Suri...I believe she's become lead astray, not that she's proof of some greater darkness in this world."

"And Granny met up with the Flim Flams at an expo," Applejack admitted. "Last Ah saw them we left on good terms and they were actin' legit."

"And Lightning Dust actually THANKED me for calling her out," Rainbow Dash explained. "She wasn't a bad girl, she just needed a reality check."

Twilight blinked...then gave a small smile. "...I guess we have made the world better..."

Each of her friends looked to each other and nodded. "Even if yah don't count savin' it a few times," Applejack pointed out.

"And I'm quite glad we live in the world we do because of that dear," Rarity said with a smile. "And it's that way because it's the world we strive for, not because there's some conspiracy about it."

"And if there was, we'd kick its flank and make the world nice for real," Rainbow snarked with her characteristic smirk.

"The six most powerful magic thingies in our world are powered by Friendship, Laughter, Kindness, Honesty, Generosity, and Loyalty! Those things can't be a lie if they're that strong! That'd be too big a plot twist even for a little kids show!" Pinkie Pie cheerfully pointed out.

Fluttershy nodded. "...Choosing to be kind is a choice, Twilight...just like choosing to be mean...so long as we choose to make the world better, we don't have to worry..."

Spike finally jumped up. "And I don't know about you, but no matter what some silly ponies say, a world were friendship saves the day? That's the world I'm glad we live in!"

"Yes," Twilight's eyes misted over. "So am I!" She sat up in bed and hugged her friends, who happily turned it into a group hug.

Outside, the crystal palace shined just a little bit brighter.

Author's Note:

20141217: I added a little something of a particular nasty fanfic among Twilight's questions to Rainbow Dash.

Comments ( 75 )

I don't get it. Is this supposed to be a shot against Darkfics in general or parodying the POV series?

5235248 It isn't just dark fics. That time loop one mentioned is a (an absurdly long and still ongoing) story currently on this site, and despite the premise isn't really that dark. Although they are the very definition of overpowered. Dash breaking the light barrier with her speed, Rarity making clothes out of water and air, the C.M.C. constructing our modern day battleships and duking it out.
It's definately an interesting story with it's moments, but holy shit is it dragged and prolonged through every ditch in the state.

Point it, that can't be the point of this story.

Ri2 #3 · Nov 6th, 2014 · · 2 ·

I find it somewhat odd that you're ranting about how dark and OOC so many writers make their versions of Equestria compared to the shit you dump on everyone in your own Pony POV series.

At least three of those sounded like some of my stories, at least in places. Though I tend to apply the darkness in relatively small doses, and mostly to give the heroines something against which to strive.


"Is an evil, potential future, superpowered version of myself trapping us in a timeloop to punish a villain?"

He's mocking Pony POV too.


Are you referring to Dark world? Dark World was me writing the most bleak setting I could AT THE START, and still have a gum drops and rainbows happy ending. Compared to MANY stories that start out gum drops and rainbows and then becoming the most depressing thing imaginable, or start out miserable and bleak, and are just several chapters of a characters futile struggle against the inevitable. And how many bleak settings follow a 'status quo is god' attitude. That they end up facing a living breathing 'ex machina' at the end that's sole purpose is to KEEP everything miserable and bleak and OVERCOME this attempt to smack them all back down and gain a full blown happy ending for everypony is a major point as well.


This wasn't intended so much as mocking as parodying, and I asking myself "how would it go for a canon character to SEE all these bleak versions?" And yeah, that was a parody of the pony pov series dark world as well.


Ironically I wasn't thinking of your stories at the time. Some of these were intended to be a bit generic given their use in the fandom.


A good way to describe this story is "Twilight Sparkle looks up fanfiction in universe and accidentally runs into the nasty stuff." And yeah, Dark World IS mentioned in there too. I wrote dark world ironically as an INVERSION of typical dark fics.

Ri2 #11 · Nov 6th, 2014 · · 2 ·

5235763 No, I'm referring to regular Pony POV which, despite what you say, is kind of a crummy world.

Considering changelings have a peace treaty with ponies now, and Chrysalis is off the throne, and the gods aren't jerkasses or incompetent, there's a living breathing erasure that exists to delete any and all mary sues and similar outer reality invaders, no matter how many times ponies are knocked down they rise up to rebuild their civilization as grand as before, ponies where violence and murder and rape are all effectively unheard of, the gods all have a vested interest in sapient life and free will continuing to exist (the only one that doesn't is the devil and is locked away in Tartarus is a prisoner, NOT a ruler, and Hell itself is a nice guy once you get to know him and make sure not to look directly at him), I must humbly object.

Ri2 #13 · Nov 6th, 2014 · · 3 ·

5235847 Granted, I'm a bit out of date since I quit reading you partway through Dark World because I stopped caring about everyone and everything involved, I DO recall a few things:
I'd hardly call draconequii NOT jerkasses, Luna is incredibly selfish and immature and incompetent enough to leave a dangerous artifact lying around and not really apologize about it later, Celestia is pretty much indirectly responsible for everything wrong in the world due to an act of childish defiance and too incompetent to put Discord's statue somewhere safe where nobody could release him TWICE IN A ROW, time broke at least once, the world is constantly being rewritten and edited around everyone, and the violence and rape and whatnot being unknown is laughable given that child predator in Canterlot, Diamond Tiara's mom going insane and trying to kill her daughter, Tiara herself being dangerously unhinged, pretty much every pony constantly being on the brink of madness in spite of therapy, and there apparently being so much evil and horror in the world that when Fluttershy ate it all it killed her at least two or three times. And I seem to recall there being a couple of other evil empires out there.
Not to mention your 'not jerks or incompetent' gods couldn't be arsed to bother stopping insane Twilight from relooping Dark World a gajillion times.


"Granted, I'm a bit out of date since I quit reading you partway through Dark World because I stopped caring about everyone and everything involved,"

"I DO recall a few things:
I'd hardly call draconequii NOT jerkasses,"

*Pandora cries*

"Luna is incredibly selfish and immature and incompetent enough to leave a dangerous artifact lying around and not really apologize about it later,"

This horseapples again?

Considering it was under several security precautions, no on-Alicorn could touch it. At the time, Luna and Celly were the only Alicorns present, had no reason to believe more would come about in the mean time. And Luna was suffering from a thousand years as the insane Nightmare Moon at time.

"Celestia is pretty much indirectly responsible for everything wrong in the world due to an act of childish defiance"

Considering Pinkie Pie casually pointed out early on in Seven Dreams/Nigtmares that just how bloody different the world would be otherwise, and not necessary for the better . . .

"and too incompetent to put Discord's statue somewhere safe where nobody could release him TWICE IN A ROW,"

Discord's release the first time had NOTHING TO DO with the CMC's bickering. So it wasn't that anyone released in the first place at all. And Celestia had Discord at the CENTER of a mind bending maze that was physically impossible for a normal pony to navigate through, fly over, and teleport through.

"time broke at least once,"

That was mortal folly.

"the world is constantly being rewritten and edited around everyone,"

That was due to breaking free of the heart world, and Shining Armor new presence. After that, times calmed down.

"and the violence and rape and whatnot being unknown is laughable given that child predator in Canterlot,"

Except it wasn't a child predator. Sorry.

She was a foal given a clock work body by her father, who died from exhaustion after saving her life, but when she found out the terminally ill foals she had met in the hospital had all died, she decided to 'save' her fellow foals by giving them clock work bodies as well, and use a shell made in the image of her father so people would take her seriously. She's since been apprehended by the Doctor Whooves and Derpy and shown the error of her ways and the clock work foals who had nothing wrong with them restored.

"Diamond Tiara's mom going insane and trying to kill her daughter,"

She's since been cured, and TRIED to kill her daughter in an act of pure absolute insanity. And is spending the entire wedding arc helping the heroes.

"Tiara herself being dangerously unhinged,"

That was due 100% to Discord slowly grinding her down over the course of an entire season.

"pretty much every pony constantly being on the brink of madness in spite of therapy,"

No. Not really.

"and there apparently being so much evil and horror in the world that when Fluttershy ate it all it killed her at least two or three times."

I never said that was why. That had more to do with her taking in the Sunny Town curse.

"And I seem to recall there being a couple of other evil empires out there."

They existed only due to an outer reality-twisting Villain Sue, after the wolf erased him, those evil empire didn't exist.

"Not to mention your 'not jerks or incompetent' gods couldn't be arsed to bother stopping insane Twilight from relooping Dark World a gajillion times."

Except Fauna Luster explained in detail that it was quite the opposite when Twilight Sparkle met her when Twilight became an Alicorn.

And Eclispe's defeat, since she had hard wired herself to every version of herself in existence, retroactive caused her to lose EVERY FIGHT SHE HAD EVER HAD! Meaning every timeline where she exists now ends in her defeat.

I am going to assume the line about celestia and luna being Tirek and Grogar in disguise was a shot at, "A Mighty Demon Slayer Grooms Some Ponies". Great fic but that last chapter was just painful to read, managed to ruin the whole story for me in the last 5000 words.


Aren't you happy the author retconned it out of existence?


5235996 Well all right then. Thank you for matching all of my arguments.
Unfortunately, I still don't care enough to return to the series. Plus I'm way too far behind. Oh well.


Oh, I wasn't complaining.

My Equestria's mostly bright on the Dark-O-Meter: my Ponies of Equestria aren't perfect but they tend to be nicer to one another than the citizens of any known Human culture. They're mostly law-abiding, most have strong inhibitions against direct violence save in wartime, and are pretty humane combatants even in war (I don't think that it's plausible that they could always have purely ritual wars like the fight with the Buffalo, and the presence of spears and cannons imply that they sometimes fight real wars, though I do think that they and the Buffalo could in particular have come to social agreements barring serious violence between them, especially as this would be to the benefit of the Buffalo).

Sexually, they tend to be fairly moral by the standards of any real Human culture. The basic template I used for my Equestria was American / British culture c. 1900 with a lot less hypocrisy and willingness to take advantage of the weak and powerless. Hence, lifelong or at least serial monogamy is quite common, with a fairly low incidence of casual and extra-marital sex; pre-marital sex between couples intending to marry is much more common, as it has been in every known Human culture. but most of the time these are betrothed couples. Again, I wanted to make them imperfect enough for both believability and drama.

Government is pretty competent, humane and liberal: as I mentioned in "It's Tough to be a Goddess," Celestia on the one hand wants to protect her little Ponies, but on the other hand is wise enough to avoid having to make every freaking decision for them. My watchword here is "liberal autocracy," which pretty much sums-up Celestia's approach: she tries to safeguard the rights of her subjects even against her own possible impositions, and she lets her subjects do most things that don't directly harm other Ponies.

A major darkness is coming in the Shadow Wars, which derives directly from my main story arc: Equestria's entering a couple of decades during which she -- and eventually all the Powers of Earth -- will have to fight repeatedly for survival against the Night Shadows and those corrupt souls who have allied with them. This is going to involve some terrible large-scale violence and many battles before the ultimate defeat of the Shadows and the peace of a new era. Inevitably, many Ponies will suffer; some of the virtues of Equestrian culture will be lost or reduced; though in the end many good things will also happen (such as a very rapid technological advance).

I liked your story.


Did he? I know he removed it for awhile then put it back up. He seemed to have originally planned to use it as the springboard for a sequel but I haven't heard anything about it so I assumed he had scrapped those plans.

Probably for the better in the end, that was one of the worst endings to a story I've read in a long time, it's hard to make me feel like an ending is bAd enough to actively dampen my enjoyment of all the previous chapters I had previously read.


I know how that is.

"No offense Twili, but ya do freak when things are outta order, worse than Rarity."

"And Twili," Applejack said. "Do yah think yer friends in that world Sunset's stayin' in believe that stupid stuff about friendship bein' just a game?"



What fics were you mentioning in this one? I recognize Cupcakes and Pages of Harmony, but that was it.


Actually, Twiley is how Shining Armor says her name. Twili is how AJ say sit.


I'd rather readers figure it out for themselves. Many were generic.


I don't think I've ever heard her say Twili (same as Twilight without the i get. ) Applejack calls her Twi on the show.

5237424 I believe it's just her accent.


I don't think so. I mean in the show she can pronounce her Es. And she calls her Twi. If it was for whatever reason Twiley [don't know why she would] she'd be able to pronounce it. If I'm mistaken and the author meant to use the shows nickname AJ and RD give her it'd be either Twi or Twilight XD.

Must... resist... urge to link to every fic referenced. So many...


I'll take that as a compliment.

It was indeed a compliment. It was our entire fanfic community expressed in a 3000 word scene.

The only thing better would be actual links to everything. I can see it now: "Every single possible thing that could possibly go wrong in MLP:FIM in written form."


HEHEEHH! That IS a compliment! I'll take that as 'covered all the bases.'

I think I know the bad fanfic vibe that Twilight got. Stories on this site drive me crazy sometimes.


Welcome to the club.

"How do you kill serial?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Good question.

Rarity shook her head. "Darling, as much as I always look for a chance to expand my business connections: when we first met I helped you with your mane like I would ANY pony. And I went into Everfree because Fluttershy was, and because I wasn't about to let somepony from outside of Ponyville just wander blindly through Everfree."

This just makes me smile, I like these kinds of fics, no big adventure, no wacky wierdness that makes you collapse of laughter, just, slice of life. Also this feels like a subtle "Take That" to those who think Rarity is just a social opportunist.

"And really," Pinkie Pie said, "That really doesn't make much sense. Remember how we all buttered you up trying to get those Gala tickets? I think that's about the ONLY time we really ALL acted like that. And we probably would have done that to anypony we knew with tickets. Sure, Dashie moonlighted with the Wonderbolts during the Equestrian Games, and Rarity two-timed us and lied to us on your birthday so she could socialize with the fancy ponies more, but neither of those really had anything to do with you."

*purses lips together in annoyance* Pinkie, you may have a point, but tact, is a concept you may want to familiarize yourself with.

"Um, not last time I checked, uh, no," Fluttershy said.

Same here.

"Are we under occupation of sexist monsters who have brainwashed all the male into being sexist monsters too and broken us mares into slaves and sawed off our horns?"

Take That at Fall Of Equestria...

"Sweetie Belle is a robot/demon hybrid and is going on a town rampage?"

Take That at Freindship is Witchcraft, Mentally Advanced Series and I believe either Pony.MOV or Ultra Fast Pony... you're on a roll.

"Did Celestia changed her name to Molestia and abuses me and her servants?"

Take That to Molestia, this might as well be "Take That: The fanfic."

"So is Celestia secretly Tirek?"

Ok, not even sure what THAT is a Take That to.

"So is Celestia at the top of a racist supremacist system with Alicorns at the top, then unicorns, then pegasi, then earth ponies, followed by everycreature else?"

Take That to Racistquestria...

"Twili' are ya feelin' okay? I PAY Daisy Jo and her girls for their milk! Same with the sheep and their wool! In bits! We have a contract!"

That's the AJ we all know and love, a fair buisnesspony.

"And darling, you and I both know that elites aren't rude over species! I know I'm not a Canterlot native, but nothing I've seen suggests they base their bad attitude on race."

True, they are jerks, yes, but that's because they're either famous, rich, entitled, or all of the above, besides, there are unicorn celebrities and earth pony celebrities like Hoity Toity, not sure if there are any important pegasi in Canterlot though,

"Does anypony give a darn about us all being different races?"

Nopony at all. You're all awesome in your own way.

"I have a business to keep afloat all by my lonesome! Besides, I have my messy rooms, they just serve a purpose."

My headcanon is that Rarity's Drama Queen antics are a way for her to let off steam since I can imagine her job can be quite stressful at times.

"Okay, are we stuck in an ever repeating temporal loop that will never ever be fixed, living the same time over and over, becoming all powerful to where an army of fully empowered Tireks would be a triviality for one of us to take care of while drunk? Destroying any hopes for the future because there is none rendering all that power and knowledge meaningless?"

Tale That to the MLP Time Loops.

"Is an evil, potential future, superpowered version of myself trapping us in a timeloop to punish a villain?"

Take That to Nightmare Eclipse.

"Do we have an extra-reality self-righteous visitor who none of us could hope to take on in a fight, lectures us, brow beats Princess Celestia, and leads to the reveal we live in a dead universe while we all fall for the manipulations of an equally overpowered extra-reality magic eater that can eat the Elements power when we try to use them?"

Take That to that one comic on deviantart.

"We're all about to be turned into hedonists who see mating as something done in the name of pleasure rather than a sacred union that's meant to be preserved for marriage?"

Take That to clopfics with excessive clop, you're good at this.

"NO! NO! What is it? Tell me already! Tell me! I'm sick of it already! Does my brother secretly now hate all changelings whether they work for Chrysalis or not?! I can't take it anymore! Just tell me already! Are we about to be hit by a deadly virus where my years of studying magic and friendship prove useless as we die one by one?! Are any of us secretly changelings?! Am I really a mental patient and I just hallucinate I've been Celestia's student in Ponyville?! Or am I a human in one imagining ALL of this? Lies are a gift to society?! Ponies who are born poor should just smile and nod and stay poor?! Nopony's choices matter because we live in a caste system!? We're all one big computer program about to be shut down?! Or am I not the target this time? Is it Rarity because she has so many rules for herself that she needs to have her nose rubbed in them!? TELL ME ALREADY!!!! Give me the off hoofed remark that'll reveal that the truths and ideals I've fought for and learned about for the last four years are just little niceties that have no place in how life really works!" Twilight shouted at the sky. "I KNOW YOU WANT TO! Just say it already! Come on you big bullies!"

When Twilight wants to rant, boy howdy does she rant.

Her friends, Spike included, all hugged her.


"And Lightning Dust actually THANKED me for calling her out," Rainbow Dash explained. "She wasn't a bad girl, she just needed a reality check."

I like that idea, Lightning didn't realize the damage her actions could have caused and due to not having somone to keep her grounded in reality, her ego got out of control.


It's from a G1/G4 crossover fanfic, the readers hated the reveal so much the author deleted the chapter.


My headcanon is that Rarity's Drama Queen antics are a way for her to let off steam since I can imagine her job can be quite stressful at times.



I see. The idea in itself, makes no sense, and not in the fun way, Tirek in G1 wanted Eternal Night, Nightmare Moon's goal, not Celestia, so, it's more imaginable that the two knew each other at sme point or another.


Plus, it doesn't hurt anypony, it can be a bit odd for somepony who doesn't know her, but overall harmless, and probably for those who are used to it, rather amusing. I like to think that Rarity learned how to summon objects, just so she could summon her fainting couch. It's an amusing idea. For me anyway.

Goodness, I know I spotted a lot of those references, but I'm pretty sure I didn't get them all. :rainbowlaugh: Very neat fic.

"So is Equestria at a war that'll make a mockery of all our non-lethal methods of fighting, and have us all slaughtered unless we're MORE savage and cold-blooded on the battlefield than the enemy?"

Twilight...even if Equestria DIDN'T have non-lethal methods of warfare, that wouldn't happen. "Savage" just means "dumb". And nobody EVER won a war by fighting stupid.

I would like to present a related argument from The Discworld which came to mind when I was reading this, although I'm not sure why it came to mind or how it is related, and would be grateful if you could tell me what the similarity that I know I can see is. Anyway, I find myself entertained by this story in an unusual way. :twilightsmile:



And you made me think of this.


"So is Celestia secretly Tirek?"

Ok, not even sure what THAT is a Take That to.

The original version of A Mighty Demon Slayer Grooms Some Ponies, which in the form it reads now mostly makes sense, though is still terribly dark due to the fate of one of the best G1 Ponies.

I don't see the logic behind Celestia being Tirek, though, nor do I see the clues in the chapters which the author retained.


Considering his goal was Eternal Night, it'd make more sense if he had a hand in Nightmare Moon more than Celestia who tried to stop Nightmare Moon. Just chipping in my two bits.


Considering his goal was Eternal Night, it'd make more sense if he had a hand in Nightmare Moon more than Celestia who tried to stop Nightmare Moon. Just chipping in my two bits.


Fall of Equestria deserves as many Take Thats as it can get. What kind of torture fetish misogynyist WROTE that setting!?


Actually from what I gathered, it was originally a set of pictures a guy requested. I think I remember seeing the requester's name somewhere, but his name escapes me at the moment.


Actually from what I gathered, it was originally a set of pictures a guy requested. I think I remember seeing the requester's name somewhere, but his name escapes me at the moment.

I enjoyed reading this story and I got most of the references to other well known pony fanfiction out there. Ah Twilight, precious Twilight never change!

Overall a pleasing and funny story well done!


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