• Published 3rd Nov 2014
  • 1,237 Views, 18 Comments

Supercharged - Ponyess

This all started with a crash and me falling off my scooter. Good things I have friends who pull me back together.

  • ...

Into the Hut in a Haste: 4

Author's Note:

Scootaloo's POV

“I had a scooter accident, now I was hoping you could help me, if it isn’t too much to ask?” I responded.

A moan could be hard from inside of the hut and the door swung open.

“Pony folks, hasty speed pokes. Looking for help, after the yelp?” came the response.

“How could you display, an aura in such disarray?” Zecora then muttered in confused surprise.

“Her real problem came from Twilight Sparkle’s attempt to heal her!” Sweetie Belle responded.

“This problem isn’t right, you are shimmering much too bright!” Zecora pointed out.

“Out of the light, examining your plight. Enter in haste, into the hut of good taste!” she urged us forwards.

Inside was indeed dim, the light from outside peering in through windows, but it is as far as it dared to go.

“Does all Zebras speak like this?” Sweetie Belle muttered under her breath.

“No idea, she is the only one I have ever seen!” I responded quietly.

“Oh well, so long as she can help us, I am prepared to put up with it!” she returned in hushed tones.

Zecora soon turned back to me, once in the safety of the dark inside her hut. Her eyes narrowed for a moment as her critical eyes wondered along my body, trying to figure out, just what help she could offer.

“Hasty magic of the Alicorn in Twilight, offers us a new Pony in highlight. What in Tartarus did she do, now I need in haste to make a brew!” she then mumbled, as to herself, or the spirits hiding in her cluttered hut.

“If it is any potion the likes Ah got for the chipped tooth, you are in luck, Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom suggested cheerfully, looking up at me.

“Funny, you keep growing smaller, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell. Or is it I who am growing taller?” I offered.

“Growing are you still, question is when of magic you have had your fill?” Zecora mumbled as response to the question, not that it actually did help much, even if it did answer the question as to whose size was changing.

“If the increasing levels of magic allowed me flight, I would be ever so grateful, aside from that, there is no further needs of it!” I pointed out.

“Flightless bird, only desire to belong in the herd? Making sense, nor am I dense!” she muttered.

“Come again?” Apple Bloom echoed.

“If your only desire is flight, I can clearly see the plight. What I need, desires to heed. magic in disarray, preventing to display!” she rhymed on.

“If there is any problems with her aura, I hope there is something you could do for her!” Sweetie Belle pondered.

“Aura to be woven tight, disarray to be out of sight, sure to put away the plight!” Zecora responded.

“Sounds about right!” I pondered, looking at Zecora moving around among her various herbs, nipping a piece here and a piece there.

We all saw her tossing the nipped herbs into a new brew she had started up, while we were looking. Guess it is kind of interesting, particularly on Apple Blooms part since she had ventured the path of mixing up a few potions of her own, with as well as without a guide on her side. With mixed results, on her end.

“Drink up, empty the cup!” she then stated as she had finished pouring the potion on a cup she had pulled out of some unseen corner.

“Finally!” Scootaloo pronounced as she picked up the cup from Zecora and downed it in a single go, expecting some bitter or strange aftertaste, but was shocked and surprised as none was to come.

The aura could be seen to tighten up, all the while as it consumed almost all of Twilight Sparkles hue while she downed the brew. For a moment it grew bright, then slowly dimmed down. The third yet unknown element was also dissipating, or rather got absorbed in a vastly accelerated rate I soon realised.

“Thanks, Zecora!” Scootaloo pronounced as she bowed her head to Zecora.

“Thanks!” Apple Bloom and I echoed.

“For now, it may be best if we leave you to your life, until we need your help, or just feel like having an interesting chat?” I pondered.

Zecora merely nodded as we leave her to what ever she was up to as we came stumbling in on her. She carefully closed the door to her hut as we had left her home.

“Sure steps, but no haste, we don’t need to draw any attention towards ourselves or our presence right now!” I muttered.

“Ah sure know the path home!” Apple Bloom put forth, taking the lead along the path towards the Sweet Apple Acres, keeping the pace in check.

Once out of sight from the hut, we made it into a moderate and slow trot, looking ahead, never straying from the path with either sight, thought or as much as a single step. We did make it to the orchard safely, just as intended.

“I feel a bit strange!” Scootaloo pronounced, looking back at her wings, casing a glance towards Apple Bloom and me, only to notice her wings had grown slightly, while she had grown a bit more as well.

“Ah reckon you should stretch your wings, try them out, just in case?” Apple Bloom suggested.

“That would be about twenty percent cooler?” Scootaloo responded with a growing grin and a slight giggle to her voice.

“I guess we could as well prepare to see a few jews dropping?” I teased, looking as Scootaloo stretched her wings, flapping a few times tentatively to get a good feel for it.

“That sure did feel different. I guess I could acquire flight, if yet minimal, by now!” she pondered, flapping her wings harder, only to find the earth drop away a few feet, before she had started to actually put much effort into it.

“Thgis certainly will grant us an interesting expression from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon!” I offered with a grin.

“Ah reckon they would make a sight to see, right now!” Apple Bloom suggested.

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