
by Ponyess

First published

This all started with a crash and me falling off my scooter. Good things I have friends who pull me back together.

I had fallen off of my Scooter at full speed and injured myself.

Thankfully my friends managed to help me back home, but we had to face Twilight Sparkle on the way there.

Here is the thing, she managed to help me enough to get me back to school the next day, but this is where something went a bit sideways.

Apparently she is a bit shaky on exactly how much power she puts into certain spells. Maybe it is an aftereffect on having the combined power of four Alicorns at her disposal, as brief as the experience had been.

An Accident: 1

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It had been a rather simple and straightforward accident, but it had hurt, nonetheless. Falling off of a scooter at full speed is no joking matter, you are bound to get a few nasty scrapes, at best.

With the combined efforts of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, I had managed to limp back to the village, where we met Twilight Sparkle. She immediately pulled the burden out of their hooves and levitated me to her home, the new castle.

Once at the castle, she had the royal nurse care for my lighter wounds. That part is a fairly quick treatment. Once the superficial injuries were dealt with, she set off, going over a few medical volumes, before she set off, implementing the full force of her magic. I guess I shouldn’t complain, right?

I could clearly hear a few snaps and pops as she worked my internal injuries over. I just didn’t know exactly what was the full extent of my injuries, since it was hidden under the dull pain all over. I may have had a few scrapes and bruises, but nothing to this extent.

“You are lucky your friends managed to pull you home, without maiming you in the process, Scootaloo!” she scolded me, but I took it in the stride in my current situation.

“With your help, I am not even missing a day at school. Not that I mind going to school, since we have Cheerilee as a teacher!” I responded.

“Yeah, you are lucky you have such a good teacher. Just as your parents are lucky, they don’t need to write a letter to excuse you from school, tomorrow!” she pondered in a milder tone.

“We sure are. I can’t name a single foal who doesn’t love her!” I responded with a light grin.

“I think I am done. Just be careful the coming week, just in case. We don’t want you to have any of these injuries to reopen, would we?” she concluded.

“Thanks, Twilight. You are the best friend and Princess we could ever have. I think we should withdraw to the clubhouse for the evening. Then I will be back for a full checkup, later in the week, if you don’t mind?” I responded.

“Thanks, I love teaching you Crusaders. Even if you can be a bit foalish on occasion. I guess the clubhouse could be a good idea, right now. I will see you later in the week, then!” she responded.

“Bye, Twilight!” we echoed in chorus, as we left her behind on our way to the Sweet Apple Acres and our clubhouse.

“She did let you off easily!” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“Yeah, but you were injured, she didn’t want to strain you further!” Apple Bloom countered.

“Thanks, a filly needs friends like you!” I filled in as we left the castle on our way to the promising retreat at the Sweet Apple Acres.

“Thank you. We all need friends!” Sweetie Belle continued.

“I just noticed a strange prickling sensation in my skin!” I pointed out, half way to the orchard.

“That is strange. After her treatment, you should not have any problems now?” Sweetie Belle pondered.

“Probably nothing. Ignore it, for now!” Apple Bloom suggested.

“We’ll take it easy today, just as I told Twilight. That’s why I go so slow. I hope we have a few muffins to spare in our house!” I pointed out.

“Yeah, a muffin should do you some good!” Apple Bloom responded.

“We left a few there the other day, didn’t we?” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“Ah reckon we did. Aside from that, we have apples too!” Apple Bloom continued.

A Moment in Time: 2

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I had just sat down in the clubhouse, as a new sensation hit me. Now the prickling sensation had turned into a tingling warm feeling. Something was strange and felt off in an uncharacteristic way I had not experienced before.

“I think I need one of these muffins, right about now. I hope we have some of Pinkie Pie’s on hoof!” I pointed out.

“These are the only muffins we ever have!” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“We may have a few Apple treats, that she has not made, though!” Apple Bloom responded.

“Maybe a sip of your cider would be great too, I suddenly started to feel warm, just about now!” I responded.

“You fetch the cider, while I pick up the muffins, Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle responded.

“Sure, it is our farm, so that would be best!” Apple Bloom responded as she bounced down the ramp to the ground under the tree, before she cantered off to the apple cellar where the remaining cider was bound to be stored.

“Thanks!” I moaned in a strange voice.

“Oh yes. I thought I recalled we did leave a few muffins here. I just found them!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she found the stashed away pastries.

“Thank Celestia. I think I need one right about now!” I responded.

“Strange, you are glowing, Scootaloo!” she responded as she turned back towards me, before she moved back to the table with a few muffins.

“I am?” I inquired.

“If I am not mistaken, it looks like a mix between Twilight Sparkles magic, nd odd glow and your eye colour. It is strange, we may have to ask Twilight about this sooner than we had expected her to check up on you!” she pointed out as she placed a muffin on each place, leaving a few on the middle of the table.

“Since you noticed it now, it isn’t just a residual of her magic, even if you said you saw a hint towards it!” I pondered.

“Aside from the fact that it is darker here, I was happy I could tell you in private. This magic is a Unicorn matter, but it is affecting you so I had to tell you!” she proclaimed.

“Since you are a Unicorn, I guess you are more familiar with this branch of magic then Apple Bloom or I could be?” I pondered, slowly chewing the muffin Sweetie Belle had placed before me.

“Sounds reasonable. I may be a filly, but I am still a Unicorn all the same. I use to see both Rarity and Twilight sparkle, so I guess I do have some experience by now!” she responded, in a lecturing voice.

“Strange, Now I'm starting to feel light. At least I start to feel better, now after the muffin!” I pondered.

“You probably need another muffin?” Sweetie Belle responded.

“Yeah, I think so too!” I responded as she levitated it over to me.

“Thanks!” I responded as I started to chew my second muffin.

“Ah found a bottle!” Apple Bloom announced as she appeared in the door.

“Good. I think I feel better now!” I pointed out.

--- --- ---

A Trot in the Forest: 3

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“You do know that the magic colour is linked to your eye colour, right?!” I pointed out.

“Then you mean to say I have three individual layers of magic on me, right now? I can understand how you can identify Twilight Sparkle, since she applied magic in the process of healing me, after the accident. I guess I can see how you can see my colour as well since it is in me, but who or what is the source to the third part of it?” Scootaloo pointed out.

“That is the problem, I do not have an idea as to how or why it is there, but it is in stark contrast to you and Twilight Sparkle. Maybe we should ask Zecora, she knows magic like no Pony!” I suggested.

“Then we need to go through the forest. Even if I have been there a few times myself!” Scootaloo added.

“We all have, besides, we are practically in the forest already. Although could you keep an eye on the magical aura you mentioned earlier, Sweetie Belle? Just in case!” Scootaloo put forth.

“Certainly. For you as a fellow Crousader and friend, I would have done much more than just follow you through the forest all the way to Zecora’s hut and watch your aura!” I pointed out.

“Yeah, I know. I would have done the same for you, if and when the time comes to do something dangerous, scary or anything!” Scootaloo responded.

“We have been though quite a few things together, throughout the time together as Crusaders and friends!” I pointed out as she trotted down the ramp and into the forest along the path that would take us to the intended destination, the hut of Zecora the Zebra’s.

“Ah reckon Ah am coming along!” Apple Bloom responded, coming right behind me as we continued into the forest.

“I can definitely see an increase in the unfamiliar part of your aura, Scootaloo!” I pointed out, about half way towards the hut.

“Not sure I like the sound of it, but we have to go to her. I couldn’t ask you to fetch her for me and I don’t even know if she would follow you all the way, clear of the forest, just to make sure I stay out of the forest. We don’t even know if it is for good or ill, right now!” Scootaloo pondered in response.

“Twilight's portion is diminishing slightly, while yours is increased with thrice the amount of her decrease!” I countered.

“Not sure if I need to worry about Twilight’s portion, at least not so long as my end is absorbing it? The one thing that is worrying me, is the unknown part of this. Good thing we are close to her hut by now!” Scootaloo responded.

“I would assume that you are absorbing her magic, so that makes sense. Considering where we are, guess the worry is warranted. Even if you are growing much stronger than is expected!” I reasoned.

“Is it that much stronger already? I just noticed that I had grown taller since we left Twilight Sparkle at her castle!” Scootaloo concluded.

“Ah reckon Zecora would know more!” Apple Bloom interjected, as we came closer to the hut.

“Yes, she would know more than us, possibly even more than Twilight. We can always go back and ask her, if Zecora by any chance can’t tell us or help us with the problem at hoof. If that fails, I guess we have to go to see Celestia and Luna!” I reasoned.

“I like to have a few options, just in case. Just kind of curious that I still have any trace of Twilight’s magic in me, since you still do see it in my aura? Seems as if she had been like this since the day she had all the magical power of Celestia, Luna and Cadence at her disposal. The experience clearly affected her deeper than she is openly letting on, or if she is fully aware of it?” Scootaloo pondered.

“What brought you to my hut?” Zecora enquired, before we even got to the door.

--- --- ---

Into the Hut in a Haste: 4

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“I had a scooter accident, now I was hoping you could help me, if it isn’t too much to ask?” I responded.

A moan could be hard from inside of the hut and the door swung open.

“Pony folks, hasty speed pokes. Looking for help, after the yelp?” came the response.

“How could you display, an aura in such disarray?” Zecora then muttered in confused surprise.

“Her real problem came from Twilight Sparkle’s attempt to heal her!” Sweetie Belle responded.

“This problem isn’t right, you are shimmering much too bright!” Zecora pointed out.

“Out of the light, examining your plight. Enter in haste, into the hut of good taste!” she urged us forwards.

Inside was indeed dim, the light from outside peering in through windows, but it is as far as it dared to go.

“Does all Zebras speak like this?” Sweetie Belle muttered under her breath.

“No idea, she is the only one I have ever seen!” I responded quietly.

“Oh well, so long as she can help us, I am prepared to put up with it!” she returned in hushed tones.

Zecora soon turned back to me, once in the safety of the dark inside her hut. Her eyes narrowed for a moment as her critical eyes wondered along my body, trying to figure out, just what help she could offer.

“Hasty magic of the Alicorn in Twilight, offers us a new Pony in highlight. What in Tartarus did she do, now I need in haste to make a brew!” she then mumbled, as to herself, or the spirits hiding in her cluttered hut.

“If it is any potion the likes Ah got for the chipped tooth, you are in luck, Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom suggested cheerfully, looking up at me.

“Funny, you keep growing smaller, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell. Or is it I who am growing taller?” I offered.

“Growing are you still, question is when of magic you have had your fill?” Zecora mumbled as response to the question, not that it actually did help much, even if it did answer the question as to whose size was changing.

“If the increasing levels of magic allowed me flight, I would be ever so grateful, aside from that, there is no further needs of it!” I pointed out.

“Flightless bird, only desire to belong in the herd? Making sense, nor am I dense!” she muttered.

“Come again?” Apple Bloom echoed.

“If your only desire is flight, I can clearly see the plight. What I need, desires to heed. magic in disarray, preventing to display!” she rhymed on.

“If there is any problems with her aura, I hope there is something you could do for her!” Sweetie Belle pondered.

“Aura to be woven tight, disarray to be out of sight, sure to put away the plight!” Zecora responded.

“Sounds about right!” I pondered, looking at Zecora moving around among her various herbs, nipping a piece here and a piece there.

We all saw her tossing the nipped herbs into a new brew she had started up, while we were looking. Guess it is kind of interesting, particularly on Apple Blooms part since she had ventured the path of mixing up a few potions of her own, with as well as without a guide on her side. With mixed results, on her end.

“Drink up, empty the cup!” she then stated as she had finished pouring the potion on a cup she had pulled out of some unseen corner.

“Finally!” Scootaloo pronounced as she picked up the cup from Zecora and downed it in a single go, expecting some bitter or strange aftertaste, but was shocked and surprised as none was to come.

The aura could be seen to tighten up, all the while as it consumed almost all of Twilight Sparkles hue while she downed the brew. For a moment it grew bright, then slowly dimmed down. The third yet unknown element was also dissipating, or rather got absorbed in a vastly accelerated rate I soon realised.

“Thanks, Zecora!” Scootaloo pronounced as she bowed her head to Zecora.

“Thanks!” Apple Bloom and I echoed.

“For now, it may be best if we leave you to your life, until we need your help, or just feel like having an interesting chat?” I pondered.

Zecora merely nodded as we leave her to what ever she was up to as we came stumbling in on her. She carefully closed the door to her hut as we had left her home.

“Sure steps, but no haste, we don’t need to draw any attention towards ourselves or our presence right now!” I muttered.

“Ah sure know the path home!” Apple Bloom put forth, taking the lead along the path towards the Sweet Apple Acres, keeping the pace in check.

Once out of sight from the hut, we made it into a moderate and slow trot, looking ahead, never straying from the path with either sight, thought or as much as a single step. We did make it to the orchard safely, just as intended.

“I feel a bit strange!” Scootaloo pronounced, looking back at her wings, casing a glance towards Apple Bloom and me, only to notice her wings had grown slightly, while she had grown a bit more as well.

“Ah reckon you should stretch your wings, try them out, just in case?” Apple Bloom suggested.

“That would be about twenty percent cooler?” Scootaloo responded with a growing grin and a slight giggle to her voice.

“I guess we could as well prepare to see a few jews dropping?” I teased, looking as Scootaloo stretched her wings, flapping a few times tentatively to get a good feel for it.

“That sure did feel different. I guess I could acquire flight, if yet minimal, by now!” she pondered, flapping her wings harder, only to find the earth drop away a few feet, before she had started to actually put much effort into it.

“Thgis certainly will grant us an interesting expression from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon!” I offered with a grin.

“Ah reckon they would make a sight to see, right now!” Apple Bloom suggested.

--- --- ---

Into the Air, and Effortless Flight: 5

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“I finally can fly!” Scootaloo announced, flapping her wings with minimal effort.

“Maybe we should see Pinkie Pie at the Sugar-Cube Corner. This calls out for a celebration!” I pointed out.

“Ah reckon it does!” Apple Bloom responded.

“Then it is settled, we go to her café and have us something to celebrate my flight!” Scootaloo put forth, putting a bit more effort into it, only to gain about a yard in altitude.

“Ah reckon that would be fun. Pinkie is likely to be there and her Muffins are always the best!” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“I am certain she is there. Pinkie seems to be there at all times. If she for what ever reason is not there, the Cakes would most likely know where she is, they would let us know!” I pondered.

“Would be fun to see the faces of Silver Spoon and Diamond tiara as they see my flight, even if i have plenty left, before I can compare with any competent flyer!” Scootaloo put forth as I lead the way into Ponyville proper.

“Ponyville certainly is not known to have the best flyers. At least we can hold our own, when we need to, thanks to Rainbow Dash and a few other Pegasi!” I pointed out.

“Speak of the Dragon? I think I just spotted Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, not too far ahead. Would be hard to avoid them, if we had in fact tried to!” Scootaloo announced as she saw the two fillies.

“I didn’t know Scootaloo had an older sister!” Silver Spoon pronounced in surprise as she saw me.

“What’s her name?” Diamond Tiara enquired in a curious voice.

“She is still a Blank Flank!” Silver Spoon filled in on a second thought as she could see my flank.

“You wish? You silly little fillies!” Scootaloo responded with a triumphant giggle toher voice.

“As you can see, our trio is complete. Scootaloo can fly!” I put forth.

“We are going to the Sugar-Cube corner to celebrate, by the way. Wanna come?” Scootaloo put forth, in a more generous mood.

“Pinkie Pie certainly know of celebrations and we have a reason, good as any. At least I know it will be in her eyes!” I offered.

“Ah reckon, she is after all the Party Pony. She knows all about celebrations and parties!” Apple Bloom confirmed.

“On second thought, we are busy with more important things on our minds!” Silver Spoon pointed out.

“As you please!” I enlightened the two fillies.

“They will come around, when they see me fly. I just need to see Rainbow Dash, for her to teach me the secrets of flight. Every Pony knows she is the best of us. Of course, it is their loss!” Scootaloo pondered as she flapped her wings harder in order to gain a few more yards of altitude.

“Ah reckon this as high as you ever got on your own, Scootaloo. You’re not even winded yet?” Apple Bloom suggested as she had to bend her neck a little further in order to actually see me as I gained foot by foot of altitude.

“There is the Café, the Sugar-Cube Corner!” I put forth as I set eyes on the strange and highly unusual building where Pinkie Pie worked.

“Oups, I almost flew over it!” Scootaloo exclaimed in surprise as she realised what she had just down, thus diving towards the ground, barely avoiding a hard crash landing.

“That was close. Where were you going?” Pinkie squeaked in surprise, seeing me swoop down towards the ground.

“Thanks for reminding us. We were just looking for you. A celebration seems in order!” I pointed out in response.

“Celebration? Then you have come to the right place!” Pinkie put forth.

“That is why we are here, to celebrate Scootaloo. She finally managed to get off of the ground!” I responded.

“Scootaloo? Is that you, Scoots? I barely recognise you. I thought you were all the same size?” Pinkie responded.

“Used to. Past tense. Apparently she has been growing rapidly since the accident with her scooter earlier today. Or, if it was after Twilight Sparkle attempted to heal her injuries, caused by the accident, to be precise!” I Clarified.

“Yes, Pinkie Pie. Sure as sugar is me!” Scootaloo pointed out with a slight giggle to her voice.

“Since we have seen her grow, we did not realise just how much she had grown, until you pointed it out, Pinkie!” I pondered thoughtfully.

“Either way, you better get right in and have a little party, then. Before the day is up, while we stand her talking about it?” Pinkie Pie suggested cheerfully.

--- --- ---

Into the Café, and a Moment of Joy: 6

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“Since you are all here, how about we go in and have a treat? The usual, I take it?” I offered generously with a wide grin all over my face.

“Ah reckon that is acceptable!” Apple Bloom responded.

“Certainly!” Sweetie Belle echoed contently with a slight grin onto her muzzle.

“If it isn’t too much to ask, I would need a double portion, by the looks of things!” Scootaloo pointed out with an embarrassed grin and a hint of a giggle to her voice.

“Scootaloo, your aura just turned a new Pink, just as we entered the Sugar-Cube Corner Café!” Sweetiwe Belle observed.

“Oh now, not again? When will this ever stop?” Scootaloo groaned, yet couldn’t keep a hint of giggle from her voice.

“I think we could as well make that a triple, on the house. Uh, what is that? Your mane just picked up a strange shimmering quality!” I put forth in surprise.

“Thanks, Pinkie. I appreciate it!” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Now as you mentioned it, Pinkie, you are absolutely right. I am starting to get a royal feel from her, like with Celestia and Luna. I can’t explain it, but I think it started as Twilight tried to help her heal the injuries she sustained from a Scooter accident she had earlier today!” Sweetie Belle replied.

“That just may explain the mane and tail. Celestia and Luna are Regal Princesses. They have been Alicorns for a thousand years. If it is the case, maybe you have more to celebrate than you liked to think?” I pondered.

“You mean to say that I am turning into an Alicorn and Princess? Like Twilight Sparkle? If it is the case, it is frightening me yet very big news to all of Ponyville. I am torn up about these prospects!” Scootaloo responded.

“All known Alicorns of Equestria have been crowned into Princesses. Twilight Sparkle is but the last in line. I am glad it isn’t me. I can but congratulate you to the honour, hoping you will enjoy the life that has been bestowed upon you!” Sweetie Belle responded.

“We’ve read about the Royal Sisters at school, Cheerilee taught us all about them. I guess she will have to teach the next generation of foals about Cadence and Twilight Sparkle as well. I like to be able to fly, but I doubt I like to be part of the History class. Oh well!” Scootaloo pondered with a groan.

“Everything comes at a prise!” Sweetie Belle concluded as we moved into the Café, while I gathered the order in order for me to serve them at the table.

“This surely will change things around here!” I muttered to myself as I pushed the cart with the three plates and two glasses and a tea cup.

Since I had promised Scootaloo her treat was on the house, I decide I could as well give the remaining fillies of the Cutie Mark Crusaders theirs while I was at it. I couldn’t bring myself to charge them for the one fillie portion each, when I gave Scootaloo her triple portion.

As I arrived at the table in the corner, I could clearly see the shimmer of her main still there, but now even more emphasised than it had been as they entered the Café.

“Oh, woah? Now it is even more than when I promised you Crusaders the treat on the house!” I exclaimed as I reached the table.

“When you put it like that, Pinkie, her mane and tail truly is that of an Alicorn now!” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“The glow increases for every moment I am close by!” I pointed out as I slipped the plates on the table before the respective fillie in turn, then the cup for Sweetie Bell and the glasses for Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

“Ah reckon. This is starting to look a bit scary!” Apple Bloom noted as she started to dig in, into her treat.

“When it goes scary, that is when I enjoy the moment. You need to giggle, laugh, snortle or any the like, any time you feel threatened, Apple Bloom!” I explained carefully, incapable of keeping traces of said giggle out of my voice.

“I never thought this would be happening. I am almost as tall as you, already, Pinkie!”Scootaloo pointed out in a surprised voice, looking from one face to the other, only to realise it was actually happening.

“This isn’t one of these dreams when you would see Luna pop right out of a cloud or a shadow, Scootaloo?” Swetie Belle suggested, with a trace of giggle to her voice as well, if it was more amusement or just taking my advice on the subject of fears.

“I better leave you to enjoy your treats, besides, I have work to do. As much as I enjoy spending time with you Crusaders. Make sure to enjoy the rest of your treats now!” I pointed out as I moved out to the counter.

“When we leave the café, you are going to look like an Adult, yet you don’t have your mark yet!” Sweetie Belle observed.

“Sounds about right, ya now. Ah reckon the lacking mark is the only thing that is setting you apart from any other Adult now!” Apple Bloom pondered.

“I am trying to make up my mind. Do I prefer the strange aura, or the magically shimmering Alicorn like mane. I guess the mane was preferable since it is not all over you, Scootaloo. Yet, now every Pony can see it in broad daylight. I can no longer ignore where this is going. Although I guess I will have a hard time, getting used to you looking like an adult, while the rest of us still are the same little fillies we will stay for years to come!” Sweetie Belle confessed.

“Good thing I have a short mane, but I guess that is about to change soon, right along with everything else. I have to see all of you as little fillies, knowing I still am one inside, even when I tower over you, with the body of an adult. I can’t escape what I am becoming, at least you can look the other way and imagine nothing changed!” Scootaloo put forth as she swallowed the last of her treat, washing it down with the last of her drink.

“Everything is looking so funny, when your friend grows into an adult over-day!” Apple Bloom surmised.

“Maybe we could go to your place, Sweetie Belle? My cape is too small, it is looking silly now. I am looking ridiculous, wearing it, but I can’t just ditch it, unless I had one in my size? Maybe Rarity could fix one? If I have no cape of my own, it feels as if I abandoned you!” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Better see her now then waiting. She may be shocked enough to learn of what happened to you, Scootaloo. Besides, she could always make you a new cape too!” Sweetie Belle responded.

“Guess we are off, then!” Scootaloo responded.

“Ah reckon, we have already thanked Pinkie Pie for the treat she gave us. It sure was great, too!” Apple Bloom pointed out as we left the café, Sugar-Cube Corner, trotting off to the Boutique.

--- --- ---

To the Boutique In Search for a Cape: 7

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“Rarity, Scootaloo needs a new Cape. She grew out of it after Twilight sparkle tried to help healing her after an accident!” Sweetie Belle pointed out in a serious business tone of voice.

“You mean to say Scootaloo grew out of her cape, while neither of you did?” Rarity enquired.

“Yes, I certainly do need a new Cape!” Scootaloo pointed out in a serious tone of voice.

“Wait, who are you? Are you Scootaloo? If so, you certainly do need a new Cape!” I responded.

“I am Scootaloo! Just wait until Cheerilee sees me? I still have more than a year of studies in her class, before I am ready to leave her behind, as much fun as she can be!” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Now as you mentioned, Scootaloo, I though I recognised you. I will help you making a cape for you. Though I would ask you to write a journal of the entire episode. Twilight Sparkle will love to read about your adventures. Yet, I fear she wouldn’t be happy if you withhold the event from her. Did this happen today? Your mane has taken on the quality of that you see on an Alicorn!” I rambled as I picked the respective fabrics for a cape in a fully adult size.

“Thank you, Rarity!” Scootaloo pronounced in response, as I had promised to make her a new cape.

“At least now it isn’t your entire body glowing, Scootaloo. Yet, your mane and tail is definitely growing radiant again, just as you did as we went to Zecora, and with Pinkie Pie!” Sweetie Belle observed.

“You went to Zecora, in the Everfree forest?” I enquired.

“Yeah, we did. We went there after we had regrouped in our club house, just after the accident with my scooter. I was just a few tiny sizes larger at the time. Zecora helped me with the problem as my aura was in a disarray as Sweetie Belle told us!” Scootaloo explained.

“Our club house is practically in the forest, but on our property!” Apple Bloom added, before I could ask.

“Your family was given the land in order to garrison against the forest, if I am not mistaken. You had already grown larger than your fellow Crusaders, Scootaloo?” I continued.

“That would make us the first true Ponyvillians?” Apple Bloom pondered.

“Yeah, but at the time my mane was still just a regular little Pegasi mane!” Scootaloo responded.

“The aura did clear up fairly quickly, as we left Zecora to her other business at hoof. She is quite nice and helpful!” Sweetie Belle added.

“Pinkie Pie gave us a nice treat, as we went to the Sugar-Cube Corner Café. Then she decided to make it on the house, as she called it. She told us she couldn’t just give me the treat and make them pay for their portions!” Scootaloo pointed out.

“She can be very generous, when it is entertainment involved. She can’t stand by and see any Pony less happy than possible. I guess that is in her element!” I responded as I finished selecting fabrics.

“These are exactly the same fabrics I used!” Sweetie Belle complimented me.

“I do have an eye for these kinds of details. It would defeat the purpose if I chose other fabrics, wouldn’t it?” I pointed out.

“Yeah, you sure do have a point there, Rarity!” Scootaloo confessed.

“You do have a good point there, Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle conceded.

“I could as well make a pair for you as well, while I am at it. Since I am the element of generosity, I feel an urge to live up to it at all times. This is my way to keep Ponyvlle the happy community I would enjoy living and working in!” I pointed out.

“I guess we share the responsibility to maintain the spirit of our village and community in the spirit we would like things to be!” Scootaloo pondered.

“That means I have to stay generous, aside from creative and observant to my fellow Ponies’ needs. On second thought, you mane and tail truly are as radiant as you gave me the impression they would be!” I responded.

“Yeah, I guess it does, just hope it doesn’t put too great a strain on you, Rarity. We enjoy and appreciate you just the way you are!” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Thanks, Scootaloo. I may consider making your cape a size larger, just to stay on the safe side. I don’t like to make a new one for each and every size you are growing now, or be forced to abandon the cape, half way through because you outgrew it while I was watching!” I pointed out as I started to stitch together the cape for Scootaloo.

“I know, it isn’t embarrassing, but rather amusing now. I would be the largest Blanc-Flank in history? That makes me special in a different way, but special nonetheless. I kind of like it, even if it will take something to get used to!” Scootaloo pondered in a strange haze of revelation.

“Ah reckon it is exciting to have you with us, Scoots. Ah still like you as my friend, just as much as Ah did as Ah met you!” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“Thanks, Apple Bloom. I appreciate your honesty. Something I appreciate you Apples for, I know what you say is true. We need more of that in Ponyville!” Scootaloo responded.

“Yes, honesty is a treasure, not that Ponyville is lacking on the subject, I guess we have the Apples to thank for the honesty!” Sweetie Belle pondered.

“These capes are going to be great, even better than the originals. Now we can enjoy wearing them even more than before!” Scootaloo complimented as I finished off the final seam on her large cape.

“Aside from the fact that you are still growing by the looks of it, but now it feels as if I should have completed the small once first. Thank you, Scootaloo. You three will look fabulous now, simply smashing, if I am allowed to say so myself!” I responded.

“In your case, Rarity. I guess you are allowed to. They are as fabulous as you said, just as the suits for the play I wrote!” Sweetie belle squeaked.

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A Flutter on the Wind: 8

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”Ah reckon it is time to head home for dinner by now, Ah don’t want them to miss me!” Apple Bloom pondered as we had left the Carouselle Boutique behind.

“With our luck, we are bound to stumble across some Pony and be distracted on the way, I guess we could as well get on our way!” I pointed out.

“We have an entire village full of Ponies to stumble across, several of which I wouldn’t mind seeing. Like Rainbow Dash or possibly Flutter Shy, she is very nice, even if she is on the shy end of the village!” Scootaloo pondered in response.

“I could not say I mind see either of them. Or even Ditzy Doo, if we are speaking of Pegasi mares. We are going to see Cheerilee tomorrow, even if she is a mare Earth Pony. You will have a field-day explaining what happened to you, Scootaloo!” I pointed out.

“Oh yeah, that will be quite the story, wouldn’t it, Sweetie?” Scootaloo responded with a wide smile on her face.

“Unless this is all just one of Luna’s dreams? Yes, you will have an adventure, just to explain this to her. Then we will have to face the entire class, while we are at it!” I put forth in a good jest.

“Ah reckon. They will give us a riot oh laughter, when they see ya!” Apple Bloom suggested with a silly face.

“Oh, wait. Yeah, they will give me a riot of laughter, alright. Doesn’t matter what I say. I am looking like an adult to them, and a blank flank at that. Maybe, but no. No point in trying to lie about this. I am still the same Scootaloo!” Scoots stumbled.

“Yet, unless we imagined what I know I saw, you were clearly flying. I can’t deny that part!” I pointed out.

“I doubt it. As much as my flight may feel like a dream coming true to me, but it had none of the dream-like feel to it. Like when Luna was there explaining to me that I had to face my fears, lest they were to consume me and destroy me!” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Oh, that dream, I still recall how my version of it turned out. We managed to save my sister Rarity from the horrific consequences that my actions would have entailed, had she not been there and helped me out. Although I am very grateful for your part in helping me as well. I couldn’t have prevented that disaster, all on my own. Your assistance was invaluable. I wouldn’t want to be without either of the two of you there, or in my life in general!” I pointed out, in no uncertain terms.

“Wait, now you are talking of the episode where you sabotaged the Head Dress Rarity crafted for Sapphire Shore, right? Now, that was an adventure, alright. At least the twenty percent cooler than average, there!” Scootaloo put forth.

“Ah reckon, that’s what y’all need friends for!” Apple Bloom pronounced in her honest manners.

“Since the day at Diamond Tiaras Cutesiniera. Fate had it, we are bound to stick together. Our friendship does strengthen us, just as it does for Twilight Sparkle and her friends!” I emphasized.

“I am not sure I am comfortable with the comparison, but your point is still valid. Our friendship won the day at her party, just as it has done for us so many times since!” Scootaloo put forth.

“We all met on that party, as much as we all hated to go there in the first place. Diamond Tiara had had a field day seeing to it. Yet, she was made to pay for that mistake. Once we teamed up, she lost the party. Who cared about her and her silly mark, after that!” I responded with a smile.

“Speaking of Ponies we expected to see, I think Flutter Shy is coming in our direction and she clearly has seen me!” Scootaloo suggested.

“Just be gentle with her, she is a friend. I don’t want to scare her. She is too nice for it!” I responded.

“Ah reckon, she’s as nice as a Pony can be!” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“Exactly. We’re lucky to have such a kind friend!” Scootaloo pointed out, just as Flutter Shy sets hoof on the ground before us.

“Greetings, Fluttershy. Such a nice day to see you!” I expressed warmly as I stopped before her.

“Hiya, Sweetie Belle. But, who is your new friend?” Flutters responded with a curious and confused smile on her face.

“She is Scootaloo. You don’t recognice her? Even if she has grown and finally managed to learn to fly, but still!” I pointed out.

“Yes, I guess the fact that I saw her fly competently threw me of the most, even if her size does help you hide who you are, Scootaloo!” she responded with a silly shy smile as she looked up.

“I have been growing from just after Twilight Sparkle tried to help me, healing me from the incident as I crashed on my scooter!” Scootaloo returned.

“I guess her magic has been a bit shaky since she was forced to face Tirek, with the combined force of all four Alicorns. We did notice that she had problems controlling her magic, when she got back from Canterlot, after Celestia had sent a message, summoning her at the time!” Flutters pondered.

“At least she tried to help me. On the positive side, she managed to help me with my flying, and she did heal my body just as she promised!” Scootaloo pondered with growing confidence.

“I can clearly see your improved flight, I can’t deny what I just saw!” Fluttershy confessed with a confused grin.

“We just had to go and see Zecora, with another unforeseen side-effect though. Zecora competently stabilised her aura, even if it seems as if it also progressed and sped up the development!” I pointed out.

“And now, I will have to face class tomorrow, with the body of a fully grown mare. At least to the outwards appearance!” Scootaloo pointed out.

“I sympathise with you there. It is not the way it went down for me, yet it feels like it could go down a similar way, nonetheless!” Flutters added.

“This sounds more like Twilights nightmare, when she was to go back to Kindergarten as a fully adult Mare. I just hope they don’t stare at me!” Scootaloo pointed out.

“That makes perfect sense, that IS still her nightmare, but the staring is a part of mine as well. I just can’t shake it, it pushes me into a full-blown panic each and every time!” Flutters responded.

“At least, you are not an Adult, yet. Even if you look like one, right now, but what does your feelings tell you, Scootaloo?” I inquired.

“Truthfully, I don’t feel any more mature, but rather to the contrary. Does that make any sense to any of you?” she responded, with a crooked grin in all sincere insecurity.

“Your feelings are rebelling against your growing body, I guess!” Flutters suggested bravely.

“We could ask Nurse Redheart for a few tests? I don’t feel up to seeing Twilight Sparkle right now, even if I know I am bound to see her soon enough. I still like her, it is just the way her magic worked out the last time!” Scootaloo responded.

“Understandable. Then we can go and see her first thing after class. It isn’t as if it is an emergency right now. I want to be back at the orchard before it is dark and we have a class to attend to tomorrow!” I suggested.

“Ah reckon that’d be about right!” Apple Bloom put forth.

“I don’t particularly feel like missing class. Cherilee always have something fun and useful to teach us!” I pointed out.

“That is good. If only I had a teacher like Cherilee. Only if Pinkie Pie could have her doubled and one of her sent back to old Cloudsdale, but that isn’t happening, as much as I may hope for it. At least, now I am here and you get to enjoy her classes. Besides, if Cherilee had been my teacher, maybe I would never have ended up down here with you in the first place, which means I would have stayed up there. I would have missed all my friends I have here and all the adventures I had because I am here!” she pointed out.

“That’d suck. If you had never been in the situation that brought you down to us, Rainbow Dash had never performed at the time and we would have missed out on way too much!” Scootaloo pondered.

“That does summon up our feelings on the occasion. Just that we need to get back to the Club Housse before it is too dark in the forest!” I pointed out.

“If you are going to your Club House, I can see why you need to be there before it starts to grow dark!” Fluttershy admitted.

“We had better be on our way. Besides, I know we will see you soon enough. You are coming over frequently, helping my sister Rarity with her cat!” I continued.

“Yeah. I love helping her with that, it’s after all part of who I am and what I do. I’ll see you Crusaders another day!” she responded as she took off, flying on her way to where she was going, when we saw her.

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